2:45pm Jun 30 2010 (last edited on 4:54pm Jun 30 2010)
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This RP is basically about 6 people who have powers but they didnt know about them until now. Da Rulez Romance:is encouraged Violence:Also encouraged YUSS!! Details:Provide for a better picture No taking over OR controling someone elses charrie Dx ~Koolie waz here xD ((I will post a bio in a min))
2:53pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Can I join as a kid who can talk to animals and shapeshift? o3o))
3:09pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 12,384
(( Can I join as a shapeshifter? (That cannot talk to animals ) (Im not copying you ri, I just really like shapeshifting XD))
3:12pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 3,318
((Sures!herez the bio)) Name- Age- Power- Looks-(optional) Crush- Personality- Other-
3:32pm Jun 30 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Jun 30 2010)
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Name-Aurora Age-17 Powers-Fire,transporter Looks- Crush-Open Personality-Outgoing,easily disturbed,a dreamer Other-Her dark,depressing past is why she never opens up to people.
3:43pm Jun 30 2010
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Name- Ribunny Age- 13 Power- Shapeshifting and can speak and understand every language, even plants {I changed it a bit, lol xD} Looks- Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, she can make her eyes look really scary when she is mad. She also always wears a camouflage hoodie Crush- not yet Personality- snappy at times. She is very hyper most of the time. She has some anger manigment issues and is a bit impulsive. She makes a very good friend and a very bad enemy. Other- Animals and sometimes even plants automatically come to her aid when she is in danger.
3:45pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 12,384
Name- Ash Gender: Female Age- 17 Power- Shapeshifting. Looks-coming Crush- Open Personality- Keeps to herself. Prefers to be alone.It takes a long time for her to learn to trust someone. Other- No.
3:46pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 3,318
((kk do you want me to change it to 3 people so we can start? and NOT IT lolz))
3:52pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 2,065
((Looks interesting, Join?))
 Beyond Birthday <3
3:55pm Jun 30 2010
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4:06pm Jun 30 2010
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((Yay!)) Name- Len Kagamine Age- 17 Power- Controls Light Looks-(optional):  Crush- Open :3 Personality- Fun to hang around, is very open to people, shy at some points. Other- His rival is Shota Name- Shota Shirosaki Age- 18 Power- Controls Darkness Looks-(optional):  Crush- Open Personality- Quiet, mysterious, He tends not to draw too much attention Other- His rival is Len
 Beyond Birthday <3
4:20pm Jun 30 2010
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 Beyond Birthday <3
4:23pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 3,318
((yes they are awesome :D))
4:26pm Jun 30 2010
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((Should we start?))
 Beyond Birthday <3
4:27pm Jun 30 2010
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Anzu is-Online^^
4:30pm Jun 30 2010
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((Haha heya Koga!And yuss can you start off for us?))
4:31pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 7,736
(Lol!My cover is blown!Hiya Kool!^^)
Anzu is-Online^^
4:35pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 3,318
((Haha bad Koga*scolds* lolz and Hiya want a cookie?))
4:39pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 2,065
((Okay)) Len was sitting by the pond with his feet in the water. He had nothing better to do, this was his favorite place to be in summer. Len was skipping rocks and also singing to himself. "I see were alone again... aren't we," a voice said behind him
 Beyond Birthday <3
4:48pm Jun 30 2010 (last edited on 4:49pm Jun 30 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,318
Aurora was bored out of her mind,she decided to go to the pond.She liked skipping stones into the water it calmed her.As she was walking down the path she collected rocks to throw,then she sat down in the gra.ss and threw each one listening to the sound they made as they plunged into the water.