9:52pm May 28 2010 (last edited on 9:56pm May 28 2010)
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Join ZARP; Zombeh Apocalypse Revolutionary People: For the absolutely insane. A virus has ravaged Earth, killing most of the population, or turning them into Lunar; Beings which have contracted the virus and survived it. They are extremely strong and have 4 evolutions: Primal Lunar-Zombehs. The only thing on their minds is killing. Unable to knowingly use firearms....effectively, that is. Advanced Lunar- Completely functional. They are able to use firearms and speech. Most human-like Seraphim/Stalker-The highest evolution. They are smart and deadly. Not to be taken alone. (I may add another. I know there were 4 evolutions, but I forgot one...) Few people were immune to the virus, which was airborne and now dead. The Earths population has dropped significantly; most have died or became Lunars. About Lunars: To the unlearned Homo sapien, they would be known as vampires. That, however, is dead wrong. They age -slowly- and dont drink blood. They are the most deadly creatures known to human kind; whom they loath. Any conduct with iron, however, either wounds them or proves fatal. If in the sun for 2 hours, they are unconscious and impaired. Any longer than that and they're dead. Very pale. You can usually tell them apart by their blood-lust. Rules -3 characters max -Keep them active -Inactivity for more than a week and I will rmail you -You can only be human. The only exception to this is Luna -One curse word allowed per post -Violence, yes -Extreme violence, no -Romance....eh. Sure. -No OOC fighting. Thats what rmail is for. ^^ This is at a post-apocalypse time, just after the virus was destroyed. Lunar run in groups, hunting for survivors...human, of course. There are no working telephones, no power. The world is in the dark ages yet again. However, maybe you'll be lucky to find a working motor home or other vehicle.....maybe even a mall with vending machines that have Mt. Dew in them still.....
((This idea is the child of the ramblings of me and my friend Kyler. You dont know him. XD Dont steal it.)) Free-form or bio
Resident mounted archer
11:57am May 29 2010 (last edited on 12:14pm May 29 2010)
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Posts: 2,963
((Aww. I thought this one would be fun. XD)) Luna crouched, glaring at the 5 Lunar surrounding her. At least one was an advanced. She licked her lips and hefted her steel bar, spinning it in her hand, Before it had made a full round, a Primal lept at her. Her bar knocked him aside just as another jumped towards her with inhuman speed.
Resident mounted archer
12:30pm May 29 2010
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((Oh, can I join?!?))
12:34pm May 29 2010
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Resident mounted archer
12:45pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 12:46pm May 29 2010)
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((Haha. Thanks.XD))    Name:Fiona Hearts Age:Unknown. She looks to be 17-20. Gender:Female Personality: She is very calm and some what mysterious about her true feelings. She keeps them away from people that she doesn't trust. It is very hard for her to be angered and when she is angered you better sleep with one eye open. She is very serious and doesn't like to mess around. History:Both of her parents were killed when she was only one. The person that killed them kidnapped her and raised her until she was 12. She ran away when the police arrested the guy and she learned what had really happened. She lived with her friend for a little while until she was old enough to live on her own. She was driving to the store when her car wrecked. Most of her body was fine but she lost a lot of her memory from hitting her head against a sharp metal piece that had broke off the door when the car was nearly crushed by a drunk driver. Other:She is great with pressure points. She knows nearly every pressure point on the human body, same with animals. Looks:Above.  Name:Sinne(Pronounced:Sin-ne) Vamick Age:21 Gender:male Personality:He is very creative. He doesn't really like boring things such as reading, unless it is fantasy or something that brings him into the story and makes him feel like he is in it. He loves to write poetry and he is good at drawing and painting. He is however, not a really good friend becausehe only likes to help himself. History:Don't know...He didn't tell me. Other:None. Looks:Above.

12:50pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Alright!! Post some intros! :D))
Resident mounted archer
1:05pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 1:08pm May 29 2010)
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Fiona looked at the boy standing in front of her. "Okay, are you ready?" She asked. Sinne nodded. He put his hands in front of him protectivly and waited for Fiona to attack. This was suppose to help with his training but last time they had tried this he was knocked out for two days. Fiona raced towards Sinne. She jabbed him in the stomach a few times and then hit his throat. This was her usual attack. She would use pressure points that hurt but weren't deadly. She watched a Sinne chocked before trying to fight back. "Stop, stop. You are to loose. You need to consentrate instead of closing your eyes and waiting for the pain. You will never survive unless you learn how to deal with pain." Fiona said. Sinne cophed. "Please don't use the throat punches. They hurt really bad." Fiona glared at him. "How am i going to ever train you when you don't want to learn?" She asked. She took a step back. "Okay, lets try this again." She said taking another step back. She raced towards Sinne again jabbing him in the stomach and then the throat like before. She grabbed one of his arms and swung him around to hit him in the back but she stopped as she felt him tense up. She stepped back just in time to miss One of Sinnes leg. She grabbed the leg and pulled up make Sinne land on the ground. "Better...Stupid move though. Next time try something i can't take advantage of." She said. "Okay, take a break I guess." Sinne frowned. He turned around. "I am going to go find some food." He said. He ran off towards Luna. Sinne heard something smack what sounded like a bag of sand. He looked around and saw a girl fighting five lunars.

1:09pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Luna snarled, her normally serene face contorted with pain. The last Lunar grinned and wiped the blood off on her pants, leaving dark streaks on the jeans. Streaks of blood. Luna's blood. What had she ever done? It wasnt like she'd had a choice to be the way she is.... She winced as the skin on her upper arm knitted back together, leaving a faint line of scars. The other female clicked her long nails together, sharpened to a point.
Resident mounted archer
1:22pm May 29 2010
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Sinne closed his eyes remembering what Fiona had taught him about a lunar's weaknesses. "Lunars hate iron and sun. If they are in the sun for too long they will die, but iron is the best to wound them if they are attacking you..." Sinne opened his eyes. He stuffed his hands into his pocket and grabbed the knife he had made. It was made out of iron and had a strong silver handle. He reached for the female that had just sharpened her claws. He didn't think that she had seen him and was hoping it would give him an advantage. He grabbed her shoulder and stabbed the knife into her pale, bony back.
1:26pm May 29 2010
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The female shrieked and fell down dead at the boys feet. Luna looked on with raised eyebrows, a look of innocence on her face before she crouched again, ready to defend herself should the male think she was full Lunar.
Resident mounted archer
1:39pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Is Luna half human half lunar?)) Sinne looked down at the dead Lunar. "I can't wait to tell Fiona. My first lunar." He said proudly. He looked at the girl. She seemed scared but he couldn't tell why. He looked at the blood on the girls pants. "Are you okay?" He asked. Fiona watched. SHe narrowed her eyes. She could tell that something was a little...'Off' about the girl.
1:44pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Yeah. She wouldve explained it...then you wouldve found out. In my friends story, you dont find out shes half and half till shes been round for a while. XD)) Luna straightened up and rolled her shoulders. "Yes, Im...alright. I guess." She nudged the hand of a fallen Lunar away with her foot, keeping her eyes on the boy. "Thank you,"
Resident mounted archer
1:44pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Yeah. She wouldve explained it...then you wouldve found out. In my friends story, you dont find out shes half and half till shes been round for a while. XD)) Luna straightened up and rolled her shoulders. "Yes, Im...alright. I guess." She nudged the hand of a fallen Lunar away with her foot, keeping her eyes on the boy. "Thank you,"
Resident mounted archer
1:51pm May 29 2010
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"No problem." Sinne said. Fiona rolled her eyes. She looked at the girl. "What happened?" She asked looking at the lunars.
1:59pm May 29 2010
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Lunas nodded, then her eyes snapped to the other female and she shrugged. "Raided their nest a few days ago. This is what was left, I guess," She finished, tilting her head back and poking one with her rod. Their skin tone was nearly identical; pale, nearly white. Lunas long blonde hair seemed to have been staticked as it swarmed around her head.
Resident mounted archer
2:05pm May 29 2010
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Fiona looked at them. "I see. Sinne, did you find any food?" She asked. Sinne shook his head. "I was too busy slaying lunars!" He said. He pointed down at the lunar that was at his feet dead. Fiona looked down at the lunar. She bent down and rolled it onto its back. She could see the wound that the knife had made. It went straight through from her back to her front. "Very good. Maybe you will survive for another week." She said standing back up again.
2:09pm May 29 2010
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Luna laughed. "A weeks an awful long time," She said, turning around and going through the Lunars clothes. She found a hand gun in a holster belonging to an Advanced, but that was all. She untangled a black leather jacket from a Primal male and slipped it on over her blood-stained t-shirt.
Resident mounted archer
2:14pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 2:15pm May 29 2010)
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Fiona didn't say anything. She tensed up as she relized what time it is. "We should already be in our shelter. The sun is going down and that is when lunars are strongest." She said. Sinne looked up at the sky. She was right the sun was about to go down. He looked at Luna. "So do you usually raid lunar nests?" He asked a little curious.
2:17pm May 29 2010
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Luna shrugged and lifted the pole to her shoulder. "Yeah, I guess," she replied, shifting her feet and wiping the blood from her jeans. It didnt work and she sighed. "They're like big, dangerous rats. They've killed more than there are of them."
Resident mounted archer
2:23pm May 29 2010
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"I wouldn't know. Fiona doesn't let me get near them so usually she does all the killing." Sinne said. "I don't want to take the responability if you did something stupid and got hurt. Your sister would kill me." Fiona said. She listened for any signs of more lunars. Usually when a lunar was killed or hurt more would come. ((Wow. I don't really know anything about lunars so I am just making some of this stuff up. I am basing it off of a book that I read were they did that.))