2:26pm Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 3:09pm Jan 28 2012)
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Posts: 733
I thought a horse RP might be kind of interesting, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to start one up.
-You must be at least semi-lit. If I haven't roleplayed with you before, you may be asked to provide a sample
-Romance and violence are fine, just keep it PG13
-Please no insta-mates, DO NOT make your characters crush on each other
-Please ask to join
-All Res rules apply
-Put something about iviks in your post to show you read the rules
The horses may have wings/horns, and stuff like that. Or be skeletal and have like smoke or aura for manes and tails. Maybe they could even be ghost-like, I'm going to leave that up to you. They can be normal if you wish. They may also have one special ability, which will be listed below. Plot:
Years and years ago, way out at sea, there was a large island. Humans never managed to find it, so it was never charted on maps. For whatever reason, ships always seemed to miss it, somehow managing to sail around it, and overlook it through the fog. The island had no name, the inhabitants simply called it Home.
The only troublesome predators on the island were large birds of prey, or giant snakes, some venomous, others constrictors. Small mammals such as ferrets and mice were common, along with other bird species. Certain species of butterflies were native only to the island as well. The island is tropical, so it never snows there, only the temperatures drop during the wet, rainy winters. The largest animals on the island however, were the horses. They were strange creatures, at least some of them. These horses did strange things on the island, some made the grass wilt, others made flowers bloom. Sometimes they were something to be feared, other times, they could be impossible to find.
This RP will basically have to unfold as we go, it will only be limited by your imagination. The horses may live in small herds or by themselves.
Nature control - the horse may make flowers bloom and heal living things
Flight - you guessed it, the horse can fly. It doesn't have to have wings
Water control - the horse may control limited amounts of water, like reversing the direction of a stream or river
Fire repellent - the horse can touch fire and not be burned, can direct a flame away from something
I'll post my bios soon.

2:57pm Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 2:53pm Jan 29 2012)
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Posts: 733
Name: Demon
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult around 21 human years
Looks:  Credit to whoever made this
Skill: Water control
Personality: Demon's name often seems to represent her personality. But she has long since accepted the fact, that even though she has wings, she cannot fly. She can use them to send gusts of air at others, but for the most part they're just for show. Demon is feisty, and often causes problems for others. She is quick to jump into an argument, but can keep her cool when she needs to. Demon is quick to pick a fight. Do not make a deal with her, she'll trick you. She's intelligent enough to see where she can slip out, and possibly even gain something from a bargain.
Maybe strategic is a better word. Demon sees details that others may overlook. But she's hard to restrain, just like water itself. She isn't picky about her appearance, as long as she's healthy.
Crush/mate: Open
Other: Demon is a strong runner, she keeps quiet about her family history. Her favorite food is mangoes. She's a fast runner.
Name: Ceran
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult around 19 human years
Looks:  With a few more speckles, and with main and tail as black smoke, at night he looks a little like a ghost, silvery and semi-transparent. Credit to photographer
Skill: Nature control
Personality: Ceran is a funky horse. He can focus on things easily, but zones out a lot. He's quiet, and likes to just stand and sniff the flowers. Yet Ceran likes to be around other horses. He likes to mess around with others his age, and often tags along with a small herd from time to time. He's quite capable of caring for himself, wherever he goes, flowers bloom, and rivers clear. He doesn't usually have to worry about thirst or hunger. But poison is one thing his ability can't cure, and there aren't many with his skill. Others usually use them for things - both good and bad, so Ceran has to watch his back.
Ceran won't pick a fight, but he will stand off to the side and watch. He usually has more of a gentle disposition. He tries to observe things, but always overlooks some crucial detail.
Crush/mate: Open
Other: Ceran has lots of stamina, but is not the fastest horse. He was never very happy with his ability to make things grow, so he tries to hide it or uses it rarely, like healing wounded animals. He can't help making plants grow and flowers bloom.

8:36am Jan 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
Join, Guiven? :3
Oh, and Iviks? Skimpy things they are. Can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
1:18pm Jan 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
Sure, feel free to post your bio(s) whenever. I'm not really picky about gender ratio.
Iviks are kind of skimpy XD
They have long legs and big eyes O.O
1:20pm Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 2:44pm Feb 4 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Alrighty, I'll get to it. :3
Name: Magwy (Mag-wee)
Gender: male
Age: around 22 human years

Skill: Fire - he can run through a wall of flames and not be scarred. Intense heat is not uncomfortable for him. He can snort fire (heh heh) from his nostrils, and sometimes increase an existing flame's strength or spread it by breathing on it, much like how Earthen horses can cause flowers to bloom early. There needs to be sufficient tinder nearby, however. His skills are not very well developed, since he is young, but he has reasonable control over his abilities when he applies himself.
Personality: Impulsive and inquisitive, Magwy relishes any chance to run and race and explore, yet is wary of others of his kind. He is attentive, eager for knowledge of the island and its inhabitants, but can act impatient and suspicious. The single exception of his contempt is Tu-Laro - he follows him devotedly, knowing there is much to be learned from the older horse.
Crush/mate: None.
Other: He dislikes most females of his age, having encountered many prissy mares far too self-absorbed with their abilities. He doesn't strictly despise them all, however. Magwy simply prefers to avoid them. |
Name: Tu-Laro
Gender: male
Age: around 40 human years

Skill: Nature control - he can make grass and young plants grow taller and quicker with his breath. He can regrow bark on marked wood, as long as the plant is moist and strong enough to support its new skin. As an Earthen horse, he can make great holes or crevices using his hooves when he stamps the ground hard enough, but this is very taxing on his strength. He can purify fruits with his breath, again, that can cleanse some poisons. If a horse eats enough mangoes or bananas or whatever Tu-Laro has glorified they normally survive the worst snake-bites. He cannot heal anything else, however - open wounds, scars, and diseases are beyond him.
Personality: Tu-Laro is one of the wisest horses on the island - and one of the most secretive. He is patient, kind and well-meaning, but without much faith in himself ever since his defeat as a herd leader. The word spread quite quickly, so Tu-Laro is remembered, in a way, as a lost king who submitted to the shadows of the jungle. Those who have met him, however, remember him as a horse of great insight.
Crush/mate: None.
Other: He was once a leader of one herd, before being bested by another male. He intends to recreate a new herd, with the help of Magwy, a young stallion he allows to follow him - mainly for fear he grows into another arrogant horse, but secretly for company also.
Neither of those photos are mine, so credit to the original photographers and whoever own the horses :3 |

3:11pm Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 3:12pm Jan 29 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((Bump I'm looking to let one or two more people join.
Your siggy is... I can't stop staring at it, it's so funny xD))
3:18pm Jan 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
(Joinage? :u I wish I had an ivik though. ;O; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:19pm Jan 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((Sure Ice. Feel free to post your bio(s) whenever you have the time.))
4:15pm Jan 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:17pm Jan 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((That's definitely NOT good. I hate it when that happens. Take your time, I'm in no rush.))
4:46pm Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 5:22pm Jan 30 2012)
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Posts: 3,950
Name: Mist Gender: Female Age: Young adult Looks: Mist is light gray with white flecks/dots/ticks. She has a medium-length white mane and a tail that barely avoids touching the ground that is also white. The roots of her mane and tail are ligth black. Skill: Nature Control. Heals/nurtures plants easily. Larger/rarer plants can take longer. Cannot cure pollution in rivers. Can heal any animal, however poison has its exceptions. A large horse is harder to cure of poison than, say, a foal, and if the poison is in a horse's system for too long, Mist cannot cure it. Personality: Very gentle and calm. When situations get panicky and hysterical, she's usually the one who keeps her cool and settles everyone down. She doesn't yell, ever, and barely ever expresses anger. However, sadness she does express. Towards new horses, Mist is shy. Crush/mate: None Other: Nope. --- Name: Cavall [Catalan for 'horse'] Gender: Male Age: Young adult Looks:  Skill: Flight Personality: Cavall doesn't accept failure and is very creative. He can be childish at times, and can be very independant and solitary. But when he needs to be in a group or knows it is a better choice, he will stay with the group. Cavall is very observant and quick to learn things. When angered, he just doesn't say anything for a while and stands his own ground, becoming very distant. Crush/mate: None Other: Not my pic.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:29pm Jan 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((Ice's bios are accepted. Wolfeira's just need the pics/desc[injection]riptions for appearance, and then we can start.))
12:42pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 1:22pm Jan 30 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
Ice. That's horrid. :c I always copy and paste whatever I write, for fear Safari wants to demolish my posts. I'm all set up and ready to go :) Although, one question.... I won't godmode, but can Magwy and Tu-Laro have powers with more... development? Like can Magwy create fire or snort it or whatever? Fire repellent by itself seems a bit... well, useless, almost, since fire doesn't always occur naturally in the wild. Especially in moist, tropical environments where there's plenty of watery terrain to control the spread of the flames xD A bushfire can't occur every week or so, but I'd like for him to have a power he can use more often, let's say.
2:36pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 3:21pm Jan 30 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 733
That's fine. I kept wondering what else I could do with the ability, I like your idea. Breathing fire seemed a little too much, but snorting it isn't that bad.
We can start, I'll go first. I'll edit this post.
Demon stood quietly on the sandy shore, the waves lapping at her fetlocks. The water swirled the sand around under her feet, she struggled not to slide all the way into the water. The moon was sinking below choppy surface of the water, but the tip still bathed Demon in a silvery light. All was quiet, except for the distant roar of larger waves, and the smaller ones sucking at the sand. Nothing moved, the island seemed to be holding its breath.
Demon shuffled her wings restlessly, tossing her head. The air wasn't as humid as it should be, there was a chill to the air that had never before been a part of the climate. Though it was winter, the temperatures stayed well above freezing, but this was different. The sound of the waves was calming to the black mare, her worries were seemingly washed away by the comings and goings of the tides. A faint breeze began to dance across the beach, slicing through Demon's thin coat. She stomped her foot. She was exposed on the shore, but she had had an urge to stand in the water, so she had come out of the forest for a short time.
Well, maybe not a short time. Demon wasn't entirely sure how long she'd been standing there. For all she had noticed, she might have fallen asleep a few times. A glow behind her signaled the arrival of the sun's warmth, and it was at this time that Demon stepped out of the swirling water, and turned away from the surf. She trotted noiselessly up the beach, sand clinging to her damp hooves. As Demon reached the treeline, she looked back at the ocean, and whinnied softly with longing. Sometimes she thought life would be easier if she was part of the ocean, instead of dwelling on the land. "I'll be back," she promised softly.
The sun broke over the horizon, casting its warming rays over the island, dappling the forest floor with patterns of light. Still Demon walked, unsure of where she was heading. Her hooves seemed to be carrying her towards the meadow, where the herds usually grazed in the morning. That's odd, what reason would I have for going there? Demon wondered, coming to her senses. She very rarely sought out the company of other horses, she preferred to spend her time alone exploring the island. She paused to sniff the ground, where several fresh horse tracks were visible through the ground foliage.
The tracks weren't pointed towards the meadow, but as there were at least two sets, they had to belong to a group of horses. Demon felt her curiosity rising, why would two horses be traveling together if they didn't belong to a herd. They might belong to a mated pair, but the tracks were roughly roughly same size, indicating that the gender of the two horses was the same. Ears pricked, Demon began to trace the steps of the mystery horses.
Ceran bent his head to sniff the daisy, but snorted when he couldn't detect the sweet scent of the flower. Instead the smell was a bitter one, of rotting. The daisy was dead. At least it seemed to be. There was a little green at the ba[injection]se of the stem still. Gently, Ceran stepped a little closer and nuzzled the flower, breathing carefully onto it. Within a few seconds, the little white and yellow beauty popped up again, sparkling with health. He lifted his head and looked around, a guilty look chased across his face. He had used his ability. He felt ashamed of himself. What male horse spent his time reviving half-dead flowers? Already Ceran felt drained of today's store of energy. Just reviving a daisy had left him weak and exhausted.
Secretly, Ceran was proud of his work. An old, wise horse had once informed him that he should cherish his skill, and learn to use it for good purposes. But he forced these feelings down again, he still had a whole day ahead of him, and he needed to eat. Dutifully, Ceran bent his neck, and lowered his head to the ground. He snipped off some blades of grass between his incisors and top front teeth. After around fifteen minutes, Ceran began to feel strength flooding back into his weary limbs. The forest now seemed much clearer, more interesting, with all the birdsong echoing through the leafy trees. He wandered over, and nipped playfully at a vine.
Ceran wondered briefly where his usual playmate was. He sometimes was jealous of his friend for his abilities with fire. The horse was half a year older than him, and he was already very practiced at his skill. Ceran was still healing flowers. The old stallion had also told him that Nature Control skills were of the hardest to master, because of all the things found in nature. So far Ceran had figured that his abilities dealing with his skill extended to healing things. He could also make flowers bloom.
He paced the clearing, thinking about what he should do for the day. Perhaps he should visit the herds? It was high time he started looking for a mate, or even a whole herd. He hadn't decided on that yet, a lot of young bachelors went after herds, but ended up with a single mate. But then again, most horses that stood a chance of impressing a female had already mastered their skill. Why do I have Nature Control, Ceran kneaded the ground in frustration. Why?

2:42pm Jan 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
xDD Snorting was originally a joke. I imagined a horse sneezing and setting fire to someone's tail. But it could be kinda appropriate, at the same time. Horses sometimes snort in frustration or anxiety. Snorting flames when you're stressed sounds reasonable... and satisfying. Unless it burns. I'll add some more details to their abilities, then. :) Thanks!
3:22pm Jan 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
Haha, I was thinking about annoyance, anxiety etc. I'll probably add some details to my own horses as well.
3:33pm Jan 30 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((Can my Ivik and I join?))
3:42pm Jan 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 733
((Sure Fluzz, go ahead and post your bio(s) whenever you have the time.))
3:58pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 11:21am Feb 5 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,997
Name: Jazz
Gender: Female
Age: 19 human years
Looks: Jazz is a pure white pegasus. On the tips of her wings (just the very tips) are black. Her mane and tail are unusualy long and have a soft look to them. She has pure blue eyes that can glow slightly at night, giving her an even more frightening look. Jazz is usualy consitered very beautiful and has many choices for mates (some very handsome and others not so much). It is almost as if she has a aura to her that makes others want to be around her.
Skill: Flight.
Personality: Jazz has a warrior attitude. She knows what to do and when to do it. She is responsible too. There is no sense in getting into a fight with her because she will win it. She is very observational nad has great eye sight. She runs as fast as the wind and she knows it.She doesn't mingle with others that much and she prefers to live alone. Even though she would know what to do in a fight (and most other things), she has never been in love and she has no clue when it comes to that subject.
Crush/mate: Non... Yet...
Other: Her mother and father were killed before she was even able to walk. She was raised by another mother with a foal of her own. Her "Second mother" died giving birth to a second foal. She was on her own ever since she was 2 years old. She has had a hard life and knows a few tricks to take down her enimys. She has those wings for more than just the ability to fly. She has tiny metal tips on the ends of each feather that can be launched at an enimy at will.

4:46pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 6:17pm Jan 30 2012)
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Posts: 1,997
((Subscribing post ^^))