10:07pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 12:38pm Aug 19 2011)
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Which basically means I'm going to copy/paste iheart's thread opening, because I feel like being mean and lazy. You should know that it was her thread opening, but because she has left us alone, I am stealing it. This Swiper is Swiping. Setting: Present day, at Covington Academy in London. Plot: Amidst the high-brow facilities of the prestigious Covington Academy, a wealthy private school of just over two thousand students, lies an unassuming and "vacant" room, in which the Debate Team conducted meetings several years ago. However, the beautifully decorated Debate Room #4 is now better known for being the meeting place of the Host Club, which is composed of an infamous group of youths who spend their time making it a service to flirt with the generally rich girls who attend the academy. The Host Club's "services" are free to any lady with too much time on her hands, and are actually considered quite an enjoyable way to spend any given afternoon, especially considering the handsome, chivalrous, and seemingly perfect young men who are members of the club. Those who take part in the Host Club merely await the arrival of women, who they will dine with, compliment, and be drooled over by, all without actually getting into a true relationship. Each member of the Host Club has unique traits that persuade customers to request a certain one of these teenagers, and nearly all of the host club's guests are regular visitors. Their funding comes from private events, which are charged, as well as the sale of t-shirts, calenders, posters, mugs... You get the picture. This club is not without its charges. So, without further ado, welcome to the Host Club! Rules: Please follow the general Rescreatu Roleplaying Forum Guidelines. This roleplay will be PG-16, and will have a main component of romance, possible action scenes, and possible mild language. Please be considerably literate. It is fairly difficult to avoid making Gary Stus in this roleplay, but please include some considerable drawback to your host's personality. Absolutely nothing deemed inappropriate by the forum guidelines will be tolerated. By joining this roleplay, you are abiding by these terms. Thank you for your consideration. Biography: (Delete parentheses when filling out.) Name (first, middle, last): Age (13-18): Gender (Please make a male host and a female guest): Grade (9, 10, 11, 12): [If female] I am requesting (this is to specify who this character's corresponding host will be. By asking the Vice-President of the Host Club, you may change hosts for your characters at any given time throughout the roleplay. This must be filled out before the roleplay begins.): [If male] Currently requested by (this is to make it known who this character will be entertaining. Edit this whenever this character is requested. Each host must be entertaining at least one lady at a time.): [If male] Rank (there are two special positions in the club, President and Vice-President. The club's President decides whether to allow any applying men to become a host or not, and also schedules special events, such as balls, and fundraising events. The Vice-President monitors when a guest wishes to change their host, and carries out this change. Both people preside over other club members. I will be the President, but the Vice-President will be chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis.): Personality (not optional): Appearance (deions, rather than pictures, please): History (optional): Other (optional): ___________________________________________________ Current hosts: Benjamani Dante Borghese, President (reinabella) Garrett Roy Hughes, Social Coordinator (LadyNightFyre) Kentaro Middle Name Laliet, Vice President (RuRu13) Altair Middle Name Esmiro, Financial Director (RikaTheFallen) ___________________________________________________ Current guests: Elizabeth Rebecca Shirland (reinabella) Sureya Maddison Patterson (LadyNightFyre) Rukiea Middle Name Matamo (RuRu13) Alice Middle Name Marquise (RikaTheFallen)
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10:08pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 8:22pm Aug 18 2011)
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Name: Elizabeth Rebecca Shirland Age: 16 Gender: Female Grade: 10 [If female] I am requesting: Altair Personality: Elizabeth is quite a loud girl, though not in the common, unrefined manner of o many young women. She simply expresses her opinion in a straight-forward and guilt free manner, allowing people to take her observations as they will. If they find her to be rude or insulting than it is simply their own faults, as they seem to continuously misenterpret her words. Other than that, she switched casually between a pleasant, warm, and elegant manner to a fiery, distinctly Irish temper, a curse upon her blood and red hair. She tries to keep her temper under control, she really does, since not many like a lady of Society to have a temper. Thus, it's one of her dreams to find a man who doesn't mind a bit of fire. Appearance: With her petite, curvacious figure, Miss Lizzy is quite a stunner, so different from the tall, slender girls who seem to be in fashion. Well, Lizzie was never one to pay attention to the fashionable set. Her hair is a shockingly bright red, falling in shining waves to the small of her back. Its luscious hue is streaked with a softer copper, as well as splashes of gold, taking her parents' nickname of Hothead to a new level of meaning. Her skin is as pale and flawless as porcelain, free from the curse of freckles that most gingers tendto suffer through. Her eyes are a bright honey gold, sometimes darkening to a deeper amber in the right light or with the right mood. History: Her however-many-greats-grandmother was the famed Irish pirate captain Elizabeth Shirland for whom she was named. From pirates to a wordwide overseas shipping company the family has settled down a bit since its more boisterous years, though it remains a matriarchy to this day, leaving Lizzy as next in line to inheret the business. Other: She's quite a good shot with a pistol, though very few people know of this very unlady-like pastime. ---------------------------- Name: Benjamani Dante Borghese Age: 17 Gender: Male Grade: 11 [If male] Currently requested by: Alice [If male] Rank: Oh, can he please be the Social Director? Like... Event Planner. <=3 Personality: Benny is... Bright. A lot of this comes from his upbringing, which was typically Southern Italian in that family and friends are the most important thing, above money or honor or what have you. So he is a warm, happy, social person. He loves to be the center of attention, regardless of whether that attention is good or bad. It's usually good, though, as his relaxed and sunny disposition makes it very hard for people to stay mad at him for any period of time. He has an odd gift for uping the mood of a room with his presence, something which he uses quite often. If Benny isn't smiling in some shape or form, then something is seriously amiss. Appearance: Again in appearance Benny gives homage to his Italian ancestry. He stands a daring 6'3, with a broad, powerful build and chiseled features. His jaw is strong an square, his profile not so different from the statue of David. The deep olive tan of his skin sets a nice backdrop for his bright forest green eyes, flecked as they were with bronze and gold like autumn leaves. Occasionally flung into these eyes is his mess of thick, curly black hair, kept in a shag around his neck. Despite the inherent strength in his stature Benny has the carriage of a lazy housecat, always in loose and flowing motion, even when still. History: His parents are wine and olive oil moguls, as well as selling fine pottery and woodwork. His great-great-great-great grandfather started with is brothers, with a small vineyard, a potter, and a carpenter. The Borghese family now runs a small empire of Ital-based trading companies all over the world. Other: He has a beautiful, classic tenor, on a level with Andrea Buccelli, and just short of Pavorotti.
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10:12pm Aug 15 2011
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((Okay I'm using Altair. 8D))
10:15pm Aug 15 2011
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ooc:// Hey, you. You need a guy AND girl. Dems da rools.
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10:17pm Aug 15 2011
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((Alksdfjlkwehjdkjhsd FINE. I'll be Altair and some random girl that probably won't have that much effort put into her. :U))
10:27pm Aug 15 2011
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((I'll join!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:31pm Aug 15 2011
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ooc:// Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay fwends!
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10:46pm Aug 15 2011
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((reina... Can u copy paste my guys? I cant... My ipod will delete the post.. T-T))
11:10pm Aug 15 2011
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Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
11:11pm Aug 15 2011
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((thank u so much! <3))
11:50pm Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 12:37pm Aug 19 2011)
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Name: Kentaro Laliet Age: 17 Gender : Male Grade: 12 [If female] I am requesting: not female [If male] Currently requested by: Maddison [If male] Rank: Vice President Personality: Kentaro is not the talkative type but when people wish to talk to him, he will gladly talk back to them. He listens very well even if he isn't directly looking at them. He had a playful side to him which he will only expose when he's with the other members of the Host Club but not around the female guests. He doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but if he is asked to try somehting, he'll gladly do it, no quiestions asked. He is reather smart even if he may not look it.(More or less a Hitachiin/Mori mix) Appearance: Kentaro is about 5'7". He has chestnut colored hair and deep green eyes. HIs skin is fair with very few flaws if any. He has a medium build. He usually ties his hair back in a ponytail. He wears rectangle glasses with a black rim. He likes to wear a dark green braclet on his wrist. His clothes are the school uniform at school and anything at home. History (optional): (dun wanna post his background...) Other (optional): He can play the violin -------------------- Name: Rukiea Matamo Age: 17 Gender: Female Grade: 11 [If female] I am requesting: Garret [If male] Currently requested by: N/A [If male] Rank: N/A Personality: She is very outgoing and likes to just be around people. She isn't really into the whole host club thing, but she goes to pass the time. She wants to just be there so that sh ecan be with friends. She has a playful side that she likes to bring out when she's around the Hosts. She is kind of a tom boy but she does know when to be a tom boy and when to keep her girly side out. However, she does have a short temper. Appearance: (will edit this): (nees to find a pic to describe...) History (optional): dun wanna. Other (optional): She is pretty mellow.
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12:15am Aug 16 2011 (last edited on 12:16am Aug 16 2011)
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((Can I like...just use a picture for my female? :U
EDIT: Nevermind. x.x))
12:15am Aug 16 2011 (last edited on 12:30am Aug 20 2011)
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Name: Garrett Roy Hughes Age: 18 Gender: Male Grade: 12 Currently requested by:Rukiea [If male] Rank: Social Coordinater Personality: Garrett is very strong willed and energetic. He can be very charasmatic, and tends to draw girls to him without his trying. He has a serious side, but buries it deep, so that only the people who know him best can see it. Garrett can be a royal ass, but a likeable one, so a lot of people either love him or hate him. Appearance: Garrett is a very large man, standing at 6'6", with a broad, muscular build. He has intense blue eyes and keeps his dark hair cropped close in millitary style. History: Will RP out. Name: Sureya (Reya) Maddison Patterson Age: 16 Gender: female Grade : 11 [If female] I am requesting: Kentaro Personality : Reya is a very sweet and maternal kind of person. She tends to be the one that gathers her friends for homemade food and fun. She also has a witchy side that comes out when someone hurts one of her friends. She is never violent, but her temper is infamous when she gets upset. She gets along much better with guys than girls, even though she is very feminine. Appearance: Sureyais fairly tall, at 5'9", with ample curves she likes to show off. She wears her hair in long blonde waves to her waist. Her eyes are an odd shade of blue, with dark blue the predominate color, but a thin ring of brown around the pupil. History: Will RP out

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:20am Aug 16 2011
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((im on my laptop now! Thanks stil though Reina. <3))
9:07am Aug 16 2011
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Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
1:07pm Aug 18 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:30pm Aug 18 2011
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((when are we going to start??))
3:08pm Aug 18 2011
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ooc:// Rika has not yet posted her bios.
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4:02pm Aug 18 2011
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((ooh... Whoops.))
4:43pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 12:30am Aug 21 2011)
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Name (first, middle, last): Altair Micahel Esmiro Age (13-18): 18 Gender (Please make a male host and a female guest): Male Grade (9, 10, 11, 12): 12 [If female] I am requesting:
[If male] Currently requested by : Elizabeth [If male] Rank: Financial director. o3o Personality (not optional): Can be quite blunt, but usually puts thought into what he says beforehand so he doesn't insult anybody. Most often, is a very kind, sweet young man, but at other times he can be quite beastly. But it's difficult to push him past his limit, so most people have yet to see him snap.
Appearance (deions, rather than pictures, please): He is roughly 6 ft tall and is 200 lbs of muscle. Only 4% of his body weight is fat. |D As stated in my previous two sentences, he is very well built and not afraid to show it. He tends to wear short sleeves because he finds them very comfortable, and is currently wearing one that is colored red and decorated with a black dragon roaring. He wears black cargo pants that have two little strips of cloth cross-crossing in the front, attached to either side, though these black pants have a white Eastern Dragon swirling up the leg that Altair added himself. He wears a black choker that has a ruby hanging from it that has been carved into the intricate shape of a dragon and even has diamonds for eyes. He has long black hair that he keeps in a ponytail using a white hair-tie, but the strangest thing about him is his eyes. They're both totally different colors. The right is the color of honey and flecked with silver, amber, and forest green, while lined with hazel, while the left is a deep, ocean blue and flecked with gold, little bits of red, and, oddly, purple, and to top it off is lined in a striking, beautiful shade of goldenrod. His skin is lightly tanned, just enough so that he doesn't look like a vampire. And he has a black Eastern dragon tattoo curling around his left arm.
History (optional): Nope. Other (optional): :U
___________________________________________ Name (first, middle, last): Alice Marie Marquise Age (13-18): 17 Gender (Please make a male host and a female guest): Female Grade (9, 10, 11, 12): 11 [If female] I am requesting: Benny. c: Personality (not optional): Eh...um...Quiet and sweet when you can push her out of her shell. She tends to keep to herself and doesn't really trust a lot of people. She's trying to get over it with this. Blah blah blah, etc. Appearance (deions, rather than pictures, please):
Alice has long, curly blond hair and the prettiest big brown eyes you could ever see. Her skin is pale, making her almost resemble a porcelain doll. She has curves, yes, but she doesn't like to show them off so she gets clothes that aren't a tight fit to wear outside of school. She's about 5'6", and she is almost always seen with a golden, heart-shaped locket around her neck. History (optional): BLUH. D:< Other (optional): Blah blah I don't like describing girls blah.
