6:18pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 7:22pm Oct 29 2010)
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So, this is going to be an elemental people rp, if you don't like it, don't join! Table of contents: 1st: Table of Contents
2nd post: Story 3rd Post: Plot 4th Post: Rules 5th Post: Setting and Powers/Elements 6th post: Bio Skeleton and My bios
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6:18pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 6:45pm Oct 29 2010)
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"Aravi, Come Quickly!" The nurse shouted, motioning for the man sitting in the corner of the waiting room of the hospital. The man stands up and runs after the nurse, only to find his wife, her eyes closed and her breathing stopped. A baby lays quietly in her arms, but the mother does not stir, nor awakening to see the crying baby. Tears spring to the man's eyes and he kneels by his wife's side. Her hand, he takes it, and feels it. It is cold and clammy and dead. The body doesn't move, but just sits there. The crying of the baby fills the room and the man looks at the baby, as if wanting it to be comforted. He picks up the baby and cradels it, not even noticing the pale skin color of the baby, nor the baby blue marking over the eyes of the child that looks like a wave pattern. The baby grows up, without a mother, without a sibling, and without a friend. When she gets to her teenage years, her father suddenly opens his eyes one morning to find his daughter sleeping the bath. He lets out a large bellow and grabs the teen, but he finds, strangely enough, that she is alive. Afraid, he sends her off to a special camp that her heard about. It supposedly treats kids with 'issues'. The child goes off to the camp and finds out that the camp has only a few available slots and even when the children leave, if they do, the spots never are open again. It is as if they are looking for specific people. The child spends a day there and decides to run away, but no sooner has she gone out of the border of camp, when she starts feeling sick to her stomach. It is as if the child cannot leave until camp is over or she could die...
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6:18pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 6:46pm Oct 29 2010)
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Plot: I know, that was a lame story, but I am semi-braindead at the moment and couldn't think of anything better. Anyway, your characters will be put into this camp when their parent(s) find them doing wierd things. The parents found out about this from an email that was sent to only them, though, they don't know this. The camp teaches them about their powers, but little do they know, a greater evil is rising...
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6:18pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 7:23pm Oct 29 2010)
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Rules 1. Obey me because I am awesome and have powers like no one else! 2. Obey Det and Tld (If they join) too. 3. Keep Cursing to a minimum, remember 10 year olds and such can view this board. 4. Same goes for violence and romance. Don't describe anything beyond kissing in great detail, it gets sappy and gross. 5. Post 'Snugglebutt' to join, wait, actually don't. 6. I am the child in the story, but it doesn't really matter because anybody who is at the camp is special. 7. The power you get is decided by me and the magic box of cards (This is why the child in the story is water and my other charrie is darkness) 8. Det, Tld, and I all have the right to ask you to leave. 9. This is a Literate rp, so please do use correct grammer/punctuation/spelling. 10. Remeber, to post 'Element' somewhere in your bio. 11. Two charries per person, unless I say otherwise.
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6:18pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 4:02pm Oct 31 2010)
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Setting Slash=Current
The camp is located just outside of Idaho in a place called Nolis'hi. It is the (Feyth) for Mystery. The camp is surrounded by a border and there is are 4 main cabins for the four main kids and then, branchnig from them, there are 8 little ones for individuals. They have basic necesities, computers (With no email or contact stuff), bathrooms, running water, and food. There are trees surrounding the camp and a small lake near the center of camp. From the lake, if you go about 3000 feet, you will see a scorched field, from there, if you go another 3000 feet, you will see a field with lots of plants. From there, going the same amount of feet, you will see a large area of open plains with little mountains that go into the clouds. There are many other areas, but those are the four main ones. Weather: Sunny/Cloudy/Rainy/Humid Time of Day: Morning/Afternoon/Night Day of the week: Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday Cooking: Earth/Wind/Fire/Water Powers/Elements: Water: Taken by Feyth (Pheonix Thera)- The water person can control water, obviously. This means that not only can they manipulate the liquid, they can also make ice, though only a minimal ammount, since ice belongs to a different person. They can also breathe underwater and change their feet into fins when in water. The color is blue and the cabin number is 1. They train in the water area.
Fire-Taken by Det (Aer)- The fire person can manipulate the element of fire. They can choose how hot the fire is, changing it upon desire. They can also form lava, but only a minimal ammount because this belongs to another cabin. They can walk through flames and not get harmed and can touch someone and make them fireproof also. Their color is orange and the cabin number is 2. They train in thescorched lands.
Earth-Taken by Dust (Nash Lavelle)- The earth person can control the earth. This means plants, the ground, and even rock. They can sometimes bend metal to their will, but only sometimes for this is another cabin's duty. They can dissolve into the earth and can make animals for themselves that last for a few hours. Their color is green and the cabin number is 3. They train in the gr*censored*y fields. Air-Taken by Fullmoon (Sam Marcus)- The air person can manipulate the air and make it bend to their every whim. They can fly without wings and sometimes, but not always, make it so they can make wind, such as tornatos, but only a little, because this is someone else's job. They can transform into thin air and breathe in high altidtudes. Their color is dark grey and thr cabin number is 4. They train near the mountains. Ice-Taken by Dust (Nash Lavelle)- The ice is a subgroup of Water. They can manipulate ice, forming it to their will. They can also make cold air, something that the water cannot do. They can create ice from thin air and even freeze entire lakes. They can stand extreme cold air, below freezing, around -1000 F. They can make their body extremely cold to touch, but not feel it themselves. Their color is lavender and the cabin is 5. They train in an icey tundra where it is always snowing.
Electric-Taken by Feyth (Pheonix Thera)- One of the subgroups of fire. They can create and tame lightning and when there is a storm, he/she will often stand under and control the lightning so that they will get hit. they can eat electricity and never get shocked. They can even use electric items when the power is out and often are used for this purpose. He/She can glow in the dark and run super fast. Their color is yellow/Gold and their cabin number is 6. they train in a small field that is always storming.
Metal-Taken by Fullmoon (Shaina Degroot Francais)- The metal cabin is a subgroup of Earth. They can dig their hands into metal as if it was water and they can manipulate it, bending it to their will. He/She can punch metal without getting even a bruise. They know how machines work and often break them apart, they can make their body metal, but the downside to this is that they skin easily and can't go as fast. This does not mean they are invincible, just stronger. They're color is light grey and the cabin number is 7. They train near machines and such. Wind-Reserved for Dolphin- A subgroup of Air, the child of this cabin has the ability to make the atmosphere less around them or thicker, depending on what they want. They can become wind and float away on breezes that they made. They can create air from even the stuffiest of rooms. They can create tornados and smallish hurricans with the water child. The color is Beige and the cabin number is 8. They train high up in the mountains near the air field.
Poison-Open- The poison child can poison things just by touching them and they never have cooking duty because of this. They are taught how to control this so that it only happens when they want it to. This is a subgroup of water. They can control acid and are able to make themselves almost like plasma and can slide across the ground. They can make acid puddles. Their color is a turqoise and the cabin number is 9. They train in pits of acid and tar, which they are immune to. Lava-Open- The lava child belongs to the fire group. They are one of the most powerful, defense wise, but they need to work on attacknig and such. They can control lava and even make things from lava, little familiars that stick with them for a few hours. If they get really good, they can get to have familiars for months, even years. They can make their body into lava and can go through very hot substances without even feeling the heat. Their color is dark reddish-black and their cabin number is 10. They train in the dormant volcano. Sand-Open- One of the weakest ofensive cabins, the Sand child is a subgroup of Earth. They can control sand, but other than causing people to cough and maybe go blind for a little bit, this does not do much... ofensively. Defensively, the sand child can cause clouds of dust to rise up and confusing the enemies. They can force the sand to become quicksand if they get help from the water child. They are usually very agile and short. They can make sand rise up and form a barrier against attacks. They are week to water. Like the earthchild, they can dissolve into the earth and tunnel underground. They can also make little sand creatures that last for a few hours. Their color is Dark Khaki and the cabin is 11. They train in a desert near the earth plains Weather-Taken by Det (Aer)- The last cabin. The weather child is a subgroup of air and they can literally control the weather around them, thoguh, for now, it is only in a very small radius of about 4 feet. They have color changing eyes that change depending on weather. They are strongest when outside and can't make weather inside of buildings. They can create little animals from thin air to be their compainions. They only last for a total of five hours. Their color is Dark purple and the cabin number is 12. They train in a place where the weather is clear unless changed.
(Rest are coming soon.)
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6:18pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Oct 31 2010)
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Bio: Name: (Please delete this messages)
Age: (13-19 only)
Gender: (Delete these messages)
Eye Color: (Brown, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, etc) Hair Color: (Black, Brown, Blue, green, streaked, blonde, etc.)
Looks: (If you use a picture, please credit the artist.) Persona: (Rp outs are fine, as long as you give at least two sentences worth of info on this.) History: (This is not their life's history, only the part about why they were sent to camp) Element: (Tell me and I will choose for you) Likes/Dislikes: (At least three of each) Pet: (Can be a small dragon, but small is about the size of a book by Erin Hunter. Not everybody can have dragons)
Other: (Did I miss anything) My Bio: Name: Pheonix Thera
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Eye Color: She hasbright Silver eyes with flecks of blue in them. They tend to change color when there is a storm. They usually change to a gold color with flecks of black and grey. Her eyes are slitted like a cat's. Hair Color: She has short black hair that hangs about shoulder length. Her hair waves like water and seems to shimmer when she is in the sunlight. When there is a storm, her hair has streaks of blue and yellow Looks: Pheonix has a curvy, thin body. She is very lithe and has strong legs and arms from swimming, before she found out that she could make herself have a tail. She has pale skin and webbed toes. She was born with them, but it wasn't thought of as unusual because people sometimes had that. Her hands are also a bit webbed and in the pool, for she was on the swim team, she seemed to have blue tinged skin, though everybody just thought it was because of the clohrine. When in storms, she seems a bit skinnier than normal and her hair flows out behind her in a rigid sort of way. She seems older because of the way the lightning illuminates her and her eyes are rounder and more prominent on her face. After a storm, she glows even brighter, even when there is no darkness. To a non powered person, it would look as if she had a bunch of glitter on her. To a powered person, she looks like she is actually glowing, even her eyes glow. When she is in water and has a tail, her tail is the same thiness as her legs, but more powerful. At the very top, where the scales fade to skin, she has little fin like things that are a clear blue color. Her scales are a blue color, but the end of her tail, the fins that are broad and strong, are a bright yellow color that glow in the darkest waters. She only has a tail when she gets wet which is bothersome when cooking, but she manages. She is usally seen wearing a blue top with silky flaps that cover her arms and sometimes hang down to her waist. She wears blue jeans that are rupped a bit at the cuffs. She doesn't wear shoes, just in case she hits water because then the shows are ruined. In her 'mermaid' form, she wears a blue shell like bra that straps around her body and over her shoulders. She has seeweed in her hair in that form. When she is in a storm, she wears a tank top and shorts and still, no shoes. Strapped around her waist, in everything but her water form, she has a longsword. She only takes it oof when she goes to bed and hides it in a very good hiding place. Persona: She is a mysterious little girl, but she has a great heart. If you go to her for help, you can find a friend, but only if she trusts you. If she doesn't, you better get the heck out of there. She is a very loyal friend, but if you betray her, she will not hesitate to destroy you. History: Pheonix was sent to camp because she was found, in the bathtub, lying underwater and sleeping. She was found to be able to breathe underwater. That was the second time though, the first time her dad saw her do something wierd was when she got hit by lightning and left without a single scratch, but he dismissed this. Element: Electric Water Likes/Dislikes: The water, storms, the moon, fighting, being alone/ The sun, fire, having contrasting powers, being abnormal.
Pet: She actually has two pets. One is a little kitten that never seems to grow up. He is all black with small yellow eyes that seem to pierce throguh even the smallest time. This kitten is lithe and sneaky. His name is Tore. (The old norse god of thunder). Her sceond pet is a small water dragon. Instead of wings, it has fins and instead of speks, it has frills, even on the end of her tail. She breaths a cold fire and can even freeze someone for a breath. Her name is Kolora (The meaning in Aborigan: A fresh water lagoon) Other: (Did I miss anything)
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6:26pm Oct 29 2010
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((You guys can start joinimh...))
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7:37pm Oct 29 2010
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7:43pm Oct 29 2010
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Posts: 104
((Just putting this there so's I can get my bio out later. Oh, and I'll probably just combine the eye and hair color into the looks section with a pic, if that be okay.))
7:43pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 7:43pm Oct 29 2010)
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7:44pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 7:45pm Oct 29 2010)
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((Atlanta, I saw your elemental rp and you are not literate. So... no. Sorry. Dolphin: you can join. I drew your element and you got wind. Let me finish the elements and I will put reserved for you.))
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7:46pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 7:47pm Oct 29 2010)
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[I call Air and Electric, please. O__O] [Ohwait...;c]
7:46pm Oct 29 2010
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((Join as Electric?))
7:47pm Oct 29 2010
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((Im literate when i wannt to be,fine.))
7:48pm Oct 29 2010
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((Atlanta, I said no, now stop spamming.))
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7:50pm Oct 29 2010
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((Fullmoon, I drew you as Metal and Det, you got Fire and Weather))
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7:58pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Oct 29 2010)
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Name: Shaina (Called Murr, nobody knows why. XD) Degroot Francais Age: 18 Gender: Female Eye Color: They change colour with the lighting. They were origonally green when she was a baby. By her pupils is a slight blue tinge, no matter what colour her eyes are. Hair Color:Her hair is light brown with dark brown roots. Looks: She always wears a blue popcorn shirt and torn-to-knee-length jeans. Her feet are often barefoot, but she has brown high-heel boots, and a pair of painted runners. The runners are swirly patterned, the backround basic blue. The swirls are Lime green. Her face is round, and her skin is fairly tanned. She has a rounded face, so she doesn't have jutting cheekbones or anything. She has a single freckle on the outside of her left nostril. She has a birthmark on her neck that is shaped like plain necklace. Murr doesn't wear earrings, but she does wear lots of bangles. She also like to wear rainbow gloves with no fingers. Persona: RP it out. History: When Murr was 16, she had lots of 'accidents'. One day, she almost fell through a shiny metal grate, then another day, she punched somebody in the shoulder, injuring the girl's shoulder. People who were watching say that her hand was gray for a few seconds on impact. But when they sent her, was when in Metal-working cla'ss, (Which she was so darn good at, what a coincidence!) She made a solid bar of metal into a dragon statue with her bare hands. Element: Metal. Likes/Dislikes: Drawing, Sceince and Ice cream floats./Darkness, snoopers, the colour green. Pet: A tiny dragon that's the size of a man's earlobe when it curls up. Is light gray, with very sharp claws that curl into the flesh it sinks into, making it hard to get out unless she decides to let go. Her name is Gobstopper, as she seems to fancy them. Other:Nope.
8:02pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Oct 29 2010)
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((I need to put this in the rules, but whatever pet you have, it must be the same color as your cabin color. So, for metal, you would have the dragon be light grey and have claws, it would not light up in the darkness. Sorry if I am being too harsh. Can you put how tall she is, if she is skinny, etc. Also, one last thing and I shall stop, the person needs at least two sentences. Also, the reason they are sent away has to happen in their teenage years, not when they are first born.))
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8:12pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 8:14pm Oct 29 2010)
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((Is my bio okay? Oh, and I still really wanna post Snugglebutt. XD))
8:14pm Oct 29 2010
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((The lightening eye color change thing kind of bothers me because she is not electric, but the rest is great!))
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