2:15pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 7:22pm Feb 15 2010)
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RULES No PP or Gm All res rulles apply You can be anyyear. To join post, Expecto Patronum (and what your patronus would be) in your fav colour You can choose your house. There are four house leaders. A head boy/head girl rom each house. No being characters in the books, you can be their grandchild or something, but not them. If you are being a characters relative you can only be 2 of them,. Thats it. I may choose a co. Students in their FIFTH year are studying for OWLs and students in their SEVENTH years are studying for their NEWTs Bio! Name: Age: Personality: House: Year: Looks: Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Feel free to make Staff or head of house staff. :D Headmaster: Professor (Alius Samia) Hirinalion - Fullmoo Ravenclaw Head of House: Professor(Lillian) Rainheart -Fullmoo-Teaches Potions Head Boy: Head Girl: Annika James First - Fourth Years: Trinity Maxwell - NightmareDream Fith - Seventh Years: Gryffindor Head of House: Professor (mia) Youngs - me-Teaches Care of Magical Creatures Head Boy: Damon Salvator - Chance Head Girl: First - Fourth Years: Lauren Dari - Monchan Fith - Seventh Years: Hufflepuff Head of House: STAFF Head Boy: Head Girl: First - Fourth Years: Fith - Seventh Years: Delilah Dari - Monchan Slytherin Head of House: STAFF Head Boy: Head Girl: First - Fourth Years: Aurora Hawk -ssather Annaliesa Malfoy - Me Fith - Seventh Years: Westly Alexander Kaos - Morgain Emilia Leone -Stunner Dravius Wolfe - Ferritflitz
2:20pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 2:50pm Feb 15 2010)
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Expecto Patronum I guess it would be a um...lion Name:Aurora hawk Age:15 Personality:She can be snappy and has a bad temper. She has a big opinion and a sharp tongue that she isn't afraid to use. House:Slytherin Year:eh? Idon't get this question so... Looks: Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born?:Pureblood.XD
2:21pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 9:59pm Feb 16 2010)
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Posts: 934
Edit: I'll be head of Slytherin House, too, I geuss.~ Expecto Patronum~ Mine would be a tiger, I think. My character's is a wolf, though. Name: Westley Alexander Kaos Age: About 16 (5th year) Personality: Harsh and cold, he's verry akward in public and hates speaking infront of crowds. He feels he can never be himself and is always striving to find the meaning of life. Dispite his cold exterioir, if you can gain his trust, which isn't easy, he's rather outgoing and loud. If he feels the matter is important, he's always first to speak his opinion. House: Slytherin Year: 5th Looks: va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out."> Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Pure-blood. Other: Dispite his English name, he's German. He's attended Dumstrang the last four years, where the system works a little differently. (Hence the age differance.) He moved to England after a rather sad incedent. His mom was Ravenclaw, but died shortly after his birth. ~Has a verry deep secret that only he and his father know. He's tring (and failing) to keep it that way. He also has a thin, silver, rectangular locket that he wears at ALL times. In the left side is a picture of his mother, in youth. On the right is a younger version of himself playing with his little cousin before she died. ~~ Name: Proffecer George Hrothgarr. Age: Unknown. Personality: Very reserved and quiet, but always keene to help a student in need. He getts annoyed rather eisilly, like any Slytherin, but is also a little bi- polar in the sence that he forgives p*censored*ionatly and often for his rude actions. Catch him on a good day and he'll be feeding the hippogriffs. Catch him on a bad day and he'll give you four months of detention for being in the hall. House: Slytherin Year: Head of House, teaches Trancfiguration Looks: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomOut()')"> Pureblood, Half-blood, or Muggle-born? Three-quarters. (His father's half blood, mother full.)
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
2:22pm Feb 15 2010
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((year is, like, is it their first year at Hogwarts? She is 15 so if she's been coming as long as she could she is 4th year and a patronus protects you form dementors D:. Have you seen the movies?))
2:23pm Feb 15 2010
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Expecto Patronus - Overly - Large Silver Tiger  Name: Damon Salvatore Age: Old Personality: Cruel, but he's Damon House: Gryffindor Year: Seventh Looks: Above Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born: Half - Blood/ half Vampire Head of house?
2:26pm Feb 15 2010
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((head of house is staff...)) ((But accepted.))
2:27pm Feb 15 2010
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((I meant Head Boy))
2:32pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 3:59pm Feb 19 2010)
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Expecto Patronus- Cougar Name: Emilia Leone Age: 16 Personality: She tends to have a smart mouth, and can be rude without even realizing it. She has a sense of humor that most people just don't get. If you can get past her rude exterior and really get to know her, you'll find that she's actually caring, she just hates to show it. House: Slytherin Year: Fifth Looks:  Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born?: Pure Other: Elek's little sister
2:33pm Feb 15 2010
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((Lol. I have seen the movies but it has been a very long time...XD))
2:33pm Feb 15 2010
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((okay I will change after I post my bio)) Name: Annaliesa Malfoy Age: 14 Personality: rp it out. House: Slytherin Year:4 Looks: Medium height tin, white blonde hair, peircing green eyes. Pale skin. Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Half-Blood Other: Is Scorpio's daughter (Scorpio is Draco's son FYI) Name: Annika James Age: 17-18 Personality: Happy, smart rp it out House: Ravenclaw (FTW!!)) Year: 7 Looks: Down Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Muggle Born
2:36pm Feb 15 2010
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((A patronus is the animal that represents you in a form of silver light. It destroys dementors.))
3:29pm Feb 15 2010
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Name: Dravius Wolfe Age: 15 Personality: Rp it out...(fail) House: Slytherin Year: 5 Looks: Poof (Disregard the two images on your right.) Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born?Pureblood Other: Is Annaliesa's half cousin
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
4:07pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 4:08pm Feb 15 2010)
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((Expecto patronum. My patronus would be either a Kinkajou or a wren of sorts, I suppose. Meh, confound it all. It would be an alpaca. xD )) Name: Trinity Maxwell Age: 15 Personality: Even if I wrote something here, it wouldn't fit the personality that I would end up roleplaying her with, which is always different each time O.o House: Ravenclaw, please? Year: Third year, possibly? Looks: Trinity is much prettier without makeup. She has long, straight strawberry blond hair that drapes itself gracefully over her shoulders. Her eyes are a stunning emerald green which contrasts her pale skin. She wears robes, of course ;3 -ish following the book here- Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Half-blood -feels like is saying something having to do with Percy Jackson- O.O
4:11pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 10:39pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 392
Expecto Patronum - Bob Cat Name: Lauren (Ren) Dari Age: 14 Personality: Loud, friendly, funny, brave, she’s a very happy social person who sticks up for her friends and what’s right. She can be rather blunt at times and doesn’t mind telling you when you do something wrong but she’s also good at comforting people and just being there. She knows when to talk and when to shut up. House: Gryffindor Year: 4 Looks: 5’4, 113 lbs, tan skin, bright green eyes, black hair, shoulder length and layered. Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Muggle Born Other: Delilah’s younger sister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Delilah (Deli) Dari Age: 15 Personality: Soft spoke, sweet, rather shy, she stutters a lot around new people and in front of large groups. She’s better at communicating with people individually. As shy as she is, when around people she knows well she becomes a much different bubbly person who love to chatter. House: Hufflepuff Year: 5 Looks: 5’5, 125 lbs, tan skin, light brown eyes, black hair, upper back length usually in pigtails. Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Muggle Born Other: Lauren’s older sister ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Cecelia (Sealy) Poramur Age: 29 Personality: Friendly, quiet, happy, gentle, and nurturing Celia is a motherly figure around the school. She is happy to listen to and help students and is a very good shoulder to cry on. Her quiet nature makes it hard for her to keep the attention and respect of some of the rowdier students and there are some days where she simply gives up trying to talk to them. She’s also rather easy to push around. She often tries to help others with their problems but suppresses and pushes away her own. At times she can be rather emotional and has cried during a cl*censored* more than once, really though she’s a very sweet woman, just too quiet for her own good. House: Hufflepuff Year: Head of house, teaches Herbology Looks: Five foot five and very thin she’s a small frail looking woman, often mistaken for a student by first years. She has fair skin and a freckled face. Curly hair that falls to the middle of her back, it’s usually up in a messy bun or ponytail, and she has central heterochromia which means her eyes are two different colors, both eyes are blue and grey, the left is blue around the pupil and grey outside the right is grey around the pupil and blue outside. Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Pureblood Other: She's an insomniac and afraid of the dark
Live life while it's worth living, less hate and more forgiving. ~Time Turner

Sorry I was not on yesterday, bussy day was bussy.
4:40pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 934
((May we start?))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:47pm Feb 15 2010
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((We need the head staff. and headmaster.then we can start))
5:50pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 5:54pm Feb 15 2010)
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((Join as Griffindor head girl? And headmaster, and reagular student in Quidditch? Expecto Patronum! *Deer*))
5:56pm Feb 15 2010
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((Course Fullmoo.)) ((someone make the Headmaster o3o)) Name:Professor (Mia) Youngs Age: o3o about 35 Personality: Rp it out House: Gryffindor! Year: Head Of House Looks: Tal, medium weight, brownish hair, blue eyes. Teaches Care of Magical Creatures Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born? Half-Blood FTW!!
6:00pm Feb 15 2010
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6:04pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 6:07pm Feb 15 2010)
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Name:Lillian (Lilly) Rainheart Age:About... 34 I guess. Personality: Friendly,smart, but a little shy and keeps to herself slightly. Secretive would be the best word. House:RavenClaw Year:Head Of House Looks: Teaches care of magical creatures (>.>) potions.
Pureblood, Half-Blood, or Muggle Born?: Muggle born