10:29am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 6:09pm Feb 25 2010)
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At first, Flash seemed like a normal rouge. Dreamsplash, a SwiftClan warrior,�watched as he bacame a warrior, Flashflood. He had taken an obvious liking to her, and she was flattered. But when he went out of his way to follow her everywhere, the feelings changed.� She began trying to aviod him, but the more she did, the more he followed. Then one day, Flashflood told her his secret, he wanted to take over SwiftClan, StrikeClan, and SharpClan. She was stunned and horrified, but he told her that if she told anyone, she would end up dead. Then he asked her to be his mate, and against her better judgement, she did. Now, eight moons later, she has given birth to two healthy kits.�Will�Flashflood stick to his plot to take over the Clans? Will Dreamsplash stick by her mate?�And what of Feralkit and Rushkit, will Dreamsplash tell them the truth about her father? � Welcome So, I Will be playing Dreamsplash and Feralkit. Flashflood and Rushkit are taken by EasternBluebird and WolfMoon96. Flashflood is ebil!!!! � RULES! 1. Just post you bio to join. 2. Don't ask for important roles, unless its for Flashflood or Rushkit 3. When it comes to Med. Cat, Deputy,�and Leader, first post first serve, if you ask, I ignore. � SwiftClan Leader: Fallenstar{stray} Deputy: Brokenclaw{shadow} Med. Cat: Saphirewind{eklipse} Med. Cats Apprentice: Willowpaw{Det} Warriors: Flashflood{Easteh } Cougarfeather{me} Shadetear{stray} Falconwing{stray} Swiftdash{me} Streamfire{eklipse} Icewind{east} Cougarstealth{east} Crookedheart{Daisy} Emeraldheart{East} Violetgaze{east} Rainfeather{eklipse} Apprentices: Silentpaw{stray} Queens: Dreamsplash{me} Moonpelt{daisy} Kits: Feralkit{me} Rushkit{Wolfmoon} Stonekit{Daisy} Mistkit{Daisy} � �Refugee-Rouge BIO Name: Gender: Age: Rank: Personality: Looks: Other: � My Bios Coming Soon!!

10:36am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 6:08pm Feb 25 2010)
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Name: Dreamsplash Gender:female Age:about 20 moons Rank:warrior Personality:fun, bubbly, happy, and friendly Looks: link Other:Flashflood is her mate, Feralkit and Rushkit are her kits Name: Feralkit Gender:male Age:kit Rank:kit Personality: nold, rebellious, spunky Looks: link Other:Dreamsplash-mother father-Flashflood Name: Cougarfeather Gender:male Age:20 moons Rank:warrior Personality: rebellious and friendly Looks:  Other:no Name: Swiftdash Gender:female Age:30 moons Rank:warrior Personality:shy, smart, clever, cunning Looks:  Other:no
11:32am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 5,512
11:35am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Can I join as Rushkit?XD))
11:37am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Join as not Rushkit-kit?))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:38am Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 11:46am Feb 20 2010)
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Name: Fallenstar Gender: Tom Age: 31 Moons Rank: Leader? Personality: Quiet, a bit anti-social when it comes to friendships. But he is loyal and smart in the ways of the clans Looks: 
Other: Silentpaw is his son. ~ Name: Falconwing Gender: She-cat Age: 21 Moons Rank: Warrior Personality: Sweet, kind, gentle, loves kits Looks: 
Other: None ~ Name: Silentpaw Gender: Tom Age: 10 Moons Rank: Apprentice Personality: Quiet, loyal, can be a good friend if you get past his rough exterior. Looks: 
Other: Fallenstar is his father. ~ Name: Shadetear Gender: Tom Age: 43 Moons Rank: Warrior Personality: Kind, a little ambitious but only towards his clan. Looks: 
Other: None
1:26pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Name: Rainfeather Gender: Female Age: 14 moons Rank: new warrior Personality: you will see Looks: Other: Has claws three times as big as a badgers. name: streamfire :female looks: warrior Desired Name: Saphirewind Position: medicine cat? Family: none Mate:OPEN Crush:none Age: (not needed) Additional Info Gender:Female Appearance: but deep blue eyes like this aditude: soft and kind.
7:32pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Join as Flashflood?))
7:45pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Feb 20 2010)
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Name: Brokenclaw
Gender: Female
Age: 19 moons Rank: Deputy
Personality: Extremely fair towards her clan. She holds in nothing once in a fight and always wants what's best for her clan. Looks: Pitch black, very slim, she-cat with dark, slightly faded black splotches down her back that usually go unnoticed. White "socks" on her hind legs, but her paws remain black. One of her claws, on her right front leg, is ragged and broken. She is riddled with scars down her shoulders and on her tail. Her eyes are a piercing yellow. Other: None
7:53pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 7:55pm Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((Join as Rushkit? Duputy?:3))
8:03pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Sorry, Full, it was first come first serve on Deputy, Medicine Cat and Leader. xP
9:03pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Sorry, the list isn't updated. Med. cat or Med.cat aprentice?))
9:36pm Feb 20 2010
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Name: Rushkit Gender: Female Age: Kit Rank: Kit Personality: Rushkit is a quiet type. Yet her quiet isn't the kind that makes her look weak. It's the kind that gives you chills up your spine. She's a fierce and terrifying fighter. When she hunts, she hunts without mercy. Her temper is the scariest part. When she's angry, she's calm. Yet if you just look into her eyes, you find yourself slinking away in fear. She loves her brother deeply and she will stop at nothing to protect him. Yet deep down inside her, a strange aching pain keeps her distant away from the other cats. Other: None Looks 
Credit give to JustGreg
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
2:01am Feb 21 2010
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Name: Moonpelt Gender: She-cat Age: 20 moons Rank: Queen Personality: Smart and kind. Often will go down without a fight, and hates when she or anynoe she cares about is harmed. Looks: Silver cat with black stripes. Golden eyes. Other: Has 2 kits, Mistkit and Stonekit. Crookedheart is Mate Name: Crookedheart Gender: Tom Age: 22 moons Rank: Warrior Personality: Snappy and quick. Will fight easily, and often says before he thinks. Looks: black Tom with striking green eyes. Other: Two kits, Mistkit and Stonekit. Mate Moonpelt. Name: Mistkit Gender: Tom Age: 2 moons Rank: kit Personality: Quiet and thoughtful. Not one to jump to conclusions. Looks: Light gray coat with brown eyes Other: mother moonpelt, Sister Stonekit, Father Crookedheart Name: Stonekit Gender: She-cat Age: 2 moons Rank: Kit Personality: Playful and outgoing. full of energy and excited all the time. Looks: Black coat with darker gray stripes. Golden eyes. Other: Brother Mistkit, Mother Moonpelt,Father Crookedheart.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
11:38am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((wolfmoon, if you read my rules, it said that you had to ask to be Rushkit or Flashflood, ssather asked to be Rushkit first, and Easeh is Flashflood. full, i said dont ask to join. all others accepted))
11:38am Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 11:44am Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 5,512
((eklipse, id prefer if u use my bios from now on okay?))
11:39am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Mehe.. Can we post intros? ^-~
11:45am Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 11:57am Feb 21 2010)
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((hold on shadow please, im updating charrie post, Wolfmoon, i could make a third kit if you like? but its the only exception im making! :D EDIT: or, if ssather doesent post the bio by 3 PM today, Rushkit goes to you))
11:51am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Name: Skeletonkit Gender:Female Age: Kit. Rank:Kit Personality: Onii, can I rp it out? -Whines- Looks: Skeletonkit is a slight cat with night black fur. She has the outline of almost a complete skeleton in white on her fur, thus Skeltonkit is her name. She is ostracized by the other kits because she creeps them out. Other: Man, am I braindead. "Skeletonkit?" Man. -Headdesk-
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:56am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((Greyan, im sorry, but no motherless kits))