I will not [Wolf] be tamed [Roleplay]

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3:22pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 6:45pm Jul 18 2010)

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Posts: 1,551

Wolves. Brave, prideful, and noble creatures. They possess grace, strength, and speed. They are one of the wisest four-legged beasts. Maybe that is why now, humans are trying to tame the wolves and make them pets… Maybe that’s why hunters go out and kill the wolves, stealing their pelts.

On the flipside, wolves have admired humans for their skills and knowledge and their curiosity. Maybe that’s why they always would choose to live in places close by to humans. Maybe that’s why some of them also would steal human children occasionally, steal food from the humans out of curiosity… Maybe that’s why some wolves even started killing humans.

Maybe that’s how the whole war between humans and wolves started. Now there is a war going on between human and wolf and both sides think they are right.

So Yeah… that’s the basic plot. Here’s the setting:

Ebony Forest; the ideal forest for wolves. Trees grow close together and even during day the sun has a hard time filtering through the leaves. Certain types of shrubs and gr*censored* that thrive in shadows grow everywhere. A great clearing is in the middle of the forest. There are three streams which flow through the forest. The climate there is cold, most of the time, and usually when there’s any precipitation there, its snow. A great clan of wolves known as the Ikaros dwells in the Ebony Forest. They consider it their territory. They are some of the fiercest and strongest wolves in the span of 500 miles.

Yeah. This is sort of set in a fantasy world. So the types of wolves can have powers, wings, have cool pelt colours, etc.

The Ikaros clan is well known for having many different species of wolves within it. Here is the list of wolves species you can be:

Kasumi Wolf: This type of wolf usually has a light grey pelt, or a light shade of blue pelt. They look as though they are made from mist; they almost seem transparent. They are well known for their ability to teleport; to suddenly turn into mist and then re-appear, usually within a 2o foot radius. This is often useful in battle. It can be energy taxing, but the more experience the wolf has, the more they are able to control their abilities and teleport farther without taxing their energy as much. No, they do not have wings. These wolves are wise and mysterious; they think before acting in most cases and will fight when need be.

Dire Wolf: A fearsome wolf with a dark grey or jet black pelt, usually. They are most known for their amazing strong teeth, their strength, and their speed. They are well known for their ability to turn into a mere shadow and remain hidden. Yes. They have wings. When not using their wings, their wings disappear completely. They are usually the more aggressive type, eager to fight. Also, the perk of being a Dire Wolf is that you are completely immune to the powers of every wolf except for the Kasumi Wolf [because they just teleport].

Tane Wolf:  This type of wolf doesn’t have a certain colour of pelt. Why? Because it constantly changes, depending on what mood it’s in. This type of wolf is often known for its craftiness and cleverness. It has the ability to create illusions around one creature at a time. If it really tries hard it can stretch its abilities to maybe five. This can be pretty dang energy taxing though. Just for the record, illusions can actually hurt. If you were to make a wolf envision that he/she were getting their throat ripped out, then that wolf will actually feel that pain; sometimes they’ll think that it is so real that they actually claw their own throat out unintentionally. This type of wolf usually doesn’t have wings, though occasionally one will. Usually they are very skinny looking; strength is not this type of wolves forte. Usually this type of wolf is pretty sly and isn’t the most trustworthy. They tend to keep to themselves. They can go either way; fighting or peace wise.

Rin Wolf:  This type of wolf usually has a pure white pelt, extremely light grey pelt, or the pelt the colour of this particular font. To the touch, they feel ice cold. They are known for their ability to crystallize things; in other words, stare at a certain part of a human or wolf’s body, or a tree branch, and turn it into ice. This can be very deadly. They can also completely turn a whole entire person’s body into ice, although this can be so energy taxing that it is deadly. Usually, if this type of wolf practices hard enough, they can close their eyes and imagine the enemy’s heart slowly turning to ice; this is very difficult but not as life threatening. It will kill whoever they are fighting. Yes. They have wings. Also, they can turn their own parts of their body into ice as well, if they wish. Sometimes this can make good fighting moves. This type of wolf generally is against fighting. However, sometimes there’ll be an odd Rin Wolf out who is just as aggressive as a Dire Wolf. Sometimes the Rin Wolf will be mistaken with a Kasumi Wolf because of the colour of their pelt.

Senka Wolf: This type of wolf usually has a very dark green pelt, a pelt the colour of dust, or a dark earthy brown coloured pelt. They are known for their ability to control plant life and their ability to heal. They can make vines move and tie down their enemies and also they can heal anywhere from minor to mediocre injuries. A very experienced Senka Wolf will be able to heal a fellow wolf who has a life-threatening injury. In history there is recorded a Senka Wolf who actually brought another wolf back to life; but in return he had to give up his own life’s energy. This type of wolf is often called “soft” but they are loyal and fierce fighters; they are known for their grace in battle and generally their female wolves are extremely beautiful. They lean more towards peace than war. No they do not have wings, but they are known for their long, sharp claws.

Vesta Wolf: This type of wolf usually has a dark, brick red coloured pelt, neon red pelt, or orange pelt. They are well known for their ability to control the element of fire. This means they can stand abnormal amounts of heat, cause a dry bunch of gr*censored* or shrub to burst into flames, or in some cases turn their claws to flame and then rake at the enemy they are fighting against, causing the enemy to get burned very badly and have a deep wound. The Vesta wolf lean more towards battle than peace. Yes. They have wings.

Ferid Wolf: A name they stuck on a wolf with any strange or unique type of power or looks that doesn’t fit into any real category. If you choose to roleplay this type of wolf, you must give lots of detail on their looks and any special abilities this wolf might have.

You may also be on the human side and play a human:

Humans in this fantasy setting can either be “Enhanced” or just be a regular human who is usually good with weapons and stuff. An “Enhanced” human has one special ability that usually is helpful in battle. Most often these abilities are:

A Sixth Sense- Being able to tell when something is around and when something bad is going to happen. This is useful while fighting because you can usually tell what move the enemy is going to do next.

Ghostlike abilities- Being able to turn completely transparent and do crazy things like walking through walls, etc. Of course, being bitten by a Dire wolf will still hurt you and you can still be affected by the powers of a Rin Wolf.

Invisibility-  That’s a given.

Teleportation- Another given. :P

I’m limiting the human’s powers to that.

Also there are the Dogs.

Some wolves actually go along with the humans and submit to their will. They are frowned upon by all wolves, except for other “dogs”. They can be any type of wolf. They fight alongside the humans.


Basic roleplaying rules; no pp, gm, mary sues, etc.

Be literate: use capitalization and punctuation. Try and spell well. A minimum post consists of 4 lines. I understand if you are braindead. xD

I’ve never done a wolf roleplay before…

Post “I am so epic win” to join.

Ideas for the plot? Rmail me.

Romance and violence allowed, of course. Keep everything PG-13

Mild cursing is allowed. No words that Res doesn’t allow.

…I just lost the game…

The bios and rankings are in a separate post. :D 



3:32pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 3:50pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
Wolf Bio:
Age: [go by dog years, for my sake :P Or human years]
Wolf or "Dog":
Species of wolf: [Kasumi Wolf, Dire wolf, etc]
Appearance: [MUST be a written deion. Sorry.]
Personality: [optional] 
Other: [anything I forgot]
Human Bio:
Tamer/Hunter: [Do they tame or hunt wolves?]
Power: [teleportation, sixth sense, etc]
Appearance: [MUST be written deion. Sorry.]
Personality: [optional] 
Other: [Anything I forgot]
You are allowed to have as many characters as you can handle. Rankings are coming in the next post. 


3:33pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,384
((“I am so epic win” Join as a dire wolf?))


3:44pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551


Rankings for the Wolves:

**Note: I really have no idea what I’m doing here. I’ve never done a wolf roleplay before. So, feel free to help me with these darn rankings xD Hence why I’m keeping the rankings r-e-a-l-l-y simple.

Leader of the Pack (aka: alpha male)- [taken by me :P]

Alpha Female (in this case, just the lead female, I suppose)-

Beta male (Second under the alpha male)-

Beta female (second under the alpha female)-

Healer (has to be a Senka Wolf)-

Member of the pack (any random member of the pack, basically O.o)-

The Omega >:3 (basically, the very lowest ranking. There’s only one Omega wolf. Generally he/she is happy-go-lucky and is very funny)-


3:45pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
OOC: Yes, you may. I'll be posting my bio soon ^_^


4:11pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 4:11pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
(( "I am so epic win" Join as a Tane wolf?))


4:11pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551

OOC: I have more bios to come.




5 years old in dog years



||Wolf or "Dog"||


||Species of wolf||

Dire Wolf


Leader of the Ikaros clan


Alpin’s pelt is this colour exactly. He has wings, though, that are jet black. He is a huge wolf; underneath his dark grey pelt, muscles ripple underneath. He has many a battle scar. One of his eyes is yellow; the other is a light blue. His left eye, the light blue one, was scratched and got infected. Now he can hardly see out of that eye.


Alpin, unlike more Dire wolves, is actually not that aggressive. Okay, let me re-phrase that. He isn’t as aggressive as most Dire Wolves. He thinks things over, though, and knows that warring with the humans will have some heavy costs. He leans more towards war, though. He tends to stand on his own, independently, but always puts the pack, or “clan”, ahead of himself.


Alpin hates dogs. He tells the Ikaros clan that if in battle, to kill the dogs and show no mercy towards them just because they were once a part of their pack.





2 years old, dog years.



||Wolf or “Dog”||

Wolf… But secretly wants to be a dog…

||Species of Wolf||

Kasumi Wolf


Just a member of the pack


Amala’s pelt is a light, light ice blue colour. She looks almost transparent and almost as though she is made out of mist, like most Kasumi wolves. She is small and fragile-looking. She is fairly thin. Despite this, she moves with grace and ease and is in fact very fast. Her eyes are a dark blue colour. She doesn’t have that many battle scars.


Amala is has a soft voice most of the time, although she can be bold and feisty. She doesn’t hate the humans, nor dogs, though she often keeps this to herself, as she fears Alpin if he finds out. She tries not to kill whenever she can. Most would say she’s soft, but inside she’s strong.


She is very accomplished at teleporting for her age; still, she is not as experienced as most. 


4:12pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
OOC: Yes, Wolf, you may :D


4:27pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
Chi Spiral 
Chi has raven black hair that falls down to her mid-back. Her eyes are a deep, dark blue and her skin complexion is fair. Her body figure is curvy. She wears a tight black t-shirt and a super short pair of black shorts. She has a black belt that hangs loosely from her hips that holds a dagger. 
-pokes the word optional- 


4:27pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 4:59pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 12,384
Name: Ash
Age: 2 in dog years
Gender: female
Wolf or "Dog": Wolf
Species of wolf: Dire Wolf
Rank: Betess or Alphess?
Appearance: Has jet black fur and un-forgiving burgandy eyes. She looks fierce and menacing, even for a dire wolf. She has a red scar by her right eye. Her wings are larger than usual. She is normal size and height.
Personality: Most of the time, menacing. Is very suspicous of some. She can be nice, but most of th4e time, isnt. Despite this, she is very loyal to whom she trusts.
Other: not much.


4:28pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
OOC: Accepted, Ash. ^^ Hopefully more people will join other than just the three of us. I worked so hard to pull this thing together and I hardly ever [aka: never] do wolf roleplays @_@


4:30pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,384
((Nightmare: 1 human year is about 7 dog years, and most wolves live to about 10 human years, which makes them 70 dog years if they die when theyre ten. (Of course, 70 is old for a wolf)))


4:35pm Jul 18 2010

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Posts: 12,384


4:41pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 5:03pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
Name: Lunari
Age: Three dog years
Gender: Male
Wolf or "Dog": Wolf
Species of wolf: Tane Wolf
Rank: A normal member of the pack
Appearance: Lunari has a pelt the ever-changes colors due to the fact that he is a Tane Wolf, though the color that it stops at most often is a light shade of gray. He is quite small, not as big as most wolves, and he is so skinny that his bones can be seen very easily. Lunari's eyes are a misty green. If you look at them real closely, you can see that the wolf's eyes have a dreamy look in them like he's in a trance, though he isn't. When Lunari walks, you can only hear that he is moving when you listen very carefully. Lunari isn't as fast as other wolves though. When he runs, he falls behind the pack occas.sionally even though he tries his best to keep up. And Lunari gets tired more often. Lunari's shoulders are scored with nasty scars from fights.
Personality: Lunari is a mostly a peaceful wolf, though mischeivous. He usually doesn't join in any fights. Lunari doesn't like humans that much, but he doesn't really believe in the war. That all changes when Lunari is angered. He then allows his anger drag him into fights, despite the fact that he doesn't fight that well, which ends up with him receiving many scars from his opponents. In the end, Lunari gives up using physical strength and attempts to use his ability to help him. Afterward, Lunari feels ashamed for killing someone, no matter who they were and hides away, not wanting to be seen.
Other: Nothing.


4:46pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,384
( 2 in human years is about adult. 2 in dog years is pretty much a pup. I just thought youd like to know ;) ))


4:50pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
OOC: I know about dog years ^_^ A dog that's two years old is young, but I wouldn't consider it a pup. :D But thanks so much for the info. 10 years for a wolf? Wowz. @_@ 


4:53pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,384
((About. *shrugs* im gonna edit my bio so my wolf doesnt look like a old wolf XDD))


7:42pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
OOC: Haha xD Well, anyways, we might as well start. In this sort of roleplay, it's never to late to join. -says this specifically to anyone who feels they want to join and its like, 100 posts in- It'd be awesome if you and Wolf would pick up some extra characters. ^^ I'm not going to force you to though. I'll work on my intros. I'll start, 'kay? ;D 


8:07pm Jul 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
Amala ran through Ebony Forest, skillfully and gracefully weaving in and out of the thick cluster of trees. Moonlight that was able to break through to the forest floor made intricate patterns on her ice blue pelt, making it shine as though it were silver. The earth underneath her paws was frozen; during night it often got like this, even during summer. In the morning it would be much warmer. But it was still almost always cold.
Then Amala slowed; her run turned into a trot, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted. She had just smelled something interesting and vaguely familiar. She wondered what it could be; it didn't smell like a rabbit, or any other small rodent. Then it hit her.
It was the scent of a human.
Most wolves would immediately search until they found the human. Then they would rip its throat out. Amala, though, was simply curious and intrigued by human's behavior. Her sensitive ears picked up the sound of footsteps very nearby. The human was but ten feet away, and in clear view. It was a female human; she didn't look like she was holding a gun or hunting type of weapon. She must be a tamer. Instantly Amala was interested. She herself did not hate the humans at all... No, she wanted to be a dog, in fact. But Alpin would surely hate her for that. He would order the pact to kill her. But Amala couldn't help herself. She padded forwards slowly. She hoped the human would glance at her... But instead, the human suddenly was gone. Amala tensed her body; her fur stood on end. Ah. The human could teleport. She was enhanced. Her fur on her neck dropped and her tail hung back down again. 
It was the voice of her pack leader. She felt fear seep into her; hopefully he hadn't seen what had been going on. 
Alpin padded up beside her. Next to him, Amala looked sickly, helpless, and weak. Alpin was growling.
"I smell the scent of a human," he growled.
"Yes," Amala said, "I saw one. It was a female. She teleported away before I could do anything." Alpin stopped growling, although the fur on the back of his neck stayed raised.
"It is gone, then?" Alma gave a curt nod of her head in response. She heard Alpin sigh.
"Don't stray so far from the pack next time," was all he said. Then he padded away, melting into the shadows, and was gone.
Alma too let out yet another sigh. She often ran from the pack farther than she should; she wanted to spot a human and learn from it; not attack it. But usually that's what it came down to when with her fellow wolves.
Currently the Ikaros clan was staying in the clearing in the very heart of the forest. Amala had a ways to run back; she decided to use her abilities to get her back.
A second later, nothing but mist was left in her place, the moonlight filtering through it.  


8:23pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 11:48am Jul 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,338

((i am an epic win)) (yeah i am)

Age:1(Human) 7(Dog)
Wolf or "Dog":Wolf.
Species of wolf:Rin Wolf.
Rank:I don't know.
Appearance:Ana is a snow white wolf. Her eyes are an piercing icy blue. Her fur is long and snowy. The tips of her fur is a light silvery color. The tips of her ears are a light silver too but you can barely tell. (im brain dead) 
 ((How's that?))


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