Inuyasha: The next generation

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2:13pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 53

Ok so this is basically about the kids of the original characters, and you can add your own just use the bio form below:





Son/daughter of:


Human or demon?:



MY Characters:

Name: GoldenSong

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Daughter of: unknown

Demon: Cat demon

Other: She is very eye-catching with her long blonde hair and green eyes. Her mother died when giving birth so she was rescued by Sango and later given to a couple of cat demons not to far from the villedge. She is very close with Miroku's son, Ichiro.


Name: Ichiro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Son of: Sango and Miroku


Other: He ooks just like his father accept he has one blue eye and one brown. Often time he is confused for his father. He has a crush on GoldenSong, but doesnt let is show. He tends to be very proud.

Fail Pictures, Images and Photos

2:17pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 7,736




Son/daughter of:Inuyasha and Kagome

Looks:Like Inuyasha but she has Kagome's eyes

Human or demon?:Half dog demon half human


Anzu is-Online^^

2:19pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 2:20pm Aug 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
((join as the dauhter of Shesshomaru and older Rin))

2:20pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 53
Alrighty we are off to a great start and of course you can join Dream

Fail Pictures, Images and Photos

2:28pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 3,291
(Join a daughter of Naraku and Unknown, then a few other kids?)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

2:29pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 53

Fail Pictures, Images and Photos

2:43pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 2:47pm Aug 1 2010)

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Posts: 3,291

Name: Saina
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Daughter of: Naraku
Looks:(Wihout the horns. Normal ears)
demongirl.jpg anime demon girl image by SukieOtaku
Human or demon?: Demon
Other: Nope.

Name: Harley
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Daughter of: Unknown
zakki47-2.jpg Anime Green Demon Girl image by JoySakura
Human or demon?: Demon
Other: Nope.

Name: Angel
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Son of: Unknown
Demon_Slave_by_Aede_chan.jpg anime slave boy image by fangirl3
46b244fba197f2d2.jpg demon white tiger image by ichishifire
Human or demon?: Demon
Other: Nope.

Name: Damian
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Son of: Unknown

BlackMancopia.jpg Dark Anime Man image by RoyCyntus
Human or demon?: Demon
Other: This is his pet:
lkok.jpg Black demon Pegasus in Rain image by Cheetahfang

(I don`t own any of thee pics, and will make humans later.)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

3:04pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
Name: Akahimae

Age: unknown

Gender: female

Son/daughter of: Sesshomaru and Rin

White Haired Anime Girl in kimono

Human or demon: demon


Name: Nemian Wabisuke

Age: 17

Gender: male

Son/daughter of: Mr. and Mrs. Wabisuke

Pink Haired Anime Boy Pocky

Human or demon: human

Other: he fell down the well

3:42pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((when might this rp start, im pretty excited))

4:12pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 53
Sorry I was kinda busy for awhile we can start now you may go first.

Fail Pictures, Images and Photos

4:13pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 3,291
(I`ll go first! *raises hand*)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

4:17pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 53
Go on then

Fail Pictures, Images and Photos

4:19pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 3,029
((i have never seen anyone so eger to go first))

4:20pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,291

(Zombie-One minute.

Dream-.....What are you saying?*glares, then laughs* I`m not normal! *runs away to make intros*)

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

4:37pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,291

Saina sat on the porch of her father`s old castle. She looked over as many demons worked on the ruins of the rest of the castle. It had been years since Inuyasha attack the castle, but it still wasn`t fixed. "Stupid, worthless-" She contiued calling the demons many different degrating names as she watched them work.
She looked over and saw a small rat-like demon that couldn`t pick up a block of wood, and a small group of demons that watched as it tried to pick up the wood. She glared and smirked as the group quickly rushed back to work after the rat burst into flames and burned to death.
She looked over at her side as a fox-demon bowed to her, "L-lady S-saina, I-i w-was w-wondering i-i-i-"
"What do you want?" She hissed, then smirked as he flinched.
"I was wondering if you needed anything before I start helping to fix the castle." He said quickly.
"No, now hurry up, and get out of my sight." She said before lookuing up at the sky and listening to his little footsteps run away.


Harley sat on the bottom of a large, sacred lake. She smiled as she watched the lake creatures swim around normally. The animals weer so used to her presence, that it didn`t other them.
She looked down and picked a plant out of the ground near her, and looked it over. She smiled again as she noticed it was what she had been looking for, and pulled a knife out of her sleeve and stabbed it in the ground. She picked a few more of the plants and kicked upwards off the floor and soon came to the surface of the lake.


Angel sighed as he dragged a large, headless demon behind him. He was covered in blood, and was staring at him hand, watching the white fur sink back into his skin. He put his arm down and licked his teeth, feeling that his k-9s had gone back to normal as well.
He soon came to an old, torn up house and dropped the demon body in front of it. He rolled his eyes and looked up at the sky as more demons flew over, heading to Saina with supplies, though he didn`t now that.
Angel hissed then looked down at the demon body, wondering what to do with it now.


Damian layed in and open feild. He had his hands under his head and his eyes closed, though e opened his eyes when Shadow came over and nipped his hair. He hit the demon-horse`s nose, then put his hand back under his head and closed his eyes again.
Shadow snorted at him, then started trotting around the feild boredly.

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

4:57pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 5:15pm Aug 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,310



Namine Warrith


appears 16



Son/daughter of:



She has black doggie ears.

Human or demon?:

Half Doggie Demon




5:10pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,029
Nemian was on a trip with his family. They had come to pay their respects to the shrine. His parents were so old school. It was the year 2010 and they still believed in demons and such. "Nemian, stop daydreaming and go take this money to the donation box."his father croned. "Alright, alright."he responded as he took the money from his mother and walked on the path to the donation box. = Akahime was walking with Jaakin by her side. Her face was emotionless as he continued to blabber on about what her father would have done and what she should be doing. "Why arent you dead yet?"Akahime smired as she held her head high with her canines showing. "Muh, lady that is not a very nice question."he replied in a scared tone.

5:16pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 53

Sure ranni. :)

Goldensong playfully dodged the branch that was thrust at her.Pretending to be a evil demon possesing a child and Ichiro was the monk who saved it. It was a game they had played since they were babies. Swiftly climbing a tree she lep at Ichiro, knocking the branch from his hands. "I win this time!" she cried happily.

Swearing under his breath Ichiro was angry at the fact he lost for the third tiime in a row. He watched as Goldensong's ears flickered up. That usualy meant that his father was home, and that ment he had to go to his lessons. His lessons were hard, spiritual enerjy just never seemed to come to him very easily. "Are you coming or staying?" He asked to Goldensong. She tilted her as if thinking about it, then bounded over to his father who was waiting for them. Smiling his father led them to the training grounds.

Fail Pictures, Images and Photos

5:21pm Aug 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,310

Namine had a good run up with Naraku's old castle. She hung low as a demon on the grounds lunged at her it missed and a soon as it came in contect with her sharp bladelike claws it came to end in pieces...

She wasn't sure why but she was drawn to this place. Perhaps there was reason? for now she would leave fate to decide these ground rules and have her claws ready along with her back never left unguarded.


5:22pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 5:23pm Aug 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 53

whoops ignore post

Fail Pictures, Images and Photos
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