2:14pm Aug 8 2011
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AU, Canon and OC characters. -------- AU = Alternate Universe Canon Character = Character from the series OC= Original Character ---------
So basically. Harry Potter isn't famous and could be Slytherin, his parents are alive, he has the scar from an accident, no one thinks much of it. Voldemort doesn't exist, therefore there are no Death Eaters, although people are still racists -cough Bellatrix cough- and jerks -cough Malfoy cough- Hermione could have been placed in Ravenclaw, well she was, cause I'm gonna play her. xD --------- So create your characters or play a Canon character! -------- Rules: RESPECT OMGLULZ Go look up "Dance Heads Respect" on Youtube. it lulzy Kind of semi-lit, mostly correct spelling, grammar, puncuation. Paragraph per post. Writer's block is understood. Teacher's are mostly NPC's/someone may write them to focus on their own charrie. The books are better than the movies. Just tell me if you wanna be a canon character. Post whether or not you've seen the last movie, and if you have, what you thought of it, to join. Post it in an awesome colour xD Chicken is good. I may choose a co, don't push me. I love you all ♥ Rules are subject to change :D -------- BIO: Name:
House: (The one you want to be in ^-^)
Quidditch position: (If you're able to get on the team. ;D)
Wand: [Example: 13" Yew, Unicorn Hair, flexible]
Pet: [Not necessary]
Other: (Make sure you erase all the parenthasis in the bio, please)
Looks/Deion: Anything I forgot and you would like to add: Kink's bio ♥ -------- We'll all be 5th years, unless someone play's the Weasley twins. They'll be in their 7th year, or Ginny/Luna who'll be in their 4th :3 -------- The lyrics in the ti tle belong to the band "Oliver Boyd And The Remembralls" it's called "End of an Era" their music is quite good, check them out :3
2:14pm Aug 8 2011 (last edited on 7:22pm Aug 9 2011)
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Name: Hermione Granger
Age: 15
Gender: Female Personality: Level-headed, book smart, and very good with logic. She is often bossy, yet unfailingly dutiful and loyal to her friends, she is someone to be trusted. She never strays off the path and always keeps her attention focused on the task at hand. Despite her intelligence and bossiness, she is quite vulnerable and has a sense of insecurity about her. She feels "uterly inadequate" and uses her smarts to compensate for that. House: Ravenclaw Quidditch position: That'd be funny
Wand: 10 3/4 inch vinewood, dragon heartstring core Pet: Crookshanks, her cat/kneazle Other:Muggleborn Looks/Deion: Tall, slim, brown bushy hair, and brown eyes. Anything I forgot and you would like to add: Brightest witch of her age, set slightly socially inept. - Name: Wynter Calloway
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality:Wynter is one crazy, social, hyperactive and funny person. She is unwaveringly loyal and quite brave. She gets frustrated when she can't do something, particularely spells, and it takes a while to calm her down.She loves sweets, parrticularly Fizzing Whizbees. She finds practical jokes very amusing, unless they are on her. House: Gryffindor
Quidditch position:That'd be dangerous
Wand: 11" pine wood, unicorn mane hair core. Bendy, good for healing spells. Pet: Albino rat named Totem Other: She's deaf, but can read lips and sign. Went deaf when she was about 8 so she can speak fairly well.
Looks/Deion:Roughly 5'10" with white blonde hair that falls to her waist in loose curls. Eyes are dark brown, almost black, a great contrast to her fair skin and hair. Eyebrows and eyeslashes are blonde as well. Eyelashes are quite long. She is slim yet soft with a heart shaped face. Her fingers are long and delicate.
Anything I forgot and you would like to add:First year at Hogwarts. She went to a wizarding school in Australia.
2:27pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[I hated the eight movie. You know what, the only thing I've ever liked about HP is the idea of a magical school, and the graphics. Nothing else =p Can I play an oc? and will sexuality matter?]]
3:15pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Course, and no. Gay, straight, bi, lesbian, doesn't matter to me :3
3:39pm Aug 8 2011 (last edited on 9:56am Aug 9 2011)
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Name: Olavi Njord Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Olavi is pretty loud and annoying, but he has his mood swings where he'll suddenly be quiet and thoughtful, though that is rare. Olavi enjoys the company of many people, but he won't go out of his way to gain attention. He is pretty lazy and does everything at the eleventh hour, regardless of it's importance. Olavi'll deny it, but he loves being ordered around. He is very clumsy.
House: Hufflepuff?
Quidditch position:
Wand: 12" Cherry Oak, Icelandic Unicorn tail
Pet: A puffin He's trying to get the higher ups to let him bring a puffin. It isn't working, though...
Other: Olavi's parents work at a toy factory, and usually send him random items every two months. When he isn't in the school's uniform, he has a stuffed puffin on his shoulder [like the one in the deion]]
Anything else?: Olavi's homosexual, but he doesn't go out of his way to make that clear. He was born in either Finland or Norway, but he doesn't know because his parents always say different things from the other (They're separated). Olavi practices with his violin most days, but isn't too good at it. He always tells himself that if he practices more, he could be a professional at it.
6:33pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Bump :3
12:10am Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Bump
4:02am Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 2:24am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 2,184
Name: Tom McClure Age: 15 (5th Year) Gender: Wizard Personality: Tom is rather intelligent, but he keeps it to himself. He thinks that knowledge is a weapon, and he acts mediocre in class and around others so that when the time comes for him to use his knowledge, he will have the element of surprise. He is very fond of research, and always researches before making a decision. He is very bitter towards Muggles because of what his mother did to him, but he doesn’t much prefer Purebloods because of what his father did to him. He is quiet and reserved, and doesn’t have many friends, if any. When you first meet him, you won’t see many qualities in him that will encourage you to befriend him. If you do befriend him, though, you will find he can be very fun and happy (for a Slytherin) at times. He doesn’t like Hogwarts much, because of how it split his family up, but he continues with magic anyway, knowing it will become useful later in life. When the time comes for him to choose the Pureblood/Dark side or the Muggleborn/Light side, he’ll pick neither and flee, his self-preservation kicking in. House: Slytherin Quidditch position: Quidditch me no likey. >( Wand: 11” Hawthorn wood, with Phoenix feather core, springy Pet: A Ural Owl (http://images.morris.com/images/lubbock/mdControlled/cms/2008/08/17/319595995.jpg) named Nyx, after the Greek Goddess of Night Other: Halfblood. Tom was raised as a Muggle, having a Pureblood Father who was a Squib, and a Muggle mother. He did not know he had any magical blood until his letter of acceptance to Hogwarts arrived. His mother, upon finding out that her husband was ‘magical’, filed for a divorce and then ran away with a younger man. Looks/Deion: Tom has short curly brown hair and brown eyes the colour of coffee. He is quite tall, but thin, making him look weedy. He has the body shape of a Chaser. Tom’s skin is so pale that it borders on albino, but instead of making him look sickly, it enhances his otherwise plain face. He has long eyelashes and a pointed chin.
9:23am Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[ Can someone tell me the differences between the house's please? =x I forgot ]]
5:25pm Aug 9 2011
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5:49pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 534
(( Last movie, part 1 and 2, owned. I loved the dragon~~ I'm considering joining. I can never write a decent paragraph and I haven't read the books in AGES. ))
7:06pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; All can join :3 Otterfrost, it's no biggie. So long as you have a decent response and with the books, if you get anythihng wrong, we'll help you :3 @RabbitWings: You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a steady mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends.
So basically, Gryffindors are brave. Hufflepuffs are extremely loyal. Ravenclaw are extremely intelligent. SLytherin are ambitious and cunning.
9:00pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 9:31pm Aug 9 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((OMFG Can I be George and Fred? (It'd be easier for one person to rolepay both of them, because they always do stuff together and say stuff together and such) And they get placed in Ravenclaw because of their brilliant minds. x3 And George might crush on Hermoine, if allowed? Ooo~ I've seen Part one of the last movie, but not the second part. Yet. D: And can I join as a made-up character? :3 AND OMFG THIS MEANS THAT *SPOILERRRRRRRRRR* FRED DOESN'T DIE (well he will die entually but you know what I mean x3)!!!!))
9:23pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 9:27pm Aug 9 2011)
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Posts: 741
((...may i join please? =3 THE LAST MOVIE WAS GOD. In, you know, a non-offensive way. Seriously, though, I cried. So much. The part with Snape and Lily and ohmygod love<3))
9:41pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Course! To both of youz <3
9:56pm Aug 9 2011
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Name:George/Fred Weasley
Age: 17 x2
Gender:Male x2
Personality: Funny, witty, charming, George and Fred are known all around Hogwarts castle for their brilliant minds and amazing tricks. They like causing mischeif, but they always know when to stop. The usually lose a point or ten for Ravenclaw occasionally, but that doesn't stop people liking them.
House: Ravenclaw x2
Quidditch position: Beater x2
Wand: Uhm, no idea, but apparently this is what George's looked like:  And Fred's looked like this: 
Pet: None x2
Other: Nope
Looks/Deion: Look Fred Weasely and George Weasely up. You get the picture.
Anything I forgot and you would like to add: Georgie has a crush on Hermie. <3
10:29pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 3:49am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 741
Name: Donovan Hayes
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: He's very loud and animated, and is constantly talking or moving. He's very intelligent, and tends to get very high marks on tests, but his overall grades are average because he doesn't like doing homework. He is very rarely anything but ridiculously happy, though on occasion he'll get angry or depressed, usually because someone insults his friend or brings up his family. He's very loyal to his House, and his hair often turns red and gold when he's feeling particularly Gryffindor-y, especially on the days of Quidditch matches. He's a bit of a flirt, but if ever faced with the prospect of an actual relationship he becomes very awkward and doesn't know what to say. He is very forward, and tends to say whatever pops into his head, so he can sometimes come across as rude. He's a very open-minded person, and tends not to care about things like House, blood status, race, gender, or sexual orientation. The only people he doesn't like are jerks, really. While he has no trouble holding a conversation once its been started (Read: he babbles) he has trouble approaching people he doesn't know. He'd probably be in Hufflepuff is not for the fact that once he sets his mind on something, he is determined to make sure it gets done, and tends to act without thinking. House: Gryffindor Quidditch position: Nah, he's more of a "watch from the safety of the stands" kind of guy. Wand: 10.5", rosewood, dragon heart string core, flexible. Pet: Giant Maine Coon named Grisby.She looks like this Other: He is a Half-Blood wizard who's mother died without informing his father of her heritage. When Donovan got his letter to Hogwarts, his father pretty much disowned him, not wanting anything to do with magic. Donovan doesn't talk about his past very much, and says his life didn't really start until he came to Hogwarts, so anything before that doesn't matter. He's a Metamorphmagus, like his mother. He's also got a Scottish accent (think Oliver Wood in the movies. 83 <3.) Because, I said so. But that's irrelevant, really, because I'm not going to try to type in an Scottish accent. xD Looks/Deion:  He's tall, but not overly so, and thin, but not so much that his ribs stick out. He has very untoned, lean muscles and a somewhat feminine figure. His hair is short, black, and messy. His eyes are bright blue, and his skin is pale. He's usually grinning like a madman. He wears his shirt untucked, his robes open, and his tie tied loosely.
10:55pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Wanna start guys? Wynter may end up crushing on Donovan <3And Fred/Geroge RAVENCLAWS?! LULZ. This should be good gaiz <3
11:09pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 741
((Yay, that means he gets to be awkward. xD I'm ready to go when everyone else is. =P))
11:13pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; the first half of the last movie was sooo boring until dobby died which was funny heehee <3 can i be draco forevverrr and an OC?
school's out and I'm back for the summer~