It's Now or Never, Which Do You Choose? [Small Group RP]

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7:11pm Apr 20 2013 (last edited on 2:20pm Apr 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
My heart thumped as words and thoughts raced through my mind.

It's now or never, you know that.

I grasped the shiny white and red ball in my hand. Pokemon had become warped and strange over the years. Instead of being for fun and for sport, it became a matter of survival. Your pokemon were like lives from a video game; you had six, and every time you lost one it was harder to gain it back. Once you lost them all, wild pokemon would overtake you and The Academy who "controlled" those wild pokemon would kill you.

You know you can do this. Call it out and take a chance.

This was a scary world. Pokemon no longer fainted; they died. Wild pokemon were revolting and turning to The Academy, and only those very loyal to their owners stayed in captivity. Every human being had been planted with a microchip that acted as a second mind. It could not control you, but it gave you advice. And my microchip was now confirming what I knew I had to do. I faced the pokemon in front of me and smiled slightly.

Go now, and fight as if this may be your last!

The ball flew out of my hand.

I had chosen Now.

In this pokemon rp you will be leveling up to fight The Academy, the wicked group of trainers that "control" pokemon. They have turned most pokemon against any person that isn't a part of The Academy, and more and more people are being overtaken by them. Unless someone stops them soon, The Academy will take over and pokemon will then be hunted into extinction...

Now that I've thoroughly confused you, I'll give you some rules <3

~Le Rules~

1. No godmodding or powerplaying.
2. I have and reserve every right to make you change your character or to kick you out.
3. Don't be rude. If you don't like what someone is doing, discuss it politely.
4. You must I repeat MUST ask the pokemon's owner if you can defeat their pokemon before you do. Trainer battles are fewer and far between in this hard pokemon world though, so this will probably not be much of an issue.
5. Follow my bio unless you wish to add something.
6. A paragraph is required in every post. That means that you need to give me at least 5 sentences per post. More is great, and I will likely post an entire page per reply.
7. Romance is encouraged and violence is necessary, but PG13 guys.
8. Try to keep genders semi-even.
9. You can have a max of two characters, but if you do have two they must be different genders, and they cannot fall in love with each other.
10. No insta-mating
11. Have fun <3333

~Current Characters~


Name: Lillian Rose
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Image not Mine and I take no credit for it.
Personality: Lillian is confident in her abilities as a trainer, and can occasionally be a little cocky. She is extremely careful though, because she loves each of her pokemon dearly. She is very passionate about friendship, loyalty, and trust, and she will blow up at anyone who hurts one of her friends. This contradicts her normal submissive, loving nature. Lillian trusts people almost too easily, and it gets her into tough situations sometimes. Lillian is also extremely smart, and rose above her class in every aspect as a child. All in all, she tries her hardest to be someone that people will like.
History: She doesn't like to say, but get close enough to her and she'll tell you.
Other: She grew up on a pokemon farm that was renowned for the most shiny pokemon in the world, which is where she got all of her shinys.
Pokemon Names:
Midnight, Zorua, Shiny
Rosa, Gardevoir
Blizzard, Glaceon, Shiny
Spark, Jolteon, Shiny
Blaze, Charizard, Shiny
Squirt, Dewott, Shiny
Pokemon Moves:
Midnight~ Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Attract
Rosa~ Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball
Blizzard~ Blizzard, Aqua Tail, Bite, Ice Fang
Spark~ Thunder, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Dig
Blaze~ Flamethrower, Fly, Slash, Dig
Squirt~ Surf, Waterfall, Dive, Ice Beam
Pokemon Genders:
Midnight~ Female
Rosa~ Female
Blizzard~ Female
Spark~ Male
Blaze~ Male
Squirt~ Male


Lyrus (Lyru, or Ly for nick names)
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Preferably Rp it out

Pokemon Names: 
 Dante, Piplup
 Nyrux, Growlithe
Skye, Skarmory
Rapture, Larvitar, Shiny
Evone, Dratini, Shiny
Pokemon Moves: 
Verix- Shadow ball, Thundershock, Crunch, Shadow Pulse
Dante - Bubble beam, Surf, Ice beam,  Water pulse
Nyrux - Fire fang, Bite, Flame thrower, Fire blast
Skye - Steel wing, Wing Attack, Quick attack, Steel claw
Rapture - Bite, Earthquake, Shadow ball, Protect
Evone - Dragon rage, Water gun, Dragon tail, Tail whip
Pokemon Gender: 
Verix, Male;  Dante, Male;  Nyrux, Female;   Skye, Female;  Rapture, Male;  Evone, Female

Name: Blizzard
Species: Glaceon
Type: Ice
Blizzard, Aqua Tail, Bite, Ice Fang
Gender: Female
Owner: Lillian Rose
Shiny or No: Shiny
Personality:  Rp out
History with Owner: Gift from Lillians parents as an eevee


Echelon Rodendron
Also know simply as Echo
Only. You know. No random iguana.

Calm, quiet, reserved.
 Echo is a bit of an enigma, surrounding himself mostly with ghosts,
dragons, and dark-types. He doesn't appear to care much for battling, or
 even training too hard unless his Pokemon want it. He cares for his Pokemon
 greatly, however, and will not hesitate to become physically  violent
in order to protect them, and would be willing to release them to protect them if he had to.

Pokemon Names:
Selion (Ninetales) (Shiny)
Abyss (Zoroark) (Shiny)
Hellspawn (Houndoom) (Shiny)Hypnosis, Dream Eater
Alpha (Mightyena)
Toll (Spiritomb)
Vestibule (Haxorus) (Shiny)
Pokemon Moves:
Selion- Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Faint attack
Abyss- Faint Attack, Night Slash, Foul Play, Payback
Hellspawn- Inferno, Foul Play, Crunch, Flamethrower
Alpha- Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang
Toll- Shadow Sneak, Faint Attack, hypnosis, Dream Eater
Vestibule- False Swipe, Guillotine, Outrage, Giga Impact
Pokemon Gender:
Selion -Male
Abyss- Male
Hellspawn- Female
Alpha- Male
Toll- Male
Vestibule- Male


Zorua; Shiny


Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Attract
Shiny or No:
Playful and sly, like to cause mischief and prank with her Illusion
History with Owner:
Was originally a wild Pokemon wary of people. Trusts Lillian, and was tamed by her and will respond to her only.



Oliver Caldwell
{Goes by "Ollie"}
Just minus the scarf.
 photo 0aea2c2a-ebc1-428c-aa0d-97e3f004693d.jpg
Image does not belong to me.
 is quiet and reserved at first approach. He tends to keep to himself
and strays away from social interaction, though he's not entirely cold
towards others. He can be friendly under certain circumstances and will
usually help others out if they truly need it. He does have a bit darker
 of a side, however. He is easily angered and moody, with a short temper
 and a bit of an attitude to match. Anyone bugging him or asking him
something repetitively annoys him to no end and he's not afraid to speak
 his mind if someone is bothering him. He's incredibly stubborn and if
he doesn't want to do something, he'll make that very, very clear. He'd
become violent to protect anyone he loves, though he's not one to
willingly let anyone into his heart. New character, RP the rest out. 
 got some dark secrets, deep scars and hard grudges hidden away in his
secretive past, though he's not one to open up immediately and will only
 spill if you get close to him. Nice try, though.
Nope. c:

Pokemon Names-
Noctowl - Lunar
Beartic - Tundra
Riolu - Detroit
Houndoom - Mattex
Hydreigon - Tainted - Shiny
Vulpix - Kindle - Shiny
Pokemon Moves-
Lunar - 
Hypnosis | Zen Headbutt | Roost | Dream Eater
Tundra - 
Icicle Crash | Blizzard | Thrash | Sheer Cold
Detroit -
Endure | Force Palm | Feint | Copycat
Mattex - 
Bite | Fire Fang | Flamethrower | Crunch
Tainted -
Dragon Breath | Dragon Pulse | Dragon Rush | Outrage
Kindle -
Flamethrower | Fire Spin | Extrasensory | Fire Blast
Pokemon Gender-
Lunar - Female
Tundra - Male
Detroit - Male
Mattex - Male
Tainted - Male
Kindle - Female


Name: Yuan Nabil
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Male

Personality: Dangerous, Perceptive, Enduring.
Yuan is a hard to figure out individual. He has a quiet, powerful aura, and although is generally pleasant to be around, he seems aloof despite his friendly looks. Highly intelligent and a quick thinker, Yuan is good at adapting and being quick to react to things. He's able to keep a cool head even through the most shaking situations
, and although he may seem impulsive at times, he never acts foolishly. No matter how hard or even impossible a situation might seem, Yuan won't back down and will keep pushing forward.
In battle, it's easier to see the dark individual behind the friendly mask, and the darkness shows in his eyes. He isn't shaken by violence and never fears for his life even in the worst situations. He is fully prepared to brutally kill wild Pokemon or even Academy trainers if need be.
Despite this, Yuan is not in any sense evil. He is quick to put himself in danger to protect his own Pokemon. He cares for them and doesn't push them more than what they can take, however he does expect a certain degree of ability from each of him. Although he has a good relationship with most of his Pokemon, he has no problem enforcing his authority when one disobeys him.

History: "*shrugs* It's nothing im


9:39pm Apr 20 2013 (last edited on 11:16pm Apr 20 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 104

Picture wont go smaller

Lyrus (Lyru, or Ly for nick names)
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Preferably Rp it out

Pokemon Names: 
Verix, Umbreon, Shiny;  Dante, Piplup;  Nyrux, Growlithe;  Skye, Skarmory; Rapture, Larvitar, Shiny;  Evone, Dratini, Shiny.
Pokemon Moves: 
Verix- Shadow ball, Thundershock, Crunch, Shadow Pulse
Dante - Bubble beam, Surf, Ice beam,  Water pulse
Nyrux - Fire fang, Bite, Flame thrower, Fire blast
Skye - Steel wing, Wing Attack, Quick attack, Steel claw
Rapture - Bite, Earthquake, Shadow ball, Protect
Evone - Dragon rage, Water gun, Dragon tail, Tail whip
Pokemon Gender: 
Verix, Male;  Dante, Male;  Nyrux, Female;   Skye, Female;  Rapture, Male;  Evone, Female

Name: Blizzard
Species: Glaceon
Type: Ice
Blizzard, Aqua Tail, Bite, Ice Fang
Gender: Female
Owner: Lillian Rose
Shiny or No: Shiny
Personality:  Rp out
History with Owner: Gift from Lillians parents as an eevee


9:58pm Apr 20 2013 (last edited on 10:07am Apr 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Accepted <3 Feel free to make a human charrie whenever. ))


10:10pm Apr 20 2013 (last edited on 12:12am Apr 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Echelon Rodendron

Also know simply as Echo



Only. You know. No random iguana.

Calm, quiet, reserved. Echo is a bit of an enigma, surrounding himself mostly with ghosts, dragons, and dark-types. He doesn't appear to care much for battling, or even training too hard unless his Pokemon want it. He cares for his Pokemon greatly, however, and will not hesitate to become physically  violent in order to protect them, and would be willing to release them to protect them if he had to.

History: (This is optional)

Other: (Also Optional, but put anything I missed here)

Pokemon Names:
Selion (Ninetales) (Shiny)
Abyss (Zoroark) (Shiny)
Hellspawn (Houndoom) (Shiny)Hypnosis, Dream Eater
Alpha (Mightyena)
Toll (Spiritomb)
Vestibule (Haxorus) (Shiny)

Pokemon Moves: (You get four. Choose Wisely)
Selion- Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Faint attack
Abyss- Faint Attack, Night Slash, Foul Play, Payback
Hellspawn- Inferno, Foul Play, Crunch, Flamethrower
Alpha- Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang
Toll- Shadow Sneak, Faint Attack, hypnosis, Dream Eater
Vestibule- False Swipe, Guillotine, Outrage, Giga Impact

Pokemon Gender: (Male or Female)
Selion -Male
Abyss- Male
Hellspawn- Female
Alpha- Male
Toll- Male
Vestibule- Male


Zorua; Shiny


Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, AttractGender:
Shiny or No:
Playful and sly, like to cause mischief and prank with her Illusion
History with Owner:
Was originally a wild Pokemon wary of people. Trusts Lillian, and was tamed by her and will respond to her only.


12:05am Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 80
Not my cup of tea, but I'd like to point out that there is already a list of legendaries, with only one Pokemon disputed on it. It's a list confirmed by Nintendo themselves, making it official (the disputed one is Phione. Even Nintendo can't decide if it's a legendary or not)




MAYBE Phione, Nintendo can't decide


Any other Pokemon is not a legendary according to Nintendo

12:13am Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Back in my day, being legendary meant something.))


12:14am Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 104

 ~ Her eyes opened, as she heard the bush behind her rustling. Her red-brown tinted eyes shifted quickly to the source. A hoof extended from the bush as Lyrus stood, her hand wrapping around her first ball. She swallowed hard knowing if any of her beloved Pokemon lost, she would never see them again. As the large Rapidash stepped out, Lyru stepped back as she heard the rapid river behind her crash against the rocks placed within the water. The Rapidash looked at Lyrus, confused. It strode off, and returned to it's owner. They reunited and took off in the opposite direction. Lyrus sighed of relief, as she relaxed. Her blonde hair suddenly shifted as the wind picked up, she turned around and resumed her conflict with crossing the roaring water. She had to get home, and soon. She was growing tired and hungry as were her Pokemon. She was too cautious to use Dante, he was still mastering the new Surf move she taught him. Lyrus sat on the edge and held Verix's ball close to her chest. He needed rest from an earlier battle, he took a lot of damage. She sat and thought, deep within her own mind. ~ 


3:53am Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Oliver Caldwell
{Goes by "Ollie"}
Just minus the scarf.
 photo 0aea2c2a-ebc1-428c-aa0d-97e3f004693d.jpg
Image does not belong to me.
Ollie is quiet and reserved at first approach. He tends to keep to himself and strays away from social interaction, though he's not entirely cold towards others. He can be friendly under certain circumstances and will usually help others out if they truly need it. He does have a bit darker of a side, however. He is easily angered and moody, with a short temper and a bit of an attitude to match. Anyone bugging him or asking him something repetitively annoys him to no end and he's not afraid to speak his mind if someone is bothering him. He's incredibly stubborn and if he doesn't want to do something, he'll make that very, very clear. He'd become violent to protect anyone he loves, though he's not one to willingly let anyone into his heart. New character, RP the rest out. 
He's got some dark secrets, deep scars and hard grudges hidden away in his secretive past, though he's not one to open up immediately and will only spill if you get close to him. Nice try, though.
Nope. c:

Pokemon Names-
Noctowl - Lunar

Beartic - Tundra

Riolu - Detroit

Houndoom - Mattex

Spr 5b 635 s.png
Hydreigon - Tainted - Shiny

Spr 5b 037 s.png
Vulpix - Kindle - Shiny

Pokemon Moves-
Lunar - 
Hypnosis | Zen Headbutt | Roost | Dream Eater
Tundra - 
Icicle Crash | Blizzard | Thrash | Sheer Cold
Detroit -
Endure | Force Palm | Feint | Copycat
Mattex - 
Bite | Fire Fang | Flamethrower | Crunch
Tainted -
Dragon Breath | Dragon Pulse | Dragon Rush | Outrage
Kindle -
Flamethrower | Fire Spin | Extrasensory | Fire Blast

Pokemon Gender-
Lunar - Female
Tundra - Male
Detroit - Male
Mattex - Male
Tainted - Male
Kindle - Female


8:48am Apr 21 2013 (last edited on 2:03pm Apr 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
~Character Bio~

Name: Yuan Nabil
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Male

Personality: Dangerous, Perceptive, Enduring.
Yuan is a hard to figure out individual. He has a quiet, powerful aura, and although is generally pleasant to be around, he seems aloof despite his friendly looks. Highly intelligent and a quick thinker, Yuan is good at adapting and being quick to react to things. He's able to keep a cool head even through the most shaking situations, and although he may seem impulsive at times, he never acts foolishly. No matter how hard or even impossible a situation might seem, Yuan won't back down and will keep pushing forward.
In battle, it's easier to see the dark individual behind the friendly mask, and the darkness shows in his eyes. He isn't shaken by violence and never fears for his life even in the worst situations. He is fully prepared to brutally kill wild Pokemon or even Academy trainers if need be.
Despite this, Yuan is not in any sense evil. He is quick to put himself in danger to protect his own Pokemon. He cares for them and doesn't push them more than what they can take, however he does expect a certain degree of ability from each of him. Although he has a good relationship with most of his Pokemon, he has no problem enforcing his authority when one disobeys him.

History: "*shrugs* It's nothing important."
Other: He will usually keep Woobat outside his PokeBall and will use Archeops as a mount for long travel. He has reigns around Archeops's neck and has blue-tinted safety glasses he will wear when flying.
Pokemon Names:
Nymph | Slyveon
| Archeops
| Woobat
| Lampent
| Mienshao
| Absol (Shiny)

Pokemon Moves:
Nymph - Shadow Ball | Hidden Power | Trump Card | Baton Pass
Archeops - Stone Edge | Dragon Claw | Steel Wing | Acrobatics
Woobat - Heart Stamp | Air Slash | Charge Beam | Psychic
Lampent - Energy Ball | Shadow Ball | Flamethrower | Confuse Ray
Mienshao - Detect | U-Turn | Drain Punch | Poison Jab
Absol - Water Pulse | Ice Beam | Psycho Cut | Night Slash
Pokemon Gender: All Male
Pokemon Background:
Nymph | A very mysterious Pokemon. Yuan found him ill and injured and nursed him back to health. Nymph has devoted his life to Yuan in return for saving it. Is called Nymph because Yuan can't find information on his species.
Archeops | Yuan's first Pokemon. A colleague of his father resurrected Archeops believing an Ancient Pokemon would protect and remain loyal to Yuan and be less likely to turn to the Academy.
Woobat | Hatched out of an abandoned egg Yuan found and raised by him. He believes Yuan to be his parent.
Lampent | Was confronted and caught by Yuan for terrorizing humans and attempting to force them into fatal accidents to feed on their spirits. He begrudgingly obeys Yuan for unknown reasons.
Mienshao | An extremely fierce Pokemon. Mienshao nearly killed Yuan and his Pokemon, but had a change of heart when Yuan tried to use his own body to protect his Pokemon. He respects Yuan's courage and bond with his Pokemon.
Absol | Given to Yuan by a mysterious man who claimed he was about to die and didn't want Absol to be led astray. Absol is emotionally distant from Yuan, but is loyal.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

10:06am Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Woohoo, more people :D
I'm going to close bio applications now. I think we have enough.
And I'll post something once Grave gets his bio up. I can't wait to rp this, it's going to be epic! ))


2:03pm Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((Finally finished with my Bio. x.x That really did take me the better part of the day.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

2:51pm Apr 21 2013 (last edited on 2:52pm Apr 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( It's wonderful Loki ^^ Unfortunately, The first post has too much text so I can't fit it all into the current characters section of it...
I'll keep trying though.
Oh yes, time for me to post >:D ))

 I ran through a few trees, my eyes locked on the path in front of me. I kept glancing to the right and left to make sure I wasn't being followed.

Be careful; you've made us a target and they want you.

I wanted to scream at the voice inside my head to shut up, but that wouldn't help us in this situation. I'd have to do that later.

I examined my surrounding. There weren't to many trees in my way, which was a very good thing. My footing was relatively secure, and there were not many twigs under my feet. That was very, very good. Twigs meant sound, and sound meant being found. I certainly didn't want that. No enemy of The Academy wanted that. It meant certain death for you and your pokemon. I didn't really mind the concept of dying myself, but the death of my pokemon would haunt me for eternity and beyond.

I pulled out a black ball from my bag. I had purposely matched the color of the ball to the color of the pokemon within. One second of lack of concentration could mean being captured by The Academy.

I threw the ball a few feet in front of me and whispered.

Go, Blaze.

My faithful dragon flew out of the pokeball and started to fly next to me as I whispered instructions into its ear. Normally Blaze could keep up with me quite easily, but I was scared, and the dragon was obviously struggling to keep up with my adrenaline-filled running. I slowed down just a little bit to make it easier on him.

Go scout and make sure there are no Academy goons around here. If there are, don't you DARE confront them. I can't loose you, Blaze. You mean to much to me.

The dragon nodded. We had been through this enough that he knew exactly what I wanted. He also knew that I'd never get over his death, so he was always very careful just for me. It touched my to know he cared so much about me, but it also worried me because if I died that meant he would be reckless.

Why did you have to run away from your parents? You knew that would make you an immediate target.

I was grateful for the subject change inside by head because thinking about the death of my pokemon was highly depressing, but I still said a few curses under my breath. The microchip that I was planted with had to be the most annoying one out there. Most microchips didn't wail and complain constantly about their renegade hosts. Mine did. Lucky me.

I reached into my bag and fingered two more balls, a white and blue one and a black and blue one. These were my two precious, most beloved pokemon. Normally I wouldn't call them out at a time like this, but I needed their comfort. They understood me, just like I did them, and I cared for them more than any other pokemon in my party.

I threw the balls a few feet in front of me in the air so that when my two pokemon materialized they would be resting on my shoulders. I didn't want them to land on the ground because it was highly unlikely that they could keep up with me, and losing them was not an option. It was less of an option then losing Blaze was, and I loved Blaze.

Midnight, Blizzard, come join me.

I sighed contentedly as I enjoyed the fact that I wasn't completely alone. Disowned and abandoned by my family was pretty bad, but I still had my six best friends traveling with me, and two of them were right here. It was a nice feeling, and I enjoyed it.

I may be a wanted girl with a giant ransom reward hanging over my head, but it was all okay. We'd be okay. I whispered to my two best friends.

You guys doing alright?


4:32pm Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Waves crashed against the rock outcrop. Forty feet above, a fierce battle was taking place between two trainers and their Pokemon, driving one team closer to the edge.

Yuan took several steps back as Mienshao dodged back a bit too close to him, putting him in harm's way. He glanced back. Still several feet from the edge. Nothing to worry about.

In front of him stood a Kingler and a young man with long greasy black hair. The male, a member of the Academy, sneered at him. Yuan watched him calmly.

Both Pokemon looked rather worn out, and Mienshao had taken quite a few blows.

"I think we've tired them out enough," Yuan stated, glancing at Mienshao. They had only been dodging up to this point while Kingler flailed wildly at them with its claws. "Drain Punch. Break through its armor."

Mienshao nodded. He rushed forward and leaped onto Kingler's head. Kingler tried to shake and beat him off, but his swings were weaker than before, slower. Members of the Academy were foolish. They ignored their Pokemon and pushed them too far to the point they were useless in battle.

Mienshao's paws glowed, surrounded by a green orb of energy, and he began striking down on Kingler's head, bashing it mercilessly. A crack formed, and then it began chipping away. Kingler flailed and shook around, trying to shake Mienshao off, but he kept his balance and kept attacking, looking healthier and healthier with each strike.

Mienshao drew his paw farther back for the final strike, breaking through Kingler armor and impacting the unprotected flesh below, the force of the blow killing it instantly. It collapsed and Mienshao jumped off. Fully healed, he stared down the Academy trainer, who suddenly look shaken.

He stepped back, realizing this was not going to be an easy fight. Suddenly, he turned and tried to run.

"Mienshao!" Yuan called. Immediately, Mienshao lunged forward, blocking the other trainer's way.

Yuan walked forward, pulling a PokeBall from his belt and rolling it around on his palm. "You have more Pokemon, don't you?" he asked, his voice harsh. He narrowed his eyes, his ex
pression dark.

"I'm just letting you go this time," the trainer snapped. "I'll get you back later."

Yuan smirked. "Then it's a forfeit today," he said. He balanced the PokeBall on his palm and in a flash of light, Lampent was released from it. "Dinner time, Lampent."

Fire blazed up in front of Lampent, before spewing out at the trainer, setting his body ablaze. The man screamed and flailed around. He ran towards Yuan and Yuan stepped to the side, kicking his feet out from under him and sending him sprawling close to the edge. He flailed around on the grass, but couldn't put himself out. His screams died and soon his body went still.

Lampent floated over and drew the essence of the man's spirit into his flame. After he was done feeding, Yuan recalled him and walked over. He kicked the still burning man over the edge of the cliff, into the waters below. Mienshao pushed the Kingler's body over the edge as well, erasing the evidence of their battle.

Yuan turned away from the edge and walked away. He didn't feel like running into anyone who decided to investigate the commotion.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

6:20pm Apr 21 2013 (last edited on 6:20pm Apr 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 104
~ Leaping from the ball, Blizzard landed on her shoulder her tail slashing the air violently. She chimed and looked at Lillian. Her gentle and kind eyes gazing on her face, searching for a sign it was OK. Her ears flicked, as she chimed again. Her head gently rubbing against Lillian's. Almost as if she could speak, a chime sounded, almost sounding as an answer of "Only if you are Lillian". Blizzard noticed the inky surroundings, and saw the other Pokemon on the opposite shoulder, Midnight. She knew she could speak with that Pokemon. Blizzard knew she had to be quiet but the anxious chimes continued, clearly stressed. ~


~ Her eyes caught the glimpse of two figures floating down the river. Blood from the pokemon seeped into the water. Lyru couldn't make the human figure out. She sighed and shook her head, chaos.. everywhere. She thought as she finally made the decision to use Dante to Surf over to the other side. Her hand wrapped around the ball, she unlatched the ball, and threw the Pokeball to her left, releasing her Piplup. Dante shook his body and squealed with happiness. Dante waddled over, and looked up at Lyrus, again squealing. Lyrus looked down and smiled, she kneeled down and hugged Dante."He little guy, ready to Surf? We need to make it to the other side, Verix isn't doing so hot.." She explained to him. Dante nodded and  landed on the water, the strong current didn't seem to faze him. Lyrus lept onto Dante, as he easily made his way to the other side of the river. Lyrus lept to the other side and pulled Dante up with her. She sat down and allowed Dante to rest from the short trip. ~


7:35pm Apr 21 2013 (last edited on 8:00pm Apr 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I stroked the fur of my Glaceon which was nervously mewing to try and calm her. I didn't want my friend to worry at all. I was about to say some comforting words to the little creature, but a noise coming from the trees behind her stopped my voice. I was relieved when I saw that it was only Blaze, but my relief was short lived. Fifteen figures emerged behind him, seven trainers and six pokemon. I immediately analyzed the situation.

The first thing I noticed was that three of the pokemon were fire types, and Blizzard was in great danger. I immediately called her back stuffed her pokeball deep in my bag. I then called Blaze back because he appeared hurt.

As I quickly analyzed the situation further, I noticed that most of my pokemon had at least one type disadvantage with the six in front of me, all except one. I fingered the white, green, and pink ball in my bag. I only used Rosa in dire situations, but if this didn't count as a dire situation, nothing did. The truth was, Rosa scared me. I loved her dearly, but she frightened me with the terror of her moves, her two moves that ended lives so easily. I shuddered and pulled out the pokeball.

Go! Rosa!

The Gardevoir gracefully floated above the ground. Most pokemon would have been intimidated by the fifteen in front of it. Rosa just smiled. I shuddered again. I stammered my next sentence. I knew what I had to do, but it was such an awful way to die...

Rosa... use Hypnosis.

Rosa spread her arms and closed her eyes. She blew onto the creatures in front of her, casting a deep sleep full of horrible dreams upon all of them. I could see the icy sleep invading the minds of the pokemon and humans. I shuddered for the third time, trying to muster the courage to call out the next move. That horrible, terrible move.

It's them or you Lillian, you know that. Save your pokemon and kill them. It's the only way.

For once I knew the voice in my head was right. Its normal snappy, sarcastic words had become soft and full of tenderness. I raised my arm in front of me and snapped, confidence filling my voice. They would have to die.

Rosa, use Dream Eater!

Rosa's eyes snapped open. She took a deep breath and let out a scream so high pitched it was barely perceptible. The only way you could hear it was if you were listening for it, because it was the frequency upon which dreams hear. I knew what it was though. It was a Siren Song that dreams could not resist. It conveyed one simple message; come to me.

I looked with horror as I watched the dreams of fifteen figures swarm my pokemon. Rosa then ate the dreams, taking all of the energy for herself. I then gazed at the figures of the pokemon and people, knowing what would come next. These pokemon and people were weaker than the average opponent, so luckily I didn't have to use Dream Eater twice on them. That would be torture.

Dream Eater is a ghastly move. Dreams are not what most think. They are the embodiment of the hopes, the accomplishments, the very soul of the being that possesses them. When your dreams are stolen, your very essence is stolen. Rosa had just eaten the souls of fifteen individuals.

I wanted to scream and run and hide from my own pokemon, but I knew I had to save the pokemon in the balls in front of me. I ran up to them, scooped them up, and started releasing the pokemon. One by one they went away, each promising in its own way never again to join the forces of The Academy.

Once I had finished that, I destroyed the old homes of the pokemon and had Blaze burn them. I didn't want any trace of this gory disaster to be left. I shuddered for a fourth and final time as I saw the remains of pokemon and people. I told Blaze to turn them too. He did.

Those weren't humans Lillian. Those were monsters. Cold-blooded, heartless monsters that wanted to see your pokemon ground into the dust. Those pokemon too. The ones you freed were not tainted like the ones you fought.

For once I didn't have the heart to argue.

I called out Blaze and inspected him. He only seemed to suffer from minor damage. I used a potion on him and he perked up a lot.

Are you up for flying boy?

He nodded. I climbed onto his back and called Rosa back. I remembered that I had not called back Midnight either, so I pulled out her ball and called her into it. I would have to ask her where she had been later.

I nudged Blaze, and he took off. I decided that I'd stop by a beach. Lots of my pokemon had advantages over water type pokemon, and I had grown up by a beach. I felt safe there.

I smelled sea water and felt a slight breeze hit me. I nudged Blaze.

Down boy.

Blaze landed. I was disappointed to realize that the beach was really a cliff. Seawater was still seawater though.

I sat down and started to think. I called out the rest of my pokemon to let them have a breather and to give them some food, for they hadn't eaten in a while. One by one my Glaceon, Dewott, Gardevoir, Zorua, and Jolteon came out of their balls. I put some pokefood into a bowl and let them eat.

I dangled my feet off of the edge of the cliff and wrapped myself in my thoughts. Even my microchip had the decency to be quiet.


7:53pm Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((Hey, Mega, not to be rude, but it's kind of common courtesy in Roleplaying to not do things that break another person's post. :/
You wrote that taking a person's soul causes their body to disappear. While Lampent ate the soul of the Academy trainer and Yuan kicked his body off the cliff. See how your post now breaks the logic of my post?))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

7:54pm Apr 21 2013 (last edited on 8:30pm Apr 21 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
     Ollie wandered aimlessly through a forest, tall oak trees towering above him and blocking out the bright sun hanging in the center of the sky.

     He had purposely picked this path for two reasons. The major reason was that being a wanted "criminal", keeping a low profile and hiding in secluded areas would probably be the best way to avoid being confronted. That, and Ollie rather disliked the heat anyway as he was easily sunburned. 

     His Houndoom trotting by his side and his Noctowl flying ahead of him, within eyesight but far enough away to alert Ollie of any danger, he could feel calm and protected even while being hunted down. He found himself smiling just slightly. They have all always had his back and he knew that all six of his Pokemon would die for him in a heartbeat.

     The second that the subject of death crossed his mind, his eyebrows furrowed and he bit his lip. Just weeks ago he had lost one of his closest friends - an old Mightyena he had called Duncan - to an Academy member in a violent battle. Even now he couldn't quite get over his old friend's death, though as each day passed a fiercer, darker grudge over the Academy grew.

     The startled, sharp cry of his Noctowl shook him out of his thoughts. Beside him, his Houndoom stood rigid, charcoal fur bristling and long white fangs bared. Motioning for Mattex to follow, Ollie took off down the path, the demon dog at his heels.

     The pair came to an abrupt stop in front of a small, feathered brown body. His Noctowl lay stunned on the forest floor, one leg twitching and slightly singed wings flapping frantically in an attempt to get herself up.

     Ollie looked up from his Pokemon to see a snarling, sizzling Manetric flanked by a cross armed, smirking Academy member.

     Ollie blinked, slowly drawing Lunar's Pokeball and returning the squawking, struggling owl-like Pokemon to her small ball labeled with an "L". He returned the capsule to his belt, allowed Mattex to return into his ball as well, and turned back to the matter at hand.

     He took the small red and white ball labeled "T" into his left hand and released the shiny Hydreigon. In a flash of red light, the green, purple and black three-headed dragon was beamed out and materialized a few feet away from its trainer.

     "Alright, Taint. Dragon Rush," Oliver commanded the dragon, which obeyed immediately and surrounded itself in a light blue aura, and hovering a few feet above the forest floor, it launched itself at the yellow-blue dog.

     With a yelp, the electric dog flew backwards but quickly dug its paws into the ground and kept its footing. After a command from its "master", the Manetric's fangs began to sizzle and cracked with tiny bursts of electricity. The Academy memeber's Pokemon lunged out at Tainted and dug in its fangs, releasing volts of electricity into his body.

     The Hydreigon floated backwards and definitely looked weakened, though due to type advantage, the Manetric took the worst blow. 

     The battle continued a while longer before the two stood facing each other, each one weakened with multiple injuries, both too tired to fight much longer. Finally, the Manetric's legs wobbled beneath it, its pupils dilating and its breath quickening. With one final tiny growl, the canine collapsed to the ground, drew its last breath and fell still.

     Not wanting to take the risk of losing another Pokemon, the Academy member turned away and fled, leaving Oliver now standing between the dead Manetric and his Hyreigon. 

     Sighing slightly, he removed Mattex's ball from his belt and released the hound. 

     "Alright, Matt. Go get 'em." Mattex seemed to nod before sprinting after the fleeing man.

     While waiting for his Pokemon to return, Oliver returned his weakened Hydreigon to his ball and had no sooner returned the ball to his belt when a sharp cry of pain sounded throughout the forest. Suddenly, everything fell silent and a few moments later, the Houndoom trotted back to its master, dragging the man's limp body behind it.

     "Good boy," Oliver praised, scratching the Houndoom's ebony black head. Mattex dropped the limp body and barked happily.

     Allowing his Pokemon to walk beside him, Ollie continued his walk, leaving the deadly battle and the bloody body behind.

{EDIT - 


7:57pm Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Sona, I'm having a little trouble reading your post o.o
I'll change that Grave. I actually didn't realize the connection until you mentioned it. Sorreh. ))


8:31pm Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{Yes, I know. Some kind of coding error.
It's fixed now, though.}


9:13pm Apr 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Fighting, violence, death.

That's all this was; all this had
turned into. It had been fun once, a sport, a game. Nothing serious came
 of it, and nothing but your pride would be wounded should you fail.
Back before the Academy and whatever else had ruined their lives, the
very foundation of what Pokemon battling was about.


 blinked as he was pulled from his reverie by his Ninetales, his paw on
his knee, trying to get his attention. He jerked his head towards the
side, unsettling red eyes glowing momentarily before it settled onto
several figures in the distance. HIs trainer sighed and slowly stood up,
 only relaxing when he saw it was a couple passing "hunters" such as
himself. His hand reached out to lightly stroke his Ninetales, Selion,
between his ears. His silver fur shone with a healthy sheen, blue-tipped
 tails swaying lazily behind him.

"Looks like there isn't going
to be a battle so soon," Echo murmured softly. A ghost of a smile tugged
 his lips upward before the same usual look of indifference returned,
leaving him looking bored. Selion moved to curl his lean body around his
 trained, whose eyes narrowed only once before he began to walk off,
lifting a hand in greeting when he managed to run into any other
"hunters" patrolling the area.

One caught his eye most often,
though. The one with the Lampent, whom was released to eat the souls of
the trainers who were defeated. It was a strange strategy, to say the
least. An interesting theory.

Following this train of thought,
Echo chuckled, stroking his Pokemon's long, silken fur. What made a
trainer do that? Allow their Pokemon to feed on the souls of a fellow
trainer? It was an interesting thought process, one the oh-so-enigmatic
Echelon would love to study further. The trainer, whose name seemed to
have left him, seemed to be...alright with the prospect of feeding a
person's life to their Pokemon after forcing the other trainer to watch
their Pokemon die. Another ghost of a grin tugged at his lips and he
reached down to pull another Pokeball off of his belt, tossing it up in
the air to release his Spiritomb, Toll. He caught both the Pokeball and
the Odd Keystone the spirit was bound to, glancing at the creature with
an air of curiosity.

They did not consume souls, so then
why would a Lampent need to? Why could it survive on other means, what
made the Lampent act the way it did? It was mysterious, especially since
 Echo's only Ghost-type was hi mellowed-out Spiritomb who didn't seem to
 care one way or another how things went. "Pokemon and humans are so
strange," he mused, glancing up when he heard footsteps.

Ah. That trainer. What perfect timing.

 Keystone and Toll in hand and Selion at his side, Echo strode forward,
head tilted a fraction of a degree. "You. I've had a question for you
since I heard about you and your Lampent. What drives you?"

((Midnight to be edited in upon my return I guess.))

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