6:19am Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 12:18am Feb 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
"It's your choice to make, entirely. It's either this, or that!" x Storyline Auburn City is yet another normal city. ...Yet it isn't normal. Four households, each with a child/teen , aged 6-18, that hold the power of Earth, Wind, Water and Fire in their hands. They are guided by Foxes, who are the guardians of the ones who are gifted with the power of the elements. The eight , four humans and four foxes, go through friendship, teamwork... And romance. It's either they stay with their family, or save Auburn City from chaos when a star falls from the sky, and another fox is born: The Fox that holds the 'element' of Chaos. x Rules - You are to choose one of the households stated on the third post and insert that as your characters' last name. There should be about 15-20 characters , and 4 families.
- There shall only be five foxes, the last , which holds the element of Chaos, should appear about one or two pages after the RP starts. Which means, that the person who wants to RP that special fox must make a human.
- One elemental human/fox, two normal humans.
- What happens when the elemental people are parted from their families? The families would probably not be informed, or they'd just know of it, but they would not be with the elemental people. Confusing.
- Post 'Choice.'in your choice of color to join.
- Be active.
- No flawless people who can have a whole trunkload of suitors all holding roses to this girl. Noway.
- Gender ratio even, the two-female-one male, and the two-male-one-female rule. Or else. *Sways gender pendant*
- Literate RP. At least 5 sentences.
- If TLD joins she'd be co-owner, since she's awesome o_o"
- No going more than 2 pages without someone. Nobody gets left behind, don't waste all your posts on a conversation that only person A and person B have, then everyone would be all @_@
- Talk in OOC / Brackets when not RPing.
- The foxes will 'whisper' as voices in the characters' heads when the journey is about to begin. I'd be the first , as usual, to say, then the others could start whispering too.
- No, 'Chaos' isn't an element. It's just a fox that causes... chaos. o_o
- Don't ask to join, just post your bios and it's either accept or decline.
- If you want to have an elemental person/fox, make at least one other character that is normal.
- Romance is allowed/ encouraged.
- Foxes have powers . If you make a fox that doesn't hold any element, there isn't much it can do, so you can pretty much kil-- uh, not use that character. In other words, don't make a bio/Roleplay it. (What am I saying o_o)
- A human and a fox of each element. Only. Period.
x Bio Name: [Did you read the rules? Remove these messages, by the way] Age: Gender: Fox/Human: Element: [Remove this part if you're a normal person.] Appearance: Personality: [No RP it outs, at least give a few words.] Others: x Events RP has not started.

6:19am Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 6:22am Feb 4 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
Characters Elemental People: Elemental foxes:
6:20am Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 12:17am Feb 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
Households Elemental people marked with an * Lyroses Kaoru - me Selina - TLD Dixons Aplikas *Robin - TLD (Earth) Hastes Aine - TLD Daemon - TLD Foxes Nilex (Wind) - me Vorlos (Chaos) -TLD Male:Female 4:3
6:20am Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 11:13pm Feb 4 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
Name: Kaoru Lyrose Age: 16 Gender: Female Fox/Human: Human Appearance:  (Without the cat ears and tail..) Personality: Kinda sweet, but don't go on her bad side. Say a word against her family and she'd go antisocial on you for a few days. When she's lonely she'd hang around in a place where nature is everywhere. Name: Storm Lyrose Age: 18 Gender: Male Fox/Human: Human Appearance: ta:image/jpg;base64,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*censored*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alt="" /> (Without the neko things.) Personality: Mostly antisocial around people other than his family, not because he's shy, but thinks they're inferior. Storm often shuts himself in his room, only coming out when needed, or when he's in a good mood. When someone approaches him on a trip to, say, bedroom to the bathroom, and get involved in a conversation, he'd forget/choose not to go back to his room. When he needs to get something from his bedroom, he just stays there for the rest of the day till the 'cycle' starts again. Others: Name: Nilex Age: Young adult Gender: Male Fox/Human: Fox Appearance: (Because of his element, he has wings. He's a silver fox.) Personality: When angry/sad , he would fly up to the highest rock he can find and stay there to think and have time to himself. He hates it when it's extremely hot and there isn't any wind anywhere. A heavy rain sometimes annoys him, for he thinks that it's too 'unnatural' when the plants' leaves do not sway in the wind gently, but violently rocks around.

7:08am Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 379
Name: Tianna Aplika [Is that right?] Age: 15 Gender: Female Fox/Human: Human Element: Fire Appearance: Personality: Feisty, very protective. A little slow to catch on sometimes, but overall very creative and jolly. Is in complete love with wolves, and spends a lot of time drawing them. Also loves to sing
7:09am Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 379
I'm not sure how to add pictures, when I find out I'll post my appearance ^.^ Oh, and: Choice: Orange
10:46pm Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
[[Yep, but are you literate, Ginger? Added a new rule, I'll add two characters, and hopefully you'll read the new rule.]]
11:01pm Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 379
[What is literate? O.o Sorry, I'm not very good with these things. I have read the new rule, and will post the form when I find out what literate is]
11:08pm Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
[Literate is , like, using proper punctuation, being able to roleplay well, etc. Example of an illiterate (not literate) person: kaoru open de dooor & see that storm was screming she asked him "why are you screming???????" Example of a literate person: Kaoru opened the door and saw that Storm was screaming. She asked him, in a sisterly tone, "Why are you screaming?" Hrr, yep :o if you decide that you don't want to roleplay in this, you can replace your bio with a bump using the 'edit' under your avatar.))
11:14pm Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 4,914
Ooc: Sorry for stalking, but. I'd call your example of illiterate "the lowest level of semi-literate". My definition of illiterate is "kaoru opens the door sees that storm was yeling. why r u screeming she ask," because people actually write like that. ...//goes back into lurking after making a pointless spampost
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
11:16pm Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
[Lol, that isn't exactly spam ^^ I've seen people RPing like my 'illiterate example', so I'd just splash it there. Yours be better ^^ ]
11:20pm Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 4,914
Ooc: //more pointless spamposts Asdfghjkl. I thought these people were above using more than my mental limit of four question/exclamation marks. Guess not.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
11:23pm Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[Yo Twint. tl;dr ._. But I do love your rules 8D xD So... I think you should let people RP two foxes/people if they want. Or else they'll just join with the special characters as girls, and there will ONLY be girls. And that's um. You know. So boring I'll barf. ]]
11:24pm Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 12:18am Feb 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 379
[I see what you mean now. That's fine. I usually am literate when writing, especially in RPs.] Name: Tianna Aplika [Is that right?] Age: 15 Gender: Female Fox/Human: Human Appearance: But with darker, more ginger hair Personality: Feisty, very protective. A little slow to catch on sometimes, but overall very creative and jolly. Is in complete love with wolves, and spends a lot of time drawing them. Also loves to sing Name: Mallah Age: Young Adult Gender: Male Fox/Human: Fox Appearance: Element- Fire Personality: Very gentle and kind, willing to help out in most situations. When threatened, he will often just walk off and stay alone for a few hours, before returning as if nothing happened. Will often just wander off in a daydream. Name: Darren Aplika Age: 16 Gender: Male Fox/Human: Human Appearance:  Personality: Into old fashioned stuff, and likes to decorate his room with things he gets in auntique shops. Loves music and horses, and is usually smiling, but he has a very bad temper when it comes to bad things happening [ie, snapping, silence, locking himself in his room] He is Tianna's brother. [I think I've done everything you said... o.o]
11:26pm Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 11:27pm Feb 4 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
[[You do know where is the edit, right? You can edit the post instead of actually making another ._." And the only foxes in this RP have elements, so Mallah won't actually have much to do , so.. o_o"]]
11:39pm Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 379
[[I completely forgot about that. It's probably 'cause it's half four in the morning where I am. I'm a tad slow right now. Anyhoo, I got a bit confuzzled about the foxes O.o What Elements can they have?]]
11:42pm Feb 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[Twinters ignored my post? D: Blasphemy. Anyway. You go read that. And may I has Chaos fox? o3o And why can't I RP two elementals and two foxes? You should make the rule like: For every elemental, make 2 humans. Or something along those lines. And you totally stole Daemon's last name :U ]]
11:47pm Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 11:49pm Feb 4 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
[Didn't see it O____O Anyway, they can have the element of Earth, Wind, Fire & Water, but only one fox and one human can have it. Also ~ It's just unfair that , since there's eight only, let's say four people join as elementals. Selfiiish. :C Unless, yep, an elemental, and two humans. I stole his last name because I totally KNEW you'd join. /Psychic. Remember that if you make the Chaos fox, two normal humans :U Kay, luffeh?]
11:55pm Feb 4 2011 (last edited on 12:12am Feb 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[Fein. I'm going to join with my GUY as an elemental, 'cos I'm just so freakin' nice :c But it won't be my Daemon 8D ]] choice Name: Aine Haste Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Aine is soft and rather caring. She's wishy-washy, and a hesitant girl. Aine's almost never confident in her decisions, and adores animals. Usually around or controlling fire, however, she gets much more confident, and sometimes almost feels the after-effects of fire. For up to an hour, she'll become snappy, fiery and suffer an almost immediate change in personality. Crush: Open Appearance:  Other: None. --- What you'll never find is explosive so hide your eyes Name: Selina Lyrose Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Selina is playful and energeticShe's mischievous and loves trouble, and is normally outgoing and friendly. She does have a short temper, and an intolerance for little kids. Sometimes when she's being the usual Selina, her messages don't really get across right and can easily be interpreted as her being mean or rude. Crush: Open Appearance: --- Name: Daemon Haste // Robin Aplika [what a strange name ._.] Age: 17 // 16 Gender: Male // Male Element: lol // Earth Personality: Daemon is a very quiet and tolerant boy. He has a calm and sometimes cold demeanor, and is strategic and quick-thinking. If Robin is fire, he is water. Daemon prefers to sit back and think. Because he's a rather studious, Daemon is experienced in many things. But because of his background which I will not disclose, Daemon is somewhat vain and insensitive. // Robin is energetic, flamboyant and overly curious. He's much like Selina in many ways. He, however, does not bother hiding his feelings, and is like an open book. Robin is also a devious prankster and a joker. He also loves animals for some reason, and climbing trees. He and Daemon are unnaturally close, as Daemon had taken pity on Robin during a slave convention and bought him. Daemon treats Robin like a brother most of the time. Unlike some slaves, Robin has learned reading and writing. Crush: Open // Open Appearance: Robin is de brunette holding a knife, and Daemon is ze blonde one c: Other: I would like to say openly that I would not accept crushes that are Mary Sues, from people that look like they put almost no thought into the bio [i.e. Lack of personality and picture], and from people that only RP girls. I find mega-feminists very unfair. I mean, there are probably lots of girls like me on this site, and I know plenty that can play guys perfectly fine. So stop making up excuses and at least try to RP a guy. No. I can safely say that all men/boys do not have cooties, pneumonia or any silly thing. End note: I know you guys would probably think I'm being picky, but this is my 'unfair' decision and you should let me roll with it. - Name: Vorlos Age: 18, fox years Gender: Male Element: CHAOS :U Appearance: Personality:He's a devious little trickster and jester. Vorlos is a smooth-talking wolf, able to charm the other gender with his speeches and flicks of his tail. He's extremely good at lying, and doesn't like forming close relationships of any kind with anyone.Crush: None.

12:01am Feb 5 2011 (last edited on 12:10am Feb 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
[ You can post it now, but he/she doesn't appear till about two pages. And 'Aplika' was pulled off my sister. She's a weird wumminz. ;c Ginger, please, please, remove Mallah, or make him have an element other than Wind & Chaos o__o" And there's no flaw in Darren, you see. & Omaigosh, what's a family without a head ? :U Where did all those adults go, hrr, or let's just make them orphans/ NPCs? xD]