12:47am Feb 16 2013 (last edited on 9:35pm Feb 21 2013)
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Posts: 384
Current season: Spring Year: 2040 Hello there. I'm going to skip along right to the rules, and desc[injection]ription. I will spruce up this page a wee bit later in the night. :3 Don't be shy, We are always accepting new members. It is never too late to join! :)INFO:You do not have to have multiple characters. I don't know about you, but I end up favoring one over the other (When I give myself multiple characters), and it turns into a chore to post anything for that specific character. >_> RULES:Keep this thread Rescreatu appropriate. Please and thank you. No cussing in every sentence, It is appreciated by no one. :/ Use proper grammar... I will flip over the keyboard if you break this rule. :P At least three sentences per rp post. Literate, as well as inexperienced rpers may join, as long as you follow the rules listed above. Relationships encouraged, violence is alright as long as it doesn't result in death. Don't feel that the size of your rp post determines how skilled you are. We all have our "off" days. Bio skeleton: Name/Full name: Age: Picture/desc[injection]ription: Personality: Family: City or town?: Day or night kind of person: Accent?: Sport?: Pet(Optional): Desc[injection]ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): Habits bad/good (Optional): Height(Optional): Past(Optional): Fears/Phobias(Optional): other: Misc for bio (add to bio if you wish <3)Favorites:Favorites: music: Books: Magazines: Food: Drinks: Animal: Sports: Color: Etc.Pet Peeves: motivation: Goals and hopes: Favorite school subject: Astrological sign: The school: (Pic Credit goes to B-F-G on Deviantart) The school is located in town, and is only a short walking distance from those who live there. Those who live in the city however, may have a bit more of a challenge getting to class on time if their alarm decides to "shut its self off" again. It is fairly large, with more than enough room in both the classrooms, and outdoors. Includes: Library Office Empty storage rooms Large football feild Track Large feild (Soccer maybe?) pool No lunchroom... you eat outside whether you like it or not. >:D The park: I do not take credit for this imageThe beach is about a mile from the school, and park. It is right where the town and city meet, sitting on the edge of them both. For some odd reason, it is never teeming with people. (Yes, teeming is a real word. I got bugged about this before, if you haven't noticed. xD) Town: all credit goes to tohad on deviantartThe town is a pretty mellow place, with the acception of occasional disturbances. Everyone here knows everyone, so if anything out of the ordinary happens, the news travels fast. The town is the closer to the school than the city, so cars are not needed by any means. It is practically connected to the city, so you can go back and forth as you wish. There are a few restaurants, small parks, and small shops. Connected city: all credit goes to gamefan84 on deviantart all credit goes to titusLunter on deviantartThe city has a much faster pace, and can get quite loud at night... good luck getting more than five hours sleep. It is a bit more crowded than the town, but that is because of all it's attractions. The town is a ways away from the school, so you may have a bit more of a challenge getting to class on time if your alarm decides to "shut its self off" again. The city and town are practically connected, so there is no reason not to go over and visit. There are clubs, restaurants, malls, and just about anything else you can think of.
12:51am Feb 16 2013 (last edited on 9:38pm Feb 21 2013)
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Posts: 384
Name/Full name: Ever Age: 16.5 Picture/desc[injection]ription: WIP All credit goes to shycrow on DeviantartPersonality: Calm, Observant, generous, kindhearted, reliable, and quite passive. She Gestures a lot while speaking, and can’t tell a persuasive lie for the life of her. She has a fear of parties, as well as drinkers. The details of that, as well as the rest of her quirks, likes, regrets, and past will be unraveled throughout the rp. Family: Mother, deceased father, deceased younger sister, older brother. Town or city: Town Day or night kind of person: leaning towards night Accent?: Australian... I had to. Sport?: Previously track & field (Had issues with the hurdles xD) Pet(Optional): Black cat called Blackout Desc.ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): Even though her family grew up poor, Ever was able to obtain a house from her grandfather's will: Habits bad/good (Optional): Writes with left hand, but does everything else with her right. Height(Optional): 5'0 Fun size! xD Past(Optional): Find it out through the rp. Fears/Phobias(Optional): drunk/dysfunctional parents, drinks in general, parties. other: Can not drink anything with ice in it. (Sensitive teeth) Favorite school subject: Language arts Favorite music: Instrumental Favorite color: Electric purple Astrological sign: Pices
4:48am Feb 16 2013 (last edited on 6:11pm Feb 20 2013)
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Posts: 9,781
Name/Full name: Lily Taylor Age: 17 Picture/desc[injection]ription: She has dark brown hair that is wavy and curly and was recently cut and she's trying to go back out. Right now her hair goes a bit past her shoulders. She wears a black tank-top,black capri-pants that go to her knees,and,normally,no shoes,but at school wears black flip-flops. Her skin is tanned,her eyes are greenish-blue,her body is muscularly built and has no fat on it,and she has scars on her wrists from cutting. Personality: She is what you would call 'weird' and has serious anger issues,which most fear her because of. She has a soft spot in her heart for animals and babies and spends a-lot of time with her wolf-pup. She loves to get into water and is seen at the beach a-lot. She goes there at night,sometimes,too and will stay there for a few hours. Very adventurous and mysterious,also,causing most to thing she is even more strange. Rp the rest out. Family: A ll dead,in-fact,no one knows that she lives alone. City or town?: Town,but would love it if she could move to the country when she gets the chance. Day or night kind of person: Night Accent: She's got the Oklahoma accent. Sport: Swimming Pet: A black wolf-pup,but most think it's just a plain-ol' dog. It still has its eyes sealed shut and will for,probably,another week. Desc[injection]ription of house: A black two-story. Habits bad/good: She has a habit of not thinking before doing when she is angry. Also,she has a habit of bringing stray animals in to her home. Height(Optional): 6'0" Past: Doesn't like to talk about it. Fears/Phobias: Losing her precious wolf-pup and big cities. Other: She's is more like the outcast of the school
Favorites: music: Christian Books: Animal Related Magazines: Animal Related Food: Steak Drinks: Dr. Pepper Animal: Wolves and Dragons Sports: Swimming Color: Black,blood red,and silver
Etc. Goals and hopes: To get a job that involves animals. Favorite school subject: Art and Choir,also Science.
(Mostly based on me. Will finish later.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
2:20pm Feb 16 2013 (last edited on 10:08pm Feb 16 2013)
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Posts: 384
Finally, I have finished editing! xD
1:19am Feb 17 2013
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Posts: 895
I vote for a school. Name/Full name: Vega Nightingale Age:16 Picture/desc[injection]ription: He has wavy black hair, glasses, and abs.[[I couldn't help myself. ;w;]] He wears skinny jeans. Personality: He's very flirtatious and likes to do it. He's very nice towards girls. He also loves to pull pranks on people. He has a very, shall we say, developed sense of humor. He has a very sentimental side that he only reveals to those he loves. Family: Parents and three sisters, all younger City or town?: He lives in the town, but usually travels to the city at nights. If he feels mellow, he stays at home. Day or night kind of person: Night Accent?: Many. Sport?: He plays basketball. Pet(Optional): He has many pets and always seems to have a small one on him. Desc[injection]ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): ... Habits bad/good (Optional): He has a flirting habit, unless he has a girlfriend. Height(Optional): 5'9 and three quarters. xD Past(Optional): Is a navy kid, so gives himself different accents at different times. Fears/Phobias(Optional): Color: Maroon and other shades of red. Drink: Dr. Pepper Music: He loves to listen to Green Day. other: Most of him is based on me.
Sorry for crappy bio. I just really think this will be a good rp. |

5:25am Feb 17 2013 (last edited on 9:41pm Feb 21 2013)
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Posts: 384
I'm pretty darn glad someone said this will be a good rp. I was slightly terrified it would crash and burn within eight hours. xD
7:28am Feb 19 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Bio almost done.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
2:22am Feb 20 2013 (last edited on 2:50am Feb 20 2013)
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Posts: 331
Bio skeleton:
Name/Full name: Ed Age: 19 Picture: Personality: Shy, clumsy, awkward, lovable, clingy Family: He didn't stay in touch with any of his siblings, lives alone City or town: city Day or night kind of person: Night Accent: Yes please. British. Sport: None Pet: Cat, Belini. Desc[injection]ription of house: Small flat, messy and covered in clothes and food wrappers, filled out with the strong scent of vanilla scented candles and smoke. Habits bad/good: Bad habits - He gets easily attached to people ergo he's usually over protective. And he tends to eat too much. He has low self esteem. Height: 1,71m Past: He was born in a small English village and moved to the city with his parents at a young age. He then proceeded to live alone in a flat, staying in touch with only a few of his friends. He soon became a complete introvert, only leaving his flat to grab food. Fears/Phobias: Commitment other: None
Favorites: Music: Acoustic Books: Harry Potter, Perks of being a wallflower Food: Fajitas, Fried chicken and Peri Peri chips Drinks: Cold coffee Animal: Cat Color: Orange
Sheeran away
2:51am Feb 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 331
Oh and when will this be starting? c:
Sheeran away
3:50am Feb 20 2013
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Posts: 65
Name/Full name: Jack and Finn Harries Age: 17/17 Picture/desc[injection]ription:
 Personality: There Fun to be around. There social and love to play, But be careful they play a lot of pranks. Family: There twins and they have parents City or town?: Town Day or night kind of person: Day Accent?: British Sport?: None Pet(Optional): Sid the Dragon
 Desc[injection]ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary):
 Habits bad/good (Optional): Height(Optional): Past(Optional): Fears/Phobias(Optional): other: None
Hey There people!
6:06am Feb 20 2013 (last edited on 11:42pm Feb 21 2013)
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Posts: 698
Name/Full name: Lucas DesperadoAge: 18 Picture/desc[injection]ription: [above link]
Personality: A bit of a prankster, Lucas just simply loves to do what ever he wants when he wants to. He prefers to think of himself as a guy who doesn't 'Go with the flow', he Alters the flow. Other than that he's extremely proud and stubborn, and is prone to moodiness and sulking. Lucas has the uncanny ability to annoy anyone and everyone whenever.
Family: A brother called Johnny. He fondly calls him Johnnycake. He's also got a rich dad.
City or town?: City Day or night kind of person: Night Accent?: Spanish/Italian Sport?: Football (soccer) and basket ball. Pet(Optional): Fall, the German Shepard. Desc[injection]ription of house: Link Habits bad/good (Optional): Left handed and has an absurd obsession of sleeping where ever and when ever he can.
Height(Optional): 6'5
Past(Optional): n/a Fears/Phobias(Optional): Has a fear of failing his father's expectations.
Music: Acoustic, but anything that's on is cool with him. Food: Ice cream and pasta. Drinks: Coke and Coffee Animal: Dogs... Or cats.. Anything really. Sports: Football by far. Color: Black and gray/blue Favorite school subject: Art, Music and P.E are all even Astrological sign: Aries
8:03am Feb 20 2013
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Posts: 76
((I have to dash off to work now but I would love to join as a city girl when I get back))
6:11pm Feb 20 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(My bio is done and a few things have been changed.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
6:31pm Feb 20 2013
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Posts: 68
Name/Full name: Tiffany Age: 19 Personality: Sweet,Outgoing,Sporty,Athletic,Talented,Funny Family: Lives On Her own City or town?: Town Day or night kind of person: Night Accent?: None Sport?: Voulting Pet(Optional): Magic Desc[injection]ription of house (I would prefer if you would fill this out, but is not necessary): Country house TIFFANY  HOUSE  HORSE (VOULTING) 
9:41pm Feb 20 2013
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Posts: 384
We can start anytime. Might as well begin now... I have to ask. Would anyone be alright with starting us off? I'm in the middle of a crap load of homework. I can't think right now for the life of me. xD (I literally just sat here trying to start the rp for a solid twenty min drawing a blank while multitasking with homework... :/)
10:20pm Feb 20 2013
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Is it too late to join?
This looks really interesting. ^^ ]]
11:40pm Feb 20 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 384
It's not too late at all. I don't think I'm going to ever include a cutoff on this rp. xD
5:18am Feb 21 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 331
Yes Vin. Join. Do it. Good. Okay.
Sheeran away
10:24am Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 68
tiffany was out at the barn carrying a feed bucket as she walked down the dusty dirt pathway the bucket smacked against her leg harshly she got to the barn she swung open the old creaky barn door and looked inside she walked downn the barn isle and was welcomed by her horse magic she smiled and stroked the mares gentle face she smiled she walked to the feed room and filled up the bucket with magics usuall she came back and dropped it on the iron hook and let magic eat she smiled and went into the tack room and grabbed only her bridle today they were going riding at the beach bareback which she loved! she walked back down the isle in her light blue plaid tank top and grey shorts she apprached the mares stall she removed the bucket and opened the stall door she slipped on the bridle and held onto the riens with her arm and groomed her thoroughly then led her out of the stall. She closed the stall door and locked it she led magic out into bright morning sunlight she grabbed onto the magics black mane and sung up on the mares back she dugg her heels into the mares side making her trott she bounced a little on the peppy mare she headed into the trails
1:23pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 4,873
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33