12:08pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 2:02pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 2,963
Random ti tle. Dunno. I like that song. Really short though. Not good for an A.D.D. person. ^^;
The moon is high the earth does sleep clothed in silk of dark so deep
The graveyard ghosts cry in the night broken dreams and shattered wings they feel it is unfair to suffer in the endless blight
Around the stones A sound weaves throughout A sorrowfilled song it echos about
To tell a tale of ages past to sing a song of the souls last
Breath is sacred this is true but to them it's even more for they are blue
Guard your soul from evil marauders Restless beings brought to the slaughters
With gun and crucifix step bravely on find the souls and right the wrong
Okay. Bleh. Not my best work, but its the plot thingy. This is a tale of Hunters. Hunt the Suckers(Vampires), the werewulfen(Werewolf), zombies(Reanimated dead), whatever.
Rules You can be fully human, a dhamphyre (Human, with even a little bit of sucker. They dont have any cravings for blood), a skin changer (A wulf, but not fully. Bitten while a virgin, so theres a 'closed door' XD. They can change at will, though usually nly when angered, and dont have blood lust)
You CANNOT be a full blood Sucker, Wulf, zombie, banshee or any other thing that goes bump in the night.
No PP or GM
Listen to Tode and dont OOC fight
To join, post a freeform or create a bio. Include an intro with said bio. (Freeform is RPing your character out. I find it only a little easier)
This thingy in a small container that was probably used to hold peanut butter: Fight the creepies and send souls to their rests. The end. Keep it clean...language and otherwise I will post when first person does. Rawr.
Resident mounted archer
12:11pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Oh. An drawing ish be mine. No dun steal or I'll go Todeo on you))
Resident mounted archer
12:14pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Things that go bumb in the night. *u* *Lurk*
12:19pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Aww. Just lurking?))
Resident mounted archer
1:11pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Blah. Whatever.))
Matrix watched the zombie as it stepped towards her, an unholy red light in the back of its pupils, surrounded by a sky blue, glazed over with death. The tall girl stared at the reanimated corpse, calculating the odds that the revolvers bullet would hit it in the heart. They didnt seem good; she wasnt good with guns and the thing was fast on its feet. How hard could it be? she asked herself, bracing. Point and shoot... The sound of thunder and flash of lightning rang throughout the ally-way of the dark town.
Mat walked away, the zombie quickly decomposing to dust as she did. Maybe she felt a little sorry for the things, but once dead, one should stay such and not try to eat the living. She brushed white blonde hair from her gray eyes and looked around the dark night before setting off, the moon causing the natural black streaks in her hair to shine oddly, but such an oddity was common in female dhamphyres, the rarity of the mixed breeds.
Resident mounted archer
1:18pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((-Paws- I wanna join.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:30pm Mar 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,963
((Yay!! You can haz join!!!))
Resident mounted archer
1:36pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Quick question! What's a wulf?))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
1:39pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 1:56pm Mar 20 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 305
Name: Addie Jane ( you can call herAddie or Jane, she doesnt care. )
Age: Nineteen
Race: Skin Changer Gender: Female Appearance: 
Wolf Appearance: While in Wolf form, Addie has very long legs, as well as a long tail, though she is not lanky, she is incredibly muscular, almost manly looking. Her pelt is a midnight black, with a white star shape on her forehead, and her eyes are still the same color blue. Her claws potrude out from her paws, and are also a pure white, like the star. Her tongue also has the same star, but it changes colors. When she is angry, it turns to a deep midnight black, and if she is calm or in her focused state of hunting, it remains a pure white. Her front left paw has the slightest touch of white on the toes. Other: Checkmate; the only guy in Addie's life. (for now. She hopes to find a wulf to love.) 
1:41pm Mar 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,963
((A wulf is a variant spelling of wolf...a werewolf/wulf. Suckers are vampires. I knew there was somethin I forgot to specify...Ill do that when I get back. ^^ Cool, Gordo!))
Resident mounted archer
1:56pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,943
Dravius trotted through the night, his white skin glowing in the pale moonlight. His spiky black hair stuck a few inches off his head, and his angular face was tight as he looked through the trees, a skinchanger out of place in the natural beauty. Suddenly, the tall boy accelerated, branches whipping across his face, leaving a cacophany of scrtaches to join the small scores across his cheeks. His red eyes almost glowed in the darkness, and he screeched to a stop outside a town, his nostirls flaring as he took in the scent of many humans, and he covered his eyes and growled, the sound escalating into a savage roar, and his form twisted until it was a large, ash grey wolf, the eyes the same haunted crimson as he skidded into town in the dead of night. The canine shuderd, and Dravius stood in it's place, swaying, until he staggered to a door way, throwing the door open and growing at the inhabitants, sharp teeth glinting as he collapsed on the floor.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:07pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie was running, the wind was running through her pelt, and she could smell the decomposing dust of a zombie. She slid as she turned around the bend of the trees, breathing hard as she tried to stay alert enough to catch even the slightest movements. She brought herself to a stop, crouching beneath a bush, watching the dhamphyre, trying to compose her breath. She calmed herself, and stepped out of the underbrush. Being a yound Skin Changer, she had never encountered these creatures before. She sat on her hind quarters, hoping she wouldnt have to shift in order to stay alive. If they acted violent or aggressive, she would run. She had no idea what she was up against here. The curiosity killed the cat. That's what everybody always said to her; she would have to see for herself. She had already cheated death a few times in the past few months, one more would be nothing. Unless this creature was far more powerful then she had expected. Her breath steadied, and she flicked her ears, a sign to the girl that she was posing no threat.
2:13pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 2:13pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 2,963
Mat looked at the skinchanger and wet her dry lips with her tongue, trying to get rid of the taste of the reanimated, who was naught but a pile of dust and rotten clothes even as she turned to watch. "So. Not many of your kind around here," She said emotionlessly, turning back to the wulf. "Good for you. The few, the proud, the skinchangers." She snorted and walked away, combat boots hardly making a sound as the wind whipped her black coat around her slender form.
Resident mounted archer
2:27pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 305
Addie flinched, not many were so blunt about things. She quickened her pace, and shifted back to her human-ish form. She caught up with Mat quickly, her breath and heartrate hadnt changed, she was used to running by now. "I haven't seen another person for months. Are you all so distant around here?" She looked around, the only town she had seen for miles was outside the woods, and down a huge hill. She hadnt dared to go out into it, people were so unpredictable. She shook her hair, trying to relieve it of dirt and such from running and being in bushes, and a few twings snapped her in the face. She flinched, and went about her way. Poison had followed her, to her dismay when she left home. He was following her at her flanks, tripping her up every few seconds. He was growing fast, and he was actually able to keep up most of the time.
2:35pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"No. I dont think so." Mat replied, glancing sidways at the other female. "Im just not a people person. Prefer animals; they arnt usually trying to kill me." She gestured behind her at the rotweiler pup. "He yours?"
Resident mounted archer
6:30pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 305
"Yes, he's mine. His name is Posion, and I am Addie Jane. You smell different... may I ask who.. or what you are?" She gave a small smile, wanting to keep the tension down. The last thing she needed was some obviously powerful creature against her. These woods werent exactly huge, and she had already relocated, which she still didnt know wether it was a mistake or not. She decided sub-consiously that she would go into the town the next morning. Just to see how her people skills were holding up. And what other kind of people existed out here.
6:37pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,963
"Im a dhamphyre." Matrix responded, purposfully forgetting to say her name. "I may smell different 'cause I havnt washed in three days." she shoved her hands in the pockets of her dark blue jeans, the cuff of her jacket sliding up to reveal a startling band of neon green, one on each wrist.
Resident mounted archer
6:45pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 305
"It's beyond dirt. you smell of blood and...orchids." She shifted her nose, this sense had been heightened, due to being bitten. "So wait, if you're like, a vampire thing, why arent you out hunting people instead of zombies?" She gave small giggle, she tended to be a bit more immature than others. This had come with being forever nineteen, and the fact that she hasnt yet gotten a taste of the real world. She cracked her neck, and shifted her muscles under her skin, flicking off all of the insects. She looked around, the feeling that something had gone wrong. Though half the time it didnt even involver her. just heightened senses.
8:10pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,943
The family looked at the young skinchanger collapsed by their hearth, shocked into silence. Then, shattering the spell, the youngest girl screamed, and panic broke loose in the small house, the three girls joining in, and the yound boy bursting into tears at the sight of the wulf. The screams echoed throughout the town, and reached far enough to be heard by two girls standing outside, talking suspiciously to each other.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:25am Mar 21 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 305
Addie's head jerked to the right, as she heard the sound of a child's scream. She nodded to the dhamphyre girl, and shifted to run. She grabbed Poison in her jaws, and ran towards the town. She knew it would be dangerous, but that wasn't the kind of scream that someone getting robbed had made. This was bigger. Her legs kicked dirt under her, carrying her farther with every step. She gave a howl and pounded the earth harder and harder as her breath became less and less steadied. Addie skidded to a stop just outside the house, where she could smell another changer.She nudged the door open with her nose, and walked in, trying to catch her breath. It had taken much of her energy not to roll down the hill from running so fast. She looked around the room, children, and even adults were scared for their lives. She could smell the fear in the room. She walked silently over to the other changer, and nudged him with her nose, hoping he would wake up. These humans weren't taking so kindly to him.