Let's Run |Gijinka| Can't Hide

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2:20am Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 3:32am Feb 26 2011)

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Posts: 5,998
Odear. The humans are at it again. The time of the Pokémon Gijinkas were over, or so we had thought. 100 years ago, Gijinkas were practically extinct, since the humans saw them as slaves and only animals of work.
Now, driven by greed, the humans have caught the very few Gijinkas left. The Legendaries.
They studied their DNA for months, and have created a formula that will allow them to fuse any Pokémon with any human, and already have experiments up and running.
Of course, the Legendaries and the new Gijinkas are upset. 
So shall they break out and run? Or will the ferocious little Oddishes and Geodudes the scientists created catch them?
fear it.
Fear the Oddish
Fear the Geodude 
The lab. The Legendaries and Gijinkas are put in a cage with three in each cage.
We'll create the rest as we go.
-No Mary/Gary Sues. I will check.
-Maximum of 2 Legendaries per person. No doubles.
-If you DO make 2 legendaries, they cannot be the same gender 
-Sorry, no bisexual/gay/lesbian characters :c 
-Post 'coveted treasures' to prove you have read the rules 
-For every legendary you make, you'll have to make a regular Pokémon Gijinka too.
-All Res rules apply, as usual 
-Do not ask to join. Just post your bios. 
-Nobody below 16
-Gender ratio even. If you join with two females, make a male. If you join with 3 females, make 2 males. If you dodge this rule by making one female, then you will be forced to make a male later on if the gender ratio is still uneven.
-FYI -pokes rule above- If you do just make one female, then ihu c: 
   LOL jk 
-Romance and violence encouraged.
- Say 'weaver' to join. 
-Highlight the rules.
-Respect everyone on this board.
find the secret word 
-Be active. If you are not, I will rMail you.
 you bunch of 
-Do not go more than two pages without anyone.
And do not post coveted treasures to join.
Bio Skeletons 
Pokémon DNA:
History: [optional. no sob stories. don't try and sound smart and say 'yeah, that's why it's optional' Just post N/A if you're too lazy -.-'']


2:20am Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 4:34am Mar 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Legendary Gijinka
Jeraud Sylander - Tld - Groudon
Arana Venus - Tld - Reshiram
Gira Nagasaki - RuRu13 - Jirachi
 Aroki - Mercyme6 - Entei
Allyana - Mercyme6 - Suicune
Tiina Kurosaki - VampireShadows - Victini
Mateo Kirkland - VampireShadows - Dialga 
Gijinka - Fakes
Marco Valone - Tld - Jolteon
Lucretia Valencia - Tld - Shedinja 
Jake Kurishira - RuRu13 - Salamence 
Alex - Mercyme6 - Absol
Taro - Mercyme6 - Poochyena 
 Sirocco - ilovetoshiro - Flygon
Ichigo - ilovetoshiro - Leafeon 
Dinka Toledo - VampireShadows - Glaceon 
Miza Fujimoto - VampireShadows - Absol 
Cage #1
Jeraud Sylander
Jake Kurishira
Cage #2
Arana Venus
Mateo Kirkland
Cage #3
Tiina Kurosaki
Cage #4
Marco Valone
Miza Fujimoto
Dinka Toledo
Lucretia Valencia 
 Gira Nagasaki


2:30am Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Name: Jeraud Sylander [usually called Jer]
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be 18
Pokémon DNA: Groudon
Pokemon Gijinka 
True to his Pokémon nature, Jeraud has a fiery and overall grouchy personality. When not bothered much, he's usually tolerable and calm, although Jer has a short temper and can snap easily.
He doesn't have any special feelings reserved for anyone, and that's how its going to be for a long time. 
Crush: None. He won't be the one to crush first.
Other: None
Name: Lucretia Valencia
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Pokémon DNA: Shedinja
Lucretia has a quiet and mysterious personality. She does have a short temper, and snaps out at anyone who bothers her too much. She's much more active in the morning, for some reason. She's in a better mood, she participates and voices her own opinions more often, but during the nights, she's best left alone. Lucretia rarely gives a smile, though sometimes people do see them in the mornings. 
Crush: Open
Other: None 
Name: Marco Valone
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Pokémon DNA: Jolteon
Jolteon gijinka 
Marco has a shy and quiet nature on the inside. During hard times, such as now, he's tougher and much more serious, almost cold. He's easily confused and usually misinterprets messages.
Crush: Open
Other: None 
Name: Arana Venus
Gender: Female
Age: Appears to be 17
Pokémon DNA: Reshirem
 Arana has a bit of a condescending personality, because she's a legendary. She doesn't like responsibility, and prefers to just laze around. She is rather clever, though, and sometimes could act like a pure-hearted girl. 
She's tactical and only likes to work with things to her advantage. She's also somewhat clumsy, for some reason, despite her appearance of being a graceful and haughty girl.
History: Was one of the last to be taken. owo Since she's among the youngest legendaries


3:25am Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 3:42am Feb 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,542

(I says Weaver... WE must find the 'coveted treasures.  XD) (sorry, gota log out but im probably gunna add another guy... idk about another girl unless you need me to...)


Name: Jake Kurishira
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Pokémon DNA: Salamence

Personality: Pretty easy to get along with when he's in a a good mood.His temper is very reasonable and he can be a bit mean at times. He's a nice guy and really doesnt show his mean side to those he knows. And he is furious that he was trapped in here. He didn't want to be fused, but was forced to of course.He prefers to be lazy but when called upon, he's a good help.
History: He was one of the few first to be fused with the pokemon.

 Other: none
Name: Gira Nagasaki
Gender: Female
Age: appears to be 16
Pokémon DNA: Jirachi
 (minus the bells in her hair.)
Personality: She is a mello girl and likes to have fun. Doesn't really see bad sides when she doesn't want to or when she wants to believe they are nice. She is very to herself at times and doens't really talk much. She has some issues with people becoming mad at her and what not. She tends to want to like to fight for fun. She likes to play pranks on people.She doesn't have a very stuck up attitude abou tbeing legendary, but she does show that at times. (princess status...)
Of the last to be taken and she hopes she can escape.
Crush: (open)
 Other: none


3:28am Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Ru... Gira's kind of. A Mary Sue. And her Pokémon card thing has a male sign at the bottom xD 
I'll go add Jake and reserve a spot for Jirachi.]] 


3:33am Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 3:37am Feb 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,542

(ahh.. I see what you mean now.. I'll fix her and find a pic without a symbol.. I thot that was a girl.... T-T



5:21am Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[Adorable x3 Accepted. Oya, I added another Pokémon to be feared. GEODUDE 8u ]]


1:04pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
(i saw that XD... its kind of funny... :3 anyways, im heading out of town...)


9:10pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ I have a knack for stumbling onto ugly pictures x.o Bump. ]]


10:41pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165
(( Weaver. Join as an absol, shiny eevee, shaymin, suicune, and poochyena?))

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

10:48pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 10:56pm Feb 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[No shinies, Angel, sorry :c

Yes, that's alright, Angel. Please edit your bios into one of your posts, so we don't spam up the board. We really need more members xD]]


10:55pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 11:26pm Feb 26 2011)

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Posts: 6,165

Pokémon DNA:Entei
Appearance: up
Personality:Aroki is a mean guy. He doesn't have intentions of it, but, he can be good.. sometimes. He has a fiery personality.
History: I'll kill you.
 With my fireballs.

Name:Allyana (Ally)
Pokémon DNA:Suicune
Appearance: up
Personality:Ally is really open. She cares for others, and is very nice. She hides her problems and handles with others too. She's no pushover though. She has many problems, which seem to bother her every now and then. Ally is the only one who can calm her brother down.
History: Wanna see a legendary mad?
Crush:-blushes- Open
 Aroki's sister.
Pokémon DNA:Absol
Appearance: up
Personality:Mystery. A real big mystery.
History: -growls-
Crush:Open, I guess
Pokémon DNA:Poohyena
Personality:A real bad boy. Taro has no respect for the rules. But, he's no jerk. He cares for others, the ones that he gives a care about.
History: I'll bite, try me.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

4:17am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 2:27pm Mar 17 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,805

(( weaver birds are awesome don't you think?

Question: Are the gijinka going to have powers that resemble pokemon moves?))



Name: Light
Gender: Female
Age: appears 20
Pokémon DNA: Giratina
(not my art)
Thumbnail provided by MakeAThumbnail.com
Light, like her fellows space and time, can loose control over her powers, however not to the extent of Time. She looks down on those who act imature, however has a soft spot for the 'fairy' legendaries. She will often give scornful looks to others.
History: N/A
Crush: N/A
Other: Is often mistaken as a male. Her voice is masculine.


Personality: Light, like her fellows space and time, can loose control over her powers, however not to the extent of Time. She looks down on those who act imature, however has a soft spot for the 'fairy' legendaries. She will often give scornful looks to others.
History: N/A
Crush: N/A
 Is a legendary.


Name: Vyn 
Gender: Female
Age: ... 18
Pokémon DNA: Pikachu
((This is the best i have so far...))
She has a spunky personality and is headstrong, disobeying any orders and doing what she thinks is right. She gets into arguments often and hates it when she loses in a battle. 
History: N/A
Crush: -cough-marco-cough-
Other: Her electricity is blue
Name: Ichigo (Berry) Honda
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Pokémon DNA: Leafeon
((Minus the cannon. not my art)) 
Personality: Ichigo is protective over his friends. He does before he thinks, which is what got him into this situation in the first place. abnormal things confuse him, so he is still to come to terms with what has happened.
History: N/A
Crush: N/A

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:06pm Feb 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
(when do we start? Im back from out of town. ^^)


5:44pm Feb 27 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[When more people join, Ru x3 ]]


6:58pm Feb 28 2011 (last edited on 2:27pm Mar 16 2011)

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Posts: 681

((Weaver` Coveted Treasures))

Name: Mateo Kirkland
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Pokémon DNA: Dialga
Mateo is extremely cold and viscious. He will not hesitate to bite back at someone. He believes that instead of a normal Dialga, he is part Primal Dialga, hich would be to blame for his attitude. He believes that one day he will be overcome by evil, and he will stop at nothing to  revert this. 
Crush: None (I don't really think there will be one >.>)

Name: Tiina Kurosaki
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Pokémon DNA: Victini
Tiina is very curious and cheerful. She looks much younger than she really is, but you could never tell due to the fact that she acts like a nine year old. Because of this, she is also frightened easily and cries often. She tries to get a long with everyone.
History: none
Name: Haji Necotoro
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Pokémon DNA: Metwo
Haji will flirt with ANYONE. He is a real badboy, and likes to annoy the already annoyed. He won't hesitate to ask you out or put fudge in your hat before you even meet.
Crush: None (open)
the wires are because he freed an experiment
Name: Dinka Toledo
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Pokémon DNA: Glaceon
Personality: Dinka is surprisingly laid back and cheery given his cold exterior. He is usually on the smiling, cheery side, but can be ice cold to enemies and people he dislikes. When bothered to a certain extent, Dinka turns unmoving and ice cold.
History: N/A
Crush: Open


2:31am Mar 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,805
((Oh... are we needed to say both of them? I see, you sneeky Ghost you. Coveted Treasure and now Re-saying weaver. ))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:14am Mar 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Actually, I meant people to just say 'weaver' o-o And er, Vammy, is it? :3 I said that the legendaries must be opposite genders :c ]]


4:32pm Mar 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 681
[[Ah~ Alrighty. It's just that there was a whole mess of gender stuff ^^ alrighty then- will fix]]


5:10pm Mar 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 681
[[Fixed ^-^ as long as 5th generation Pokemon are allowed >.>]]

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