8:27am Apr 30 2011 (last edited on 9:20am Apr 30 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
This is a remade RP :u Plot Odear. The humans are at it again. The time of the Pokémon Gijinkas were over, or so we had thought. 100 years ago, Gijinkas were practically extinct, since the humans saw them as slaves and only animals of work. Now, driven by greed, the humans have caught the very few Gijinkas left. The Legendaries. They studied their DNA for months, and have created a formula that will allow them to fuse any Pokémon with any human, and already have experiments up and running. Of course, the Legendaries and the new Gijinkas are upset. So shall they break out and run? Or will the ferocious little Oddishes and Geodudes the scientists created catch them? Fear the Oddish Fear the Geodude Setting The lab. The Legendaries and Gijinkas are put in a cage with three in each cage. We'll create the rest as we go. Rules -No Mary/Gary Sues. I will check. -Maximum of 2 Legendaries per person. No doubles. -If someone makes a male Legendary that has an opposite [say, Dialga], the opposite must not be the same gender [i.e. the Palkia will be female] -If you DO make 2 legendaries, they cannot be the same gender -Sorry, no bisexual/gay/lesbian characters :c -Post 'coveted treasures' to prove you have read the rules -For every legendary you make, you'll have to make a regular Pokémon Gijinka too. -No PP/GM -All Res rules apply, as usual -Do not ask to join. Just post your bios. -Nobody below 16 -NO. INSTA-CRUSH/INSTA-MATE. -Gender ratio even. If you join with two females, make a male. If you join with 3 females, make 2 males. If you dodge this rule by making one female, then you will be forced to make a male later on if the gender ratio is still uneven. -FYI -pokes rule above- If you do just make one female, then ihu c: LOL jk -Romance and violence encouraged. - Say 'lD' to join. I TRICKED YOU -Highlight the rules. INTO HIGHLIGHTING ZE RULES -Respect everyone on this board. find the secret word -Be active. If you are not, I will rMail you. you bunch of -Do not go more than two pages without anyone. And do not post coveted treasures to join. Bio Skeletons c Name: [Legendaries have no last names, but the Fake Gijinkas do] Gender: Age: Pokémon DNA: Personality: History: [optional. no sob stories. don't try and sound smart and say 'yeah, that's why it's optional' Just post N/A if you're too lazy -.-''] Crush:

8:28am Apr 30 2011 (last edited on 11:19pm Apr 30 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
Characters Legendary Gijinka Arana - Tld - Reshiram Levi - Tld - Rayquaza Gijinka - Fakes Leo Nitewyng - Tld - Murkrow Misaki Feu - Tld - Emboar Mikaela Aberdeen - Whatever6551 - Lopunny Kevia Williams - Whatever6551 - Gardevoir Archibold [Archie] bl ink - Whatever6551 - Raichu Jacoba Asher - Whatever6551 - Eevee Cage-Pairings Cage #1
9:18am Apr 30 2011 (last edited on 9:20am Apr 30 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
Name: Levi Gender: Male Age: Appears to be 18 Pokémon DNA: Rayquaza Appearance: Personality: Levi is more like the leader in the group. He's not exactly calm, but he'll be the one to yell at everyone to shut up if a fight starts. He's confident and jumps to conclusions a bit too quickly, but all he wants is safety for his friends. Levi also rushes things, and wants things to be done as quickly as possible, never mind the quality. He's strong and doesn't like it when people ob ject to his decisions, though Levi always tries to avoid a fight. He can't really care about the endless feud between Groudon and Kyogre. Crush: None --- Name: Leonardo [Leo] Nitewyng Age: 17 Pokémon DNA: Murkrow Appearance: Personality: Leo has a quiet and calm personality. He's very gentleman-ly, and always lends a helping hand. Leo's terribly vain though, and rather short-tempered. He doesn't like those who aren't as smart or as strong as him, and holds them in contempt. He doesn't really like childish or loud people, and has low tolerance of them. Crush: None --- Name: Misaki Feu Gender: Female Age: 16 Pokémon DNA: Emboar Appearance: Personality: Misaki's a bit eccentric. She's got a sharp tongue and a sense of humor, and doesn't like taking things seriously. She's creative, alright, but prefers to stay away from 'science' and 'logic'. Her imagination is extremely strong, and attention span short. Misaki also has a fiery temper and a boisterous and energetic personality. Don't get her wrong, Misaki loves those close to her and are extremely protective of them. She also sees that there's no room for joking in the cages, and is quite quiet now, surrounded by people she doesn't know. Crush: None --- Name: Arana Gender: Female Age: Appears to be 17 Pokémon DNA: Reshirem Appearance: Personality: Arana has a bit of a condescending personality, because she's a legendary. She doesn't like responsibility, and prefers to just laze around. She is rather clever, though, and sometimes could act like a pure-hearted girl. She's tactical and only likes to work with things to her advantage. She's also somewhat clumsy, for some reason, despite her appearance of being a graceful and haughty girl. History: Was one of the last to be taken. [[ None fo these pictures belong to me ]]

10:21pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Bump ]]
10:39pm Apr 30 2011 (last edited on 10:40pm Apr 30 2011)
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Posts: 681
[ ID Coveted Treasures ] [ This is a bit of a fail, but join? I want to know if I am allowed to join if I already joined the passed two ^^; ]
10:46pm Apr 30 2011 (last edited on 10:46pm Apr 30 2011)
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Posts: 5,279
((I would like to join. Coveting ** Coveted ** treasures! **edited**))
10:50pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Herp. You guys should read the lower section of the rules. But I know you two are literate and stuff, so sure, join away. Of course Vammy can join. I just wanted to try out Gijinkas again, but was too lazy to come up with a new plot o_o ]]
11:11pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 5,279
Name: Mikaela Aberdeen Gender: Female Age: 18 Pokémon DNA: Lopunny Personality: Mikaela is very high and mighty for just an average gijinka. She likes to think she's better than everyone else, even though she's one of the most common pokemon in the world, and a normal type too. History: Mikaela was born into a wealthier family, and is the third of five children. She spent her whole life around pokemon, mainly gras.s-type starters (since that is what her parents specialized in breeding). When she turned 18, she volunteered to be a part of the project to bring back the gijinkas, and is very proud of herself for doing so. However, when she got her pokemon form, they imprisoned her. She's not the brightest bulb, so she totally didn't see it coming... Crush: Everyone! She's a mas.sive flirt! --- Name: Kevia Williams Gender: Female Age:19 Pokémon DNA: Gardevoir Personality: Kevia is easily angered and brutally honest. She is quick to take offense, and even faster to throw an insult. She is more the type to sit back and relax then to get up and do something, but she can be quite the strategist if need be. History: N/A She tends to be secretive Crush: Nope Nope --- Name: Archibold (Archie) bl ink Gender: Male Age: 15 Pokémon DNA: Raichu Personality: Archie is harsh and abrasive, and he dislikes pretty much everyone he meets. He will always take the more aggressive side of a battle, even if it ends up loosing. Crush: Open --- Gender: Male Age: 17 Pokémon DNA: Eevee Personality: Jacoba is a shy one, and dislikes having much attention drawn to himself. Given the choice, he would just run away from society and live as a pokemon. Crush: Open ((On a side note-- none of this artwork belongs to me at all! I do not claim ownership of any of it!))

11:48pm Apr 30 2011
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Posts: 681
Name: Sega Entocomph Gender: Male Age: 17 Pokémon DNA: Typhlosion Appearance: Personality: Sega is a very laid back sort of guy. He keeps to himself a lot, keeping many secrets deep inside. He does warm up to people very easily though, and becomes very clingy. He tries to act big brotherly, but often fails. Crush: Open -- c Name: Life Gender: Female Age: 15 Pokémon DNA: Cobalion/Cobalon Appearance: Personality: Life is very optimistic. She likes to keep her head up, but feels lonely easily. She always wants attention. She was separated from her other siblings Terrakion and Virizion when she was taken by the scientists. She misses them dearly and since she is the youngest of the trio, looks for a older sibling figure. Crush: Open [ Personalities not ment to clash xD ]
7:27am May 1 2011 (last edited on 10:00am May 1 2011)
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Posts: 1,805
(( |D Joining)) Name: Light Gender: Male Age: appears 20 Pokémon DNA: Giratina Appearance: (not my art) Personality: Light has a split personality, however neither are kind. In his altered form he has a cold aura about him, he thinks those who mess around are pathetic and he speaks in a moderate monotone voice, his stare is rather intimidating to lesser pokemon. In his origin form, his kimono and hakama shread and his head-dress forms a helmet. he is fairly violent in this form and can get agitated easily. He can pas.s through to his dimention through reflective serfaces, and will show a dark misty aura when transforming. Other: Can locate anything or anyone, currently obtains the griseous orb. Name: Vynessa "Vyn" Hoshi Gender: Female Age: 19 Pokémon DNA: Pikachu (by Karma <3 ...) Personality: Vyn is rebelious, spunky, head on tom-boy who is incredibly persistant; and will never give up... ever. In the past It has caused her great injury, however she tries to look past the bad (even if it hurts) an pursue the future. She tends to smile alot to hind her feelings as she feels she needs to be strong. Like may girls, she will cry, however she does silently and tends to leave nail imprints on the soles of her hands. She jokes about her misfortune and finds others unfortunate but wont comfort them. She feels that those who cant hold their own should get stronger, this can cause arguments and she will stand by her opinion. History: Has been modified shall we say? Crush: Open.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:02pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 2:03pm May 1 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((Will be posting bios shortly, if that's all right. :D))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:09pm May 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
(( I wonder where Tld is 0^0 ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:38pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 5:13pm May 2 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
Name: Danica "Dani" Soto Gender: Female Age: 18 Pokémon DNA: Umbreon Appearance: Personality: Dani is patient but short-tempered, calm but rebellious, petty but noble, fearsome but affectionate, a free spirit but fiercely territorial. With her many & various personality traits, Dani is also - not surprisingly - noted for a marked reluctance to make up her mind. What makes Dani a magnetic and commanding figure is the absolute loyalty and affection she shows for those she loves. With a natural air of authority, Dani can easily earn the respect and admiration of those who love her in return. While Dani is quite happy among familiar surroundings, she is just as apt to fly off on an adventure at a moment's notice. Unpredictable and emotional, she can become quite fearless when standing up for herself or others, and she often holds definitive views on how to right the wrongs of society. Dani shows natural leadership ability, but she prefers to work alone. Crush: I don't understand why we have this if there's no insta-crushes allowed. xD I agree with that rule, but still. :P ~ Name: Aaron Somers Gender: Male Age: 19 Pokémon DNA: Jolteon Appearance: Personality: Aaron is full of vitality and strength. To him, life is a colorful leaping flame. Though assuming airs of self-importance, being prejudiced, making arbitrary decisions, and indulging in some of the wildest fantasies, Aaron is almost always adored. He is proud, aloof and frank. Aaron established lofty ideals at an early age, and requires others to have same ideals. Aaron can also be quite energetic, and his anxiety, yearning, and enthusiasm can be almost as passionate as religious fervor, like the burning fire sprayed by a dragon. He likes to act boldly and resolutely, always putting on a great show as he does so. Although often successful, Aaron is likely to be destroyed and become self conceited or mad about power if he is unable to control their enthusiasm. Sometimes Aaron will believe that he is greatly restricted by society, tenderness and honeyed words. When he flies into a rage, he can become extraordinarily rude and inconsiderate. Though his emotion can be as fierce as a volcano, Aaron does not always give himself over to blind emotions. He may act stubbornly and arbitrarily and lose his reason when he flares up, but he will forgive you afterwards and will wish to be forgiven as well. Sometimes he may forget to apologize. In fact, he can become so busy with his work that he will have no time to explain himself. Though hot-tempered and arbitrary, he is respectful to elders. No matter what differences he may have with his loved ones, he will offer his help resolutely and generously, leaving differences behind if these people need his help. History: N/A Crush: Open, I guess.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:04pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ I'm here, I'm here o^o Everyone is accepted. But nobody has posted what was written in the rules >_> ]]
10:07pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 681
[ I posted ID and Coveted Treasures, although I'm not sure what is ment of 'Highlight the Rules' @-@ ]
3:19am May 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
(( I did Tld, at the very top of my post. I know of your trickery))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:41am May 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[ Enenenene it's called magic, Tosh :u I have a headache right now >< ]]
2:07pm May 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
((alrighty then. 0^0 take some headache removal pills. ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:01pm May 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 681
[ fails/ ]
5:10pm May 2 2011 (last edited on 5:19pm May 2 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((Oh, crap, I forgot to post |D. I originally didn't put anything because I saw not to put the other thing. ;o Sorry 'bout that. EDIT: May I make a legendary as well? :D))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
