5:49pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 7:31pm May 9 2011)
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There are two sides; Light and Dark. That's all there is to it. To some extent, the Lights can control light, movement, and telepathy. Each Light is gifted with an extra gift that is possessed by that one person alone. Each Light has another form they can shift into at will. To some extent, the Darks can control shadows, illusion, and telepathy. Each Dark is gifted with an extra gift that is possessed by that one person alone. Each Dark has another form they can shift into at will. For centuries, the borders of the Light and Dark territories have stood and neither side has set foot on the other. At each full moon, the Light Leader and Dark Leader travel to the border and for a full night, the Darks and Lights are allowed to socialize. The Leaders converse and talk of their people and possible new laws and negotiations. A new law was decreed in the year 2010 and this stated that Lights and Darks could mingle on each others territories, but could not have relationships farther than friendship. A battle arena was built on the border of the two sides and now holds games where the Lights and Darks can pit against each other. But only after a year with this new law, the Lights and Darks find they are different beings. Wars begin to wage and the border becomes more prominent than ever. Will the Lights and Darks ever find peace or are they too different to be compatible? ~ Rules ~ 1. Literate | Ooc; | Chat speak is a no-no 2. Ask for Leader 3. Ask before killing another's character 4. Romance and Violence encouraged 5. Brain-dead D| Light Forms/Talents 1. Invisibility 2. Spirit Bender 3. Earth Bender - Reserved for Dragon 4. Air Bender 5. Healing 1. Hawk Form 2. Lion Form 3. Wolf Form - Reserved for Dragon 4. Leopard Form 5. Owl Form Dark Forms/Talents 1. Molecular Density Manipulation - Taken by Det 2. Fire Bender - Taken by Det 3. Water Bender 4. Derp. Changed for the sake of my character who's power is awkward to describe. "Emotional jelly," Det calls it... 5. Emotion Bender - Reserved for Dj 1. Osprey Form - Taken by Det 2. Cheetah Form - Taken by Nessie 3. Cobra Form - Taken by Dj 4. Raven Form - Taken by Me 5. Coyote Form - Taken by Det Make your own bio ~
hello my name is elder price
5:51pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Can I join with an Earth Bender/ Wolf Shifter?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:56pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 314
((Can I join with fire bender/ cheetah shifter?))
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
6:06pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 6:06pm May 9 2011)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Sure thing, Dragon. <3 Edit:: For your wolf character, could he/she have a sister so mine may also be wolf? I think it'd be fun to add to the plot. c8 Nessi; May I see an example of your writing? c: A link to another rp would be fine. I'm selectivewhen it comes to literate roleplays.
hello my name is elder price
6:14pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((May I join with Invisibility and Leopard shifter, por favor? I will provide a link to my most current Rp if necessary.))
I\'m back.
6:34pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; I think I've seen you around, Kate. Join up. ^^
hello my name is elder price
6:38pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 314
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
6:47pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; That's perfectly literate, Ness. c: Oh...I actually promised the fire bending power to a friend earlier without realizing it. Would you mind swapping out for another? Sorry for the inconvenience.
hello my name is elder price
7:01pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 9:05pm May 9 2011)
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Ooc; I'm like, just posting my bio, yo' ;D Name: Akeli Vierra Age: 16 Gender: Female Side: Dark Ability: Fire bending. Out of the basic dark abilities Akeli does best with shadows, perhaps due to a rather dark side of her few know of. Animal Form: Osprey, juvenile Appearance: Akeli is a tall and slim girl. Her hair is ginger and has little hints of chocolate brown and gold in it. Being a simple girl she prefers to wear it loose and flowing, but when she's running about Akeli will tie it back with the first thing on hand, usually a piece of string or a scrunchie if one is avaliable. Her hair is about waist-length and slightly wavy. Akeli doesn't exactly have bangs but her hair does get shorter near the front of her head, curling a bit more a well. She stands at about 5'6" and has a slim, wiry body. Her skin is rather pale but not in an unhealthy way. Akeli's eyes are medium gray with black flecks and almond shaped. Personality: Akeli is as fiery as her hair and has twice as much spunk. She enjoys teasing others in a kind way, but is quick to apologize should she offend them. Akeli has a habit of making offhand comments that are a bit cutting, but usually a bit of prodding will get her to apologize...somewhat grudgingly. History: She's a orphan, rarely speaks of it. Other: Nope Name: Valencia de Piazze Age: Seventeen and a few months Gender: Female Side: Dark Ability: Valencia can manipulate molecules to quite a far extent, but the more complicated the ob ject, the more concentration and power it takes. Small things such as plates or easy foods like natural fruits, are simple and take about as much energy as it takes Valencia to bl ink. On the other hand, creating a car or something excessively intricate, such as an ornate piece of furniture, could knock her out if she isn't careful. Luckily her energy grows the more she practices, for at one point Valencia wasn't even able to create a knob of wood from a rock without needing a full meal and a nap. As for how her ability works, well, she isn't so sure. As far as Valencia knows she must have somewhat intimate knowledge about whatever she wishes to transpose and the energy to due so. However, Valencia cannot simply create something out of nothing (since even hydrogen or oxygen can be turned into something else), nor can she create something manmade or unnatural out of something natural. Her basic Dark ability is that of illusions, which comes in handy when fighting others. Animal Form: Coyote, to match her sly attitude Appearance: Valencia, by human standards, is rather average being more or less 5'6" tall and about 110 lbs. However, she's skinny with a wiry kind of strength and it's plainly visible if she's wearing something tight. Valencia's almond-shaped eyes are dark brown in color, but have a sort of depth that tends to draw others in. Her hair is pure black and hangs down her back in wild curls that she makes no attempt to train. Not hat she's hasn't tried, but suffice to say it would not go well. To add to her physical appearance she has a warm skin tone with a golden tan/hispanic look to it due to her Italian heritage. She is also very long-limbed and tends to walk with the ease of someone very agile and athletic. Though she doesn't stick to much of a set style Valencia likes to wear bright blues or golden-red colors. Her favorite outfit is a turquoise v-neck shirt and white jeans, matched with a pair of black flip-flops or red converse. However, when she wishes to be mobile Valence switches to a pair of white shorts, a red t-shirt and some running shoes. Though she isn't very vain Valencia does take pride in her looks from time to time and does enjoy dressing up. Her constant pieces of jewellery are a pair of silver hoop earrings that are fairly small, perhaps slightly larger than the circumference of her pinky finger, and a chain necklace with a heart locket on it. She tends to keep the necklace hidden under her shirt. Personality: Valencia is blunt and not afraid to speak her mind, but has a bit of social anxiety to deal with first. She hates making a bad impression on people and worries about it constantly whenever she accidentally does something or acts socially unacceptable. Occasionally this kind of stress leads to terrible migraines. On the other hand she loves to have a good laugh with friends she feels close to, cracking jokes with the best of them. A bit of a hopeless romantic Valencia longs to find someone she truly loves, but is overly picky about the kind of guys she likes. Unfortunately for this girl she has a very gullible personality and has fallen for someone more than once, only to realize she was taken advantage of. She hasn't given up yet, but these days Valencia acts more cautious. History: Valencia is an orphan by unknown means and any delving into her past is strictly rebuttled. It should be enough to say that she often has nightmares and sleepwalks due to the event in which her family perished. Other: To be frank Valencia has a few notable talents. While she's hopeless at art or anything similar she has extraordinary concentration, something like the opposite of ADHD. When she wants something or needs something she latches onto it like a woman possessed. Whether this is the outcome of her abilities or what manifested her abilities is uncertain. Another is that, to put it simply, Valencia is a beast when it comes to fighting in close quarters. Be it either hand-to-hand combat or with small weapons such as daggers, Valencia can process the moves of her opponents and imitate them excellently. While it isn't perfect mimicry, Valencia's control over illusions can help her sort out the technique fairly quickly. Depending on how intense the battle is her ability to do this waxes or wanes. When simply practicing with others she's been known to take their 'special' attack and use it against them by accident, since she seems to have developed a habit of this. At her strongest during an actual fight Valencia does this move sloppily and rarely resorts to such a tactic unless she doesn't have anything to lose.

7:11pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 2,097
((Join as emotion bender/cobra shifter?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:19pm May 9 2011 (last edited on 9:45pm May 9 2011)
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Posts: 314
((That's fine. I'll do Water.)) Name: Kyria 'Trance' Evier Age: 17 Gender: female Side: Dark Powers: Water Bender and shadows, illusions, telepathy(usual Dark side) Animal: Cheetah Looks: Trance is by no means perfect or the usual idea of beautiful, but she has her attractive features like anyone else. Her skin is smooth and marble-white, her eyes a shade of blue that's almost electric, but not quite. Her hair is long, reaching her waist, and naturally deep black. She is skinny and just barely over average height, standing at about 5'6' or 5'7', but her height and weight make her seem lanky and sometimes almost anorexic-looking. She prefers to wear black, reds, and purples over other colors, and will not under any circumstances wear something else, unless her life depends on it. Personality: Trance tends to keep to herself and protect her private life, though if she has a good enough reason to she'll become stubborn and argumentative. She will not back down from a fight and, if made to do something she doesn't want to, will usually negotiate with whoever told her to do it. History: Nothing too special, really. Other: None Name: Josh (last name will be edited soon) Age: 17 Gender: male Side: Light Power: Healing and usual Light powers Animal: Hawk Looks: Josh is tall, standing at almost 6-foot, with shaggy, usually messy sandy-colored hair and forest-green eyes. His skin is tanned from spending time in the sun. Personality: Josh is playful and acts younger than he is. He is also extremely head-strong and barges into situations he knows nothing about and without thinking. History: He had a sister who was killed a year before, other than that nothing worth mentioning. Other: none
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
7:31pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Sure thing, DJ. c: Accepted, Ness, but the whole 'unusually beautiful' thing had me a bit unsure with being a mary-sue.
hello my name is elder price
7:34pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 314
OOC; Mary-sues are always hard for me to stay away from...I'll change it a little.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
7:53pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; One of my characters screams Sue, but most of my buddies love him, so I refuse to change him. <3 That's better. c8
hello my name is elder price
7:55pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// O.a Okayz. But Sethera was created without a sibling. Name: Sethera "Seth" Fero Gender: Seventeen Age: Male Side: Light Abilties: Sethera has telekinetic abilities that allow him to move objects with his mind at various speeds. But the larger the ob ject is the harder it is for him to pick it up. Also he has slight telepathic abilities by only being able to sense the surface emotions and thoughts of aperson's mind. Sethera can also shape-shift into a wolf and has control over the Earth. Looks: Sethera has bright, cat-yellow eyes with a ring of black around his pupils. He has shoulder length black hair with jagged ends and has streaks of white accentuating his bangs. Standing at five foot ten, he has light tawny skin even though he does not spend a lot of time outside. Along the right side of his lower jaw is a darker white, jagged scar that he received when he was smaller and Sethera is not too keen about telling the experience to nosy people due to the lack of knowledge how he acquired it. He also puts his hair up in a small ponytail located at the nape of his neck. When itis like that, his ears are visible and his right ear is pierced with two golden hoops on the cartilage and the lobe on the same side is pierced with a silver stud. As for clothes, he usually wears grays or reds with jeans and black converse. Personality: Sethera is a quiet guy. He only talks when he needs to and sometimes watches from the shadows. When he is riled up, he can be very fierce and slightly aggressive. Sethera also takes everything rather seriously and doesn't have much humor in his life. Because of that, he rarely smiles but the closest thing he came to smiling would have to be a slight twitch of his lips. Sometimes a friendly dude, he likes his friends and will protect them when necessary, but people have to get used to his distant personality. Not to mention, trouble always seems to find him no matter how far he runs from it. Other: Sethera can draw pretty well and his pictures are more anime-like while he only draws humanoid-creatures, canines, dragons, birds, and felines. The anatomy of the other creatures makes his head spin. He does have an iPod and it is full of metal rock, alternative rock, and some hip-hop music. Sethera is also pretty good in Martial Arts.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:57pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 3,426
OoC:// *Maksis' #1 Fan* I'd go after her with fishes if she changes him. >.> ... *sits in a corner of gloom*
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:04pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Accepted. I think I've roleplayed with Seth before, actually. Det and I decided to bring our linked bf/gf characters into the rp so it's fine if you don't want a sibling for Seth. xD
hello my name is elder price
8:28pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 2,097
((Hooooorah! 8D And Shadow, I love your siggy. XD It makes complete sense.)) Name: Lucy "Painty" Emnis Gender: Female Age: 17 yrs. Side: Dark Powers: Controlling shadows, illusions, and telepathy (the basic dark side powers). Her other form is a king cobra's form. Her special power is bending emotions. Personality: Quiet and secretive, she's usually more like a "background" person, watching many interesting things happen from a distance, more or less. However, it's common for her to add a cruel (to some extent) comment. Sometimes she makes friends, but her friendships often fade away soon, since she doesn't get out much. Able to hold a grudge, Lucy is completely alright with staying a home until she can formulate a plan for revenge. When her softer side comes out, she will not hesitate to help, more or less. Her soft side is like a prisoner under very heavy guard. Inside, she feels misunderstood, but nonetheless considerably mean. Appearance: She stands at around 5 foot 8, and is quite skinny, because she doesn't eat much (not for much reason, however). Her skin is a pale alabaster, and her wasit-length hair is wavy, flowy, and a shade of dark cocoa with light caramel streaks. Often, her left eye is covered by a bundle of hair, because she's blind in that eye. It's not visible, the blindness. She has dark blue eyes with flecks of cyan in them. Most of the time, she wears short black dresses, or sometimes a t-shirt, hoodie, and (usually dark) skinny jeans. She usually wears a thin silver chain necklace with a few reptile charms attached. Other: Has a pet cat (silver tabby with white belly fur and blue eyes) named Hypnosis who keeps her company, since she's alone in her house a lot of the time. Of course, she'll be fighting in the war, too.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:38pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 3,426
OoC:// Shad... Rika came up with the idea to maybe have a light Cheetah as well? >< Would that be alright?
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:33pm May 9 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((My bio will be up tomorrow. I was typing it out, all elaborate and complete, hit the backspace key and... Poof D; So much work gone. By the way, I believe I asked for invisibility and someone else stealed it, so what else is open?))
I\'m back.