Listen to the life around you...(Avatar rp)

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9:20am Jan 15 2010 (last edited on 4:50pm Jan 19 2010)

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Posts: 5,835

 Okay so like the day aftert the day that I had left Rescreatu I went and saw the movie 'Avatar"! Yeah, that movie is awesome...Anyways! This rp takes after the  movie! No real plot but,  it is a few years after the war.


Keep to the plot.

You can either be a human, native avatar, human with an avatar, or one of the animals in the movie.

Please, please, please, please  DO NOT CUSS!!(This is one of the things that made my parents kick me off.)

Keep things at pg 13 or UNDER.

Do not kill out for no reason.

Listen to all  other rescreatu rules.

To join just post your bio.

 I will choose a co.owner later.









Looks( If human has avatar please show avatar looks too):



 My Bio:



Age:14, 32,109

Species:Native avatar, Human with avatar,banshee

Rank:Hunter in training, fighter,eh?

Gender:Female, male, female

Personality:Aurora loves all of the thing around her and treats them equal. She can sometimes get a little snappy but tries not to. She is popular with most of the animals but, the ones she isn't popular with wouldn't dare touch in fear her giant lizard friend Jaywing./ Jack is outgoing and love to show off his skills. He thinks  that humans are the only thing that matter and doesn't care about any other species. He is rude most times but most of the time he just annoys someone with his bad habit./ Jaywing is very protective of her friend and will risk her life to save them. Most things fear her and try to stay away...Unless they know how charming and honest she is. She is friend with the native avatars and hates humans for destroying their home. 

Looks( If human has avatar please show avatar looks took):Aurora: She has strait black hair that reaches her waste, ice blue eyes that can out stare anyone, she is thin and tall but not any taller then normal, she wares normal clothes with three necklaces made from a avatar type opal./ Jack: He has a muscular body with short hair that is dark brown with blond highlights and dark blue eyes make people want to trust him. Avatar Jack: he has hair that goes down to his mid back. It is very think and it would look like he had two thick horns if he put it in braids which is why he puts it up but let is loosely hang down. His eyes are the same color as normal./ Jaywing: She is a  elegant white and gold flying reptile that has 120 sharp teeth and golden spikes on her tail. She is full grown about the length of two school buses. She has hard thick skin that seem to always have a slim on it but not so much that you fall off of her. 

History: Aurora grew up the normal life of being the leader's and healers daughter. She was spoiled a lot but hated getting spoiled or special treatment. At the age 6 (Human years)she was playing in the forest when she ran across a large animal named Jaywing. Jaywing's wing was hurt badly and it couldn't fly. Aurora took it to a nearby cave big enough for Jaywing and helped heal its leg. She knew that if she took it home the others would kill it because their last leader was killed by a animal of the same species.Ever since her and Jaywing have been friends./ Jack grew up in a poor family that never seemed to have anough food. he went to in a bus full of bullies and came home every night hurt. he started to get bigger and more muscular at the age of twelve. He join the football team and became one of the best players the school had ever known. When he was 27 he went to war and fought for two years until his brother died. He then was brought home when he was hurt badly in the arm. he stay there until he had a call to go to a world that he had only dreamed of and fight. He packed up his clothes and rushed off./ Jaywing grew up as the biggest in her species. She was a fast learner and loved to feel the wind under her wings. In her spare time she would soar threw the air so graceful that everyone would glance up in awe.Until one day when she was hunting that she saw a giant tasty looking prey and looked down for five second not knowing that she was about to hit a tall tree. She broke an wing as she plunged to the ground. That was when Aurora found her...

Other:Aurora is blind in her right eye from when she was a baby and had walked into a poky branch./ Nope/ none

 Okay! After two people join we can start!


12:48pm Jan 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835


2:41pm Jan 15 2010

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Posts: 1,943
((It's a banshee, the dragon thingee.))

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


2:48pm Jan 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
(( Oh okay thanks! *Goes to edit post*))


7:08pm Jan 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 934
((... it's been a few days. I saw it yesterday. Join?))

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

7:09pm Jan 18 2010

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Posts: 6,296


7:12pm Jan 18 2010

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Posts: 5,835
((Sure! I thought this had died! Oh well it never even start so now it will start!xD))


7:26pm Jan 18 2010 (last edited on 7:52pm Jan 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 934

((I'll join as a pair- A female human w/ Avitar and a Native Male. They'll be like bro/sister. Bio in a minute.))


Name: Lori Ann Marie (“Anni”)

Age: 27

Species: Human with Avatar

Rank: Huntress in training

Gender: Female

Personality: Headstrong, but sweet and loving. She’s just a little bipolar, but is very loyal and kind. She loves the Na’vi and hopes that one day she’ll be accepted as one of them, but as it stands now, she’s very worried and self conscious. She is a dream-walker, after all.

Looks( If human has avatar please show avatar looks took: Human: Quite short and pale with a bright smile and slender frame. She has strawberry blonde hair that brushes the small of her back. Her eyes were a pale blue green.
Avatar Looks: Also slender framed and quite short compared to most Na’vi, her skin is pale for even them. Her eyes take on a more golden color, but still have traces of blue and green. Her tail is almost as long as her body, which leads to a lot to tripping or stumbling while exploring the forest of Pandora.

History: Anni always wanted to become a geneotologist, and experimented with animal crossings in collage. When she graduated with flying colors, she was meet by a woman a few years older than her named Grace, who offered her the career of her dreams. She made a few early errors, but quickly fell in love with the Na’vi.

Other: ALWAYS wears a thin silver locket she inherited from her mother as a child. She’s always wanted to fly.


Name: Kinomi of the Na’vi (“Kino”)

Age: 17

Species: Native Avatar

Rank: Hunter / Trainer of future hunters

Gender: Male

Personality: Like all Na’vi, he cherishes the world’s balance. He does not fear Death’s embrace and rather welcomes it. He is constantly in awe of their ditties’ powers. He’s one to question them, in constant awe of the voices he hears in the trees.

Looks( If human has avatar please show avatar looks took: Tall and well- built, his pattern is bold, light skin with dark stripes. His luminescent markings stretch and twist about his body. His hair is all pulled back into the long dark braid all his kind share, except of course, for the strands that fall into his slender face and are seemingly never pushed back. His eyes are odd, caring more of a greenish tint than the dominant amber in most Avatars. He has a thick silver chain that Anni gave him a while back and always weres is, especially on hunts. He also has a thick platinum colored band around the base of his tail.

History: Was a child during the war, and has yet to completely forgive the humans for what they did to the Na’vi. The destruction of the Great Tree killed both his parents and baby sister. He grew up fast after that, always being underestimated by the rest of the clan. After Anni came, he learned to speak English and became even more of an outcast. Anni gave him a silver chain that he always wears around his neck.

Other: Thinks of Anni as his sister, not his mate!!

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

7:30pm Jan 18 2010

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Posts: 5,835


7:34pm Jan 18 2010

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Posts: 1,708
((omg I wanna join I love Avatar!))


7:36pm Jan 18 2010

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Posts: 5,835


7:51pm Jan 18 2010

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Posts: 1,943

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


8:49pm Jan 18 2010

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Posts: 5,835


9:52pm Jan 18 2010

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Posts: 934
((Sorry gang, I won't be able to get on until about 5pm Res time again. I promise I'll be back!))

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

4:38pm Jan 19 2010

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Posts: 5,835
((That is okay. Once everyone has their bio up and we are all here we will start!xD))


4:39pm Jan 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 934
((kk.... I'm back for a while. I'm exited to use Kino.))

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

4:43pm Jan 19 2010

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Posts: 5,835
((Cool! I can't wait to start! I have been waiting to do this since i saw Avatar!xD))


4:44pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 4:51pm Jan 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,943

Name: Cyvati

Age: ?

Species: Na'vi

Rank: Hunter

Gender: Male

Personality: I never really know what my charas will act like until I play them.

Looks: Cyvati's skin is unuaually dark for a native, and he has al most no markings, except for around his nose and eyes. The markings he does have are almost shint and very light. He has the normal braid, but the rest of his hair is in dreadlocks with feathers and beads/shells interwoven in them. He is fluent in english and never lets go of his bow. Ever. His eyes are luminous and qiute large for his face. He is pretty skinny, even for a Na'vi, and very tall, which amkes him look even thinner.

History: Cyvati was orphaned at a young age, and quickly escalated to hunter status. He really wants to be that next leader, so he tries overly hard at everything.

Other: NOne

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


4:48pm Jan 19 2010

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Posts: 5,835


4:55pm Jan 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((Okay. I guess we can start now and have the others post their bios later if they are still joining.))

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