11:02am Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
So I've noticed I haven't seen one of these, anddd I'm in love with wolves, so we're going to do that. Kay? :D Considering no one cares about my one on one request. ^^' Oh well. Right, rules... Darn. 1. No godmodding, Power play, Perfect wolves, overly messed up charries like, "Oh he was missing a paw and he was blind and threw up everything he ate and was just a sad sad wolf." Also, please no hypocritcal stuff. "He was mean, but nice. So incredibly weak but he could win any fight." Kthnx bai. 2. PLEASE for the love of KIR be able to spell. I cannot stand when I have to deal with constantly fixing your mistakes. As such, this is going to hopefully be semi-lit to literate! Please and thank you. 3. If you can't manage semi-lit and I let you join, do nt tlk lyk dis or i weel eet ur soul lolz k? 4. As a wolf PACK we will not be constantly trying to kill each other. If there is someone who wants to be a bear or a rival pack, that's fine. But wolf packs try to get along, they consider themselves family. 5. I will allow abnormal colors and such, I'm iffy on wings. You can have one special "gift" if you will, but come on guys, lets try to keep it something small? 6. Uhmuhmuhm... Suggest a rule if I forgot! I'm braindead right now.
11:03am Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
To join, please post the following: Name of Wolf: Age: Gender: Rank: Deion(As in eyes, fur, specialties, that sort of thing):
And then your intro, please. I will accept or reject based on your roleplaying skills, more than likely.
IF you want to be in the rival pack, please let me know. If you want to be a wild animal such as a bear or a fox, then that will be acceptable.
11:03am Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 7:11pm Sep 20 2010)
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Posts: 399
Alpha Positions: Wolf x Kiteso The alpha is lead in all decisions and discussions. It is their duty to keep the pack at peace with one another, and to determine whether or not anyone poses a threat to their way of life. The alpha holds all authority over the pack, and may p*censored* judgement on any wolf within the pack. Alphas demand respect, and will not hesitate to teach one of their members what it means to stay in line. The alpha's lead the warriors. Beta Positions: M x Feyth The Beta is the second in command, answering to only the alpha's. Although they do not have final say, their opinion weighs much heavier to the leaders than that of any other member of the pack. The beta is in charge of the pack when the alpha's cannot be around. They are bound by duty to report any wrong doing to their leader. The Beta is also in charge of the hunters.
Delta Positions: M x Liru The Delta's are meant as almost spy masters. They receive information from the Sentinel's and Scouts, and p*censored* it on to the Alpha's and Beta's. They hold weight in decisions on whether or not to fight a rival pack or dangerous group of animals.
Sentinel Positions: M x F Sentinel's are meant to watch the perimeter of the territory. They make rounds every once in a while to determine if there are new scents, tracks, or markings. They report to the Delta wolves.
Scout Positions: Kesmet (1/4) The Scouts will sometimes go out to discover more territory, or seek answers about things that the Sentinel's find, such as scents, tracks, or markings. They report to the Delta wolves.
Warrior Positions: Koran (1/6) Warriors are ready at any moment to protect the pack, along with the alpha's. They stay limber and strong, and often join the hunters for practice. They will attack only at the guidance of the alpha's.
Hunter Positions: Penguino (1/6) The Hunters are in charge of making sure that the entire pack eats, for those nights when the alpha's are in the middle of a discussion, or the warriors are out on a fight. They are the most skilled at bringing in game. They follow the Betas.
Omega Positions: M x Kinteroo The Omega is the lowest position possible. They act as pup sitters, and are expected to show constant submission to the other members of the pack.
Elders: None The Elders are respected by all, including the Alpha's. Their wisdom also influences pack decisions.
11:05am Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
Name of Wolf: Kiteso Age: Four Gender: Female Rank: Alpha Fae Deion: Black pelt with a blue-gray chest and a spot around her left eye. Front right and back left paws are the same shade as her chest. Large in size, especially her paws and talons. Eyes are a neon emerald color. Although she is four years old, she still has trouble remembering she is not a pup and that she is in fact the leader of her small pack. As it grows, so do her responsibilities. When her family is threatened, though, she is quick to jump in and fight, and those m*censored*sive paws do come in handy. She does not win every fight, but that doesn't mean she can't hold her own, right?  ((Sorry for the poor spelling with M*censored*sive but I don't want it censored. -_-))
11:19am Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
Odd colored fae paced on sore pads, glancing inside of her den thoughtfully. Was it safe from the rain? Would the pups be warm? The spring time air was beginning to get with her. As each day p*censored*ed she knew that her pups were closer and closer to being ready. Heavy with the whelps, she found it hard to hunt, although she still did her part. Pregnant or not, she was alpha. That meant that through no sickness or ailment could she forget her duty. She was not the omega who could laze about and beg for scraps; she was not the curious scouts who didn't have much to do these days, or the warriors which began to lose their fighting strength as peace drove on for such a long period of time. She was their leader, and that meant she never caught a break. If she wasn't worried about food in the winter, she was worried about pups in the spring. If she wasn't worried about preparing in the fall, she was worried about training in the summer. A gentle sigh escaped her and she trotted off towards the creek, needing to cool down and refresh herself. As she reached the trickle of water, her t*censored*le began to wag. She could almost see the small pups romping through these woods, and leaned back to lick her stomach. "You whelps had better behave," she told them quietly before leaning down to take her drink. She'd taken to giving advice through her pregnancy, for her own comfort or their knowledge, she wasn't sure. She didn't truly believe they could hear her, but part of her hoped they'd come out already prepared to hunt. Although if they inherited their mothers claws, they'd do just fine. Auds perked as she heard movement in the nearby brush. She lifted her maw from the water and flared her nostrils, dragging in any scent that was nearby. The markings of her mate, fresh and strong. Rotting carc*censored* from last nights dinner. And something new; a live rabbit. Oh, she could taste it already. Quietly she crept forward, and though her pads were so large they made no noise on the ground beneath her. She peeked around the bushes to find a large mother rabbit in the middle of birthing her young. Kiteso gave a gentle growl before retreating. It had been a perfect opportunity, but she would not harm a mother trying to give life. After all, if anything, she was producing next months dinner. She trotted back to her den, laying down outside of it and giving a bored yawn.
11:33am Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 650
Name of Wolf:Liru Age: three (dog years)
Gender:Female Rank:Delta Deion(As in eyes, fur, specialties, that sort of thing):She has brownish orange fur, that shines in the sun light and moon light. She can almost make any male wolf fall head over heals (not every time) She has a beautifull howl and a powerful bark. (ignore the real colors) 
11:37am Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
((Accepted. (: ))
11:42am Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 11:44am Sep 20 2010)
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Posts: 650
((sorry but I will do my best to spell correctly)) Liru trotted happily threw the damp forest. Trying to find something to eat, and somewhere nice to spleep. Her fur shown and her tail waved gently in the soft breeze. She looked up, past the leaves of the great oaks and the large brown branches. She heard a small crunch, something like a breaking twig, then a dash. She quickly tuned around and saw a small squirrel dart up a near-by tree. Her heart rate sped up and her tail wagged, her ears pricked up and her tounge hung out. She ran to the tree, dodging under falling branches and jumping over logs. She let out a loud howl, to let the pack know she found a small snack. She pounced at the tree, the squirrel hiding as far as it could get. She barked and barked. "Hunters! Hunters! Come quickly!" She yelled and kept her eye on the squirrel. "Oh...Oh your gonna taste good." She whispered, and the helpless animals eyes filled with doubt.
11:58am Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
Kiteso perked her auds once more at the calling of her beta fae, but simply chuckled and laid her crane on her paws. She sounded excited, all over something as tiny as a squirrel. Normally she would hop up and join the hunters, but not over an animal so small. As the sun bounced off her pelt, she began to pant. Today was warm, perfect for sleep. She kept one eye open though, looking around for her other members. Where were those hunters anyway?
2:45pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 650
Liru walked happily back to Kiteso with a limp squirrel in her mouth. She plopped it down infront of her. The smell of blood filled the air. "I brought you and your pups a snack!" She winked and sat down proudly, hoping the alpha would be happy. Her goldenish brown fur waved her tail lay still behind her.
3:47pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 1,719
((May I join as my two from the other one?))
4:31pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
((Yes Krill.))
4:32pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
((Would you like me to repost your wolves? I have the old forum.))
4:34pm Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 5:09pm Sep 20 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,719
Name of Wolf: Kinteroo Age: Adult Gender: Femme Rank: Omega Deion:
 Name of Wolf: Penguino Age: Adult Gender: Male Rank: Hunter Deion:

4:54pm Sep 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
((Ope, found it! Reposting bios...0))
4:55pm Sep 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
Name of Wolf:Wolf(Haha) Age:Adult Gender:Male Rank:Alpha? Deion:  Personality:Wolf is Strong bold, and proud. He's been in many battles, and has many scars. He's always on alert, but is very friendly when talked to. He gives disiplen fairly, and never makes fast judgements. His pride has put the pack on the line a few times, but Wolf is trying to hold on. He's a very alequent speaker, and always knows the best. He's invented a few battle move of his own.
4:56pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Name of Wolf:Kesmet Age:Young adult Gender:Female Rank:Scout Deion:  Personality:You can tell by her stature and look in the picture.
5:12pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
((Intro away.))
5:19pm Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 7:23pm Sep 20 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
Kesmet was scouting where the sentinel had said he had smelled fox scent. Kesmet was following the scent closely, making sure to follow it until it hopefully went off their territory. Kesmet snifffed the air. She smelled milk as well. Damn, a fox with kits??! She really hoped the fox wasn't on their territory. All of a sudden, the scent veered deep into their territory. Crap She followed the scent untill it was fresh. She knew she shouldn't go any farther, because she wasn't a trained fighter. She turned to go, but then, she heard a horrible snarling noise. Oh damn! The foxes fangs were glistening, and drool was coming out of it's mouth. It lunged at Kesmets throat, but Kesmet just managed to block the shot. She let a long, drawn out howl, hoping someone would hear. Wolf, after having trained some of the younger warriors on how to properly barrel roll at an enemy, was having some quality time with his mate. He nuzzled Kiteso, and his lion like mane down his back rippled."I can't wait untill the pups are born." He wihispered. "I'm thinking of names." He licked kiteso in the ears, nuzzled her gently. He was nervous about what could happen to Kiteso. What if something went wrong? He tried not to show how worried her was.
5:20pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
((Full, Kiteso is already preggs. xD))