May Starclan Be With You (Warrior Cat RP)

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11:42pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 12:41am Aug 12 2011)

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Posts: 1,391

"Little one, quiet," purred a queen gently. "You need to get some rest. Close your eyes, little one. Rest and grow strong!"
"But Dawnfur, I don't want to go to sleep!" The little kit mewed in protest, huge eyes blinking.
"Little one, if I tell you a story, will you finally rest?"
"Maybe," chirped the kit cheerfully.
"Alright then, shush, be quiet for the story." Replied Dawnfur, her loving gaze looking at the only kit to survive this harsh leaf-bare.

"Long ago, before there were three Clans - four if you count Starclan - there was one huge Clan. They owned the entire forest! The forest that we live in now. This Clan was known as Silentclan. When they moved, they never made a single noise, not even the kits. They were excellent prey hunters and they grew fat and lazy, even in leaf-bare. Even though there were many more mouths to feed because they were such a large Clan, their warriors were so agile and so quick and they moved with such stealth that they always took home prey during patrols. No exceptions! They were that extraordinary. They were loyal, intelligent, and quite exceptional at hunting. They were the cream of the crop in the forest. The forest that we live in now.
"Sure, there were other cats. But only loners and rogues. Twolegs had not yet settled in. Silentclan dealt with any loners or rogues that intruded on their territory. They were the leaders of the forest. They felt that nothing could go wrong. Their lives were perfect! Being the best and the most skilled hunters the forest has ever seen, they feasted every night! Loners and rogues proved to be nothing more than an annoying flea to flick off.
"However, one night, the Twolegs came. They came in huge monsters and tore down part of the forest. Part of Silentclan's territory! Then, the Twolegs built large, square nests that housed even more Twolegs. Enraged, Silentclan, thinking that they were the masters of the forest, felt challenged by the sudden appearance of these strange, two-legged creatures. The Twolegs and Silentclan went to war! Silentclan started the war, preparing to attack the Twolegs. They thought they could handle the strange creatures. Silentclan dispatched every single warrior and apprentice they had. Even the leader went, with her seven remaining lives. Silentclan invaded the Twolegs' nests, yowling and screeching at the Twolegs. And yet, even with their large numbers, Silentclan could do nothing more than scratch and hiss as the Twolegs grabbed all the warriors by their scruffs and shoved them into big traps. The big traps were large, metal nests that were uncomfortable and scary for the Clan. Some managed to escape. But the rest were kidnapped by the Twolegs! That is how kittypets started. Some Twolegs took pity on the captured warriors and taught them how to be good, obedient kittypets, forcing them to live with them. A few kittypets escaped. But the rest had succumbed to a life of leisure and disgusting laziness.
"The remaining warriors were shocked. Silentclan was absolutely speechless. How could this have happened? They were the best of the best in the forest! They were overtaken by strange two-legged animals that were clumsy and loud! How? Why? Why did the Twolegs take away part of their home, the forest?"
Dawnfur paused, staring at her little kit, Dovekit. Dovekit's wide eyes were still staring up at her mother's, her eyes begging for Dawnfur to continue. Dawnfur took a breath, her voice already a little tired. Nevertheless, she continued,
"The survivors of Silentclan had different opinions on how to handle this mess. They broke into three sides: One side wanted to flee the forest out of pure terror. Another side decided they wanted to try and fight again, now that they knew what they were up against. The last side decided that they would try and manage a peaceful life and stay in the forest, trying to live alongside the Twolegs. After all, there was plenty of space! No reason why the cats and Twolegs couldn't share. Besides, the Twolegs only took up one fourth of the entire forest. The other three fourths were theirs' to keep!
"Eventually, the arguing got so bad that the three groups split up Silentclan. Silentclan was no more! The three new Clans split their territory equally, using the last three fourths of the forest as their territory. To be fair, each new Clan got a single fourth.
"One Clan was known as Marshclan, our Clan. The other two Clans decided their names would be Stormclan and Breezeclan. Marshclan was the most intelligent. They had many different strategies and came up with signals to use during battle or even during hunting. They were also the fairest and calmest, trying to reach agreements and compromises instead of dueling it out to make decisions. Marshclan respected the warrior code, but broke it when they absolutely had to, which was rare and only on a couple occasions. They were a good, brave Clan. Stormclan was the most powerful, with broad shoulder and long claws. They were the strongest Clan and wreaked havoc in battle. No Clan wanted to go against Stormclan in battle! Stormclan was the most adventurous and the most courageous. They had a tendency to break the rules though! Breezeclan was the fastest Clan. They were the only Clan that was known to be able to catch rabbits because rabbits are known for their exceptional speed. Breezeclan also tried to avoid fights, just like Marshclan, but didn't like compromises and wanted everything to be in their favor. They were complete sticklers for the rules however, and paid attention to the warrior code all the time, never breaking one rule."
As Dawnfur paused again to give her voice a little rest, she saw that Dovekit was finally asleep. Smiling gently, she licked the top of her kit's head and laid her head next to Dovekit's drifting off into sleep along with her kit.



1. All of Res's rules apply.

2. No god-modding, power-playing, Mary/Gary Sues, etc.

3. Please use the bio skeleton I give you and wait until you are accepted before you start RPing.

4. Try to have at least one paragraph. No one-liners, please. This is not a semi-lit or lit RP, but I do appreciate nice posts, not ones that only take a few seconds to write. Writer's block I understand, but you should still be able to manage at least a couple sentences, like three or four.

5. Be as realistic as possible.

6. You may have as many characters as you like.

7. No automatic mates unless the two cats are your own.

8. Try to have good grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It makes it so much easier for all the RPers.

9. If you make a cat in one Clan, you must make one in another Clan. You are allowed to have more than one cat in one Clan as long as there's at least one in another.

10. If you make a female cat, you must make a male cat. If you have an odd number of cats then you have to have one more cat that's one gender and have one less cat that's the other gender. (i.e. 3 cats = 2 females and 1 male or 2 males and 1 female) I am okay with you only having one cat. But, remember, if you make more later in the RP, please make sure that the gender ratios are even for your characters.

11. Only two important ranks per person. (i.e. leader, deputy, medicine cat) Being a part of a prophecy (if any) doesn't count as an important rank because it's only temporary and pretty much everyone will have a chance to be in a prophecy since there is going to be more than one prophecy.

12. Do not start RPing until I accept you.


Bio Skeleton:

Delete everything in the brackets.

Warrior Name:
[for kits and apprentices]
[for apprentices]
Appearance: [picture or deion is fine]


Season: Leaf-bare (Winter)

Weather: Snowy, cold, all bodies of water are frozen

Prey Amount: Barely Any

Dangers: Whitecough, Greencough, Blackcough, Starvation




Deputy: Bloodmask - Dodomon

Medicine Cat: 




Dawnfur - SugarSnow
Brookefeather - GingerNut


Dawnfur's Litter:
Dovekit - SugarSnow

Brookefeather's Litter: 
Silverkit - GingerNut
Blossomkit - GingerNut





Deputy: Soulfire - SugarSnow

Medicine Cat: 


Foxfur - Dodomon
Frostheart - GingerNut









Medicine Cat: 


Talonclaw - Dodomon ~ Apprentice: Darkpaw


Darkpaw - SugarSnow ~ Mentor: Talonclaw






ShadowPaw - YoursTruly
Felicia - Dodomon








Cats in the Prophecy:


12:10am Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 12:32am Aug 7 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

Username: SugarSnow
Name: Dawnfur
Gender: Female
Age: 25 moons
Rank: Queen
Clan: Marshclan
Personality: Dawnfur is kind and gentle and caring. She's intelligent and logical. She's a permanent queen, mainly because she's not a very good fighter. When she was still a warrior, she was a very good hunter, but found pleasure in taking care of kits when she first had children. She's not one to lose her temper, and she tries to be fair. As a queen, she's always around kits, and has become nicer because of it. The innocence of kits softens your heart.
History: Dovekit is Dawnfur's third litter. Dovekit had two siblings, but both died from starvation. It's leaf-bare right now, and the season is harsh. There was barely any prey. Luckily, it's now nearing the end of leafbare, and Dovekit is a strong kit.
Offspring: Dovekit
Family: Dovekit (kit)
Other: None


Username: SugarSnow
Name: Soulfire
Gender: Male
Age: 28 moons
Rank: Deputy
Clan: Stormclan
Personality: Soulfire is kind and fair. He's smart and logical. He is a strong fighter, but is only an average hunter. He has mastered many fighting techniques and has helped the leader come up with some fighting techniques as well. He often looks to the senior warriors for advice and appreciates any suggestions from the Clan. Soulfire tries to be diplomatic during Gatherings, but isn't as successful as the leader. He tends to lack the ability to be persuasive. Straightforward commands and requests are more his style.
History: Soulfire was a highly respected warrior. He has trained quite a few apprentices and was a good choice for deputy. When he was finally chosen as deputy, he was very proud!
Other: None


Username: SugarSnow
Name: Dovekit
Gender: Female
Age: 1 moon
Rank: Kit
Clan: Marshclan
Dovekit is sweet and playful. She can be naive at times, but is still pretty smart for a kit. She's very gullible and doesn't have that much common sense, but that doesn't make her stupid. She just tends to believe the wildest things! She's funny and witty and is easily amused. She's not the strongest kit, but is pretty fast. She loves to take naps and has a fun time playing with her mother, Dawnfur.
History: Dovekit's siblings perished from starvation during the middle of the cold, hard leaf-bare.
Crush: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Family: Dawnfur (mother)
Other: none


1:31am Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 341
May I be the Marshclan Medicine cat?

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12:26pm Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((Yeah, sure! Just make a form. ^^))


3:34pm Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 341

Thanks ^_^ I'll make the form later


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6:53pm Jul 23 2011

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Posts: 1,391
((Bump! Mrrawr. :3))


12:46pm Jul 25 2011

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Posts: 1,391


10:29am Jul 26 2011

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Posts: 1,391


10:50am Jul 26 2011

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Posts: 5,310



And if Accelia doesn't post her sheet soon, can I be MashClan MC along with a few warriors?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


11:01am Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 11:02am Jul 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((Um, I already told Accelia that she could have that position, but we'll see. I don't want to back out on that. But yeah, you can have a few warriors. There's always the Stormclan medicine cat, you know. Someone needs to join Stormclan and Breezeclan! I may have to change the plot if no one wants to join them.))


11:08am Jul 26 2011

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Posts: 5,310



Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


11:10am Jul 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((I changed the rules a little and edited my own bios. xD))


8:18pm Jul 27 2011

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Posts: 1,391


11:29am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 1,391
((Heeeey... accelia, Dragonstar, can you make your forms? xD))


12:44pm Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 1:55pm Jul 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,809

((May I have a loner? If I can, here's his form. And I'm not particularly good at more than one charater at a time. *flails* If I can join as a loner, here's his bio.))

Name: ShadowPaw
Age:Twelve moons

Personality:Keeps to himself. Wanders around the boundaries of clans, jumping into another clans territory if he is being pursued.
History:No one's bothered to ask him.


Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

12:58pm Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 9:32pm Jul 30 2011)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Snaggin four spots yo. One in each. :D Will edit in a second..))

Username: Dodomon
Name: Bloodmask
Gender: Male
Age: 20 Moons
Rank: Deputy ?
Clan: Marshclan
Appearance: Thin, long legs and tail. Ice blue eyes. Brindle fur with rusty colored mask mark.
Personality: A tad on the crazy side, loyal nonetheless.
History: Grew up in the clan yo. Abandoned there by his ma when he was a newborn.
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Offspring: None
Family: Those cats over there. Ma was Foxfur from StormClan
Other: None
Name: Talonclaw
Gender: Male
Age: 25 moons
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Breezeclan
Appearance: A large tabby tom. Eyes are green flecked with gold. Claws are extremely hooked.
Personality: A sort of bully, Talonclaw is fierce, and a good fighter. He's also a boaster, and loves telling tales of his "heroic" fights against other clans.
History: Not long after he was born as one of two kits, his mother died, leaving them orphaned as their father was an unknown cat, which was unusual for Breezeclan. However, he protected his smaller brother fiercely from everything from "dangerous" mice to even the warriors of the clan.
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Offspring: None
Family: If someone wants to be his brother, it'd be cool. XD Otherwise, all dead.
Other: Durr
Name: Felicia
Gender: Female
Age: 13 moons
Rank: Loner
Clan: None
Appearance: Ragged black and white fur, amber eyes. Has a spot on her front chest.
Personality: Quirky, and naive
History: Abandoned kittypet, struggling to survive.
Crush: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Family: None
Other: Wears the tattered remains of a pink collar.

Name: Foxfur
Gender: Female
Age: 30 moons
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Stormclan
Appearance: A small reddish colored cat with green eyes. Tail is slightly shorter than normal with a white tip.
Personality: A sweet cat with a tinkly meow, Foxfur is the one to go to if you need advice. She is gentle and motherly, preferring to stay away from fighting.
History: Grew up in the clan, but felt it was not suitable for her kit, so she gave him to MarshClan.
Crush: None
Mate: Deceased
Offspring: Bloodmask (MarshClan)
Family: Those, over there. -points randomly-
Other: Durrdurr


1:07pm Jul 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
((I'm fine with the loner part, but I'm a little unsure about his name. Why is he called Shadowpaw when -paw is the last part of an apprentice's name? =/))


1:57pm Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 1:58pm Jul 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
((Lets just say he never got appointed a rank, decided he liked apprenticeship, and likes the sound of the name. He thinks it makes people underestimate him. You'd have to ask him if you wanted to know why, though.))

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

9:38pm Jul 30 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Kinda like Ravenpaw then? I was always curious as to what his warrior name would've been.... Ravenpelt probably. XD

My Bios are done. o3o))


11:05am Jul 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
[[Kindof. lol. I soooo can't wait for this to join and have my warrior going like 'dundundundun dundun dundun Can't touch this' on the other side of a boarder with a clan yelling at him. lol.]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥
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