2:58am Feb 7 2011 (last edited on 3:05am Feb 7 2011)
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...That may explain my 16th year of singleness. 0o Even my OC's have boy/girlfriends or mates. Like....toys. O.O Maybe thats the wrong word. Maybe....they get very into the story... ...Imma shuddup naow. XD Alright, so, Im not usually into the heart-lovey-dovey-yay-kisskiss stuff, but being as that it is almost Valentines day (And thus Singles Awareness as well)....then I suppose I can put up with one of these things that have become oh so popular....well, maybe not the medieval bit. Only rennie nerds like that... *Looks down at hand stitched dairy-maid outfit for this years Renaissance Faire* Oh. Wait.... Alrightalrightalright. So. Im the princess and I have to get married! Yay!!! :D Bleh. Wheres my battle-axe?..... But srsly. I am. Really and truely. Cause y'all can definately see me/one of my characters in a dress....willingly. XD But I dun wanna get married! D: So. Roolz for Skoolz 1-Equensiocho says 'I am a princess'. 2-Romance, yes, but keep it clean 3-But I want to be a knight! I'll go on grand adventures, fighting evil, rescuing damsels in distress. ...What is a damsel, anyway? 4-Swearing=Baaaad 5-No Edward Collins or Bella Prawns 6-[Insert #7 here] 8-Guess what movie #3 is from and I'll do ya a free Kuhmishun. First person, anyway. The sad thing is, I thought about this as I was practicing my mounted archery. 0o
Resident mounted archer
3:34am Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 5,542
i wouldn't mind rping with you.. If that is.. you want me to rp with you... I've done medieval romance before...
3:35am Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 2,963
((I wouldnt mind...I've been so bored lately...^^;))
Resident mounted archer
3:39am Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 5,542
lolz. Same here... alright.. well, appearantly your the princess no? *rereads* i can be a knight or rouge or such along the lines of a male.
9:13pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 2,963
Yes. I am the princess. Cause I am that awesome and feel the nee to be selfish. LOL And that would be fine, yes. Erm...Hold on. I've gotta rewrite my bio thingy-ma-jigger
Resident mounted archer
9:46pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 5,542
okay. XD A knight or a rouge?? Whoich male cl*censored* should I be?
10:14pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 2,963
Any one you think would work...I really couldnt care. LOL
Resident mounted archer
10:17pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 5,542
haha, we could do a medival cla.ss romance. The girl of high status falling for the man of a lower cla.ss, a rouge to be exact.. But of course, the cla.ss thing prevents that. But she finds a way to attract him tot eh castle when she wants to see him.
11:07pm Feb 7 2011
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Posts: 5,542
What do you think of this guy as a rogue???
4:12pm Feb 12 2011
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Posts: 2,963
((Thats great! Sorry I havnt been on lately. Im workin on my person now.))
Resident mounted archer
7:59pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 8:00pm Feb 12 2011)
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Alix had never asked to be a high-ranking girl. Never asked to have servants, a warm bed, or food every night. Never asked to have to wear gowns, bow, mind her manners. But it's what she had been born into. It was her life... It was torture. Every day seemed the same. Wake up, get dressed by the hired help, go down the hallway in idiotic shoes, nearly trip, save herself on some tapestry, turn, have doors opened to her, and walk in to eat breakfast by herself at the long, lonely banquet table. What was the point in all the ridiculous preparations if no one was there to take her mind off of the actual event? Maybe a long ride would break through the repetitive meanderings of her day.
"No! I said I'd do it!" "I would, your highness. And no you wont. You're not even properly dressed for a ride about." The saddle was taken from Alix's hands and placed gently on the back of her sorrel gelding, Copper. The girl raged. "I'm eighteen years old! I can saddle my horse and ride how I want....boys do it!" She strode forward and cinched the saddle, mindful in her fury to keep a fingers breadth between the flank and the leather. "Boys are expected to," The groom said, eying her in distaste. "as well as wear breeches. Girls are expected to ride side saddle....in a dress." Alix didnt say anything, just lead Copper out of the stable, vaulted up, and trotted away towards her fathers hunting woods, where she could be herself for a few hours. ((I have no life. XD))
Resident mounted archer
3:32am Feb 13 2011
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(alrighty. No ears of course. And his name is Jake..) Jake sat in the trees within the King's hunting woods, he always enjoyed watching the rich folk ride out and soon be robbed by him when he needed money. He yawned and heard the familiar noise of the horse's heels clopping along the roads and the gras.s as it was urged forward. he smiled and stood up, hidingeven higher in the tree. He looked down to notice that the princess was the one riding through today. he smi;ed and walked to teh edge of a branch and jumped in front of her horse, scaring it into raising it's upper half and bucking the princess off. He smiled and laughed as she fell. "Man, princess.. What are you doing out here?" He drew his sword and he held it out toward the princess. "Tell me...."
12:35am Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 2,963
((*cough* Powerplaying *cough* I'll go with it though.)) Alix pushed the sword away, annoyed, sat up, and glared. Copper trotted a little ways away, kicking up his heels. "Why should I tell you?" She snapped as she stood, one part of her satisfied that the rogue was not so much taller than her five foot, eleven inch person, and looked him over. "Especially a ruffian like you." Her weight shifted and knees bent, prepared for a fight if one should arise.
Resident mounted archer
1:40am Feb 14 2011
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(whoa, whoops.. My bad. T-T) Jake looked at her and scoffed. "Tch...Just because I'm a curious rogue with no life ahead of me." He stretched his arms and returned his gaze to her horse. "That horse is one of the King's horses... I guess the King decided not to ride tonight.." He sighed. "I rather not get into a fight with a girl.. I really don't want to be convicted because of a fight with a princess.. The Kiong and his other groups usually just hand over their money or whatnot.." He closed his eyes and flopped onto the floor. "Let's see... So your really not going to tell me what your doing out here?"
2:34am Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 2,963
"Copper is not one of the Kings' horses....he's mine. And fathers gone away to war," Alix mumbled, looking at the ground infront of his feet as if it were some manner of bug she found interesting that decided to crawl out of the ground. "And mothers taken ill. And why wouldn't you fight a girl? Is it 'cause you're 'fraid you'll loose?" She asked with a smirk, lifting her chin and dropping the well groomed speech that was befit her ti tle. But then again, the breeches she wore weren't exactly 'befit' her either.
Resident mounted archer
9:39pm Feb 14 2011
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Resident mounted archer
1:09am Feb 16 2011
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Jake let out a laugh and he looked at the princess. "Why would I be scared? I'm a rogue anyways. I rather just not fight a girl. The men are much more amusing and many of the girls I've fought before seemed to have always gotten me in trouble because they say I ambused them when they really came looking for me..." He smirked and stood up, stretching his back and arms. He grabbed the tree limb and made his way back up hte tree. "By the way, you should be getting home. The wolves and other forest animals come out soon. And it would be a shame if a pretty girl like you was eaten."
9:06pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,963
((Sorry. Had a wicked snow storm blow up and knocked out our power.)) Alix crossed her arms. "Thats not fair...how come boys are the only ones with any fun. Girls arent fun to fight; all they do is hit, scratch, and slap. The soldiers are all afraid of hurning me, so they hold back." She peered into the tree, trying to watch the stranger, saying breathlessly, almost as an after thought "No fun at all." The girl sighed and whistled for Copper, who trotted over, his mouth full of whatever stringy gr*censored* he had managed to find.
Resident mounted archer
3:20am Feb 19 2011
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Jake hung down by his legs. "What? So you have fought guys before? Your one tough girl.. or.. one guying princess.." He looked at Alex and yawned. His head fillling with blood. He sat up on teh branch, laying down on the branch. He looked ta the princess. "SO anyways, is the princess going to go back to her father and tell that she was tossed off her horse by a mean boy?" He smiled and sat up, hoisting himself into the next highest branch.
11:18am Feb 19 2011
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Posts: 2,963
"Oh yes. Definately." Alix said boredly, looking at her fingernails and picking at a broken one. "In fact, he'll be so mad, he'll burn the forest down...." Now she smiled hugely. "That is, if he was here now and not in some far off place." She took a running start and grabbed at a branch of a tree near to the boy and flipped her legs over it so her hips were resting on its bark. Then she pulled a leg over and straddled the limb, looking down at the ground, hair wild and tangled in small chips that had broken off.
Resident mounted archer