Name: Alexis Brimmings
Gender: Male, but everyone thinks he's a girl, only Jack knows he's a man.
Age: 22, but looks to be aroudn eighteen
Species: Let's go with human.
Personality: Psychotic, merderous, evil genious pretty much that always thinks two steps ahead. He is, however, afraid of the dark, and no one knows, but he had a night light in his room, because of this. He does some pretty strange things, and because of his past has led him to tihnk he's a female trapped in a male's body and wears a dress (One mainly, but has been seen in a black Kimono from time to time), and seems to love Visual Kei. He is rather lazy when it comes to cleaning his house, but it usually get's done. He is a suicidal maniac, and has always told Joker, that if he were to die, he'd take as many people as he could with him.
Crush: No one
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Salena Kyle, but is only using her, and hates the woman's guts.
History:He was beaten, raped, molested, and near tortured by his sick father in law who always had Alexis do things like drug deals, sell his body off, do odd jobs and other things that he did against his will, to bring his father money. His mother died when he was twelve and that's when his step father started acting how he did to Alexis. Alexis grew a psychotic mind, and merderous intentions to anything that moved. Out of embaresment, he never told anyone. He had a long history of attempting suicide, and once almsot drowning himself, but was pulled out in time, still, to this day he doesn't know who saved his life. He killed his father, and shortly after he stopepd talking, fearing he might one day accidentally mention what his father had done to him. The only person he's never thought about killing is his 'partner' and only freind Joker for the reason he believes if he wasn't treated the way he was as a child he would have ended up like Joker. It has occured to him Joker is using him, but he doesn't care.
Looks:He is skinny and tall, almost unnaturally slender. He has jet black short hair and Emerald Green eyes. He wears a tieght leather dress that shows off his left leg from the thigh. His arms are covered in the red leather form the tieght Kimono, but he wears red leather gloves, and wear clingly leather black pants and leather high heeled red boots. The Kimono is dark red almsot seeming Orange. He wears black mascara and puts white make up on his face. He wears red lipstick. He is easily and always mistaken for a woman, Joker loves to tease him about this. He also wears a black tee shirt, under the red kimono.
Other:He never talks only whispers to Jack whom he is always around. he sometimes uses flash cards, Mimes and a pen and paper.
Name: Salena Kyle
Age: 20
Species: Homo sapian
Personality: Sly, cunning, lacks sarcasm, and hates not getting her way.
Crush: Alexis
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Alexis
History: She's a thief. What more can you expect?
In costume
Out of Costume.
Other: She's Catwoman. XD
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown. as$umed around 25
Species: Human...
Personality: Crazy. >_>'
Crush:No one
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I'm sure he's probably...Meh, never mind.
History: When he was young he was in a rich family, then he blew his money away and just crazcked like a walnut.
Other: Not much.
Name: Harleen Quinzel
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Homo sapian.
Personality: Too damn perky.
Crush: Joker.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None
History: This is going to be MY version of Harly. XD
Other: This is /MY/ Version of Harly. >:D
Name: Scarecrow
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, suspected to be 26
Species: Homo sapian.
Personality: Crazy genious?
Crush: No one
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None.
History: Blegh/
Oh, fine....

Other:Not much.
Name: Dick Grayson (Gayson. XD) Or Nightwing
Age: Unknown. DX
Species: Homo sapian
Personality: Meh...
Crush:No one.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Barbra Gordon
History: His parent's died on a rigged trapese accident, and Bruce took him in. That's all I really know. >_>'
Other: He used to know Alexis.....