1:30pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,299
+Plot+ Way into the future, normal humans know about the people who are elementals. They are frightened of them, and fear their powers so much that the government decided to track them down like animals and lock them away, to stay there until they die. Many have been captured already, and few elementals are left. These survivors are in hiding, either pretending to be normal people or living their lives on the streets, running when they see regular humans. The surviving elementals now have to do something about it. Will they free the elementals or let themselves be hunted down like the rest were. +Rules+ Drama, betrayals, romance, and violence are absolutely allowed. Keep everything PG-13. Be nice to the other roleplayers. Be Literate or at least Semi-lit. No one-liners. Listen to me, ___, and ___. (Two Co-owners who will be chosen, are picked out of the most active. They will be picked later on.) Have fun of course. +Bio+ Name: Age: Gender: Element: Personality: Looks: History: Bf/Gf: Other:
1:39pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 1:46pm Feb 7 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Join please? +Bio+ Name: Tempest Kizuki Age: 17 Gender: Female Element: Storms/Tempests Personality: She is a very active person who loves arguing. She tends to act lazy and calm to lull people into a sense of security. Looks: She has blue hair to match her element History: Don't ask Bf/Gf: Open Other: Her prefered weapon is a sword. She has a large fear of modern weapons like guns.
1:41pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Name: Rakoren Drakmore Age: 17 years old Gender: Male Element: Fire Personality: Rakoren is usually bad-tempered and rude. If anyone wants to bother talking with him, he says for them to go away, and that he doesn't need anybody to annoy him. Rakoren doesn't really know though that he is actually the one being annoying and getting on people's nerves. The whole matter of being tracked down by the government is making Rakoren even more harsh than before. Looks: Rakoren is 6"7 with very dark brown hair, that looks almost black. His arms are skinny, and he looks like a twig, despite his tough guy act that he puts on. A tattoo of a red tiger is on his left arm and a scar is above his left eye. Rakoren's eyes are a cold-looking silver. Rakoren is usually wearing a black t-shirt with a golden dragon printed on its front and blue jeans. History: Rakoren was born in a family of elementals. His father was a shadow elemental, his mother a water elemental. Nobody in his family was a fire elemental except him. Then the government started chasing after them, and now Rakoren's parents are dead. His siblings are either captured, dead, or fending for themselves alone like he is. Rakoren is currently living out on the streets. Bf/Gf: Open Other: None
1:42pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((Yes, Det, except can you please resize the pic?))
1:43pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Why? Is it stretching the page?
1:44pm Feb 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,299
((Over at my computer it is.))
1:46pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; OK, sorry :P
2:03pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((Thanks.)) Name: Kaina Slyght Age: 16 years old Gender: Female Element: Water Personality: Kaina is very calm at times. Sometimes she can suddenly go into a rage, kind of like the sea does. Kaina despises rude people, and refuses to get along with anybody who would rather get killed than be friends with someone. She is quite chatty though. Looks: Kaina is 6"6 with long, shiny black hair which she wears loose. Her eyes are a shimmering blue-green color and a charm bracelet is on her right wrist. Kaina's smile is beautiful. She is most often wearing a midnight blue tanktop and light gray pants. A small gun is usually hidden in her left sneaker. History: She doesn't feel like giving the details about her life. Bf/Gf: None Other: None
2:05pm Feb 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 41
((can there be 2 of 1 element??Just asking.))

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
2:07pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Can I join Wolf?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:50pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((Sies: One Serenity: Sure!))
5:57pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,299
(( ~Bump~ ))
6:00pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; HI :P
6:02pm Feb 7 2010
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6:26pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((*glances around* Maybe we should start.)) Rakoren was lurking in a dirty alleyway, his silver eyes glinting in the dim light that came into there. He was hiding from some government people who had come by, a minute ago. The teenager had been hurling fire at the house of someone who was helping to track elementals down. Rakoren had been planning this for quite a long time, since that guy had been ratting out every elemental he saw. Someone who had seen him, attacking the house, contacted the government about what they had seen, and now here he was hiding from those government trackers who had come. Why can't they just leave us alone? Kaina watched with the normal humans quietly as the trackers searched for the elemental they had been called about. Kaina hoped that whoever it was would escape. She had been pretending to be normal and attending normal school for a while, though she desperately wanted to use her element for once, without having to use it in secret. It was a pain in the neck for Kaina to lay low, she wanted to be free, to not have everyone regular be so terrified of them. Elementals were after all still people too!
6:44pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Kaina watched, scared, as one of the trackers looked into a dark alley. She suddenly felt tense. "Hey, guys, there's one over here!" the tracker yelled, his eyes wide with excitement. "We've actually found one here!" The two other trackers, ran right over, obviously as excited as that one tracker. The tracker that had alerted the others went into the alleyway. A moment later, he came out, dragging a seventeen-year-old boy behind him, who was kicking and yelling in rage. Sparks flew from his hands as he attempted to burn the tracker. Kaina realized this must be a fire elemental. ~~~~~~~ Rakoren yelled curses at the tracker who had found him, as he was mercilessly dragged out of the alley. "Let me go, you useless government tracker!" he spat. His silver eyes glared coldly at the tracker. Rakoren listened as the tracker muttered,"The government will pay me well for this young elemental. Probably the one who has been causing trouble over here for a long time." Rakoren felt himself give uo his struggle. He stared at the crowd of normal humans, the ones who thought people like him were a danger to society. Rakoren noticed a girl in the crowd, a year younger than he was. She seemed different from the others, like she wasn't really one of them. She must be one of us. "Help me!" he cried.
6:47pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,551
((Join? ))
6:48pm Feb 7 2010
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((Yes, Night.))
6:48pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Tempest heard yelling and turned to see a young guy being dragged off by a tracker. Cursing, she lifted her hands and called a storm from the clouds gathering up above. Turning her hands to the tracker, she yelled something and lightning gathered from the thunderheads welled out of her hands, hitting the tracker square in the chest.
6:48pm Feb 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
(( May I join? :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe