1:11pm Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 8:56pm Jun 21 2010)
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Posts: 56
 Welcome to my roleplay! My name is Emily, and I am this roleplay's creator and moderator. I am really nice, and really literate. Thus, this roleplay is for LITERATE roleplayers only.
.PLOT. In a world where war is at large and people's only goal is to survive, the masterminds behind each Sector are desperate and bloodthirsty.
That is why they hired a new race of man called 'Alchemists', who were said to be connected to the gods and their realm. These alchemists could tamper with the boundaries between Heaven, Earth, and even Hell. They could summon creatures of lore, create ultimate weapons, and even bring the Gods down to earth if powerful and skilled enough.
But there was a catch: every time the alchemists used these powers, something dangerous would happen to them. It varied with each alchemist; in one case, a year was knocked off of an alchemist's life span each time they used their power. In another, a person close to them instantly died an excruciatingly painful death.
Nevertheless, the Kings and Queens of each Sector were willing to take the risk in order to conquer other sectors, and eventually the world. Most alchemists were enslaved, but others were willing to do whatever the residing power wanted.
But another problem came up: the alchemists were using innocent people to experiment on. These people gained strange, godlike powers. There were cases of being able to wield the elements, transform, fly, and many other power of the like.
Up to present, there are only four alchemists remaining; one for each Sector. However, the four great alchemists are taking apprentices under their wing, in order to keep the practice alive. However, it is a dangerous task in a dangerous world. No one can be safe. No one can be trusted. No one can prevail.
.!TWIST!. Presently, there is a group of ...rebels that are rising up against all of the kingdoms; they call themselves the Rebellion. Their goal is simple, but the task is complicated: stop the war. The members of the rebellion are now kidnapping as many alchemists, apprentices, 'powered' individuals, and are even rumored to be in the process of kidnapping royalty. No one knows anything else about this rebellious group, but it has been also rumored that the members consist of Gods in human form. The Rebellion's location is unknown, but migrates quite often. Will they rise up and conquer? Or will they be crushed by the opposing forces? At this time, no one can even guess.
.SETTING. The setting takes place in the distant future, on planet Earth. Earth has been divided into four sectors, each ruled my a King or Queen, and powered by one alchemist. The sectors each have a name, and function as their own country. These are the following sectors:
Kaizer; the largest sector, ruled by King Nikifor. Its terrain is mountainous and rocky, with abundant volcanoes and not much vegetation. It is known to be the most corrupted and bloodthirtsy sector.
Marah; the smallest sector, ruled by Queen Anfisa. Its terrain is lush and bountiful, with many forests and rivers. It is known to be the most harmonious sector, where most people can be safe.
Aaria; the middle sector, ruled by Queen Siloh. Its terrain is flat except for the occasional hill. It has many rivers and tributaries, and is abundant in wildlife. It is known to be the most intelligent and prideful sector.
Cicon; the middle sector, rule by King Andelko. Its terrain is hot and desert-like, with little water, vegetation, and wildlife. However, the sector is known have the most powerful beings, with many weapons of war.
.CHARACTERS. The four alchemists: Kaizer's Alchemist: Na'vaté Dyhearte - played by Lore Apprentices: Camarina Aerilee - played by casanev
Marah's Alchemist: Auburn White - played by lolalover6 Apprentices: Cain Poswell - played by winterisis
Aaria's Alchemist: Ash - played by ashdog554 Apprentices:
Cicon's Alchemist: Petar Dubravko - played by Lore Apprentices:
POWERED CHARACTERS: These are the characters that have been experimented on and now have powers. Dusk Kalic Minari - played by Feyth Aaron Ryuin - played by kakelover Ashton - played by lolalover6 SPECIAL CHARACTERS: These characters are optional King Nikifor: Queen Anfisa: Queen Siloh: King Andleko:
OTHER CHARACTERS: These characters can be whatever they want, as long as it is approved by me. (i.e. whatever is not listed above.)
USERS JOINED Lore Feyth kakelover ashdog554 lolalover6 winterisis .CHARACTER FORMS. Alchemists/Apprentices: Name: Age: Gender: Alchemist or Apprentice: From sector ____: Race/Species: Skin Tone: Hair Color: Hair Style: Eye Color: Eye Shape: Face Shape: Height: Build: Clothing: Accessories: Tattoos/Piercings: Pets: Personality: History: Other:
Powered Characters Name: Age: Gender: Power: From sector ____: Race/Species: Skin Tone: Hair Color: Hair Style: Eye Color: Eye Shape: Face Shape: Height: Build: Clothing: Accessories: Tattoos/Piercings: Pets: Personality: History: Other:
Special Characters
Name: [King Nikifor] [Queen Anfisa] [Queen Siloh] [King Andelko] Age: Gender: Race/Species: Skin Tone: Hair Color: Hair Style: Eye Color: Eye Shape: Face Shape: Height: Build: Clothing: Accessories: Tattoos/Piercings: Pets: Personality: History: Other:
Other Characters: Name: Age: Gender: From sector ____: Race/Species: Skin Tone: Hair Color: Hair Style: Eye Color: Eye Shape: Face Shape: Height: Weight: Build: Clothing: Accessories: Tattoos/Piercings: Pets: Personality: History: Other: NOTE: Tell me how you are significant to the plot line.
.MY CHARACTERS. Name: Na'vaté Dyhearte (Pronounced NAH-VAH-TAY DIE-HEART) Age: 21 Gender: Female Alchemist or Apprentice: Alchemist From sector ____: Kaizer Race/Species: Caucasian Necromancer/Alchemist Skin Tone: Extremely pale Hair Color: Black Hair Style: Sleek and straight, goes past knees when down. Usually put up in a bonnet-like hat. Eye Color: One dark brown eye, one prosthetic eye made with a gear for the iris; it is gold-colored. Eye Shape: Slanted Face Shape: Long, pointed. Height: 6'3" Build: Tall, skinny Clothing: Na'vaté wears steam punk clothing; a tight, ribboned black corset, tight-fitting black pants, knee-high black boots, and a long, dark crimson cloak. Accessories: Na'vaté has tight leather bands around her arms and neck with rubies encrusted into each band. She also wears a silver cross around her neck. Na'vaté wears obsidian earrings. Tattoos/Piercings: Na'vaté has two piercings in one ear, and thirteen in the other. Pets: A murder of crows that follows her around; her favorite is named 'Lethal'. Personality: Na'vaté is very clever, and uses it to make smart remarks. She is very straightforward, and also has an extremely short temper. She has schizophrenia, so she sees and hears things that aren't real. History: Na'vate cannot remember her childhood or adolescent years due to her curse that comes with her alchemy. The only thing that she can remember is her father's abuse and her mother's neglect. No one knows where she came from, or how she learned alchemy. Recently, Na'vaté tried to create an immortality potion, but turned her heart to ash in the process. Luckily, she knew how to keep herself alive for the amount of time necessary to build a makeshift heart out of metal scraps and gears, which is what she did. After completing the heart, she stored a crow's feather in it for luck, a lock of her deceased mother's hair, and a pocket watch belonging to her dying father. Other: Na'vate has many, many scars. The most distinctive of them are two, thin scars along each shoulder blade and a deep, grotesque one across her chest where her heart is located.
If you have any questions, just ask me. Now, what are you waiting for? Let's roleplay!

1:16pm Jun 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 959
very very interesting 8D you think this up yourself? I'd gladly join as Aaria's alchemist?
Embrynn is : Offline :(

5:11pm Jun 2 2010 (last edited on 6:02pm Jun 16 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 56
Thank you, and yes, thisi is a completely original roleplay by me. :3 Of course you may join as Aaria's Alchemist! EDIT: I let another player be Aaria's alchemist because she posted her character first.
6:18pm Jun 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,511
Huh... ono I might join, though, Res has made me pretty lazy. xD If I figure I've got enough time to come up with a character and fill a character sheet, I will. ouo Let me just say that this is a well thought-out plot. ono Haven't seen one like this in a while, mostly because I don't join out-of-site roleplays anymore. xD But, yeah, this roleplay really has a great plot.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:40pm Jun 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 56
I hope you join; we really need more players. :3 And thank you for the compliment!
8:06am Jun 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,943
((May I join, please?))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:55am Jun 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 56
Sure, you can join. :3
12:29pm Jun 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 56
UPDATE. Eh, apparently no one has posted their character sheets yet, so... we need some more players! Come on, people. Who could resist a very well-developed plot like this?
5:59pm Jun 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 842
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
8:58pm Jun 15 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 56
Sure, if anyone will still post their character sheets. :/
9:02pm Jun 15 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,962
((I'd love to be Marah's Alchemist, as well as an apprentice and/or a powered being? xD If the citizens are being played, too, I would glady create some as well.))
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:32pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I would love to join, the plot is very well thought out and I love literate people. Its easier when people speel and use correct grammer -half-giggle-)) Name: Dusk Kalic Minari Age: 14 years of Age Gender: Female Power: Her powers range of being able to control the elements of Water and Air vary for her. Sometimes she can only control one element, others, mostly in times of danger, she can control both at the same time. Example: Dusk took hold of the water's motion and her heart beat in time with the rhythm of the waves lapping on the s*censored*. She brought her hands up and down with the pounding of the ocean and took the water from the bank. She twisted it around in her arms, making it colder and colder till it froze and then warmer and warmer till it evaporated into a the water gas. From sector ____: Kaizer Race/Species: Winged human/Sorceress Skin Tone: Pale pink, almost white. Hair Color: Jet black. Hair Style: Short, cropped at the top of her neck for a pixie cut. Eye Color: Purple, but it doesn't matter to her because she is blind. Eye Shape: Bird-like Face Shape: Round. Height: 5'4", short for her age, compared to the others. Build: Skinny, but muscular. This build is due to her being able to swim as fast as a fish. Clothing: She usually wears a purple kimono-like top with little gold buttons. Her pants are blue short jeans and she usually wears a black riding cloak. Accessories: She has a beautiful necklace that is shaped like the moon with a swirling water and air pattern on it. It is an onyx black color. Tattoos/Piercings: Well, its not a tatoo, but when she was expirimented on, she got blue markings that start at her forearm, travel up her arms, over her shoulders and trickle down to nothing as they reach her forehead. Little tenticle like parts of it, twine around her eyes. They glow when she uses her powers. The markings are also on her back and they form a wing pattern. Pets: She has a silver and white horse that, although she is small, carries twice her weight. Her name is Feyth and she is Dusk's only friend. Personality: She keeps her emotions locked inside of her like a disease. She rarely speaks and when she does, it is usually some snide comment. She doesn't much care what the alchemists want with her, she is already blind, so they can't do much more with her. History: She was born in a small village in the Sector and was taken to be expirimented on at the age of 4. She was the youngest to be expirimented on because they wanted to see what would happen. Although, it hadn't been the alchemists that had caused her blindness, it just happened when she was born. Other: No
 <-- Click me
9:43pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((join as powered being?))
9:48pm Jun 15 2010
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10:01pm Jun 15 2010
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Name: Aaron Ryuin Age: 14 Gender: Male Power: he is part of the earth. He is a master with nature. He can talk to animals, create earthquakes and many other things. From sector ____: Marah Race/Species: elf Skin Tone: white but slightly tan Hair Color: brown Hair Style: short, with bangs that come down to his eyebrows Eye Color: hazel Eye Shape: like a normal human Face Shape: chiseled Height: 5 foot 4 inches Build: thin and muscular Clothing: black cloak that reaches the ground Accessories: silver chain neclace with a cross on the end, given to him by his mother before she pa$$ed away. It's the last thing he has left of her. Tattoos/Piercings: symbol of a quarter moon on the back of his neck, it is black. It glows green whenever he is in danger or in battle. Pets: A silver female wolf named Syuin that he talks to Personality: Friendly most of the time but when you get him mad he can be a dangerous enemy History: His mother died when he was a young lad and after that his father stopped being a father to him. Aaron had to father his dad at the age of ten Other:none
10:14pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 10:42am Jun 16 2010)
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Posts: 12,384
((If the answer is yes, heres my bio. If the answer is no, ignore this.)) Name: Ash Age: adult Gender: female Alchemist or Apprentice: Alchemist From sector ____: Aaria Race/Species: Human Skin Tone: pale tan skin Hair Color: Jet-Black hair Hair Style: Short, wavy Eye Color: Jade green Eye Shape: Ro und Face Shape: Oval Height: 5''9 Build: has some muscles, but not very large ones. Is quite thin. Clothing: Black t shirt and Jeans. Accessories: Has a silver bracelet Tattoos/Piercings: none. Pets: a black cat, and a grey cat Personality: Keeps to herself, sometimes rude. Impatient, too.
History: *Braindead, will come up with one* Other:
11:43pm Jun 15 2010
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10:39am Jun 16 2010
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 <-- Click me
10:42am Jun 16 2010
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10:56am Jun 16 2010
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