Basic Character format:(Copy mine, or format your own. Its up to you. We just need the info.)
History/Background:(if desired.)
Pokemon: (some get stolen when the kids get captured and changed. Some manage to keep them. Its up to you)
Picture/Physical Deion: (I know not everyone can find good pics of characters. A deion of clothing, looks, etc, works for me.)
I'll be posting people who have joined here, as well as their characters when we get some people. My characters will be posted shortly. Feel free to ask any questions!
Name:( Luna )Fang Darkfire. Darkfire is the nickname she earned when she was a trainer. She refuses to use her real name, so she goes by Luna, the name she chose for herself as soon as she left home to become a trainer at age 10.
Looks/Attire: Shes got mightyena ears sticking out of her head through rough looking curly black hair. Her eyes are an icy blue, and she's clad in dark jeans, a white tank top, and a black leather jacket. She's got a tail, and her legs and feet look more mightynea from the shin down. She refuses to wear shoes.
Personality/History: Left home to become a trainer, and was captured one night on the streets. They kill 3 of her closest pokemon, but she carries on training her others in their name. Her mightyena mercury is the sister of her fallen one Venus. Because of her parents, she's grown cold over the years since they always seemed to ignore her because she was a tom boy and anot the perfect little princess they wanted her to be. When she left home, she never looked back. Her charizard Thorfax was her starter.
Pokemon:Thorfax (shiny Charizard) , And then her "pack" which consists of of the mightyenas Sasha, Mercury, and Serenity, and then a strong poochyena pup named Athena, and her baby houndour named Bane.
Other: Shes currently working as one of the scientists "pets", but shes also working to help experiments escape. Shes a tough girl, and shes known for being rude, but she has a soft spot for little kids.
Name: Bella
Age/Gender: 16, Female
DNA: Shiny ditto
Personality: You'll see.^^
Powers: Bella can only morph into certain pokemon. You see, because she's half ditto, she can't mearly look at a pokemon and transform. She has to have taken in that pokemons DNA before; a drop of blood, or a strand of hair will work. Only then can she change into that person or pokemon. After shes done that once, she can change into that form or any of her others at will. At present, she only has roughly 26 morphs, all coming from her various pokemon teams from different reigons.
Pokemon: The only one she has with her at the moment is her Persian, Jake.
Looks: Shes a normal girl, and since she can keep her human looks, she normally does. Brown wavy hair thats just past her shoulders, and brown eyes. Shes wearing Jeans and a black halter top with a pink jacket that has different colored peace signs on it and build in head phones. No shoes, no socks.
Name: Nix (Possible short for Pheonix?I dunno.I didn't really think him through.XD )
Age: 17
Gender: Male
DNA: Murkrow
Looks: Tall, pale, almost looks Emo. He's got black wings and tail, and red eyes. Wearing tight fitting black jeans and a long sleeved, black button up shirt that he's left open, showing his chest. No shoes. His hair is on the long side, and he holds it back with a red rubber band in a loose ponly tail.
Personality/istory: Rp it out.
Name: Sorina
Age: 16 (Birthday 4/25, Taurus)
Gender: Female
DNA: Serperior
Personality/Powers: Quiet, but not shy. Fierce temper, and a short fuse to match. Sorina can be pretty cold, and quite calculating, and very intelligent...when she's not about to rip someone's head off. Generally hates people, too.
History/Background: Sorina was caught when she was 13, though because she was put into solitary confinement so many times, she's rarely been seen. She has no real friend (or any at all, actually), mostly due to her temper and her usual being in solitary. At this point, she only honestly wants to get out of the colluseum.
Before she was caught, she still led a very lonely life. Her parents abandoned her at the age of 9, leaving her to fend for herself for some time. She lived on the streets during that time. Eventually, she was put into foster care, where she was, more often than not, abused. After some time of this, she ended up being put with a scientist, who promptly sent her off to be changed and thrown into the colluseum.
Pokemon: None
Picture/Physical Deion: Her hair is a golden blonde, with a few green highlights strewn throughout (due to her DNA). It's long, hanging all the way down her back. Very straight. Her eyes are dark orange, like her DNA Pokemon. She has a long Serperior tail (with which she can morph her legs if she so wishes), and good control of her powers that come with the DNA. Wearing beat up, torn, faded jeans, and a ripped black T-shirt that shows off her stomach (which was ripped on purpose). No shoes.
Name: Mathias (goes by Matt)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
DNA: Salamence
Personality/Powers: Normally eerily silent. But he's not a bad guy- he just doesn't really like to talk. He's not shy either; he's just the kind of guy who requires being talked to before he'll talk. If you get him to talk, he's actually a pretty sweet guy, and very kind. Loves people, and especially loves Pokemon. Can fly, if he wants, but actually kinda prefers being on the ground. Also, really talented musically. (Can play several instruments, including ocarina and guitar.)
History/Background: Lived on a Pokemon ranch with his parents, who were breeders. He was nearly captured at age 11, when the scientists raided his home, killing his parents and several Pokemon, and they seized many of the others. Matt managed to escape with his beloved female shiny Rapidash, Blaze, who he still has with him. He left to become a trainer after this, and managed to become a pretty good trainer. But also, after this, he began to never talk much.
Eventually, he fell in love. His affections went to a girl named Talia, who travelled with him for some time. When he was 16, and she 17, they were attacked by the scientists. While he was easily and successfully infused with his love's Salamence's DNA, Talia wasn't so lucky. She died shortly after being infused. It was after this that he became like he is now- silent. A lot of the life went out of his eyes, and he's still really reluctant to become very attached to people, though he still loves being around good people. He also now carries Talia's Salamence's Pokeball on a chain around his neck, and the Salamence inside.
Pokemon: Female shiny Rapidash named Blaze, and male Salamence named Pyro.
Picture/Physical Deion: Long, chesnut brown hair, tied back in a medium-height ponytail, reaching just past his shoulders. Deep green eyes. Wears a buttoned black long-sleeve shirt and dark jeans, with a chain belt. No shoes. Has the wings and tail of a Salamence, and has just the top spikes poking through his hair like horns.

(not my pic. All credit goes to Shadowkatz on Deviantart)
Personality: He is pretty fun to be around, though he loves the thrill of the moment when batteling. Strategic to the point of being annoying, he loves to smile, win or lose, and though he hasn't lost a match yet.
Pokemon: Garchomp and Vaporeon
History: Find out from him if you like.
(Not my pic. All credit goes to PinkAngelChao on Deviantart)
Personality: She is me ^^ I couldn't find a good pick of a girl lucario... which is actually really me so this is good to ^^
Pokemon: Dragonite, Lucario, Apharos, Floatzel and they morphed her with her Blaziken
History: Find out yourself :3
Name: Wind
Gender: Male
DNA: Absol
Personality: Based of the side of my that no one knows about x_x
Pokemon: His own Absol (morphed with) Gardevoir, Turtwig, and a Weavile
Abilities: He literally controls the air. Speed and gravity are little of a problem for this boy.
History: Amnesia. He doesn't even remember
Name: Linuon
Age: 17
Gender: Male
DNA: Linoone
Personality: He's a sweetheart. <3 He's shy and a bit of a wimp. He hates fighting and violence and simply refuses to go along with it.
History/Background:(if desired.)
Pokemon: He has a couple Linoones and for some weird reason he also has a mean ol' Charizard that is with him almost all of the time. ouo
Picture/Physical Deion:

Name: Abyss. He has long since ceased using hios real name
Age: 17
Gender: Male
DNA: Zoroark 8D
Personality: Um... He's very tempermental. 8D Just to put it bluntly. He hates people and is a vicious fighter. :U
History/Background:(if desired.)
Pokemon: His personal Zoroark (Which he was combined with) and a female Zorua named Kamikaze. c:
Picture/Physical Deion:

Name: Nyx
Age: 15
Gender: Male
DNA: Haunter
Personality: Nyx can best be described as a light-hearted flirt. He's playful and friendly to anyone he meets and unless they do something horrible to him, he'll act like a good friend to them, even if they've only just met. Yes, he is Bisexual, so there's nobody he wouldn't flirt with. xD
Powers: Haunter Powers. :3
History/Background: Was orphaned at a young age, he grew up on the streets with only a few Pokemon by his side to call his family.
Pokemon: Nyx managed to keep both his most loyal Pokemon when he was taken. A Flareon named Blaze and a Pikachu named Jolt.
Picture/Physical Deion:
Name: Knight
Age: 16
Gender: Male
DNA: Choroneko
Personality: RP out? owo
Powers: Choroneko Powers. ;O Also, he's a flippin' ninja.
History/Background: Grew up being trained in his family's dojo. He became very skilled as a fighter as he worked along side his Pokemon to master all kinds of martial arts. He is not one to be messed with.
Pokemon: Knight kept all three of the Pokemon he had. Mainly because they barely managed to capture him and keep him restrained, no one was able to take his Pokemon away. He owns a Choroneko named Thief, a Zangoose named Zero, and a Scizor without a nickname that was given to him by his grandfather shortly before his capture.
Picture/Physical Deion: