11:35am May 21 2012 (last edited on 1:37pm May 26 2012)
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I am the night mare, With eyes that are red.My form is a horse, My own soul is dead.I am the night mare, My color is black.I carry bad dreams, They're all on my back.I am the night mare, Betrayed by my blood, And now bring bad dreamsFrom the haunted wood.I am the night mare, I fly in the night.I carry bad dreamsThat cause fear and fright.I am the night mare, Forever I'll beKnown as a curse, andA curse I will be.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P L O T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Deep in the shade of Du Weldenvarden, the elves stand watch around a hidden sanctuary, waiting. In the cool shadows of the forest, three eggs lay in silence. The evils of Alagaësia are rising, and with Eragon and Saphira never before discovered, the only chance is for the three to hatch, and their riders to be trained to fight for the right, for the good, and for freedom. Galbatorix sits on his throne in the depths of his empire, knowing that these eggs do not exist, and for as long as he will live, his tyranny will go unchallenged.Time to prove him wrong.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R E G A R D I N G C H A R A C T E R S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At any point in the story, you are allowed to compose a new character aside from your main. These are referred to as "Support Characters" and are basically made just to add more to the story. Feel free to add someone at any time; any species / position / purpose is allowed, even if just to be killed off.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R U L E S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The basics.1. Follow all Rescreatu guidelines.2. Respect other users.3. Ask the player's permission before injuring or killing a character of theirs.4. No power-playing.5. Please make your posts as long and detailed as you can. One-liners are really not acceptable, even if your characters do little. You should be able to get in three sentences at the very least, although brain-fart periods are understandable. 6. You do not have to participate in romance or anything of the sort if you do not wish to, yet you are free to do so if you so choose. All orientations are acceptable.7. This roleplay is meant for semi-literate to literate players, due to the fact that the concept is somewhat complex, and to many it makes it difficult to understand if you are not literate. No offense to anybody who does write this way, but please attempt to use adequate grammar and spelling if you are to join.8. Reasonable time will be given, but if you post BIOs and do not make yourself an active part of the roleplay, we will continue without you. Please be sure you can commit to this before asking to join.Feel free to ask any questions.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BIO AND JOIN REGULATIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There will only be three players (due to the fact that there are only three eggs). After all slots are taken, however, there may be positions for alternate characters such as teachers, seers, ect. Rider slots will be taken first unless specifically requested. Please stay reletively close to the guidelines that the Inheritance series lays down, and do not "god-mod" with your characters. All dragons will start out as eggs and will hatch a little bit into the story. These grow at a normal pace.[ Humanoid ]Name:Gender:Age:Species:Personality:Appearance:Talents (optional):Bond:Other:[ Dragon ]Name:Gender:Personality:Appearance:Other:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H E L P F U L L I N K S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For the Ancient Language: [tle="" href="http://inheritance.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Language">X]For a map of Alagaësia: [tle="" href="http://images.wikia.com/the-inheritance-cycle/images/5/58/Map_of_Alagaesia.png">X]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P L A Y E R S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rider - CayRider - FluzzRider - Feyth
11:36am May 21 2012 (last edited on 7:59pm May 21 2012)
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(( Going to get my BIO up in a second. Feel free to post. P: ))[ Humanoid ]
Name: Jayne Cyress Gender: Male Age: 23 Species: Human Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, and reserved, Jayne is not quick to make either friends or enemies. He prefers to watch from the sidelines and study from a distance. He is very talented when it comes to judging personalities, although he is under too much turmoil to even know his own. He is calculating, and in most cases would rather feign away from an attack to watch until the other has let their guard down. He has the unnatural ability to get into another's head, and pick them apart from the inside. He knows how to twist the bad... and the good. Will work on the rest as we progress. Appearance: Jayne is of average height, but slightly less-than-par build. He has slightly narrow shoulders, and has more "swimmer's muscle" than the brutes he is used to seeing. He has dark blonde hair and deep, black eyes. His face is mostly heart-shaped, and he is clean-shaven. He typically wears a leather vest over a white, long-sleeved undershirt, and a pair of pants that are good for hiking and exploring through the hidden underbrush. He has dark, slightly worn boots, and a white scarf that he has constantly draped over his shoulders. His hands are still soft and uncalloused, betraying the fact that he is not at all used to hard physical labor. Talents: Later in the story, Jayne is going to have a difficult time mastering magic, but will have an easier-than-normal time at mastering the breaching of minds. Bond: Sorden
[ Dragon ]
Name: Sorden Gender: Female Personality: I'll leave this for until she hatches, but I will say that she will be quite opposite of Jayne in more ways than one. Appearance: Smaller an slimmer than most dragons, even females, she relies very little on brute force and more on maneuverability, speed, and deceit. Her hide is very, very dark muddy-purple in color, just enough off black for others to notice the difference. Her markings are all a pearly, clear white, as are all the spines on her body. On her face she has markings that resemble a skull-like mask, the "eye sockets" around her eyes the same dark color as the rest of her skin. Along the edge of this 'mask', the color stops on her upper jawline with the exception of her chin, where it comes down on the tip. The rear edges of her wing membranes have a line of white across them, followed by a second, thinner line just a little bit in. The upper backs of her thighs have a similar line of white, although it tapers to a stop around the backs of her knees. Across her rump, she has gently curling, intricate markings hardly as thick as a string of twine. She has a sort of mane composed from sharp, quill-like spikes, which stops about the middle of her neck. A careful line of these spines also blanket the underside of her throat, stopping at the blunt of her jawline and continuing forward to her chin. Her horns are long and thin, but are more for ornate purposes than for actual fighting advantage; although she can so some damage with them, her claws and teeth are by far her more functional assets.
(( Edit: Fixed the glitch. Yay! ))
5:11pm May 21 2012
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((May I join?))
5:13pm May 21 2012 (last edited on 8:36am May 25 2012)
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((I wish to join, but your post is stretching the page)) [ Humanoid ]Name: Avalia Dracona Gender: Female Age: 18 Species: Elf Personality: Avalia's persona matches the moon's. Shy, quiet, and reserved when the sun is up, but more open and outgoing as the moon rises. There is an exception, however, that when the moon is at its fullest, she cannot speak. Its not that she doesn't want to; she literally cannot utter any sound. Nobody knows why this is really, but it could be due to her childhood and an... accident that happened to her when she was 5, but no one can be sure. Any time of the day or night, if she makes a friend, she will always speak to them (except on the full moon). She opens up a bit more when she is around people she knows, even if she still seems to be a tad reluctant to follow ideas. She is one of the most loyal friends you could have, but beware... she doesn't take kindly to fake friends. Appearance:(Not my picture.) Talents (optional): She can work wonders with any kind of long range weapon, magic or otherwise, but she is terrible with swords or other ones where you have to be up close to the enemy. She also has healing magic, but hates using it because she isn't very skilled with that aspect of magic. Bond: NysaOther: I thought I remembered the elves having magic, I'll have to reread the series. I might be getting confused with another series where elves have magic. [ Dragon ]Name: Nysa (pronounced Nee- SA) Gender: FemalePersonality: May I rp this out, I won't really know until she is hatched.Appearance:
((also not my picture and she will get bigger as the roleplay plays out. Here is her egg:
Other: Nope, just tell me if I need to fix anything.
<-- Click me
5:19pm May 21 2012
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((I'll join. :3))
5:22pm May 21 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Lots of attention all at once. xD
Fluzz, you most certainly can.
Feyth, I didn't realize it was; my screen is large enough not to be affected. I tried to fix it, but I still can't see one way or the other. Look good from your point?
You might have posted just a little late, sona, depending on whether or not Feyth is interested. However, I don't think it would be that big of a deal to add one more Rider. ;D ))
5:24pm May 21 2012 (last edited on 5:25pm May 21 2012)
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Posts: 6,948
((Ok, maybe it was just my phone and yes, I do want to be a rider -nods-
EDIT: Can the rider be an elf?))
<-- Click me
5:26pm May 21 2012 (last edited on 6:17pm May 21 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
(( That sounds great, I added an extra Rider. Everyone feel free to post again to get up their BIO's. :D
Edit: The Rider can be any of the peoples that are typically Riders, namely humans and Elves. c: I'll put my BIO on the other post. ))
5:42pm May 21 2012
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((I edited my first post with my bio.))
<-- Click me
6:16pm May 21 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( She sounds great, Feyth. And it's been a while since I read the books as well, but I'm fairly certain the Elves had magic. In fact, if you guys see anything wrong with my BIO [I updated my first post], just let me know, I might have gotten confused on something.
And so sorry for the jumbled deions, I'm really not the best with those. Can't wait for Fluzz and sona to finish, I'm so excited. xD ))
7:33pm May 21 2012 (last edited on 5:21pm Jul 10 2012)
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Name: Kaylien (Kay-leen) Neirdan (Near-dan) Gender: Female Age: 19Species: HumanPersonality: Kate is a very sweet, fun-loving, and well-liked individual that gets along poorly with very few. She is innocent in an almost childish manor, but is still responsible, loyal, and proud. She can be very shy at times, but opens up very quickly and has no trouble at all making good friends. She is easily offended, however, but is quick to forgive. I'll RP the rest out. Appearance: Kate has tle="c" href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkPinXZtPTVcAozaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DChocolate%2Bbrown%2Bhair%2Bcolor%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D6&w=400&h=482&imgurl=www.haircolorideas2012.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F09%2FBest-Hair-Colors-3.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.haircolorideas2012.net%2Fbest-hair-colors%2F&size=43.9+KB&name=Best+Hair+Colors+%7C+Hair+Color+Ideas+2012&p=Chocolate+brown+hair+color&oid=571cf23dc22bc05d01373bc11bf4b8e5&fr2=&fr=&tt=Best%2BHair%2BColors%2B%257C%2BHair%2BColor%2BIdeas%2B2012&b=0&ni=60&no=6&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11jb5fh05&sigb=13hn5fo3i&sigi=12c07j0vc&.crumb=.xD9AGHVgsX">long, tle="" href="http://cdni.condenast.co.uk/592x888/w_z/Ysalon_GL_20May_b_592x888.jpg">copper hair. She stands about 5 foot, quite tall for a person of her family. She has tle="" href="http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkP5o0LpPSDgAw5CJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DEmerald%2BGreen%2BEyes%26phrase%3D1%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D38&w=400&h=129&imgurl=us.123rf.com%2F400wm%2F400%2F400%2Fdasha2021%2Fdasha20210903%2Fdasha2021090300026%2F4431747-green-emerald-eyes-close-up.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.123rf.com%2Fphoto_4431747_green-emerald-eyes-close-up.html&size=10.2+KB&name=Green+Emerald+Eyes+Close-up+Royalty+Free+Stock+Photo%2C+Pictures+...&p=Emerald+Green+Eyes&oid=81a20deaa4c6d68a72799a8f0fa2a65f&fr2=&fr=&tt=Green%2BEmerald%2BEyes%2BClose-up%2BRoyalty%2BFree%2BStock%2BPhoto%252C%2BPictures%2B...&b=31&ni=60&no=38&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12365kpsv&sigb=13j6ed8l1&sigi=13dfpqa2e&.crumb=vddDfykJlu6">emerald green eyes. I think that's about it for that part.Talents (optional): Later in the story she will be talented in the use of magic, yet will struggle with any type of physical weapon. Bond: Darious Other: She has an older brother that is in Galbatorix's army. Kate prefers the nickname Kate or Kaylee rather than Kaylien. [ Dragon ]Name: Darious Gender: Male Personality: I won't know until he hatches. Appearance: He is a normal, black dragon with gold on his underbelly and the spines along the nape of his neck down to his tail. He is a slightly larger than normal dragon, and thus relays on more brute force than agility and speed. He has a larger than normal wing span to compensate for the added weight and overall mass. Other: Non of the images belong to me.
8:00pm May 21 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Sounds great, Fluzz. c: ))
8:01pm May 21 2012
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Name: Rylee Griffonsong.Gender: Female.Age: 18.Species: Human.Personality: Determined, brave, outgoing, understanding, talkative and can be a bit of a jerk or considered bossy at times. She's not afraid to tell you what she thinks, no matter how upset or hurt you are. She tries to do her own thing but constantly gets caught up in other's business, which leads to her usually hurting others feelings unintentionally. On the other hand, she can be caring and loving if you get her in a good mood and at a good time. If you can convince her to be your friend, she'll be a loyal companion for life.Appearance: Talents (optional):Bond: Syrin.Other: She's a very old character, (who I invented when I was about ten) so her name is really stupid. xD[ Dragon ]Name: Syrin.Gender: Male.Personality: I'm not gonna know until he hatches. ;DAppearance: (Adult form) (Baby form) (Egg form) Other: Do I get a dragon to, or...?
8:06pm May 21 2012
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(( That sounds amazing, all of you. xD What do you all say we get this started? ))
8:21pm May 21 2012
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<-- Click me
8:28pm May 21 2012
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((I'm all for it c:))
10:13pm May 21 2012
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((Ohhh yeaahhh.))
8:33am May 22 2012
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<-- Click me
11:31am May 22 2012 (last edited on 2:47pm May 24 2012)
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(( Sounds great. Before we jump in, I'm just going to point out that Fluzz hasn't read the books yet, so I'll basically be guiding her through all of this. 'Cause of this, you can expect some really small mistakes until we can rent the series from the library. Nothing big, just wanted you all to know. xD The plan is for them all to wander into (for those that don't already live there) Du Weldenvarden, where they'll be "lead" by a group of scouts into the city. There they will be taken to the sanctuary, to test if any of them are the undiscovered Riders. ))
Black eyes danced across the greenery of the woods, watching as the light filtered from the high-above leaves. Muffled footsteps padded over the rotten leaves that composed the ground, hiding Jayne's presence to few regardless. Birds sung from the branches above, but not much else could be heard in the early of the morning. Du Weldenvarden was a lively place, but only to be seen by those that were meant to be there. Jayne was getting the feeling that this was one of those times that he really wasn't welcome.
A sense of unease began to grip his stomach as he wandered slowly into a small ravine, carefully stepping around the undergrowth as he delved further into the woods. He listened attentively to what was around him, but the feeling in his gut was beginning to hint that he might have missed something.
Jayne came to a full stop as a long, chilling cry rose suddenly through the crisp air, tensing as he glared in the direction from which he had thought it to come. It wavered shortly into silence, leaving him unsettled, and fairly uncertain as to what to do next. The call has come from behind him, somewhere between him and his home. What was more unsettling? It pierced him again a moment later, this time closer. Much closer.
It took only a third time for him to break into a run.
12:32pm May 23 2012
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(( Bump. ))