4:05pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 4:53pm Mar 15 2010)
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Someone has been tinkering with something that man should not touch. Through this tinkering they have managed to tear a hole in the very fabric of time and space. This hole is suspected to be a portal, to where it leads no one knows. What lies inside is also a mystery. That's why the team trying to fix this tear has named it Pandora's Box. Though this investigation team has recently dissapeared. No one knows how or why. The people who know about this suspect it has something to do with Pandora's box. News seems to have spilled about Pandora's box. There's always a leak somewhere. News has now spread about it, Pandora's box is the main headlines and the main focus in all the news. Those living near Pandora's box have been evacuated, no one is alloud to come within a five mile radius of it. This does not mean people will obide by this law. A rag-tag group of people have suddenly become interested in Pandora's box, wanting to know more about it. Thus they have set off to investigate. The area surrounding Pandora's box has been abandoned, it's empty, lifeless. Old papers flutter around in a cold dead wind. There is no one around to warn them about what could happen, no one around to stop them doing what they want. And so their adventure begins. Their new found mission, find the person who opened the portal and get him to close it. How to find him? The answer lies in Pandora's Box. So basically this is a typical adverture Roleplay no? Also it's a fantasy roleplay, meaning you start off human, once you enter Pandora's box, you change. Any fantasy species and what not :3 Well there are a few ground rules. So here they are. The obvious rules: 1. Be literate, I don't want to see one liners, bad punctuation and lack of deion are two things I dislike. 2. No power playing godmoding and what not. 3. No Mary sues or gary stus. These are creatures everyone detests. They belong in spoof and non-literate roleplays. 4. If you wish to join simply post Pandora's Box in your favourite colour (or if your favourite colour isn't there then just pick one) and fill out a bio. If I can see from your bio that you are literate I will allow you to join :3 5. If I ask for you to leave for any reason please do so without a fuss. 6. This roleplay if a fantasy roleplay, but I don't want random neko' s running around. Or have you people really no imagination? Or some strange obsession with being a neko ._. Charecter bio skeletons: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (A picture that you have drawn please, or one that you can credit to another artist. Not just some random picture pulled off google. If not a picture then write a detailed deion.) Personality: (I am lazy with this, but just because I am lazy I'm still gonna make you lot post something here not leave it as a you'll see. To be fair I havem't seen much of that lately which is good ^^) History: (basically just mention what background the charecter grew up in, what family they have, if they were evacuated form the five mile radius around Pandora's box. That's all I want to know. Remember your charecter is only human and an avarage human has not had their whole family murdered or anything sue-ish ect ect ect.) Interest in Pandora's box: (here just post how curious they are about pandora's box, for example, very interested, just curious, not interested just going along with the group 'cause it might be fun. Something like that) How Pandora's Box effecs them: (do they get some strange power? Or turn into an elf or a pixie anything along those lines) Well that's all for now. I'll post up a bio tomorrow since it's getting late here :3 So, dare ye join? Edit: fixed a few typoes, also changed the bio. Since I just realised, I need to know what your charecter becomes after p*censored*ing through Pandora's Box.

4:38pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 5:53pm Mar 16 2010)
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~(Pandora's box)~ Name: Niele Sienna Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Niele is around 5'7, and has long, straight, white blonde hair that falls to her waist, a plait running from behind her left ear. Her fringe is parted on the left side above her eye. Her eyes themselves are a dark, jungle green and her skin is somewhat pale. She usually wears a plain black tee, white combats and a thin black belt, a black metal charm bracelet on her right wrist. She also has a thin black strip of material around her neck, a small ruby crystal dangling from the front. ~(Will probably attempt to draw this later)~ Personality: Niele is constantly laid back and calm, always reading situations before running headlong into them. She is forward, sarcastic and witty, and despises anything that may be seen or clas.sed as "girly". For the most part, she is easy to get along with because of her laid back qualities. Generally, Niele is excellent at adapting to situations, meaning she is fine either alone or in a group, and she rarely loses her temper, usually just settling with a few snide comments if she's feeling alittle put off. Also, she is very blunt and forward, always getting straight to the point. Overall, she always looks out for her friends, despite the fact she never really voices her feelings, and will do most anything she can in order to protect them. History: Niele has had a pretty peaceful past, which just builds on her need to "get out and live alittle" as she puts it. She lives just outside the 5 mile radius with her mother, having lost her father at a young age in your typical car accident. It was after this when they moved to the town that holds Pandora's box, and ever since the portal was recently seen Niele has harboured a rather demanding curiousity over it. In general, Niele's family life is just your everyday schedule, she has no siblings, and only lives with her mother, making her past pretty average for the most part. Interest in Pandora's box: Quite a strong interest, but not exactly strong enough to rule her life. How Pandora's box effects them: Can take the form of a pheonix at will, a fast, beautiful bird that constantly radiates heat. Obviously as a bird of flame, she has control over the element fire, as well as being able to alter her own forms temperature to be completely unapproachable. Her speed and agility are greatly increased. In her general form she is an elegant, graceful and large golden bird with long flowing tail feathers, but when she alters her temperature to a certain point she becomes engulfed in flames, still retaining her swan like shape but becoming the true vision of the pheonix. She is still able to control heat and flame while in her human form. ~(Hope this is okay, pardon the History part. I'm no good at doing character pasts and whatnot xD)~
4:39pm Mar 15 2010
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( 'Pandora Boxx' is a famous drag queen. o.o' Consider this a bump and I apoligize for spaming,)
4:47pm Mar 15 2010
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OoC: Kurokayce, or should I call you Cyril? XD Anyway, the charecter history is fine :3 It's good and believeable. I'll be posting my bio tomorrow x3 Flareboy123: Lolz xD Pnadora's box was also an item in greek mythology said to contain all emotions such as hate, jealousy, anger and all those similar. Right at the bottom of the box was hope :3 And thank you for the bump I guess~
4:56pm Mar 15 2010
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~(Call me Cyril if you wish, and okay <3 xD)~
5:02pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 5:39am Mar 16 2010)
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Pandora's Boxxxxxx. Name: Dawn Venus
Age: 19
Appearance: Credit to St3fan3lboby on Dev. click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')">
About Dawn: Dawn is a hard edged smoker from the wrong side of town. She has a sarcastic sense of humor, and never fails to let it show, even when the whole world is in a state of panic, it pretty much doesn’t even faze her, or she at least doesn’t show it. You want to see her real emotion? Earn her trust. The only time she ever shows her sweet, real side, is when you become a really good friend, or someone she is truly in love with. Her love is astronomy, and playing the drums. Well, and her puppy. She is incredibly flirtatious, even if she isn’t interested. If she is, you’ll know it once she makes up her mind about you;; needless to say, she is blunt and will tell you how it is.
History: Dawn grew up with her mother and father both in the household, and her older sister. All of which still live in her childhood home. Dawn lives in an apartment with her band members now, though she lived with her family up until she was seventeen. She has been in Poisonous Affection since she was twelve. (her band.) Her mother is also an astronomy fanatic, and her father is a mechanic, and despite making enough money to live somewhere nice, they choose to live in the ‘ghetto.’ Mostly because they choose to spend their money on cars and equipment they need for careers and colleges for the kids.Interest in Pandora's box: Dawn believes that Pandora’s box is a good chance for her to learn more of other universes, and it holds a special place in her heart. She yearns to explore it and have the life of adventure, that has been stifled.
How Pandora's Box effects them: When entering Pandora's Box, Dawn becomes a kitsune. A nine-tailed fox, that shifts from a fox, to human form. She especially likes rice treats while in Pandora's box, and will do anything to get her hands on them. She is incredibly fast, and agile. Fox Form: *With nine tails. click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Other: Her tattoo, and her puppy, Poison. click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')">
5:10pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 12:54pm Mar 16 2010)
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(('Pandora's box'. Can I join?))
Name:Aurora Hawk Age:16 almost 17 Gender:Female Appearance: Image by neomphy Personality:Aurora is tomboyish. She likes to joke around and tease others. She isn't afraid to get dirt between her nails and can sometimes be gross. She likes to fish and hike even though she would be grouded for the rest of her life if she told her parents this. She also loves to draw and is creative. History:Aurora grew up in a rich family who was very protective. She was home schooled and her family didn't let her visit anyone or make friends. She finally ran away when she turned 15 and went up to the calm mountains were she finished her learning and made a few friends. She decided to move again when her parents sent the police to find her. She went to a lonely little house and accidentally tripped while moving her stuff in. She fell scratching her eye on a nail in the wooden floor which gave her the scar. When she was finally found her parents sued a random family for her scratched up eye. Her parents forced her to move back with them in the city which has the box. Interest in Pandora's box:She is curious.

5:50pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 5:15pm Mar 17 2010)
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Pandora's Box Name: Tienna Shry Age: 18 years old Gender: Female Appearance: Tienna is 6"6 and has a slim figure. Her skin is tanned, from being out in the sun most of the time. Tienna's shiny, black hair is long, and goes down the length of her back. Tienna prefers all the time to wear her hair loose. Tienna's eyes are a muddy brown, like the water sometimes in a small creek looks like. A scar is on Tienna's left arm, which will be explained about in her history. Tienna wears a light green sleeveless shirt printed with blue and red stars, a pair of black sneakers, and dark blue skinny jeans. Personality: Tienna is adventurous and likes to be serious. If you mention the word "fun", she'd laugh in your face, because the only word she would ever know the meaning of is the word "work". Tienna would be the person you would find hiking up a mountain just for the joy of it, though she would never say that she actually is having fun. Tienna, when she isn't outdoors, is just in the house, working on something, all night or day. When she's doing something, you can hardly tear her away from it. History: Tienna was born in the wide open country, as an only child, living a normal life. The only time she was scared was when she was bitten by her neighbor's dog, which was put down by its owner later in life. She lived in a small house, nothing special, within the five mile radius. When the area had to be evacuated, Tienna piled into the car with her parents, and went to a city, to stay. Tienna is still adapting to her new home. Interest in Pandora's box: Tienna is very interested in it. If she were any more interested, she would be obsessed and she reads about it in the newspaper almost every day. How Pandora's Box effecs them: After going through Pandora's Box, Tienna gets this weird ability that allows her to be a shadow, meaning her physical form is not there, and there is only her shadow, which is now controled by her, like she used to have control over her body. When Tienna is in this strange form, she can still talk, but she cannot touch any ob ject. For example, she could not open a door, by twisting a doorknob. Pretty much, she's like a ghost, except she's not dead.
2:38am Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 3:30pm Mar 16 2010)
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OoC: then Cyril you shall be xD I made a slight change to the bio. One important thing I left out xD since everyone at home is asleep I may as well post part of a bio now o 3o Name: Alex Wright (though he preffers to be called Andy) Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Drawn by me. Unfortunately he looks slightly too feminine? ._. 
Personality: Like any metal head Alex is loud and noticeable. Though he is loud, he does not think of himself better than anyone else. He's a sweet guy, willing to do things for his friends and seemingly never letting them down. He's an outdoors kind of person, always looking for advernture and new things to do. Right now he's obsessed with skateboarding. History: Alex grew up with his family in a small house. He lived with his Parents, two sisters and brother. All his siblings are younger than he is. Once turned sixteen he left home to live in a flat which was in the town near Pandora's box. Since being evacuated form his home and made to live in a shelter with many other people, Alex has decided that he wants to know more of Pandora's box. Interest in Pandora's box: Alex has a fiery interest in Pandora's box. He's become slightly angry with it fomr taking away his home. How Pandora's Box effecs them: Alex becomes a werewolf. Able to shift between wolf form and human form during the night. There is no need for a full moon. Different form normal werewolves, Alex can remember himself changing and controll his actions after the change. People who usually have to live with being a werewolf cannot recollect any memories of changing or what they did after the change. In the morning they are just left with what seems to be a "hangover". A very bad hangover. Alex does suffer form a slight "hangover" after changing, but it's not a terrible one.

12:29pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 8:50am Mar 20 2010)
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OOC: *Darth Vader theme tune* Pandora's Box. :3
Do I get a bonus because I added a smiley? Name: Lily Halsey (stolen from Halo. D; Please don't shooted me.)
Age: 13
Gender: Female. Appearance: Personality: Good-natured and quiet, sensible and gentle. She doesn't like to show off her skillz, or stand in front of a large crowd - mainly, for fear of being singled out against everyone else. She is quite sensitive, and rarely thinks unkindly about others, and is very dignified and very, very shy. But when she drinks a Slushie, Lily goes from sincere, solemn listener to a replicated, female version of the Mad Hatter. Only crazier. She has an interest in music, is awful at drawing, reasonable at maths and has a love for animals. Pigs, rabbits and horses are favourites, including anything else small and cuddle-able. But she still respects pretty much every member of the Animal Kingdom out there. She hates the idea of killing living things, so her diet has turned strictly vegetarian. Her hobbies include slouching over the sofa wacthing Top Gear and laughing at the Hamster, snacking on something sugary, meeting up with her friends and trying to draw well, which she fails frequently at. She likes the outdoors only from the viewpoint of her bedroom window, the car, the clas-sroom's window, or from the sofa watching an interesting documentary about the Kalahari. Very rarely does she enjoy going on tremendous hikes that last a few hundred years, unless she's on horseback. Years of bullying has put her on an edge when meeting new people, but she always attempts to appear friendly and kind. She likes to be honest with people, but is not rude and rarely gets shirty with people - and when she does, she rants about her hatred safely behind her enemy's back, where she won't get punched. History: Lily grew up in a close community in a well-kept neighbourhood - no dodgy dealers, no crazy cat ladies, and no chav-ridden alleyways. She grew up surrounded by her parents, accompanied by two rabbits, as an only child, meeting up with her friends down the street whilst their mothers chatted on the lawn and the dads... did dad stuff. She went to school - where she was bullied - and moved up to secondary school - where she was bullied, 'till the teachers stopped them in their tracks with a whack of reality, practically waiting for them in their imaginary Road of Fake. Interest in Pandora's Box: Despite her family's fears about the Box, Lily is actually mystified by it all. Fantasies are always much better than average life, and she dreams of opportunities to terrorize her tormentors from years back. How Pandora's Box affects them: She changes! Physically! Lily transforms into a light-footed little pixie-like creature, wings and all. Normally, delicate, insectoid wings would be incapable of carrying a human's weight in mid-air - but her legs lengthen, as do her arms, and her weight decreases until she looks like a slightly disfigured human, thus allowing her to fly. But not unnaturally so. As well as being a dainty and skippy little thing over in Pandora, her personality changes, too - she becomes feistier, braver, more prepared to speak aloud. Her powers are as a pixie's might be - she can "control" the elements, but not very strongly. She cannot create fire out of thin air, yet can distort it slightly so that she can avoid hurting herself. She is currently practicing her water powers in the 'tub - creating bubbles and water bombs minus the rubber are her specialities. Lily can strengthen the effects of air, so that sneezes can rocket her a few meters into the air, and a simple blow can probably fell a person. Earth is her most complex element. She can't grow roses out of nowhere, or wrap someone in vines that shoot from the ground. But she can tell when a certain plant needs water, and can physically alter plants so that flowers have more flowerheads, vines can weave about the place, and weeds that gradually veer away from her touch.

3:33pm Mar 16 2010
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OoC: Wolfeh gets brownie points for the smiley o 3o *hands brownies* I have suspicions that you Based lilty off someone I know ._. huh. Yes I think I'll probably add another charecter and then we shall start no? :3 I just thoguht. One thing I forgot to mention in the rules was that you could have a maximum of around three charecters~
3:35pm Mar 16 2010
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((Okay, I guess I will make two males since we have a lot of female.sXD))
4:10pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 9:34am Mar 23 2010)
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((Pandora's Box :3 Gotta love that colour.. Though it's not my absolute favorite. )) Name: Trinity Maxwell Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: I can't draw to save my life and I hate looking up pics on google. So I'll just write a deion. Trinity (before being affected by Pandora's box) has platinum blonde hair that is short and just barely brushes her shoulders. Very barely. She doesn't want it to get in her way. Her eyes are a stunning emerald green. She has fair skin. She's short for her age and has a curvy figure. Trinity wears a form fitting royal blue short sleaved shirt, a black short skirt, and leggings. Personality: Well... Even if I write something here, her personality always changes during the roleplay. I can never really control her until we start roleplaying. A trait she always carries rp to rp is the fact that she would rather be led than lead. And she always has a soft voice but that has nothing to do with this. History: Trinity was interested in this 'Pandora's Box'. But she and her family had been been evacuated away from it. Why? Her family is normal. She has a younger sister named Kiara who is about 12 years old and an older brother who's 18. Her mother is writing a book series and her father is an enviormental scientist. Nothing much to put here. ;3 Interest in Pandora's box: She's mainly just curious, and knows that something good is in store for her... Or so she hopes. How Pandora's Box effecs them: Trinity finds herself with a different appearance; hair that looks as though its been bleached white, one golden eye and one emerald green eye, and pale skin that sort of gives off a silver glow. She finds that she can steal a person's luck, though it's extremely hard to control... She finds that she steals too much of a person's luck, which would mean that the person could actually die. So she tends to stay away from people. She'll learn later on in the rp that she can use the luck she's stolen from somebody (it has to be fairly recently) that she can form a sort of silver bullet that doesn't tax too much of her energy.
5:37pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 5:20pm Mar 18 2010)
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Pandora's Box in your favourite colour (or if your favourite colour isn't there then just pick one) and fill out a bio. If I can see from your bio that you are literate I will allow you to join :3 Name:Kayla Daisy Monastin Age:Teen Gender:Female Appearance:Credit to Azurelle of DA http://azurelle.deviantart.com/art/Portrait-144651197 Personality:She's always in her own world, thinking up questions and creations nobody has ever thought of. Although she is like this, she is no math or science wiz. She'd rather do Biology. She doesn't use her face to express emotion much, so it's hard to tell what she's feeling. She's drawn into things like secret tales, animals, and mythical lore books. Her friends call her 'The beautiful ghost' beacause of her light complection, and because she acts that way too. History:Kayla grew up on a farm with cows, chickens, horses, donkeys, ponies, you name it. She would wake up at 5 O'clock in the morning to do her work, and then she'd go to school. One thing weird about her is that she works out in the sun all day, yet her skin stays light. She has four brothers, one died in a car accident, the other left home at 21, and the other two are still around. Her mother and father, Dawna and Jacob, didn't tell Kayla much about their past. Kayla's twin, one of the four brothers, is named Max, who used to stick around her like a dog. He still watches over her, but not as much nowadays. Interest in Pandora's box:Very interested. How Pandora's Box effecs them:She can become any type of cat, (Cheetah, persian, ect...) but still has the colour of her hair. In addition to that power, she can speak animal language.
2:27am Mar 17 2010
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OoC: huhuh. I was hoping to have a female charecter too. Seems to balance things out I'll have to have another two male charecters or soemthing xD Roar. Just to let everyone know, the person they are looking for will not appear to be human and will be hard to find. ONce they've entered Pandora's box, I'll probably post a bio for him/her/it then. So I will be roleplaying the mysterious person thingger o 3o
12:12pm Mar 17 2010
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OOC: Brownies! 8D *eats* Lulz. xD When creating Lily, I was actually thinking of this similar character in one of Kitt's favourite novels. She goes through a transformation, too. :3 But a much different type. I think I wanna keep my character list short, but I'm tempted to give Lily a sidekick or a kind of floating companion... Mwah. I'll try and scan up my drawing of her soon. x
4:10pm Mar 17 2010
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OoC: Join? Pandora's box. I will post my bio, but I have to go XD
3:15pm Mar 18 2010
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OoC: Sure you can Milo. And don't worry, take yer time with posting your bio there's no rush :3 Soon as Milo's posted her charecter bio, I think we shall start :3.
10:53am Mar 19 2010
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OOC: Ooh, ay. :D And Lily's human portrait is almost done.
3:06am Mar 20 2010
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OoC: Oh yay x3 Neh Wolfeh, you cannut come over afterall. Apparently my migrane was a singnal that something was bubblin' up. And well now, the doctor looked in my ears and my mouth and what not, she says that there's a white blob on my tonsil with a blood vessel running into it. Means I'm gonna have tonsilitis soon XD