10:36pm May 25 2011 (last edited on 10:36pm May 25 2011)
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I've been having a thing for origami lately. . .. . So, Ribunny, since I made the thread, please do the honours of the first roleplay post. . . . This is a private roleplay between me and Ribunny. You may stalk, but DO NOT POST ON THIS THREAD Thank you. Basically, do not post 'lurking' or 'stalking', or anything at all. . So, Ribunny, found it yet? Please don't make a crap post. XD
10:58pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((I CAN'T FIND THE THREAD SO I'LL JUST POST ON THIS ONE. ... BLAST, NO CRAP POSTS.)) Shiloh's ear flicked in her sleep as a metallic sliding sound echoed around the small cage she was held captive by the humans in since she was taken from her mother when she was old enough. She vaguely remembered the humans mentioning "rehabilitation," and 'releasing back into The wild to help the species.." Though she understood little. What was this, "Wild" That everyone mentioned and wanted to go to? I guess I'm finding out now.. She thought as she opened her hazel eyes to the light from the outside which her for a few seconds when the cage slid open. She stumbled out blindly into what she would have guessed would be a clearing, still a bit groggy from whatever medication the humans gave her. "I'm siiinging in the rain, just siiinging in the rain, what a glooorioous thing, oh I'm haaapy again!" She sang as she spun around in small circles, her rusty colored tail fuzzy in her field of vision. "I'm flying.." Miles watched as Shiloh chased her tail and blurted out random phrases for over a minute with an amused ex pression on his face. "I gotta find Fennick, he'd think this was hilarious!" He mused to himself as he leapt of the rock and turned into the forest to find his friend Fennick. ((Meh.))

11:12pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Don't say 'meh', Ribunny! D: <By the way, Fennick has thick black cougar markings one his face.)) . . Fennick yawned, then let out a big stretch. He blinked and slowly walked out of his den. Sunlight streamed through the trees that leaned over a clean, small, round clearing, giving the groud a dappled look. Fennick smiled, then his eyes darted toward the bushes. Something moved. Something small, and- his stomach rumbled. Food. Fennick leapt, and he landed with satisfaction on a plump, brown rabbit, which tried to escape, but Fennick bit it swiftly in the neck, and dragged it into the clearing, licking his lips. He settled down to eat, and took a bite. The meat was juicy, filling, and Fennick savoured every bite. Finally, it was spring. This was much better than the scrawny snowshoe hares he had had to live on a few months ago. He heard another rustle. His ears pricked. This one wasn't food. He sniffed the air. Miles. "Hello Miles," he called to the bush.
((It could have been longer, but it's bed tim.))
6:43pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
7:02pm May 27 2011 (last edited on 7:03pm May 27 2011)
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Posts: 4,848
((Lolol, sorry Fulleh~ Shiloh is rusty colored, around her eyes, tip of her tail and stripe down her muzzle are a slightly lighter rusty color. Her eyes are hazel, which is SUPER rare. Her paws are white~)) Miles chuckled as he came out of the bush. "I could never sneak up on you Fennick." He purred to his fox friend. Normally, this wouldn't happen, since Miles actually was a cat. But Fennick and Miles' relationship was one in a million. (That's fine right? owo) "You gotta see this new she-fox! I think humans drugged her or something, it's hilarious. She's over that way." He pointed to the direction she was with his tail. ((MEHMEHMEHMEHMEHMEHMEHMEHEMEHEMEHEMEEHEEMHEMEEHEWBGFD))
7:13pm May 27 2011
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A she-fox? Fennick tilted his head. He had never seen any other fox, besides his mother and siblings, and they had all left, because although foxes usually traveled in small packs, Fennick felt more comfortable as a loner, except at mating time, which Fennick hadn't managed to find a mate yet. "They caught her?" Fennick frowned. "I'd rather be killed by a hunter than be captured by the hunter." Fennick trotted in the direction Miles had pointed out, using his very keen nose to find his way. He paused, waiting for Miles to catch up. "I'm going the right way, right?" he called behind his shoulder, his black eyes staring into the bushes and his nose twitching.
7:30pm May 27 2011
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Miles nodded as he ran to catch up to Fennick. The fox was a lot faster then he was, and blended in better to the forest. "Yup!" He meowed as he slowed down when he neared Fennick. "She's in a clearing just past those bushes!" Shiloh was still humming the same ditzy tune, occasionally balancing on her hind legs. "I am Godzilla, gooraah!" She yelled as she fell back on her back. She rolled over and shook her head, noticing a butterfly landing on the grass blade in front of her. "Hellee booterflee, whyo fuzzy?" She asked since her vision still was fuzzy from the strange dart the humans gave her. (Translation- Hello butterfly, why are you fuzzy?)
7:37pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I didn't need the translation, actually. XD))
Fennick nodded, then walked ahead, making sure to be slower for Miles' sake. He got to the clearing, and crouching very low, in case there were any humans around, he approached the silver cage he thought must contain the she-fox. "Hello?" he asked softly.
7:52pm May 27 2011
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((Well then. >: Lolol, she's not in the cage 8u)) Shiloh noticed Fennick by her cage. She wondered to Fennick, teetering off to the side as she was unable to keep straight. "Whyo talkin to me cage silly-head?" She asked, tilting her head to one side and smiling stupidly with her tongue out.
8:02pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((XD Sorry. Durr.))
Fennick turned to Miles. "You're right," he confirmed. "completely bonkers. Maybe the affects will wear off?" He turned to the she-fox, and put her on his back, hoping she wouldn't claw at him or bolt away. "She might as well come with us," Fennick explained. "I don't think she'd be able to make it out here by herself."
8:26pm May 27 2011
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"Ihm on a boaaty~" She started to sing again, surprisingly, she had a very good singing voice, "Ihm floaaating on a foaxyy, thar bee a kitteh overr tharh." Her tongue still hung out of her mouth as she sung happily. "They'll hopefully wear off after she rests for a while. Hopefully she doesn't have any permanent brain damage." He glanced around, "Where are you gonna keep her?"
8:36pm May 27 2011
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Fennick thought for a moment. "I'll put her in my den. I have a few extra dens that connect to the main den where I sleep, so I'll put her in one of those. Do you want to sleep there,too,or do you want to disappear like you so often do?" he joked.
8:41pm May 27 2011
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"Eh, disappearing takes a lot out of me, so I suppose I could stay." He smirked and laughed a little. Shiloh moved her head and tail side to side rhythmically. "Whywe laughn?" She slurred, starting to feel her eyes droop.
8:44pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Just sleep," he said softly to the she-fox, just as they arrived at his den, and he put her down, making sure she didn't hit the ground to hard. He circled her, seeing if she would try to escape, and when he found she wasn't going to try, he began urging him into his den. "C'mon, Miles," he called to the cat.
((Timeskip when Miles comes in the den?))
9:37pm May 27 2011
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((Sure~)) Miles sniffed Shiloh. "She smells a bit like she's sick or something, it might just be whatever she was given though." He backed up when Shiloh lifted her head with her eyes close to smile at him. "Heyo.." She murmured before she dropped her head back down, and in a few moments she was asleep.
10:04pm May 27 2011
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Fennick woke up sleepily, and then it clicked in his mind. There was a drunk she-fox in one of his spare dens. He bolted up from his nest. Was she okay now?
10:28pm May 27 2011
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Shiloh groaned and put her paws on her head. "Oooh. What happened last night..." She murmured. Her head was pounding, and she felt sick to her stomach. She barely remembered anything that had happened the day before, besides a few fragments of a cat and another fox.
10:42pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Fennick poked his nose in the she-foxes den. "Hullo?" he asked, entering completely. "are you okay now?" Fennick walked over to the she-fox, his head tilted, his black eyes interested. Her eyes were so captivating..... He had never seen a fox with eyes like that before. She looked fine now, the craziness had left her eyes, but Fennick was still a little wary.
((You play Exhibited or Felisfire? If you don't play FelisFire, then you MUST. >:D I'll force you.))
11:32pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 4,848
Shiloh groaned, remembering the fox from the day before. She slowly lifted her body up to a sitting position, only opening one of her eyes because of her headache. "I'm not crazy at least.. Gosh, I don't remember anything." She curled her tail around her legs and sighed. "I wonder what I was given, this headache is terrible. ((I've played Exhibited, but I got bored with it, FelisFire sounds SLIGHTLY familiar, but I don't think I've ever played it.))
3:40pm May 28 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((YOU MUST. 8D http://www.felisfire.com/ I'm Courage #2894. On Exhibited I'm Courage #149. X3 I apparently have a thing for fours and nines. ))
"Why were you with the humans?" Fennick asked, wrinkling his nose. The she-fox was covered in human smell. "Well, I can ask questions later, right now you need food. I'll be right back. Fennick." He said this in a rush, then with a swish of his bushy tail, he went out to hunt. He returned later with a very plump brown rabbit, and his nose was twitching at the scent of such juicy meat. But he restrained himself from eating it himself, and placed it in front of the other fox, bowing. "Sorry, but my name is Fennick, I might not have made sense earlier," Fennick apologized. "and what's your name..?"