5:00pm Aug 7 2010
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PLOT- you each get a lletter from mew saying to meet him at the palace in the middle of the ocean. when we all get there mew gives us a task to realese Dialga and Palkia and restore the 3 legendary birds back to their homes. okay bio time! just follow my two-
Name- Fiona hawk Gender- Female Personality- Fiona is a kind loving girl with a big heart. She is easy to make friends with although she does have quite a big attitude, especially if your a boy. She hates boys and their sillyness. But otherwise Fiona is a cheerfull 18 year old girl with a big attitude. pokemon- Grace the sky shyamin~ Grace is a kind cheerfull pokemon a lot like Fiona. She is kind toward everyone. But I advise you not to get on her bad side. She will use her full power on you and that means nothing close to good. She makes friends with everyone, including boys. And that gets on Fiona’s nerve when Grace talks to human boys so sweetly. Rose the leafeon~ Rose is a shy girl. She has a big heart is you can catch her. Rose has amazing speed. If any pokemon besides the ones she knows comes close Rose will either attack or run away. Fiona has a problem with this too. She is always afraid of loosing Rose. If you get to know Rose she can be a kind individual, but good luck trying. Night the shiny umbreon~ Night has a big attitude. He likes to babble about things no-one cares about and only cares about basically his problems. He is hard to controll but is very good in battle. He knows attacks his opponents don’t. He should cause he was Fiona’s first pokemon she had him for 6 years now. Since she was 12. Night is very trustwourthy. He prowls the camp at night and bites all pokemon with in a mile reach. Fiona gets tired of Night’s prowling and sometimes has to lock him in the cabin or put him a pokeball. Night is frienndly but don’t mess with Fiona or you will have Night on your trail for the next week or two. Night is what makes Fiona elite. Belle the glaceon~ Belle is the girl of wisdom for Fiona. She always can tell weather things will turn out good. She probably can do that from studying Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. so much. Belle is so smart she can read! She always has her head in a book. Most of the time it is about pokemon. Fiona never has to look in a poke-dex when a wild pokemon comes for a battle. She just turns to Belle fpr all the answers. Belle is a pokemon with a lot of heart and spirit. She always likes silence so sh can read. So if you want to make friends with her you must catch her when she is not reading or focusing. Golden the Glameow~ Golden is Spitful. She likes to hang around and annoy people. You can say she is much like Fiona. Don’t look into Golden’s eyes. One glance and you might fall asleep. And her shadow Claw can really hurt, she likes to do it in the felt or the place tha type of pokemon uses most. Golden likes to work down her opponents strenth by nibbling around the edges. She is kind to her fellow companions but spitful to those she does travel with.
other- Fiona’s goal is to beat the elite 4 and become the #1 pokemon trainer. age- 18
name- Ren Hawk gender- male personality- Ren is a kind boy and Fiona’s brother! Unlike Fiona he is nice and kind to any gender. He is 2 years younger then Fiona which makes him 16. He is accually stronger then Fiona and speends most of his time following Fiona, which gets on her nerve! People think he and his sister are a couple! which Fiona hates but he find so cool! He also likes to brag to his sister only. Thats why he is so fixed around her, so he does not get a slap. pokemon- Kanna the Rapidash- Kanna is a world of fire. She ios one of Ren’s favorite pokemon. He found her when she was a ponyta. Her leg was broken but Ren brought her to nurse joy and had her fixed all up. Kanna is sweet, kind and reliable. She is very strong being that she is level 80. But even a strong pokemon like her can be beaten. Death the lucario/umbreon- Death is a hybrid. He is ultra strong and has the attacks and power of both pokemon he is combind with. He is protective of Ren though nothing compared to Night. Heis very open to conversatio but do not get to close or you risk getting slashed by Death who is not affraid of using his powers on humans but Ren is scared of that , He usually puts Death in his ultra Ball. That way not harm is done! Fiona is scared of Night because one time Death almost killed Rose who ran away and got chased down by Death. Tamiah the altaria- Tamiah is the way Ren gets around. He hangs on to Tamiah and Tamiah flys him to places. Tamiah is a kind gentle pokemon with power. She carries a fire sack with in her so she she can spit out fire once in every battle. That is one attack not many trainers exoect from an altaria! Tamiah is best with kids. She was from an abandoned pokemon petting zoo and Ren claimed her. She loves him more then Fiona does. Fiona likes Tamiah but is scared to fly on her because Tamiah flys according to the wind. Don’t expect a pefect bumby free ride on Tamiah! you will not get your wish! Moota the mew/cyndaquil- Fast and fiery Moota loves to dissapear. Being that he contains some of Mew’s powers Moota can dissapear from the opponents eye and then reappear in his advantage. He is very shy so he may not be seen for whole days but Ren knows that Moota will come back. He usually just teleports to see the REAL mew. He is very fast and can shoot a lot of fire out of his back at one time. Moota is an ultimate fighter, of course if you can keep rack of him! other- Ren has no real goal, I guess he plans to be nicer then his sister age- 16 rules- no trash talk no post is a bad post there are no standards you may have any pokemon that is NOT mew dialga palkia articuno zapdos moltes legendaries and hybrids are allowed i can kick you out you must read the rules if you are having trouble use bulbapedia for help! no critisizing or you will have staff to deal with! treat how you would wanna be treated! any bio is fine as long as it contains the appropriatte information ANYONE is welcome! you may start posting your bios NOW
5:03pm Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 9:56am Aug 8 2010)
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((Rainbow, can Night like Feyth?)) Name: Dusk CHARACTER AGE: 15 GENDER: Female APPEARANCE: She is around 5*4", short for her age and 95 lbs, very skinny, even underweight. Her hair is coal black and her eyes, though blind, are a bright purple color. Her skin is almost as pale as the albino cyid. On her right shoulder is a white thin trail that intertwines with the black one on her left shoulder. This resembles Yin and Yang. She is usually seen wearing a purple kimono-like top and blue jeans. A cloak wraps around Dusk's frail body and keeps her warm. Around her neck is a sapphire hanging on a necklace.and trails up to her forehead, marking it with a little wave pattern. PERSONALITY:She is mysterious and Dark. She keeps her emotions locked inside her as if they were a disease. If you really get to know her though, she is a kind person who will do anything to protect those she loves. She is very hard-headed. POKEMON: Raikou (Rel): One of her main riding pokemon, smaller than a normal Raikou should be and the colors are a bit darker than normal too. His head crest is smaller and his eyes, instead of being yellow, change color depending on mood as if he was a living mood ring. His tail is very bushy and if he were standing on all fours, he is only about 5 feet. His moves are Thunder, ThunderBolt, ThunderFang and Discharge. Shiny Umbreon (Feyth)/Articuno/amd Vaporeon: Her main fighter, she stands a little shorter then her raikou and is very strong, in times of danger, Dusk is able to ride on her if something is wrong with Rel. Her eyes match Dusk*s color and on her forhead, instead of there being a blue ring, there is a blue star. She has a long fishy tail and the wings of and articuno. Her body is entirely blue with bright blue rings. Her moves are Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Hypnosis, and Dream Eater. Feraligatr (Valley): He was Dusk*s very first pokemon, her starter to be exact. He once lost control and attacked Dusk, giving her a long scar on her shoulder, down to her markings. She has been afraid to use him ever since then, althogh, she has when she needs to. His moves are Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Aqua Tail, and Super Power. Cyndaquil (Cynder): Dusk recently got this youngling and has been raising it. She gave it an ever stone and although it is very strong, and helped her win the league championship, she has not evolved. Dusk fashioned a string for Cynder that holds the everstone against her body. Dusk tried to take it off once, but Cynder stopped her. Her moves are Eruption, Lava Plume, Flamethrower, and Double Edge. Lanturn (Life): Dusk caught her in the seas near CianWood city. She was talking about Life with the chinchou out and then it wouldn*t answer to anything but Life, so the name stuck. She quickly evolved into a Lanturn and is used mainly in battles against fire types, water types, and ground types. She uses her to get around in the water, although Dusk herself is a fantastic swimmer. Her moves are Hydro Pump, Aqua Ring, Discharge, and Bubble Beam. Shiny Celebi: She sparkles like the sun and her body is entirely pink. Her eyes are a deep forest green and her antennis have purple on the ends of them. She has the same markings as Dusk, but on a much smaller scale and they glow when she fights. The marks are dark purple on her. She knows the moves Perish Song, Leaf Storm, Healing Wish, and Energy Ball. OTHER INFO: She became the pokemon Champion and she has one ribbon that her Umbreon one for her in a contest that you could use only one pokemonthe whole time.
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5:27pm Aug 7 2010
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5:40pm Aug 7 2010
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5:50pm Aug 7 2010
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okay so where are the others?))
6:10pm Aug 7 2010
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Name: Akila Monteik Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: She is sweet and kind. She loves to battle because it's her life. She is the new to it all but she is pretty good. She is nervous around guys alot. People call her Shine, and she loves that name because she is personality shines alot. History: She rather not talk about it..... Pokemon: Shiny Evee (September): She is blue and sometimes shines. Her eyes are like the ocean, with sometimes gives her an avantage of winning. She is just like Akila. She has a white star next to her tail. Other: She is brand new to being a trainer so she only has one Pokemon.
 (Banner made by Kina)
6:18pm Aug 7 2010
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shall we start?
9:09am Aug 8 2010
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Waaaaaait!!! im late iknow im sorry.... ill post my bio in a minute
9:41am Aug 8 2010
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Name: Yukita Roads Gender: female Apperance: Tall and thin for her age of 16. She has long blond hair that runs to her ankles and its naturaly straight. She never wears anything below her knees unless its a dress for a party. Personality: Kind hearted but easily offended which gets her into fights alot. She not afraid to get dirty and often hangs around the guys. She is a fast runner so she usualy *censored*ociates her self with the ponyta and rapidash by only wearing red with the blue jean color of course. She is a competitive battler and doesnt like to loose, but even so she i gracious about it, even when she gets you back for it at any given time. Pokemon: Ying- A ponyta. Twins with his sister Yang who are both odd in their ways. While they are normal in the sense of battle(they use normal fire type moves) they both have colors of their own. Ying is a black ponyta with the occasional white spot while Yang is white with the occasional black spot. Moves: Ember, Takle, Quick attack, Iron tail Yang: same as above Yushara: The rapidash. Also the mother of the twins, and is very protective of her foals. If she feels them get hurt, she forces her way out of her pokeball to protect them. Moves: Flare blitz, Megahorn, hypnosis, charge. Moran: Arkanine. He will hit you with everything hes got to win and holds grudges for long periods of time. He never eats with the group and prefers the solitude of his pokeball rather than walking along side Yukita. Moves: Flare blitz, Toxic, Morning sun, extreme speed. Luna: Cresselia. She doesnt enjoy fighting even in battles. She usualy is used for her psycic ability to make others to sleep peaceful dream, keeping them down longer than usual without the help of awakens. Moves: Rest, Moonlight, Ice beam, Thunder wave.
9:47am Aug 8 2010
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(I'ma joining. But...it'll take a while since I'm on my phone... e.o)
10:40am Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 6:55pm Aug 9 2010)
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Name: Ryan Tucker Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Ryan is tall --standing at a little over six feet-- and slender --weighing only 180 pounds--, but is built like an athelete since he trains himself with his Pokemon. He has wavy blond hair --which reaches his shoulders-- that naturally darkens to black about halfway down. His eyes are two different colors, however. The left, often covered by his hair, is the color of gold flecked with bronze, while the right is colored like the sky at midnight, such a deep blue it is often mistaken for an enchanting shade of violet. His clothing shows he as-sociates himself with his beloved Lucario, whom he received as an egg from his mom, who breeds them. He wears a black bandana, as well as blue and black clothing that carries a resemblance to Lucario's markings. But that's usually reserved for gym battles. He's usually dressed in a blue short-sleeve, and black pants that fit him very nicely. Personality: Ryan is usually calm and collected, and is almost always smiling. He has a very kind and gentle disposition, but if you say one insult about his Pokemon, he will open a big, heaping can of whoop-*** on your sorry behind. Pokemon: Rulan-Lucario: Ryan's first Pokemon. Rulan is unnaturally large for his species, and instead of being blue and black, he's white where he should be blue, and a pale gray where he should be black. His eyes, instead of being red, are a pale, icy blue. He has a bit of a stubborn streak, but he is unquestioningly loyal to his trainer. They can also speak through telepathy, their auras being the same.Moves: Earthquake, Aura Sphere, Rock Climb, and Flash Cannon. Valo- Ninetales/Honchkrow: Valo is colored black with a pair of large black wings upon his back. He has pale green eyes that glow when he's fighting. He has all nine tails that he should, each one with a different color tip. He is surprisingly kind and gentle, and loves to nurture those who need it.Moves: Will-o'-Wisp, Fire Spin, Fly, Heat Wave Ankoku-Darkrai: Ankoku is very quiet and reserved. He looks like a normal Darkrai, but his visible eye is silver instead of blue.Moves: Hypnosis, Nightmare, Faint Attack, Drain Punch Mello- Giratina: Mello is the Pokemon that Ryan uses as his secret weapon. And he's just a normal Giratina.Moves: Shadow Force, Shadow Claw, Destiny Bond, Draco Meteor (Yup. He only has four Pokemon. Maybe he can catch more? Haha.)

10:44am Aug 8 2010
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((We should start?))
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10:45am Aug 8 2010
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((not yet my mom is making me do c*censored*s now, be right back))
2:22pm Aug 8 2010
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((Im back... thanks for not starting without me :D))
2:49pm Aug 8 2010
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((Can teh Soreh join?o3o))
4:01pm Aug 8 2010
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((lets start but not get TOO far in sasori still needs to post her(?) bio so i'll start!)) Fiona hiked up the big hill. Ren was still tagging along which she did not like. She hated it when Ren pocked his nose into her business and always said. "Hi i'm Ren!" "Are we there yet?" Night kept whining. "NO!" Golden cried back. "Guys just climb on!" Grace said. She lowered herself and let Night climb on her back and Golden hung on her legs. "Can i join you?" Tamiah asked. "I love flying together!" the altaria continued. "SURE!" Grace cheerfully smiled. Moota soon came floating up. "Mew says he is in trouble!" Moota announced. "He is sending help now!" "Mew!" Ren gasped. "as in THE mew?" Fiona asked. "Not some crazy combination of something and mew?" "THE mew!" Moota announced. "I do not know what is going on only that something is! I will be contacted later when Mew needs my *censored*istance!" "I wonder what?" Grace thought. She and Mew where good friends though Moota and Grace cared deeply about the creature. ((yus! pokemon can talk!))
4:05pm Aug 8 2010
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 <-- Click me
4:07pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 4:07pm Aug 8 2010)
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((got 2 go? ahh! can you start though?))
4:14pm Aug 8 2010
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Akila was sitting down, eating. She was also training September. September felt something was wrong. "Mew. Mew's in trouble."She said in her baby voice. Akila's eyes buldged. "Really?"She asked. September nodded. September went onto Akila's shoulder and went with her to find Mew. Akila finally sptted Mew. "Mew!"She called.
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:19pm Aug 8 2010
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Luna looked up from her food and sighed. "We have a problem. Mew is in trouble." Her voice light and filled with concern. "Mew? In trouble?" Asked Yukita rising from her perch on the cliff. "Well lets go then." SHe said picking up the dishes apologizing to each of them. "Return Ying, Yang. Yes you too Yushara. Thank your Moran. Luna, you lead the way." She began to follow the floating Cresselia father up the mountain.