Pokemon Rp

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2:38pm Jul 25 2010 (last edited on 2:42pm Jul 25 2010)

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Bio Skelly


My Bio

Looks-Anime-6.jpg image by mafiachick92194
Pokemon-Suicune,Pikachu,Umbreon,Eevee,Raichu,and Lucario
Persona-Rp it out

Anzu is-Online^^

2:56pm Jul 25 2010

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Anzu is-Online^^

3:35pm Jul 25 2010

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(bumpz x2)

Anzu is-Online^^

3:46pm Jul 25 2010

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((can I join?))

3:47pm Jul 25 2010

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(sure Rainbow^^)

Anzu is-Online^^

3:47pm Jul 25 2010

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okay here is my bio-


Name- Fiona hawk

Gender- Female

Personality- Fiona is a kind loving girl with a big heart. She is easy to make friends with although she does have quite a big attitude, especially if your a boy. She hates boys and their sillyness. But otherwise Fiona is a cheerfull 18 year old girl with a big attitude.


Grace the sky shyamin~ Grace is a kind cheerfull pokemon a lot like Fiona. She is kind toward everyone. But I advise you not to get on her bad side. She will use her full power on you and that means nothing close to good. She makes friends with everyone, including boys. And that gets on Fiona’s nerve when Grace talks to human boys so sweetly.

Rose the leafeon~ Rose is a shy girl. She has a big heart is you can catch her. Rose has amazing speed. If any pokemon besides the ones she knows comes close Rose will either attack or run away. Fiona has a problem with this too.  She is always afraid of loosing Rose. If you get to know Rose she can be a kind individual, but good luck trying.

Night the shiny umbreon~ Night has a big attitude. He likes to babble about things no-one cares about and only cares about basically his problems.  He is hard to controll but is very good in battle. He knows attacks his opponents don’t. He should cause he was Fiona’s first pokemon she had him for 6 years now. Since she was 12. Night is very trustwourthy. He prowls the camp at night and bites all pokemon with in a mile reach. Fiona gets tired of Night’s prowling and sometimes has to lock him in the cabin or put him a pokeball. Night is frienndly but don’t mess with Fiona or you will have Night on your trail for the next week or two. Night is what makes Fiona elite.

Belle the glaceon~ Belle is the girl of wisdom for Fiona. She always can tell weather things will turn out good. She probably can do that from studying Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. so much. Belle is so smart she can read! She always has her head in a book. Most of the time it is about pokemon. Fiona never has to look in a poke-dex when a wild pokemon comes for a battle. She just turns to Belle fpr all the answers. Belle is a pokemon with a lot of heart and spirit. She always likes silence so sh can read. So if you want to make friends with her you must catch her when she is not reading or focusing.

other- Fiona’s goal is to beat the elite 4 and become the #1 pokemon trainer. 

age- 18 


3:49pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((it is premade so I did not follow the skelly but it should provide the needed info! except the looks, which she has short red hair.))

3:50pm Jul 25 2010

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(Thats fine I have to go.But I'll be back later)

Anzu is-Online^^

3:51pm Jul 25 2010

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7:45am Jul 26 2010

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(me join)

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

9:04am Jul 26 2010

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(both may join^^)

Anzu is-Online^^

9:26am Jul 26 2010

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aww i wanted the suicune!

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

9:32am Jul 26 2010

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(ata make yours a male..mines Female^^)

Anzu is-Online^^

9:33am Jul 26 2010

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((ooohhlala ok))

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

9:35am Jul 26 2010

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(lol ata.mommy luffs you ^^)

Anzu is-Online^^

9:47am Jul 26 2010

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Name:Arashi Kamikaze

Keteon The Suicune:He is a male that is a very romantic suicune like his master.He is very strong and tuff.He is a shiny but very kind for one.He never backs down from a fight and is very determined

Katana the ninetails:She is a litle spoiled but she is extremely sweet.She can be very protective of her master when it comes to girls

Tesumi the rapidash:she is so adorable and always knows how to cheer you up.She takes fighting to heart like her master and is a ittle shy when meeting new people

Ketui the Eevee:He is close to evolving so he is very fisty he doesnt want anyone to come between him and the relationship with his master.He is a bit spoiled and is extremely adorable

Kemeo the lugia:He is very shy and is only very compatible with his master.He doesnt like meeting new people so sometimes he tries to scare them off.

Hetari the absol:she is very visulent and protective of her master she is always by his side and giving threatening looks to others who come to him.
Persona:He is a little perverted but very romantic.He is extremely skilled and determined.He is always persistant when he need s to be and is very helpful

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

9:53am Jul 26 2010

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Anzu is-Online^^

9:56am Jul 26 2010

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(lol ikr)

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