7:09pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 8:20pm Apr 18 2011)
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{{Plot}} Date: April 2, 3022 In ancient egypt, there lies a scroll. The scroll has a story telling of a great calamity that is to befall Earth in the year 3025. However, only the Prophetic Ones can stop the great disaster. The problem is, nobody knows who these 'Prophetic Ones' really are... What they don't know is that the Prophetic Ones are people with extreme abilities. There are four prophetic ones. Two boys, and two girls. The ability that they hold is that they can sprout wings from their back. At will. They have a tattoo on their shoulder blades that they were born with at birth. Each Prophetic One has a different tattoo pattern. The wings sprout from the tattoos. And each Prophetic one has an extra ability. The prophetic ones know what their purpose is, but they decide to keep it secret. Some people may think of them as freaks. And some people even want to kill them. But each of the prophetic ones were placed in an orphanage. Their parents were too scared to keep them. Now, they are on their own. All they have is eachother, if they can find eachother. {{Extra Information}} The Prophetic Ones are all orphans. However, they have escaped their orphanages at this point. They are alone, and fate will bring them together. The Prophetic Ones can fly on the wings that sprout from their back. Generally, the Prophetic Ones' wingspans are about twice as tall as they are. {{Prophetic Ones}} 1. Rayleigh Marilene (Girl) 2. Reserved for Dragon (Boy) 3. Reserved for Kate (Girl) 4. Reserved for Emie (Boy) {{Rules}} 1. Ask to join. The spots are limited. 2. Only four people can join. That's the maximum number I'm allowing. 3. The only people that we are roleplaying are the Prophetic Ones. 4. No gay/bi/lesbian characters. 5. I expect romance, violence, and action. 6. Semi-literate at the least. 7. No shapeshifting as a power! 8. No mary/gary sues. 9. No super special characters. All Prophetic Ones are equal! 10. Have fun! {{Bio Skeleton}} (Erase messages in parenthesis.) Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Wing Appearance: Wingspan: Personality: History: Tattoo: (Must be on their shoulder blades.) Power: (Other than sprouting wings from their back.) Other?:
Love is all we need~
7:11pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((May I reserve the last female space?))
I\'m back.
7:11pm Apr 18 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:25pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Kate: Sure! Dragon: Sure! My bio will be up in a little bit.))
Love is all we need~
7:39pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 9:48pm Apr 18 2011)
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Name: Rayleigh "Ray" Marilene Age: 15 Gender: Female Looks:
 Wing Appearance: Ray's wings are a mixture of reddish brown, light brown, dark brown, and black feathers. With golden markings on them. Wingspan: Just under twelve feet. Personality: Rayleigh is a bit anti-social. She's very observerative. She can be deathly quiet at times. She only speaks when she needs to, and has quite the temper. She will lash out if you upset her. History: Rayleigh's parents dumped her in an orphanage when she was born. She stayed in the orphanage for twelve years. She escaped at age thirteen, and has been living in a forest for two years. She has learned to take care of herself. Tattoo:
 ((The bottom tattoo.)) Power: She can create a force field, but creating it takes a great amount of her energy. She can only hold it for a limited amount of time, too. Other?: Urm... No.
Love is all we need~
7:58pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
8:11pm Apr 18 2011
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((Pfft. Did I scare everyone away?))
Love is all we need~
8:13pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Is the last slot for the boy still open?))
8:17pm Apr 18 2011
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((Yes, Emerald.))
Love is all we need~
8:19pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Then would you mind if I take it? XP I'll get started on the bio soon.))
8:20pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((I wouldn't mind at all, Emie-chan.))
Love is all we need~
8:32pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 9:36pm Apr 18 2011)
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 Name: Tieň Stopař (Goes by Jake) Age: 17 Gender: Male Looks: Above Wing Appearance: They are jet black with white at the wing tips as well as a rune-looking design on the outside of the wings. Also in white. Wingspan: About 10 1/2 feet Personality: He is very quiet and sticks to himself rather than hanging around with others. He enjoys the company of books more than actual living creatures and prefers the solitude of shadows. Even though he seems rude and ignorant, he still has a kind heart and hates seeing others in pain no matter how big or small. History: His parents left him at the orphanage at the age of 5 when his abilities began to show through. It scared them and so they dumped him and ran without ever looking back at the 'weird child with the tatoos'. Tattoo: Above Power: He can manipulate the shadows however he wishes. He is able to hide himself withing those shadows or make them 'alive' and under his control. (Like a mini shadow deamon) Other?: None currently
8:36pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
8:51pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 8:53pm Apr 18 2011)
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OoC:// I'll get my bio up as soon as I can.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:27pm Apr 18 2011 (last edited on 10:20pm Apr 18 2011)
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Name: She doesn't recall her name, so she decided to call herself 'Star' Because it was a lone star that gave her comfort when she first escaped the orphanidge. Age: 16 Gender: Female Looks: 
((She is about five foot one)) *Art is not mine, credit goes to original artist. Wing Appearance: Her wings are transparent, showing only a slight blue tint and a very dim glow. They have a smooth glas.s like appearance, and are not the best for flying, though they can manage to carry her a little ways. They are cold to the touch, with rigid egdes. They are also rather thin.
Wingspan: Only about six and a half feet. Personality: She isn't shy, just a bit fearful of things. She wont openly admit this though, and tries to appear courageous if possible. For the most part, she is kind. She is easy to decieve because she believes anything she is told, but she wont admit that either. She may become a bit upset if you point out her child- like appearance, or tell her that she looks younger than she is. History: Her parents couldn't afford to keep her, so they pas.sed her to her aunt at birth. Her aunt found her tattoo and disposed of her at the orphanidge. She often wonders if her parents would of accepted her. Tattoo: 
*Except slightly darker and radiates a dim glow. Power: She can create ice and freeze water, but when she gets too warm it becomes difficult to impossible to do this. Other?:Nope~
I\'m back.
9:44pm Apr 18 2011
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Name: Dalerian Katagaria Age: Eighteen Gender: Male Looks: Dalerian stands around six foot three. And he does not have the tiger stuffed animal with him... He is not three.

Wing Appearance: Just the wings. Ignore the person in the center. Wingspan: Twenty feet from wing tip to wing tip. Personality: Dalerian isn't very trusting of people. He is cold and has a hair-trigger temper that could ignite into an inferno. Befriend at on risk, I guess. History: Dalerian was found at the Orphanage a few days after he was born. His parents were influencial people who did not want him in their household to disgrace them. So he was literally dumped at the steps of the building, only be found by the orphanage's Mistress. She took him in, named him, and raised him as her own son. She knew about his gifts and tattoos, but that did not stop her from loving him. But, that is how she acted around other people. The woman was a real b!tch when they were alone together. Always yelling and hitting. Finally, Dalerian couldn't take it any longer and just vanished one night. Tattoo: But a dark, almost bloody colour instead of black.
 Power: Dalerian can control the element of Fire, hence his firey wings. To a lesser extent, he can control Lightning and Lava. Other?: Nope.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:54pm Apr 18 2011
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((We shall start now.)) Rayleigh was watching the forest from her perch up in a tree. Her steel blue eyes scanned the area for any unwanted visitors. No leaves crunched when she jumped from the tree. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Time for her daily run. She sprinted one way. That was how Ray lived; completely on instinct. She was like a ghost. She ran, but the only sound that she left behind was the leaves that swirled behind her. It was late spring, and the trees were blooming with their flowers. Ray stopped halfway through her run at a shallow river and drank. She had bathed in this river, drank from it. You name it. However, her immune system was so good from living in the forest for two years that she didn't even need to boil the water. She looked up and sat at the trunk of a tree.
Love is all we need~
10:25pm Apr 18 2011
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Dalerian walked around the already buslting city morning streets. With the hood of his sleeveless jacket up, he kept his gray-green eyes on the pavement, watching the steps he took. Eventually, as he walked, his stomach growled with intense hunger. Which reminded him that he hasn't eaten in a few days. With a sigh, he crossed the street at one of the numerous crosswalks. Once on the other side of the street, he realized that it was less-crowded. Looking back, he saw that the other peopl were all wearing suit and ties, or fancy dresses as the men and women hurredly walked to their workplace. Dalerian snorted with contempt and continued walking. He had been living on the streets for roughly three years since he first ran away from the local orphanage when he was fifteen. After that, he did odd jobs to earn money. And at the moment, he was broke, and no odd job to do. With that in mind, he unconsciousally made his way towards the forest that bordered one side of the city that he distainfully called home.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:37pm Apr 18 2011
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Star's fear- struck eyes darted in either direction. "I'm lost..." She collapsed on the lush, uncut gras.s in defeat. "Hmpphh...." She was quick to notice her own actions, convincing herself that she wasn't this type of person. With false courage, she rose in one quick movement. She stuck a pointed finger into her mouth, rising her index into the air. She wasn't quite sure what this did, but it gave the illusion that she knew what she was doing. "This way..." She commanded herself, following no real trail. She eventually came to a tall, narrow mountain that towered above her. She glanced upward for several seconds, then deciding to sprout her wings. They shot out of her tattoo, splaying proudly outward behind her body. Perhaps they would give her balance as she ascended. Regaining her note of bravery, she grasped the side of the mountain with her fingers, some of the dirt gathering between her fingernails. Yuck. Nonetheless, she continued on her way upward, slowly at first. Then, taking a curious peek down to the ground, she realized just how high she'd already gotten. With that, she sped up, trying to just get it over with. She wasn't sure just why she had to climb this mountain. She just had to. With strong effort, she pulled herself onto the peak of the oversized hill, glancing down at the ground and getting a little dizzy. She quickly snapped out of this.
I\'m back.
10:53pm Apr 18 2011
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Ray turned her head to the side as she heard footsteps slowly approaching the forest, her home. She stood up and placed a force field around herself. She could already feel her energy draining, but she would be fine. Nobody ventured into the woods on a normal basis. The mountains behind her towered brightly, and she felt miniscule. However, that wasn't going to stop her from defending her home. She noticed the birds flying off. Her tattoo glowed, her wings wanting to sprout. Ray, however, did not want her wings to sprout at this moment, so she closed her eyes as tight as they would go, and took in long, deep breaths. The glowing stopped, and she opened her eyes, zeroing in on the noises around her. ((The person that Rayleigh is hearing is Dalerian. Gotta go, guys. See ya tomorrow at about 5 or 6 res time. C:))
Love is all we need~