9:41am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Okay, make your character Bio, of the form: Name: Age: Appearance: (Insert image here) Personallity:
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9:48am Feb 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 190
Name: Toxic Age: 17 Appearance:  Personallity: Randome, Me randome? Never, Look a cookie ><
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
9:51am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Name: Ezio Age: mid-twenties Appearance:
Personallity: Okay, for those of you who don't paly a.ssa.ssin's creed, Ezio is the italian a.ssa.ssin from the second game, I haven't got the game yet but I will do soon, he is ruthless, and will slay his targets no matter what happens.
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9:53am Feb 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 190
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
9:56am Feb 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,378
Ezio leapt of a ledge into a field, glancing around he seemed quite content that there was nobody around, he wasn't sure where he was, that last chariot he got threw into took him here, where was he? how far away from his birthplace of Italy was he? was there anyway he could get his current target? all these questions where running through his mind.
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10:02am Feb 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 190
Toxic looked around, she herd soemthing. but dissmissed it just as quick, SHe moo loaudly. her favrent game was to act as cow like as possible. She played it with her friend all the time.. If she had friend's. she happly jumped around, leting the bell ring.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
10:11am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio heard a bell, did someone know he was here? he thought that he was the only one aware of his presence, after all, the chariot rode away after throwing him out, he called, "Hello? is anyone there?" in his strong italian accent, he wasn't sure whether he would get an answer, but he drew his long sword just in case.
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10:14am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 190
she herd a wired vocie and looked around, she droped low in the field, Acting like a calf. Mooing agien to see if she could here any thing, Mabye they would go away. she grabed her knive she carried incase it was some wierdo. Never can tell
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
10:16am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio heard the moo, it was only a cow, he didn't know why he bothered. He glanced around one more time, not seeing anything but corn, he sheathed his sword but unclipped the holder on his short blade just inc ase, he then continued walking through the corn, hoping to find an end to it eventually.
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10:20am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 190
she got up not hereing any thing and took off runnung. she bell jingling all the way. holding her knive close to her body. incase soem oen enels wwas thair but she smield softly to her self.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
10:23am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio heard the bell again, it seemed to be too close to the ground to be a cow, he decided to follow it, he sprinted in the general direction he heard it come from, if it was a child hopefully he could find it's parent, if he could find them he could get them to help him.
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10:27am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 190
toxic felt feet behind her. she was lucky she was smaller then whom ever. she took a sharp left sliding in some mudd. she layed thair lissiong, seeing if she could find the feet agien. she wasnt shor what way she landed, tilting her head lsioning more
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
10:30am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio could smell sweat, a sign of fear, he followed it and saw the girl lying in the mud, holding a knife close to her, "What do you expect to do with that?" Ezio helped the girl up, "Are there any adults around here? I could really do with some help." Ezio glanced around, making sure there was nobody there, "I will train you to become an a.ssa.ssin if you help me."
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10:36am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 190
"you ask meany questions" she smiled a little, geting up " and quick feet" she wasnt shor if she was even looking at him now but tryed to look ware she though his face might be. " And you be suprised what i can do with my knive" she smiled agien and turned and walked away "thair are peopel in town"
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
10:42am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio glanced at the ground, he lowered his hood for her to see his face, "I am a friend so there is no need to worry, the weapons are for my targets throat, not children." He then folowed her, not sure where this 'town' was, or even where he was.
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10:48am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 190
Im not a child" she huffed, "im 17" she keeped walking hereing his feet hiting the ground, she she new he was fallowing her "Im toxic by the way" she smiled not bothering to turn around.
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
10:50am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio sniffed, not too much caring what she saw herself as, to him she was a chiold, in knowledge and age, "I'm Ezio, in case you didn't already guess I'm an a.ssa.ssin, and yes I am extremely fast on my feet, you have to be in my business, I will demonstrate some free-running for you later."
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10:54am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 190
she looked around touching a piece of corn. :Taht way" she smiled and keeped walking "SO then what bring you here? liek if you an a.ssa.ssin and all?"
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something
11:11am Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ezio was impressed at how curious into an a.ssa.ssin the girl was, normally anyone he spoke to was dreadfully frightened of him, "I... sort of walked into a trap, he expected me to attack stealthily and put a pit on the way there, I fell into it and then I woke up on a chariot, in the middle of thise blasted farm."
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11:16am Feb 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 190
"iv alway wanted to be a ninja* she said walking along till they hit a dirt road, "but Im to -" she triped over a pot hole, ceathcing her self befor she hit her face agienst the rroad "Damb thing, gets me ever time!" she scold geting up and smiling a little
I Am ebbie queen <3 \r\nMissing: Trace,\r\n Gold\r\n And Kirs color u- something