7:12pm Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 10:23pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
(not my art.) Plot; ThunderClan and ShadowClan warriors have reported seeing apprentice-aged rogue cats with red eyes several times. No one has believed them and has thought it was a prank. But then more and more cats started seeing the red-eyed cats. Eventually they knew it wasn't a prank, and realized these cats lived around the territories of the two clans. The red eyed cats didn't seem to be a threat, but the ThunderClan medicine cat recieved a prophecy from StarClan saying not to trust them. ThunderClan warned ShadowClan. The red-eyed cats are trusted by no one, simply because the clans are afraid of them. But most of the red-eyed cats don't seem to want any trouble. (wow, failplot. :P) - - - - - Rules no swearing one important rank per person. there aren't meant to be many red-eyed cats, so there will be a limit of 5. Even gender ratio. One red-eyed cat per person, but they don't count as an important rank. No perfect characters. You may not join as a kit or an elder. No gay/bi/lesbian cats. Be somewhat realistic. No superpowers. No unnaturally colored cats. Only the red-eyed cats can have red eyes, and none of the red-eyed cats live in the clans. They all live alone. RiverClan and WindClan are NPCs. No powerplay. No insta-mates. Red-eyed cats are apprentice-aged. (they'll obviously grow up though.) Semi-literate and post your bios in red to join. - - - - - Bio: Name: Age: Gender: Clan: Looks: Rank: Personality: HIstory: Crush: Other: - - - - Cats ThunderClan Leader: Deputy: Thrushsoar (Tld) Med. Cat: Med. Cat Apprentice: Warriors: Redhawk (Me) Swallowtrill (Tld Jayheart (Acc) Apprentices: Leafpaw (Me) Icepaw (Tld) Queens: ----- KIts:---- Elders:----- - - - - ShadowClan: Leader: Duststar Deputy: Stonemask (Me) Med. Cat: Firefur (Demon) Med. Cat Apprentice: Warriors:
Hollyfern (Me) Leafmist (Tld) Thornfire (Tld) Apprentices: Queens:---- Kits:-- Elders:----- ------ ----- ----- Red-eyed: 1. Nightpaw (Demon) 2.Skywalk (Tld) 3. For Moon. 4. Palepaw (Nom) 5.Ravenfrost (Acc) Rogues/Loners: Other Stuff: Season: Leaf-fall Prey: Medium amount.
Leafpaw Mentored By:Swallowtrill Icepaw mentored by:Jayheart

7:13pm Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 11:41pm Jun 10 2011)
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Name: Redhawk Age:Adult Gender:Male Clan:ThunderClan Looks: Rank:Warrior Personality:Very calm and tranquil, he tries to avoid conflict the best he can. Although he is of a peaceful nature, he is picked on a lot. He has a high pain tolerance, but isn't really strong enough to put up a fight. Redhawk is very thin, and very shy and quiet, often stammering when he talks and staying a distance away from the rest of the clan. HIstory:Normal Crush:Open Other:none --------- --------- --------- Name:Stonemask Age:Adult Gender:Male Clan:ShadowClan Looks: Rank:Deputy Personality: Stonemask is extremely intelligent; a complete genius. He can always come up with an amazing plan in the bl ink of an eye. He loves to mock and taunt others, make fun of them and trick them. He jokes around a lot, especially in serious situations. He is very sly, and very dishonest. He can never be trusted. Ire is a cunning cat and is very narrow-minded. His actions are always unexpected. He's very self-centered, he never thinks about anyone elses feelings and how his actions will effect them. He is very violent, he never has any hesitation when hurting or even killing someone. He can fool others with ease, no matter who they are, and his thinking is very twisted and dark. He acts like a loyal, caring cat while he plots murders behind everyone else's backs. HIstory:Normal Crush:None Other:none - - - Name: Hollyfern Age:Young Adult Gender:Female Clan:ShadowClan Looks: Rank:Warrior Personality:She's quiet and friendly to most cats, but it takes a while to earn her trust. She can't stand cruelty to anyone, so she never learned to fight, and is useless in battle. She is thin and fast, and she's very smart. She is unually un-agressive towards cats from other clans, but is afraid of the stories she's heard about the red eyed cats, and is very alert. HIstory:Normal Crush:She won't crush first. Other:none - - - Name:Leafpaw Age:Apprentice-age Gender:female Clan:ThunderClan Looks: Rank:Apprentice Personality: HIstory:Normal. Crush:Open Other:none

7:38pm Jun 10 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,016
Kupa! Thats not a fail plot :p I loves it! Could you possibly reserve a red-eyes cat spot and a medicine cat spot for Shadowclan? If I need one for Thunderclan, I'll have one, but I don't understand how I can make the gender ratios even? Sorry If im being confusing... It's Demon's way, ya know.
7:44pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(make one male and one female XD that's how. or 2 males 2 females, etc. etc. etc. I need to delete the rule for the even clans, because that won't work. :P)
11:20pm Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 3:31pm Jun 12 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((Join as red-eyed and ShadowClan medicine apprentice? ;P And others, of course. Bios will come, and in red))
Name: Thunderbird Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Clan: ShadowClan Looks: A sturdy, large(not fat, just big) she-cat with a stubborn-looking jaw. She's an orange tabby with a white chest and a thin little white stripe the goes down her belly, and one white paw, on her left front one. Her eyes are sky blue. Rank: Warrior
Personality: Slightly stubborn, but a cheery, outgoing personality. She has a can-do attitude, andis rather optimistic. However, she can be a little too friendly, and slightly annoying at times.Likes to sit on her brother, who is smaller than she is. History: Grew up in ShadowClan with her brother, Whitefrost. They were both born in the middle of a battle, WindClan versus ShadowClan, when their mother had decided that her kits weren't going to be born soon and went into battle, as soon as the leader at the time, Rockystar, had turned his back. Her other brother, who was going to be named Silverkit,was accidentally killed by a WindClan warrior.
Crush: N/A Other: N/A
Name: Whitefrost.
Age: Young adult.
Gender: Male.
Clan: ShadowClan. Looks: A pure white cat with two gray frost paws. Sky blue eyes, same as sister, same jaw shape as his sister. Rank: Warrior.
Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, not that talkative, but when he talks, it's usually something important to be heard. Gets sit on by his sister, Thunderbird, a lot.
History: Above, Thunderbird's. Crush: N/A.
Other: N/A. --
Name: Wingpaw.
Age: Young, probably around teen years. Gender:Female. Clan: ShadowClan.
Looks: A smal, beautiful calico, with abby stripes in each patch. Main colour white, secondary colours grey, orange.She has a toe missing on her left front foot,like that at birth. Gold eyes. Rather round in shape.
Rank: Medicine cat apprentice.
Personality: Shy, quiet, is always quick to help. She's friendly, but always seems a little nervous. The only time when she is at ease is when she's beside her mentor.
History: N/A.
Crush: N/A.
Other: N/A.
--Name: Minnowstream. Age:Adult. Gender: Female. Clan: ThunderClan. Looks: A light, springy-looking she-cat with a piercing stare. A light grey coat, with a dark grey back. Black eyes. Cut on her ear. Rank: Senior warrior(sleeps in middle). Personality:A little sharp, but willing to listen. Can be a bit rash, and doesn't like strangers. She'd be one to say the red-eyes should be chased from their territory. History: Has fought a few battles, one of which was against WindClan, and got the cut in her ear. Crush: N/A. Other: N/A.
Name: Nigh(no, not Night. Nigh). Age: Apprentice age.
Gender: Male. Clan:None. Looks: A black cat with a white muzzle and round red eyes. One ear ripped apart. Rank: Rogue. Personality: Silent, likes to keep to himself, only talks when needed, and even then only uses a few words. History:Saved a drowning kit once, but quickly disappeared after. Crush: N/A. Other: Very good swimmer.
((Other bios coming, got to go to bed...))
11:35pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(sure, moon.)
11:50pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Thank you. :P Workin' bios...))
12:14am Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Join as deputy of ThunderClan and a few others? :d ]]
12:17am Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Sure, Tld.)
1:04am Jun 11 2011
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Warrior Name: Thrushsoar Gender: Male Age: 19 moons Rank: Deputy Clan: ThunderClan Appearance: Personality: Thrushsoar has a bit of a cocky and overconfident attitude. He doesn't boast, but he enjoys showing off. He listens to himself and only himself, and is usually an outgoing tom who is in the center of attention. Thrushsoar is logical, and his pride in his intellect is what causes him to be so filled with hubris. History: He used to have two siblings, Swallowtrill and Hawkpaw. They were and still are apprentices, but Thrush always had the craving for adventure. They ventured into the forest one day, and Hawk had been severely injured by a badger, later dying. --- Warrior Name: Swallowtrill Gender: Female Age: 19 moons Rank: Warrior Clan: ThunderClan Appearance: Personality: Swallowtrill, true to her name, is an excellent hunter. She, unlike Thrushsoar, is agile and fast, like a bird o_o Swallowtrill is a sharp-tongued and quick-witted she-cat, nothing like her fragile looks. She really likes kits, though, and spends time with them whenever she's free. History: Look at Thrushsoar's Warrior Name: Icepaw, Iceweb Gender: Female Age: 9 moons Rank: Apprentice Clan: ThunderClan Appearance: Personality: She's very quiet, and sometimes moody for no reason. Dove is very gentle and kind, and most of the times no good in battle. She's very fast and agile, able to do quick turns and maneuvers. When forced into battle, Dove prefers clinging onto the opponent's back and never letting go. Dove is an independent she-cat, and rarely asks for help. Dove actually doesn't like help, and is determined to show that she's perfectly capable of doing anything by herself. History: She was originally a kittypet with the name of 'Hope'. One day, Dove strayed away from her home, and couldn't get back. She's been stuck in the forest ever since. Reason: Being loner gets... lonely. Other: The strange marking on her chest is a result from being previously owned by very fashion-oriented housefolk. --- Warrior Name: Thornfire Age: 18 moons Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Clan: ShadowClan Appearance: Personality: Being a fairly young cat, Thornfire has plenty of energy to spare. He's hotheaded, and prefers to settles things with his claw. He's got a smart-alecky personality, and always wants his opinion to be heard. He's also got a devious personality, and is somewhat condescending. Thornfire doesn't like being close to other cats, since his mother was taken away from him, and his father he does not know of. Thornfire's only sibling is Leafmist, whom he doesn't have the best of relationships with, but will protect anyways. Crush: Open Other: Is the littermate of Leafmist - Warrior Name: Leafmist Age: 18 Moons Gender: Female Rank: Warrior Clan: ShadowClan Appearance: Personality: Leafmist has a calm and collected personality. She mostly keeps her thoughts to herself, and like any cat, loves the sun. Reisen often spends time basking under its light. She's sly and quick-thinking, though, and loves wordplay, which confuses and sometimes aggravates her brother. Crush: Open Other: She is the littermate of Thornfire - Name: Skywalk Warrior Name: Coalpaw [Coalfire] Age: 10 moons Gender: Male Rank: Kittypet-turn-loner Appearance: Personality: Skywalk has a logical and calm personality. He tries to control his anger and is quiet most of the time, but he can get short-tempered and snappy on certain days. Skywalk is always confident in his decisions, and is more of a thinker than a fighter. Crush: Open Other: His name was given to him by really weird housefolk. [[None of these kitties are drawn by me.]]

10:10am Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 1:14pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 496
(( Can I join as one red-eye cat and Leader of ShadowClan. Thankies, and I can send a few of my past RP pieces if you want to have a look. Thanks!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:41am Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Oh, and I forgot: Skywalk is one of the red-eyed kitties o3o ]]
1:03pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(Thankers, Kupa!) Name: Nightpaw Age: De apprentice age :p young kitten.
Gender: female
Clan: red-eyed Looks: (I will possibly replace this with a picture later) Jet black with grey rings on the upper part of each leg. Glowing red eyes, like blood red. Grey snout. Short-hair Rank: none
Personality: Aggressive and protective of everything thats hers. Judgemental of everything. Loves a good fight, but will only fight when she needs to. HIstory: She was born in the clans (No one knows which one). When cats saw her red eyes, they immediatley truned against her. The leader threw her out of the clan as a kitten, and she was found by a fox who recently lost her kits. The fox nursed her pack to health. The fox was killed by another animal in a fight for an elk carcass when Nightpaw was only 2 months old. Crush: Would love one
Other: none. Name: Firefur
Age: 3 human years
Gender: male
Clan: Shadowclan
Looks: Has a redish-brown pelt all the way around. Long hair.Green eyes. Stubbed tail.
Rank: Medicine cat
Personality: Will do anything for his pack, very protective of it. He is usually happy-go-lucky, but if you get on his nerves, or his packmate's nerves, he will hurt you. HIstory: Normal
Crush: Will decide in the RP
Other: none.

1:36pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(accepted, and sure you can join, Nom, and I'll fix that, Tld.)
2:07pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(Yesh! ^^")
3:46pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 6:43pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 496
((Thanx! Here are my bio's!)) Name:Duststar (was Dustfire, and originally Dustpaw, and oddly masculine name, but she's always been a bit of a tomboy) Age:20 Moons Gender:Female Clan:Shadowclan Looks:She has a pelt of mostly black fur with a few splashes of random colorings, which include a creamy white color, a shade of auburn perhaps, and just a touch of gray. Her pelt is medium length except in area's such as her face, ears, and paws. Her tail is long and silky, but not bushy as it was once thought to be. Her eyes are pale green with a dash of auburn nearing the black, knife-like pupil. Her ears are large and adapted for better hearing, but they aren't quite pointed at the tips. Her front paws are white, while her back legs are mostly white with a dark grey making up the upper half of her flank, making her look like she's wearing white boots. It really gives her some spunk, and one daring apprentice even said that she looked "cute". Her nose is a dark shade of pink with black around the edges and faded into the pink shade. Her paws are a mix of pink and black, some with all pink, while others with all black, and even one which is half black and half pink. Her claws, like all cats, are retractable, and soley white, with a faint pinkish hue. Her tongue is a dark shade of pink, and her teeth, which seem to glow when touched by a ray of sunlight, are pure white. http://www.freewebs.com/warriorcats99/_____.jpgRank:Leader Personality:Duststar, as to her masculine name, has always been a bit of a tomboy. Of all of her siblings (most of which are deceased, one gone rogue), she was always the one to take the lead, and battle it out if she could. Noticed early on by the previous leader of the Clan, she was always a favorite among the camp. When the time came for her to recieve a mentor, Almost all of the free cats were dying to get her. They all believed that they could make her the best cat that the Clan has ever seen, making them and their families famous. Unfortunately, they were all too selfish to see what hard work Dustpaw (now Duststar) was to truly be. Her mentor, Sparrowpelt (deceased), tried very hard to teach Dustpaw/fire/star the ways of the warrior, but Dustpaw/fire/star proved to be a very stubborn pupil. It took her over a Moon to correct Dustpaw/fire/star's hunting stance, because she would always refuse to believe that she was wrong. Eventually (after much trial and error), Sparrowpelt managed to get Dustpaw/fire/star to believe that she isn't always right, and actually learn something. Duststar is now a much less stubborn and selfish cat because of her mentors efforts, although it nearly killed Sparrowpelt to do so. Duststar tries to resolve matters, and tries to see that punishment and praise is given out fairly and evenly. She tries to not show favoritism (although she does have the tendency to take a liking to a particular cat sometimes), and she tries to see both stories as they really are. To get along with her, you must be honest and true to your word, or you'll anger her to the point that she hates you no matter what. Duststar can't stand injustice or lying, and either will be sure to get you a heavy punishment. HIstory:Nothing unusually interesting, except for the fact that almost all of her siblings died, and the only two survivors are Duststar and her brother Leafclaw (went rogue about three moons ago, and the two haven't seen each other since). Crush:None, although she is always open to being "charmed" and "wooed" into submission. Other:Not much, although she didn't get along with her only surviving brother Leafclaw too well, although it is uncertain as to why he left yet. Name:Palepaw Age:6 1/2 Moons Gender:Male Clan:None. He is part of the Red-Eyed group. Looks:His pelt is pure white and awfully fluffy, making him look cute, and he is still small so he looks like a kit still. If only it weren't for those pure, blood red eyes, he could pass for any normal cat. His ears are large and fluffy, with tufts of fur coming off at the tips, although the tufts are short. His nose is a pale pink, and so is his tongue. His teeth are pure white. His claws are also white, but they look dirty from over use, because he doesn't live in a clan. He pretty much has to fend for himself, but he does wander around with the group of Red-Eyed cats. They're an awful lot like him. They could all pass for ordinary cats, except for their red eyes, which vary from blood red like Palepaw's to dark red. tle="[Link to Looks]">http://paradoxoff.com/files/2011/02/albino-cat-01.jpgRank:None, although he is around the age of an apprentice. Personality:If it weren't for the eyes, he could of been an ordinary cat. Now, due to the fact that he pretty much has to fend for himself, he has developed a sharp bite. He can look pretty, and still defend himself against attack. Even though he's small, none of the other Red-Eyed cats help him. He spends all of his days hunting for a measly meal, shelter, and comfort. Some nights, he has to go hungry, and find poor shelter. All of this has hardened the small cat, made him who he is today. He often hides his emotions well, and can slink around, rather like a weasel. He often finds himself watching members of the clans without their knowing, seeing if he can steal a kill that they might of made, although he has to keep his existence below the radar, or they might come after the little theif that's been stealing their meals. It's happened to other R.E. Cats (Red Eyed Cats). Some just, disappear, and aren't ever seen again. Some leave with a little notice, others try to plead for innocence. One or another, they all end up running away. The prospect frightens him, but he must still steal, or he might die of starvation. HIstory:His parents abandoned him to his fate once his eyes opened. They saw the color, and were frightened, scared of what the clan might do once they found out. He was soon found on the banks of RiverClan, although it isn't certain whether or not he came from RiverClan, although he does have rather good swimming skills, for an R.E. Cat. He was found by an R.E. Cat. He took Palepaw in, and brought him to the Group, where he traveled with them, often getting little bits of other cats meals. Then, they pitied him, but now, he's just another mouth to feed, and one that ought to be feeding itself. Crush:None. Other:He doesn't have very good socialization skills, and often blushes and feels embarrassed around other cats. Because his eyes are red, he is often shunned, and occasionally, other cats even run away from her. All he really wishes for is a playmate, a friend. All of the R.E. Cats are loners, and have grown up loners. None of them have a free second to get to know each other, although, they all seem to sense each other. They know who's feeling what and why, yet, they rarely converse. Palepaw (as he was dubbed by the kind R.E. Cat that took him in) is really only looking for a friend, family, and home.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:04pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 341
((Mine's a Red Eyed kitty ^.^) Name: Raven frost Age: 10 moons Gender: Female Clan: Red-Eyed cat. Rouge I guess Looks: Black all over except her muzzle, chest, and paws which are white. Her nose is black too, except for a few pink speckles. She has bright red eyes, one of which is blind. Rank: None. Apprentice-aged Personality: Ravenfrost is very picky about everything. She hated the cold, hard nests, damp nests, rain, not-fresh prey, etc. She likes it when things go her way, but when they don't, you should watch out. Even though she is sometimes rude and thinks of herself first, she almost always means well. She doesn't mean to be how she is, and just wants other cats to like her. History: She remembers little of her past. The first thing she remembers was finding herself alone, in the forest as a kit, probably shortly after birth. She wandered around the forest, until the RE cats found her. She' had been living with them since. Crush: Open Other:
6:08pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 6:11pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
(accelia, I will not accept you until you read the rules. and Nom, you do not need to send me an example of you roleplaying, I am very convinced that you are semi-literate, because those are without a doubt the longest bios I have ever seen. everyone is accepted except Accelia, but once she reads the rules and does what the rules say to she will be. Edit: wait a minute, I went over Nom's bios a second time. Nom, you need to make two males or change one of your cats to a male.)
6:20pm Jun 11 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 341
((What do you mean? I've read the rules at least five times... What did I do wrong?))
6:37pm Jun 11 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((I'll change Palepaw to a male then, and Accelia, maybe you didn't ask to be a red eyed cat or something, but I can't see anything wrong other than that.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.