10:07am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
I will RP anything right now, excluding Nekos, robots etc. I like powered humans. And seriously, I need a good plot. D8 I'm so bored right now, I will 'splode if no one RPs with me. ~Det
10:27am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 731
I'll RP with chu =3
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
10:33am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Literate? o_o -grins-
10:34am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 5,835
I will do one too....I don't have a plot though.D8 I might be able to think of one though.;D
10:35am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
-huggles Ssather-kins- I love chu. o3o
10:44am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 731
Yes, Im literate *Creepy grin*
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
10:45am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
-flees- Alright. Any preferences on RP genres? I'm pretty flexible. ^o^
10:49am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 5,835
*Is huggled* Lol. I love you too...Okay, that sounded kind of strange...
10:57am Oct 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
As long as it's not really soppy romance or Twilight Im fine with most stuff ¬_¬ I fancy a futuristic RP with cyborgs and stuff ATM XD
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:00am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
xD Well, I can do half-human half-cyborgs. I started an RP about that but it never caught on, so. And I like romance, but not as the main theme.
11:07am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 731
With some mutants too :3 And Cyborgs are half-human half-robot BTW :L
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:09am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Sorry, I often confuse them. I like to think cyborgs are robots. :B Mutants? What sort of mutants? o_o
11:17am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 5,835
MUTANTS!*Eats mutants and misses all the other X-men rps*
11:18am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 731
Like humans with loads of animal DNA e.g Human + Lizard + Wolf + Tiger + Wild cat + Bat = Mutant They are made in test tubes and they are kinda like anthro's :3 I'll post a deion oc Cyborgs and Mutants in a sec :P
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:26am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 731
Cyborgs: Cyborgs are half human, half robot. They are extremly strong and can bend metal with their bare hands. They are also fast and have exeptional refelexes. They often have hightened senses because of their mechanical parts. They are rather hard to kill but can be killed by most methods used on humans. They do eat but they need to eat far less frequently than normal humans. They often have weponry biult into their mechanical parts. Their gentict traits can only be p@ssed on by birth and creation. They live for upto one hundred years. Mutants: Mutants are possibly the weirdest creatures as they are normally a cross between two animals and a humans DNA. They stand on two legs and have fur/scales/etc. covering their bodies, most have tails and animal like ears. They are stronger than most humans and have a much longer lifespan. The first mutants were not born, but created in testubes in a lab somewhere. Mutants are now created by birth and artificial insemination. Mutants can eat just about anything, from vegitation to raw meat or fish. They sometimes have powers as a result of the experiments done on them. They have hightened sesnse and exelent refelxes. They live for upto three hundered and fifty years.
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:29am Oct 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 9,641
Oh. Thanks, I wasn't sure what sort of mutant you meant. I think we should make the mutants really deive. Like, say we have a mutant with the DNA of the animals you mentioned, the person could be 50% human, 5% lizard, 20% wolf, 15% tiger, 3% wild cat, and 7% bat. o3o
11:32am Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Det likes. o3o
11:33am Oct 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
Yhus P: Le us have Snakey join too :L *Pulls Snakey and Det into a random photo* CHEESE!
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."
11:34am Oct 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 9,641
-flees- I'm not photogenic. D8 Well, now we need a setting for these cyborgs/mutants. A whole new world. 8)
11:41am Oct 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 731
Yhus! In the future, mankind has settled on a new 'Goldilocks planet' (Just right) and since the race was depleted from the third world war the humans decided to create a new super race of people. You can think up the rest :P
"The english language has rules for a reason... Breaking them does not make you a special snowflake, it makes you an idiot..."