9:05am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
ok, this is my character bio, wolf you can post your after this following the same skelly as me. Name:Loki, the god of mischief Age:Immortal, therefore nobody knows his true age. Appearance (image or detailed deion ((or both))):
Other details: Loki was extremely mad at his father, Odin as he had taken Loki's immortal life, so he could be harmed, yet he still didn't age, Loki kept his perfect battle skills and most of his powers however, now his quest is to prove himself to his father, therefore regaining his immortality.
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9:14am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Rules: 1) No God Modding, as in no making yourself unkillable, apart from at the end of the RP. 2) No cussing, although it would be censored anyway we would prefer to keep this clean. 3) No one liners.
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9:15am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,046
( Hiya. You know you can edit your post right? ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:28am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 1,789
~(should join... hmm... >D)~
10:59am Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,046
(( Hiya Kuuuurrroooo! ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
12:58pm Jan 10 2010 (last edited on 1:01pm Jan 13 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
~(HI wolf! 8D)~ Bio: Name: Nite Age: Immortal - 417 currently 
Other: Nite is a dark angel, a messenger and being on the side of the dark gods. She has been sent to keep an eye on the great Loki, although he doesnt know it yet. She is witty, sarcastic, forward and shameless. Her powers are the ability to control darkness (including controlling dark creatures such as dragons etc), her piosonious aura/spirit, and her unmatachable speed and agility.
12:46pm Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki was wandering through an abandoned town that he was thinking of calling home when he saw a villager wandering through the town, the villager turned to him and yelled "Oi you! what do you think your doin' 'er!?! this 'ere is my town!" Loki then turned to him and cracked an almost sarcastic smirk, "you say this is YOUR town, knave? I am taking this, and you shall never use such words against a god of my calibur again! I am loki you insolent mortal!" Loki magiced up a circle of pure darkness and threw it under the villagers feet, the villager fell through it as if it was a bottemless hole, and the hole closed up.
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12:56pm Jan 12 2010 (last edited on 12:58pm Jan 12 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Nite shook her head at the gods movements. How stupid... he was supposed to be proving his worth, not throwing his weight around at innocent humans. She sighed lightly, invisible against the black air. She'd been given this job becuase of how alike she was to the god she needed to keep an eye on. She'd never met him before... but a job was a job. "That was not a smart move for you, you know" She stepped lightly out of the darkness surrounding her, appearing on the roof of a house and looking down at Loki. Her body was glowing slightly purple, her aura glowing,,, it was poisonious to anyone but herself. Jeez... she really had to look out for this guy? she sighed again.
11:50am Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
"Is it now? and why is that? I am a god trying to prove his worth, if I had not slew that worthless knave he would have attacked me, therefore I was defending myselfprior to the attack. An who, may I ask, are you?" Loki said this without even looking at the stranger, but as he asked his question, he turned to look at her, a slight curiosity in his eye, he liked new play things to toy with.
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11:54am Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite snorted, looking at the good with a twisted smile. "A human can do little damage to someone like yourself, and to answer your question~" There was a tearing sound, and from the fabric she wore sprung her two purplish black angelic wings. Loki was a god, and he'd recognise these wings as the those of the creatures who exist alongside the gods as helpers and advisors. "My name is Nite" she bowed slightly. "The Angel of night who has been sent to keep an eye on you... Your father wasnt going to let you run free entirely"
12:01pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki raised his nose at the Night angel, "well, obviously you know who I am, so I need no introduction, sorry for this voice, I am limited to only my God's voice whilst on earth, I am on my way to help the humans in a battle against the forces that aspire towards destroying their race, if you are here to just watch then you should stay at a distance, if you are here to help me, then follow closely, we may be friends we may not, either way you must do the thing that goes with your objective" Loki turned on his heels and strolled merrily through the barrne lands, towards the battle that was awaiting.
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12:06pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite watched as he walked off. Pfft. Her job... that was to watch... ensure he did what he was supposed to do, stop him from doing anything he shouldnt. Her eyes widened slightly as what he'd said sunk in... he was going off to help the humans... guess he knew what he was doing afterall. She sight and flared her wings, the light catching the purplish feathers as she took off lightly, her slender form following the great god and landing not far behind him. "Its nice to know your trying i suppose... oh... if you want to speak to your father, you need my permission... he said he'd rather have you try to do this without the help of the gods... hence the reason he sent an angel"
12:10pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki continued walking whilst he was speaking, the staff he used in combat across his two shoulders, holding onto seperate ends with his two hands, "I do not need the help of Odin my father, I have no doubt of this, I am the strongest of my family after Thor, and I am by far the most cunning, so this battle should be a challenge, but not too dangerous, I take it is you that shall take me back to the great land of Asgard in the sky once I have completed my task then?" Loki then continued walking towards his sdestination, his newly found ally following close behind.
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12:14pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"More or less... It will take more than one battle however to regain your fathers side... theres more he wants you to learn... not that he told me~ thats entirely up to you" she sighed slightly again, speeding up to walk alongside the god, looking at him through her violet eyes. She'd heard of him, the cunning and the strength, but no-one had mentioned the god himself was actually quite beautiful. She smiled slightly, closing her eyes and taking off into the air, flying just above the god... well... this job was going to be interesting~
12:19pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Reubin was walking through the lands, singing quietly to himself as he strooled, although his stroll was more like a slight skip, the God was happy today, and there was no real reason, "as to you thinking I am beautiful, it is as we do not age, plus, I would just like to say that I have never had love in my life, it isn't a thing that comes naturally to me, you know the whole 'God Of mischief thing' yeah well that sorta doesn't help, but one day I may do" Loki walked slower now, with a sudden realisation that the thing he may need in his life to help him mature and calm down is the fact that he needs someone to call his wife.
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12:24pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite had continued to fly above Loki, looking at him as he spoke, then turning her eyes back to the land in front of her. "All gods are beautiful... i suppose i had held your image in relation to your ti tle... my mistake~" She flared her wings again, falling feet first through the air and landing lightly directly in front of the gods path, an eyebrow raised "Neither had i heard of your mind reading abilities" She wasnt bothered by this, as an angel of night she was able to hide her thoughts from anyone, even the gods, but she truly hadnt thought this god was blessed with that power.
12:45pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki sat on the floor after drawing a circle around him in the sand, the circle however grew in circumference, until it was plenty big enough to hold a party of people, he crosed his legs and arms and removed his helmet before closing his eyes, "sit down, I have many a power and I can show you all of these by allowing you into my mind, however this will not work unless you believe whole heartedly that it will work, so hold no doubt within your wiry frame"
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12:50pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite blinked and sighed... he liked to show off this one... but then again, maybe that was expected from the god of mischief. "Tell me... what need to do you have to show me your power? I'm an observer, a sideliner and your guide... You do not need to reveal anything to me" She looked at the circle, then back at the god himself. "And for your information, as an angel of night, i have no trouble believing anything..." She waited on the gods reply.
12:53pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki raised from the ground, levitating until he was level with the Angel's face, "you are still forgetting to shield your thought's, and I am not showing off, I just thought that you may be interested to learn more about the one who you must follow until he has proven himself, if you do not wish to however I can open us up a portal straight to the battle." Loki then Stood, dashing the circle from the ground, covering the fact that he had been her, he didn't need to cover his tracks as he left none.
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12:53pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Name:Xiang Age:Immortal. Appearance: 
Other Details: Nothing really.