10:46am Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 9:32pm Jul 20 2010)
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The year is 4010, and the Fire Nation is attempting, yet again, to take over the world. As the time has p*censored*ed, for some reason, more and more Avatars are being born. In order to protect the nation's independence, Miko, an Earth-Bending Avatar, created an army of strong benders that protect the people of the Earth Nation. Soon, the army was responsible for protecting the people of every nation against the Fire Nation. In order to protect the people properly, the army split into sections. Each sector is responsible for their *censored*igned area. All of the members of the army live underground in a giant collection of thousands of homes with other rooms like the gym, cafeteria, school, and bending room. Together, the army fights for everyone's freedom. This RP is focused on a particular sector, called Sector X. All our characters are in this sector. My character is our leader. Sector X: Kalypsa (Myth) Dusk (Feyth) Calypso (Inna) Here's the character form: Character name: (Kalypsa) Gender: (Female) Age: (16) Nation: (Fire) Avatar?: (Yes) Looks: (Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, pale, tall, average weight) Clothes: (red loose halter top wrap, dark denim ripped skinny jeans, black converse) Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: (Not yet ;)) History: Is the daughter of a firenation soldier. Her father was cold and unloving, to both her and her mother, whom Kalypsa loved. Her mother took her to the earth nation when she was 12 to enroll her in the Army. Her mother died of illness shortly afterwards. Personality: Nice, Smart, Funny, Exciteable. Hot-headed. (More to be played out)
11:40am Jul 17 2010
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ooc: Can I be a waterbending Avatar?
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10:11pm Jul 17 2010
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((Feyth: sure. Just fill out the form. :))) Kalypsa drummed her fingers idly on Miko's desk as she stared off blankly into the distance. The door opened. She whipped her head around and then returned to staring out the window as Miko entered and seated himself at his desk. Today, July 17th, was the day that she would become the new leader of Sector X. She would be the youngest person to lead a sector, at only 16 years old. She had yet to be *censored*igned her fighters, and she was waiting for the new recruitees to arrive.
10:16pm Jul 17 2010
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((Does it matter how many avatars there are, because I want to be one. >3 ))
10:19pm Jul 17 2010
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Character name: Dusk Gender: (Female) Age: (14) Nation: (Water) Avatar?: (Yes) Looks: She stands 5'4" and weighs around 90 lbs, very skinny for her age, some might even go as far to say that she is underweight. Her hair is coal black and her eyes, though blind, are a bright purple color. Her skin is almost as pale as the albino cyid. On her right shoulder is a white thin trail that intertwines with the black one on her left shoulder. This resembles Yin and Yang. Clothes: She is usually seen wearing a purple kimono-like top and blue jeans. A cloak wraps around Dusk's frail body and keeps her warm. Around her neck is a sapphire hanging on a necklace. Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: Open ?History: She was born in the southern water tribe to a very poor family. When she was five, a bright light shot over her head, but it was too big to be a shooting star. She snatched it out of the air, for it was only a little ways above her head and held it in her hand. She screamed for a long time after her hands closed around the ball and eventually fell unconcious. When she awoke, she was drifting in the see with a note tied to her arm. If she couldv'e read it, she was only 5 and the light and made her blind, she would have read: Dear Dusk, We are giving you to the sea in the hopes that you will have a better life. We are sorry you had to find out this way, but your markings have scared us. Hope we see you again in a better lifetime. -Your loving parents Dusk was alone and heartbroken when a daemon told her what the note said. As she grew, she used this hate and anger to feul her. She grew to love the art of sword fighting and practiced everyday. She doesn't know what the markings are that her parents were talking about, but she vowed to get them back for breaking her five-year-old heart. Her parents moved, along with most of the population, away from the area. She chose to stay traveling in the hopes that they will come back and see her one day. She doesn't hate her parents, but she thinks she does and someday she will figure this out. She loves waterbending, but the other elements are fine too. Personality: She is often quiet as if she knows something that nobody else does. Mysterious as she is, she makes a loyal companion if she grows to trust you. Many times, she closes herself up and becomes and emotionless ball of emptiness. She has anger management problems and will sometimes get mad for no clear reason, though she knows there is one.
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10:22pm Jul 17 2010
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Dusk's feet moved towards the big building as if Dusk herself was an animatron. She shook her head and started to walk normally. She opened the door and stepped inside the building. A sudden realization hit her, she was a long way from home and she was an avatar. She took a deap breath, soaking herself with water and then taking it off and wandered forward. She almost slammed into the Sector X leader...
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9:05am Jul 18 2010
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((Anyone can be an avatar, there is no limit)) "Hey, watch where you're goi-" Kalypsa stopped. The eyes of the girl behind her were a strange shade of purple, and her unfocused stare lead her to suspect she was blind. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! I'm Kalypsa, the Sector X leader. Are you here to join?" She asked curiously. She smiled.
9:52am Jul 18 2010
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Dusk backed up and bowed her head slightly, sensing who it was. "Oh, I*m sorry." Dusk said, lifting her hand to shake the Sector leader's. "I*m Dusk, a waterbending avatar." Dusk gazed around as if she could see, but she was really trying to find the feel of a chair. When she did, she sat down..
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10:56am Jul 18 2010
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Kalypsa sat down next to her.
"You're the only person in Sector X besides me here so far. I wonder who else will be coming." She mused quietly.
"So, are you an avatar? What elements have you mastered so far?" she asked in her perky voice.
"I'm an avatar, my main element is Fire, and I know Earth and Air. I'm looking for a water bender to help me out. Oh, and I lightning bend."
10:58am Jul 18 2010
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"I know Air and Water and Fire, my main being water and I still need to learn earth." she grumbled a bit, she had been kicked out of the earth capitals for various reasons. Her blank eyes lit up. "Hey, I could teach you waterbending and you can teach me earth!" she suddenly cried, ghaving a great idea...
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7:01pm Jul 18 2010
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Kalypsa smile grew. "That'd be great!" she said exuberantly. Suddenly, it dawned on her. Her drastic fear of water. *Once when Kalypsa was young, her father had taken her to the beach outside their palace. She played in the sand, frolicked through the gr*censored*es, and picked up shells. Then, she ran into the water. Kalypsa went out further and further, until she had to tread water to keep from going under. Suddenly, a huge wave crashed over her head and pulled her under. She came back up, sputtering. Larger, stronger waves followed, throwing Kalypsa around like a rag doll. The saltwater stung at her eyes, and she thrashed wildly trying to stay above the water. She started to realise that she seemed to be going farther and farther away from s*censored*. Daddy, she thought. Daddy will save me. "Daddy! Daddy! Help m-" she cried, before swallowing another mouthful of water. He saw her and froze. "Daddy, I'm drowning, I'm dro-" she cried at the top of her lungs, then she went down and came up sputtering. He turned and ran back towards the palace. Kalypsa thrashed and sputtered, salt stinging her throat. A minute later, she heard yelling from the s*censored*. She resumed crying out. "Kalypsa! Kalypsa!" someone cried back. A warm hand grabbed hers. Someone grabbed her and pulled her into their arms. Kalypsa wrapped her arms around the person's neck and cried into their chest. "Daddy... Daddy..." she sobbed. She looked up. It was not her father, but a servant. Brokenhearted, she sobbed and pounded at the servant's chest. "Where is my Daddy?!?! Why didn't he save me?!!!" She hyperventillated. The servant carried her to the palace, where her father sat, stone-faced, on his throne. She fell to the ground and sobbed, crying her heart out. She ran and punched him in the nose, and he yelled. His nose was crooked and bleeding, and his blood covered her fist. She ran to her room, locked the door, and cried herself to sleep.* Kalypsa shuddered. This wouldn't be easy for Dusk.
7:41pm Jul 18 2010
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((Dusk has a fear of earth, I should have told yo uthat. Ah well, lets do this.))
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7:51pm Jul 18 2010
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((Haha!)) "Well, it seems we have some time to kill. We've already recieved our first mission, which we are supposed to do when the others arrive, so why don't you and I start planning our attack? Our mission is this: There is a small village in the Earth Nation, in the city of Mulika. That city has been dominated by a few firebending soldiers, an estimated 20. We need to go in there and fight them off, because the city has some good benders that we're hoping will join our army.
8:03pm Jul 18 2010
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"Well, okay." Dusk said nervously. She wasn't so sure about learning earthbending because of what happened last time she had tried to have her father teacher her. She was only 5 at the time and her father saw the potential in her. He thought that she was an avatar and he ahd brought her to the earth nation capital where he had been born. *flashback: Dusk is standing on a cliff side with her father. He has his hand on her and tears are streaming from her eyes. "I can't do it!" the five-year old says. The best way her father could teach her was to throw her off a cliff and see if she could save herself. Dusk cries out as her father shoves her. She tumbles down the cliff side and as she reaches the bottom, a rock comes out of the ground and stops her fall. She watches as her father comes down. He whips her and scolds her. She just couldn't do it. A few days later she was blinded by a bright light, lost all sense of seeing, and marks appeared...
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8:10pm Jul 18 2010
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"The only bad part, Dusk, is that there is very little water in that area, so you might have to fire and airbend." Kalypsa silently rejoiced, for there she would not be able to learn due to the dry land.
8:13pm Jul 18 2010
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"Thre is water evreywhere. I won't be without it." She smiled... ((Braindead...)
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8:35pm Jul 18 2010
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((LOL, me too.))
7:24pm Jul 19 2010
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2:57pm Jul 20 2010
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3:01pm Jul 20 2010
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bump. We need more people.))
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