Semi-Literate Shapeshifter Roleplay

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12:06pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 98

Teens.  Taken from their homes.  Stolen.  Their families are watched twenty-four/seven, then when everybody else leaves, they're snatched.  People known only as the White Coats take the teens from their families, drug them, and take them away to their facilities in an undisclosed location hidden deep in a desert.  What they do there is the same with every teenager - inject them with animal DNA that becomes triggered at times of extreme stress, or at will if the "shapeshifter" has extreme control over their body.  The transformation can only be done on teenagers because all other test subjects below the age of thirteen or over the age of nineteen died shortly after being infused with the DNA of an animal.  Memories are wiped clean while the teens are being taken to the facility, but some of the teens are regaining their memories and they plan to escape.


Rules/Extra Information:


  •  You must be semi-literate to join.
  •  No god-modding, power-playing, etc.
  •  No "super powers."  You're a shapeshifter.  That's it.
  •  Only Real-Life animal DNA.  Dragons, Pegasus, etc are ruled out.
  •  You can only transform into one animal.
  •  Only about five of the teens will be regaining their memories.  The rest of you just have to decide whether you believe them or not.
  •  White Coats are NPCs and anybody can use one if they want to.
  •  The White Coats keep everybody locked in in their own cage that's similar to a jail cell, everybody is taken to a mess hall for lunch, and let outside in a fenced in area (there's a mesh fence above as well) for a few hours before being sent back inside to their "rooms."
  •   Everybody starts off at their house and is taken to the facility.  There can be some NPCs that are already there, but make sure you describe your first transformation after the injection.
  •   Romance/violence/cussing is allowed but keep it PG-13
Sign-Up form:
Personality: (optional)
Animal DNA:
Animal looks: 
Is Regaining Memories: (yes/no) 



12:13pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310



Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


12:18pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 12:20pm Jul 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 98
Name:  Amanda (prefers to be called Mandi)
Gender:  Female
Age:  17
Personality: I'm just going to RP it out.
Animal DNA:  Puma
Animal looks: 
Is Regaining Memories: yes


12:20pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 98
OOC:  You're welcome to join, Dragonstar. :3


12:26pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((Can I join?))


12:35pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 98
OOC:  You guys don't have to ask to join. :3  Just post your bios.


12:51pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Sorry. Just habit. Bio up soon.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


12:53pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 12:54pm Jul 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
Unique.jpg anime rainbow girl image by neonM

Name:PJ Lov
Personality: PJ is calm at all times. She seems bored and quiet and she almost always acts tier like she might fall asleepat any second. She is kind of shy at first but she turns out to be a great friend, and it is hard to get her angry at you. She is a great listener and always seems to know what to say and when to say it.
Animal DNA:Fox
Animal looks:
wolf.jpg rainbow fox image by babydoll270
(If they aren't allowed to have weird colors then I will change it.XD))
Is Regaining Memories:Kind of...She has flashes of memories in her dreams.


1:06pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 3:20pm Jul 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 7,620
Sign-Up form:
Looks:Ikuto.jpg image by panda_girl_2006
Personality: (optional)rp it out but he is mostly self centered.
Animal DNA:black panther
Animal looks: 
Is Regaining Memories: (yes/no) slowly little by little
Sign-Up form:
Personality: (optional)rp it out
Animal DNA:snow leopard
Animal looks: 
Is Regaining Memories: (yes/no) no the only one she remembers is her brother
other:ikutos little sister


ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

1:08pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you


Name Zale Wolfe

Age 15

Gender Male


 His eyes are a bright blue.

-Fangirl squeal-

Persona Zale's quiet, and avoids human contact as often as he can. He has few, if any, friends, and though he is very sweet when he does talk, he has a dark side as well. Beware if you anger him for any reason; he carries a knife in his pocket at all times.

Bf/Gf None

S.O Gay


Other None

DNA House Cat

Shifted Look

That's not a scar up there, it's simply a cream-stripe. Geez. Hurr.

Memories Not regained.






1:09pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Name: Sanctum Raa
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Looks: Sanctum's eyes are bright yellow with cat-like pupils, but they turn blood-red when he gets into a rage or a blood-lust. His hair is a light crimson in colour. And his canines are longer and sharper than most. He also stands at six foot four. His sweater is a deep crimson. The tattoos are pitch-black.

Sanctum is very quiet and likes to be in the shadows, watching. He is very protective of his friends. Sometimes, he can be loud and obnoxious. Fierce when defending anything that means value to him, he will not let anybody steal it away.  

Animal DNA: Wolf
Animal looks: 

Is Regaining Memories: Yes.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:12pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,620
((dodo i love that song))

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

1:14pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((Thanks, Atalanta. :3 It's my favorite by them besides Faint.))


1:18pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,620
((oh i love that song too eeek > - <))

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

2:04pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 98
OOC:  Alright, everybody accepted.  Do you guys want me to do the first post or do we have a volunteer? :3


2:11pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,620
(you first)

ikuto Pictures, Images and Photos

2:35pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((You can go first.XD))


3:02pm Jul 28 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
((Not I, said the Dodo!))


3:07pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


-conveinently hides under a rock-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:16pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 98

((I suspected this would happen. x3  Oh well, may as well break the thick, thick ice.  Anybody have a polar bear I can throw at it?))


"We'll be back by ten!"  Amanda's mother called farewell as she and her husband packed up into the family SUV and headed out to an anniversary dinner.  "Whatever," she muttered, flopping down on the couch.  She rummaged around in the couch cushions before finding the remote and turning on the television.  She chewed her dark blonde hair as a news story about another missing teen flashed up.  "Won't this ever die down?" she grumbled, changing the station to some over-worked romantic comedy.  She heard a creaking sound behind her and her brown eyes flicked to the door which was wide open.


"It's not even windy out," she muttered, getting up and lazily walking over to the door to close it.  She turned to go back to the couch, only to come face-to-face with a tall man in a white lab coat.  She raised her eyebrows quizzically, "I don't want whatever you're selling, so get out of my house or I'll have to call the police about a crazy door-to-door salesman who breaks into houses."  The man just smiled at her remark and snapped his fingers.  Large hands held a cloth over her mouth and nose and the substance slowly forced Amanda into unconsciousness.


"Experiment Number 55246, are you alright?  Can you hear me?"  The girl opened her eyes wearily, her senses groggy.  "Yeah.  I can hear you just fine." she muttered, slowly sitting up.  "Perfect.  Do you remember anything that happened to you?"  A woman with a kind voice dressed in all white was looking at her kindly, a warm smile on her tanned face.  "I can't remember anything, just something about 'Amanda' who is that?"  The woman smiled, brushing a lock of brown hair behind her ear.  "That's your name, sweetheart.  I found you conked out outside, we find lots of people like that here.  We don't have much free space so we just keep everybody in the part of this building that was once a jail.  We don't like it to be called a jail though - we prefer you call it home."


"Home?"  Amanda vaguely recalled something about a home, but before she could grasp it, she fainted.  When she woke up again, the woman was gone and she was sitting in a cage suspended above a grated floor.  "Where am I now?" she wondered aloud.  She saw a clear gl*censored* window in front of her, like some kind of viewing booth.  A man walked past it and glanced back before calling a few others to the window.  They messed around with something that Amanda suspected was a control panel and suddenly fire was leaping out from the ground below her.  Her cage slowly lowered and Amanda began to wonder if the scientists could see her in there.  If this went on much longer, she'd surely be burned.  She began to stress out and suddenly her clothes were ripping and her head was exploding from intense pain.  Her bones dislocated and changed into impossible shapes and suddenly she was no longer a human, but an animal.


As soon as she'd changed forms, the fires stopped and her cage was raised.   The viewing window opened and a man pressed a button on his mic.  "Your transformation was a success, Amanda.  We'd worried that you'd lost this normal ability when we found you p*censored*ed out, but it looks like everything is working fine.  You see, you can only transform under extreme stress, so we had to do this to make sure that you were perfectly fine."  Amanda breathed a sigh of relief, so this whole thing - a transformation, the man had called it - was normal for everybody.  "You look like a perfectly healthy Puma shapeshifter.  We'll take you to your new room when you change back into a human.  Just slow your heart rate down and you'll be human again before you know it.  There's some clothes out in the hallway for you, I'll shut the room's viewing down so you can change in privacy."  With that, blinds covered the viewing window and Amanda was left alone.


((I hope that wasn't too long. x3  For once my writer's block wasn't mauling me.)) 

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