Silent Echos

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11:52pm Nov 22 2011

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Posts: 234
Welcome to Mwala High School for the Supernatural and Paranormal. We welcome your presence. Do not worry, you will fit in. We have many creatures that go here. Vampires, Werewolves, Spirits, Faeries and more!We hope you enjoy our school!

Okays. So,this is a high school year apparently. You can be whatever you want to be,be it real or not.


Eye color:
Weapons if any?:
Ill post my bio later.

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12:05am Nov 23 2011 (last edited on 11:21pm Nov 23 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 301
Name: Alice White
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Talents: Electricity, and has Superhuman abilities. 
Eye color: Gray, looks very Violet. 
Weapons if any?: She likes to use a whip of electricity. 
Other: None
Looks: Shown in picture-


8:06am Nov 23 2011

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Posts: 2,836

Name: Cassie Violeti
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species:Angel Solni
Talents:She has the power to She hears animals and what they say and she She sings beautifully and people love her singing but it doesnt lure in people. She knows exactly how others feel. 
Eye color: brown
Weapons if any?: She keeps a small white dagger at her belt pocket.
Looks:Cass has Black hair with Brown natural highlights. She doesn't wear lipstick, Only lip gloss. She has small pink beaded earrings and is pretty tall. She is slim and her hair is pretty straight. She likes being casual but is considered a very pretty girl. She likes regular shoes and carry's around a bracelet all the time. Her hair is usually out or in a pretty ponytail.


10:28pm Dec 26 2013 (last edited on 6:45pm Feb 21 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 54

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

7:26am Jan 6 2014 (last edited on 7:32am Jan 6 2014)

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Posts: 384

Name: Arielle Rose Blythe (Often responds to Ari..or whatever other nickname you'd like to give her :)

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Talents: Arielle is a Shape shifter, and has the ability to disappear completely. This disappearance only takes place when she feels an extreme burst of emotion such as extreme fear, or sudden happiness. Basically if you appear from around the corner and attempt to surprise Ari you will probably be met with not a face, but a surprised scream and possibly some accidentally knocked over chairs.
Eye color: Hazel. (a combination of brown and green.) Ari's eyes are mostly a light, almost golden brown. When in direct sunlight they appear to be amber. Light green runs around the rims of her iris and ventures further from the center of her eye in the form of tiny yet noticeable flecks.

Weapons if any?: None. :P

Other: She's bi. (This is allowed on res... am I correct? I just read the rules to be sure. Didn't see anything. ._.) Ari doesn't mind her below average height. She enjoys knowing she can be easily picked up or whatevs. Quite clumsy and extremely awkward at times.

I'm going to include a personality if that's alright with you all. c:
Personality: Ari is a kindhearted girl who honestly could not harm a fly. She enjoys the company of others and will always be there if you need anyone. Arielle has quite the sense of humor and might make a few comments from time to time. She is quite mellow.

Looks: Ari stands at the below average height of 5'2. She has medium length dark brown hair with side swept bangs, and a thin build.  As for her clothes, Ari is usually found to be wearing a plain not too revealing v neck t shirt. She always wears her skinny jeans and seems to be quite fond of converse. Who am I kidding she loves her converse. On her left arm she wears a rainbow colored studded wristcuff along with about four other wristbands.

8:03am Jan 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 54
[ I think it's aloud. I've seen other RP's with bi people.
And nyaaaa! Converse! :D -has to update character's look-]

"The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” ~George Carlin

8:36am Jan 6 2014 (last edited on 8:37am Jan 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 384
Yus yus yus yus converse. 8D My favorite shoes. ^_^ I'm going to not spam now. c:

10:47am Jan 19 2014

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Posts: 2,713
Name: Aiden Benson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Elf
Talents: Being a loner. Aiden is reserved, quiet, and mistrustful of people he doesn't know. In fact, the only person he will ever go out of his way to talk to is his twin sister.
Eye color: He has one brown eye and one green eye.
Weapons if any?: He has a bow and a quiver of arrows. The bow was given to him on his tenth birthday and is thus very special to him.
Other: He is openly bi.
Looks: His hair is naturally brown, but he dyes it black and cuts it in an "emo" style. He has one brown eye and one green, and a smooth, fair complexion. He wears dark, baggy clothing. In short, he appears nothing like his twin sister.


Name: Tanya Benson
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Talents: Being as social a person as possible, and annoying her brother. She is outgoing, friendly, and trustful.
Eye color: An odd, indescribable shade of blue.
Weapons if any?: A scimitar. It's not just for show.
Other: She's a closet lesbian. She'll still go out with guys - at least, until she finds the right girl - it just doesn't mean anything to her.
Looks: Her hair is light, almost a white-blonde in colour. Her eyes are also light, appearing to be an odd, indescribable shade of blue. Nine - she will always insist there are nine - freckles dot her nose and cheeks. She wears comfortable, stylish clothing. In short, she appears nothing like her twin brother.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


10:45pm Jan 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 384
Ready to begin when you are, Kubbi. :3 ~

9:30pm Jan 25 2014

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Posts: 1,939
Talents:Knowledge of everything but she doesn't know everything about everything
Eye color:Green
Weapons if any?:
Other:Crush is Aiden
Looks:She is emo she wears skin tight clothes. She used to cut herself she has one scar from it. She is very thin and she is even shorter than Aiden. She dyes her hair an angeliclly light color of purple
Ill post my bio later.
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