8:39pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 2:17pm Aug 13 2011)
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The Dragon Academy If you are receiving this letter, you are the winner of a free scholarship for the Dragon Academy, to celebrate it's grand re-opening. In case you have forgotten, you put your information in a box at one of the postage offices, and we raffled you in! So pack your bags, because a dragon transport will be at your door in a week or two to pick you up and take you to the Academy. If you have a dragon already, he/she is free to come along and help you learn! If not, you will be given a choice of all the dragons in our own breeding program, which we will describe in detail when you arrive. We look forward to meeting you! -Headmaster Summer Rules of the Dragon Academy - Only ages 13-19 admitted into the Academy
- Each person has their own dorm. They are large and roomy for your comfort, not your friends. Please no sleep-overs, and keep guests to a minimum. After curfew, teachers are entitled to a dorm check to be sure that everyone is in their respective dorm.
- Do not exit the Academy grounds without written permission from a teacher or parent. Holidays are an exception.
- There are several small stores on the grounds for you to spend your weekend time, as well as a large park area to practice flying with your dragon or gryphon.
- Outside of the park area, do not fly over 1,000 feet above sea level on your dragon. There is not climate control in this area, and this can cause serious damage to you or your dragon.
- Dragons are not house pets, even as a hatchling. Dragons are not allowed in the dorms, and should rather stay in the dragon enclosure beside each dorm.
- The Wild Area is only open on weekends unless authorized by a teacher or a headmaster.
- Do not bring any live animal to the school grounds or dorm areas from the Wild Area.
- Do not kill dragons in the Wild Area.
- Classes at the Academy are not optional, do not skip classes unless you are sick, in which case a messenger will bring you soup and homework.
- You are only allowed to have one dragon from the Academy's breeding program total, and the dragons first three clutches of eggs must first be offered to the Academy to see if any would be helpful to the program. This is important so that we can help other new students obtain a quality dragon, and so that we can raise enough money to keep the school going.
- These rules are subject to change. Always remember to be kind and respectful to your peers and teachers.
Roleplaying Rules - Only one of your characters gets a free scholarship, any others you make have to pay to get in. (It's not so expensive, don't worry)
- Everyone should make at least two characters, a guy and a girl. (Teachers don't count, since they won't be part of a romance)
- I fail at RPing bi/gay/lesbian characters, so I'd prefer it if everyone stayed straight for this RP. I'm not against it, just to clarify, it's just difficult to put it into perspective for me, as a writer.
- Keep it PG-13 people, always remember that kids are watching.
- Only Dragons, gryphons and normal animals for now, and dragines (cat/dragon mix), just to keep it simple. I may add more later in the game, but for now, just these.
- No perfect characters please, nothing annoys me more.
- DO NOT join if this is your first roleplay. Instead, rmail me.
- If I've not roleplayed with you, rmail me a sample of your writing please. I don't have time to hunt the forums, so don't dawdle. I won't hesitate to ignore you. If you read all of the rules, ask to join by saying: "Hello! Can I join as..."
- DO NOT use pictures to describe your character unless you yourself have drawn or commissioned the peice, or you have permission from the actual artist to use it.
- Highlight the rules.
- Rmail me to apply to be a teacher (there will only be three, not including the headmaster)
- If it isn't 100% obvious who you're talking to, you use names whether your character knows them or not.
~~~Character List~~~ Headmaster: Headmaster Haylee Summer (female, 39) -- Teaches about Dragons Teachers: - Professor Faile McMatthews (female, 29) -- Teaches about Flying Dragonback
- Professor Mitch Matthews (male, 23) -- Teaches about Fighting
- Professor Hedwig Griffin (female, 35) -- Teaches about Exotic Animals
Students: - Kevia Bane (female, 17)
- Kourga Wilds (male, 18)
- Garret Michaels (male, 19)
- Aria Fitzpatrick (female, 15)
- Willow Egentine (female, 15)
- Seth Wolff (male, 16)
- Sam Young (male, 18)
- Talia Rose (female, 15)
- Forra Hawthorn (female, 17)
- Triston Coleen (male, 18)
- No more people may join at this time.
- Highlighted Students are the ones who won the scholarship
- Students Graduate when they have had 8 years at the school, or they turn 25
Players/Characters: - Whatever6551: Kevia Bane, Headmaster Haylee Summer, Kourga Wilds
- LadyNightfyre: Garret Michaels, Aria Fitzpatrick, Professor Faile McMatthews
- SugarSnow: Willow Egentine, Seth Wolff
- Fullmoon: Sam Young, Talia Ros, Professor Hedwig Griffin
- Tigerfrost: Forra Hawthorn, Triston Coleen, Professor Mitch Matthews

12:57am Aug 4 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
Would it be alright if I joined? I dought we role played together so I can send you a piece of something I'm currently writing if you want.
12:59am Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 1:01am Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 6,948
((You've rp'd with me before, but I am probably going to make a new character. Can you post, if you have it, the original forym link? Hello, can I join as Avalia who has a water dragon?))
 <-- Click me
1:44am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((Hey! Did you want me to send you a sample of my stuff? I'll go ahead and post the student's bios anyway.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:58am Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 9:26pm Aug 8 2011)
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Posts: 1,255
Hello! Can I join as: Name: Garrett Michaels Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Garrett is a very large man, standing at 6'6", with a broad, muscular build. His eyes are deep, intense blue and he keeps his dark brown hair shaved close in millitary style. His favorite mode of dress is a wifebeater style tank top in either white or grey and a pair of camo fatigues tucked into combat boots. Personality: Garrett is a fighter through and through. He is usually the first one to stand up for what he believes in and the last to back down. He is stubborn to a fault and will sometimes completely ignore wiser heads and go his own way. He is also as loyal and protective as they come, but painfully honest. Name: Aria Fitzpatrick Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Aria is tiny, standing at only 5' even. Her white blonde hair reaches to her knees and is softly wavy. She keeps the front part in two high pigtails and leaves the back loos. Her large eyes are bright ice blue. Personality: Aria is an incredable sweetheart. She somehow manages to find the good in everyone. She is almost always happy and loving, but she does not have a high self esteem and gets her feelings hurt easily. Usually she blames all negative comments made about her on herself and believes them. Scholarship Student: Aria

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:16am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((@Tigerfrost- Give the rules a thourough reading please. @LadyNightfyre- Same as Tigerfrost, and be sure to include Gender in your bio XD @Feyth- You'll have to find the original on your own, I can't help you there. I reccommend just creating a new character. Have fun with it! And I know I've RPd with you before, because you joined a pokemon roleplay of mine a while back, and you were pretty good, if not TOO literate for me XD lollol, jk, jk. My bios are coming soon, I'm just feeling a little lazy, and I'm curious to see what other people post.))
2:02pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Oh, sorry Whatever, can I call you Ever?)) Name: Avalia Orikani Age: 15 Gender: Female Looks: If you were to look out and see a crowded street, you would pick her out right away, just because of the dirty blonde color of her hair. Not to mention that her hair is short and curls a bit like hair-do fro mthe 70's or something of the sort. Her eyes are really the only thing beutiful about her because of their blue hue with silver flecks, like seagulls flying over the ocean. Her skin is blotchy and freckled and in the cold, even though she doesn't feel the cold, her hands turn a shade of lapis and grow super red. She is fairly average weight, if not a bit underweight, but this is due to her swimming. When she is in the pool, she forgets all her worries and is the most talkitive then. As for clothese, she usually has on a white halter top and blue jeans, with a pair of old, white and blue tennishoes. Personality: Rp out? Dragon: Baby Water Dragon Dragon Name: Akilina Gender: Female Age: Baby, Hatchling Looks: 
Ya, ya, laugh all you want, I drew this.
 <-- Click me
4:22pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 1:08am Aug 7 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
((Here are my bios! You think I'm a good roleplayer, whatever? *squees and dances around in glee* 8DD Hope the bios are okay. I was trying to be super creative with the dragons. :P)) ((I don't think the dragon is that bad. It's better than what I could do, Feyth. ^_^ Why does this RP remind me of one of my favorite movies, How to Train Your Dragon? xDD It's almost like a cross between Eragon and How to Train Your Dragon. :P Except much more domestic.)) Username: SugarSnow Name: Willow Egentine Gender: Female Age: 15 years Appearance: Willow has tan skin and a friendly smile that rarely ever shows. She has jet black hair with dark brown highlights. Willow has stormy gray eyes that are emotionless and neutral. She's of average height and is pretty skinny. Personality: Willow is silent and shy. She's a loner and doesn't have any friends. She prefers solitude and is a quick thinker. She's intelligent and clever and is pretty logical. She shuns companionship and may come off as cold and mean, but she's just a loner. That's it. She's unused to being with other people because she just doesn't like it. She enjoys her alone time and tries to stay away from others. Willow can be nice occasionally if she ever warms up to you, and rarely ever smiles or laughs. She was the one who recieved a scholarship. Dragon: Gavaar --- Username: SugarSnow Name: Seth Wolff Gender: Male Age: 16 years Appearance: Seth has messy, short, dark brown hair with bangs that hang just above his eyebrows and tan skin. He has brooding, mischievous liquid gold eyes and bold, straight eyebrows. His teeth are straight and white. He has an Australian accent, but doesn't use any Australian terms. He's been in America so long he no longer says things like, "mate" or "barbie" and instead uses words like, "buddy" and "grill." Personality: Seth is relaxed, laid-back, and humorous. He tends to overreact at times, but he's usually pretty nice. He's loyal and confident and very proud. He's witty and can sometimes have a sharp tongue. He's one of those "strikes fear into the hearts of evil" types and has a strong sense of justice. He's trustworthy and tells the truth. Usually. He can sometimes come off as childish and annoying, and tends to be not as bright as other students. He's reckless and often bites off more than he can chew. He has a bad history with teachers. Seth even managed to convince himself that he's at war with any teacher he comes across. Seth also sneaked his pet dog into the school. Quincy is a black lab who is currently one year old. He's jet black with a white chest and hind paws. Quincy's tail tip is white as well, and he has large amber eyes. Dragon: Tamara --- Name: Gavaar Gender: Male Age: Hatchling Appearance: Gavaar is jet black with dark purple splotches on his head and back. He has large wings and powerful, heavyset paws with long, curved talons. His teeth are like small daggers, and his tail is in the shape of an arrowhead. He has glowing, dark blue eyes. He is a poison dragon, and sprays toxic sludge instead of fire from his mouth. History: When Willow got the scholarship, her parents gave her a hatchling dragon to have. She named him Gavaar and had to win his trust and keep her distance for a while because he was a poison dragon. --- Name: Tamara Gender: Female Age: Hatchling Apperance: Tamara is snow white. She has ice blue eyes with streaks of gray in them that are intelligent with a piercing gaze. Her tail is not in the shape of an arrowhead and is instead slender and supple and slightly pointed, almost like a dog's tail. She is an ice dragon. She breathes freezing snow instead of fire and her breath is more powerful and dangerous than a blizzard. Instead of being warm to the touch like other dragons, Tamara is ice cold and her scales are numbing to the touch. If she steps on water, it freezes. History: Seth recieved Tamara from the breeding program at the academy. He nearly got frostbite when he first touched her, and always wears a pair of thick, warm gloves around her. Seth predicts that he will have to wear a nice, warm, fuzzy coat once she becomes old enough to ride.

4:33pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((sugarSnow and everybody else who loves the movie How to Train your dragon, READ THE FEAKIN' BOOKS!! And then decide whether it's still your favc.))
 <-- Click me
4:51pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 4:51pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
((Whaaat?! I wanted to read the book, but I don't have it. O_O I said it was one of my favorites. I don't have a fave movie. I have a whole collection of favorites. xDD))
4:55pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Well, still, go to the local library and get it XD__
 <-- Click me
5:09pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 5:11pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((Pfft, I' totally joining this. X3 Hello! Can I join as Sam, or should I join as a fresh character? I'm really not sure... D: Anyway, I'm attaching my bio when I make it to this post to make it easier. @Feyth;; For your information, I've read book and movie, and I love both of them. I think of them as completely different stories, not as 'oh, they totally ripped it off this movie sucks!!!!!))
5:14pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((I actually think, that thye did the movie well, but because I've read the books, I'm biast. With all the stuff they changed, they could have changed al lthe characters names and the movie ti tle. I wouldn't have cared as much. Just my opinion though.))
 <-- Click me
5:33pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 5:35pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((I read the book first, too. XD ANYWAY, Whatevah, were is you? Oh, and Whatever, how's Lady Lucie's art doing? I can so pay for it, if you'd like.))
11:52pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 1,248
5:47pm Aug 6 2011
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((D: I really wanna start, but my characters haven't even been accepted yet. xDD))
11:51pm Aug 7 2011
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4:12pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((WTF, this is an RP thread, not a 'Hey! Everyone discuss their favorite movies and books ASDFGHJKL!' I understand I was gone for the weekend, but that doesn't make this a chat thread. -_- @Feyth- your bio is accepted, but I'm considering this strike one for spam, you can have three strikes before I will ask you to leave. Please don't be angry, I'm just trying to keep the thread clean. @SugarSnow- Your bios are accepted! Very nice work, very in-depth, and I think your dragons are pretty creative. :) For Gavaar, I reccomend acid instead of toxic sludge, but it's up to you. Okay everyone, just so it's clear, DO NOT rmail your student bios to me! Always post them here. Only rmail teacher bios to me for those who are interested. Everyone who wants to be a teacher should take their time with their bios, because if there is more than three, the best three will be accepted. Those who are accepted will be rmailed about what they teach, as none of it is normal math/history or whatever. There will be a Dragon class, a fighting class, a flying class and an exotic animal class. The dragon class is being taught by my character, the headmaster, because the dragon system works in a queer way as compared to typical Eragon and How To Train Your Dragon.))

5:08pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((Alright, sorry for spamming, I geuss I just get a bit angry when people mention that movie. -wonders why-))
 <-- Click me
5:11pm Aug 8 2011 (last edited on 5:38pm Aug 8 2011)
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Name: Samson (Sam) Young Gender: Male Age: Eighteen as of the first of August. Appearance: Sam is a tall, avergely muscular boy of his age with shaggy, messy blonde hair. He has dark blue eyes, and usually wears mismatched, casual, comfortable clothes, unless it's a special occasionon, in which he'll wear suit and tie. Personality: Sam is a golden boy. He's talented, smart, funny,and most people like him. But, most people don't know he's rich. He doesn't like to show it off, and often tries to look like a normal, middle-class person. Sam has a great link with his dragon, Lady Lucie, as he raised her from an egg. He likes all dragons, and some day, he wants to be the ultimate dragon breeder, like his step-father. History: Sam was born in the streets, with an abusive father (named Troy Anderson) and a mother (Lucie Anderson, maiden Timmon) who was too afraid to run away. Sam tried to help his mother, but she would always start crying and say she couldn't do it. Then, one day, his father got busted trying to steal from a jewelry store with one of his buddies. His mother was now free from Troy, but they now had no shelter, or enough food. Then his mother met his step-father, Tim Young (Sam was eight at the time). They got married and Sam's life became infinitly better. Lucie didn't even know Tim was rich until he showed him his house, their new home. Then, four years later, when Sam was twelve, his mother got struck with a horrible, uncurable disease. Sam tried to help her, but she died after five months with the illness. Sam now lives with his step-father, and keeps the last name Young, as he doesn't ever want to have his real father's last name. Sam's dragon, Lady Lucie, is named after his diseased mother. Dragon: Lady Lucie, a very expensive and rare species of dragon only well-known breeders have. (and the people who had enough money to buy the dragon off the breeder) Lady Lucie is mostly gold with a long, slender neck and a slightly plump body. Lady Lucie is female. Doi. ((I tried to keep him true to his character in the other dragon academy. :P ))