What is this?
Read the ti
tle :U
Everyone's trying to find there true animal.
If you have another plot idea, don't be afraid to say!
1. No godmodding or anything like that.
2. Violence is allowed, but nothing to graphic.
3.No cussing.
4. Romance is greatly encouraged. Your characters can't be in love though.
5. Only up to three shifts. You can have appearance morphs that don't count.
6. If I don't accept you, rmail me a sample of you RPing.
7. Eat your veggies.
6 is very important.
You can have 4 shifts. Just because I need a attack form ^^
Name: Vega Nightingale
Gender: Male
Shifts: Kitsune, Red Panda and Raccoon. Attack form images Personality: RP it out.
Appearance: He switches between these two.
History: He was left in the woods when he was born.
Crush: Erica
Thanks for reading.