9:17pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 3,662
So yeah.. I just got SoulSilver on the DSi and I want to make a RP for it. x3 Yeah.. Basic plot. Trainers and pokemon. xP
Bio's; For trainer Name: Age: Gender: Looks: Personality: Other:
For Pokemon
Name: Age: Species: Fave Move: Other: Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Personality:
And that be all.
4:00pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,713
trainer- name- Liz age- 17 gender- female looks-  personality- willful courageous, (works alone) other- she was born ona pirate ship with a lot of eevee so the sword is really hers and the pirate hat too name- Bell age- adult species- glaceon fave move- Ice beam other- lived with Liz all her life Wind or captured?- captured or should i say siblings with Liz personality- strong and willful name- Lilly age- adult species- leafeon fave move- wish other- lived with Liz since she was born wild or captured- practically sibling with Liz (captured) personality- loves looks, friendly, loving name- Sin age- adult species- umbreon fave move- shadow claw other- LUVS Liz wind or captured- almost siblings with Liz (captured) personality- willful, convincing, sarcastic name- Kalea age- adult species- espeon fave move- fang bite other- CWAZY about Liz wild or captured?- like all the others Kalia is captured and almost siblings to Liz personality- loves herself, a bit spoiled and selfish but is caring and willful, strong and helpful like her friends
9:51pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted. :D ))
Name: Aurora Age: 16 Gender: Female Looks: Medium in height, Lean, She has a medium build, however she is not too skinny, nor chubby. She has a deep summer tan on her legs, face, and arms. ((Normal SoulSilver Pokemon Trainer Clothing)) Personality: "DANG IT FERALIGATR!" In other words, short tempered, yet fun and swift. She is giggly, and will rip up the roots of a 200 yea old oak tree if she looses a battle. Some call her a poor sport, but she really isn't. Other: Nothing much
For pokemon;
Name: Ushio Age: Adult Species: Feraligatr Fave Move: Scratch, and Ice fang Other: He almost never looses a batlle Wild Or Captured?: Was given to Spirit as her beginner pokemon. Personality: Lazy. Slow, and seldom obeys his master. But he gets up and going when he smells a poke-snack around. He is a strong fighter, protected by a la yer of armor, and a la yer of scaley fat. He has razor sharp claws, and even sharper fangs. A single swipe of his tail could knock over a telephone pole, but he is more mild mannered. 
Name: Unknown but she calls herself Spirit. Age: Adult Species: Suicune Fave Move: Hydro Pump Other: Is the lengendary pokemon of water. Wild Or Captured?: Psh, Wild as the wind. Personality: RP it out

7:56am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((i'll see if i can get my Rp friends to join))
10:12am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Joining with four trainers and a few pokemon.
10:17am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 11:17am Mar 30 2010)
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Trainers Name: Sierra Age: 10 Gender: Female Looks:
 Personality: She is sweet and fun loving. She loves to mess with her brother, even though him and his friends are teaching her to be a trainer, and he gave her her first pokemon. When she first meets you is when she choses if she likes you or not. If she choses not to like you, good luck changing her mind. Other: Marko is her brother and she travels with him and his friends. Name: Marko "Raptor" Age: 17 Gender: Male Looks:
 Personality: He is very caring and very protective of his sister and friends. He doesn`t talk much even in battles. His pokemon have learned to listen to his body language as well as his voice. Other: His sister, Sierra, is traveling with him and his friends. His mother forced him into taking her along. He often uses his sister`s Umbreon as his back up pokemon. Name: Liona "Weave" Age: 17 Gender: Female Looks:
 Personality:She is hot headed and very full of herself. She is totally sure the world revolves around her, and it`s much easier just to go with it than fight it, because of her short temper. She is an opposite of Marko, it seems as thought she never shuts up. Other: She`s grown up with Marko and Gray and they have all been traveling together since they were Sierra`s age. Name: Gray "Sol" Age: 18 Gender: Male Looks:
 Personality: He is like the middle. He isn`t as quiet as Marko, but doesn`t talk anywhere near as much as Liona does. He is very caring and is the one that usually takes care of all the pokemon of the group. Other: He is traveling with the others. He and his Absol have been together since they were both little. His father found Absol as a injured baby that got left behind by it`s mother and took it to Gray, now the two are pretty much inseprable. Pokemon Name: Shadow Age: Adult Species: Umberon Fave Move: Hyper Beam Other: Marko caught him but gave him to his little sister. Marko told him to protect Sierra at all times, so he refuses to be in a pokeball. Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Captured. Personality: He is very protective, but if Sierra choses to like you, he is very sweet but still watches everyone like a hawk. (In the picture with Sierra) Name: High Flyer Age: Adult Species: Saraptor. Fave Move: Giga Impact Other: Nope. Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Captured. Personality: He is very much like Marko. He is very quiet and protective of the group. (In the picture with Marko) Name: Slice Age: Adult Species: Weavile Fave Move: Pison Jab Other: Nope. Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Captured. Personality: She is pretty much exactly the same as Liona. (In picture with Liona) Name: Fury Age: Adult Species: Absol Fave Move: Shadow Claw Other: She was given to Gray when he was about 8 so they were already best friends before Gray and the group started their journey. Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Captured. Personality: Same as Gray. (In picture with Gray.) Name: Phyck Age: Adult Species: Gardevoir Fave Move: Teleport and Hypnosis Other: Kiona`s backup pokemon Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Captured, Liona Personality: She is sweet and quiet, and loves Sierra.
 Name: Doom Age: Adult Species: Hounddoom Fave Move: Fire spin Other: Gray`s back up pokemon. Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Captured, Gray Personality: Pretty much same as Liona.
 Name: FireStorm Age: Adult Species: Arcanine Fave Move: Overheat, Fire Fange Other: Nope Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Wild Personality: She is silent and mysterious. She is pretty mean and cold hearted. She has a short temper and often has uncontrolable rage.
 Name: Pooch Age: Pup Species: Poochyena Fave Move: Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse Other: Nope. Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Wild Personality: He is sweet and helpful. He loves to follow people around but if they try and catch him, he runs away quickly.

10:44am Mar 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,713
((cool trainers! i love the umbreon one))
11:01am Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 11:01am Mar 30 2010)
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Posts: 9,641
Name: Soul Age: 16 Species: Leafeon Fave Move: Leafblade Other: Her sister is Nails Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Wild Personality: Sweet and very caring, she is the opposite of her more moody sister, Nails
Name: Nails Age: 16 Species: Glaceon Fave Move: Iceshard Other: Her sister is Soul Wild Pokemon Or Captured: Wild Personality: She is a loner, and very moody, prefering to be around her sister rather than other pokemon or trainers. Only the right person can see past her grumpy outlook into her more sweeter and gentler inside http://th01.deviantart.net/fs23/300W/i/2010/023/c/4/__Glaceon_and_Leafeon___by_GessyTheHedgehog.png <--Not my drawing/picture
11:16am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((None of those pictures belong to me. All belong to their rightful owners. Thanks Rainbow.))
2:19pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,713
can we start! i am so exicted about this one!
10:43pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Accepted, All. Ready To start now. o3o ))
Spirit sat at the water's edge. She watched the shallow water flow under her, whilst glaring at her reflection in the glistening water. Her ribbons flowed freely around her body.
Aurora skipped through the long gr*censored*, Ushio reluctantly followed. "Feerrrallliiiggaaatrrrrr" He whined. Aurora grunted. "Oh c'mon! THe nearest poke-center is close by! Can't you hold on?" She laughed. Ushio nodded. "Too bad you don't have a Bird Type, then you could use fly and we could get there much faster." He said, But Aurora was too far ahead to hear.
11:08pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(( Ya!
Oh and Lauren, we've started the moon rp if you want to try again.))
11:08pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,291
(( Ya!
Oh and Lauren, we've started the moon rp if you want to try again.))
11:11am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,291
"Are we there yet?" Sierra complained from where she rode on Fury's back.
"We're almost there Sierra." Marko said with a sigh.
Liona and Slice walked ahead of the group. Slice cut a path through the thick brush.
Gray walked along next to Fury, who was carring Sierra on her back because she was complaining earlier about her feet hurting.
High Flyer soured through the sky in front of them, scouting out the food and rivers, and even towns. Anything that would help them all make a map on their own.
11:14am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Nails hurried along the track, her paws thudding against the ground as she ran. Her eyes narrowed and her muzzle set at a snarl, she nearly ran straight into Liona and Slice, "Agh!" she yelled, as she knew the human language, 'watch it you human lovers!" Soul nudged Nails out of the way, trying to get her to leave, to no avail, "Sister, stop it!" she hissed with a mouthful of freezing fur.
11:48am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Liona smiled and pull out an empty pokeball, "Guys, look what we have here." She said to Marko and Gray.
"Sol, you take this one." Marko said with a laugh.
Gray nodded and pulled out two pokeballs,"Come on Doom." He said as his houndoom came out of one of the balls.
"Come on Slice, we can take em'", Liona said happily.
Sierra clapped her hands, it had been awhile since she last saw a battle that wasn't between the otherrs in the group.
11:57am Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((who's fighting who?))
12:06pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Nails and Gray. Soul and Liona.))
12:11pm Mar 31 2010
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((Nodnod)) Nails crouched down, her white fur standing on end, 'Darn it," she hissed as she sized up her opponent. It was an Absol, male, and it looked pretty strong, at least the same level as her. Snarling, she bunched up her hindlegs and ran forwards, yowling as she went, "Glaceon!". Leaping on the Absol, her claws extended, "Iceshard!" she cried as she slashed at him. Soul turned around and growled to herself, "Nice job Nails," as she watched her opponent with creful eyes.
12:35pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Nails isn't fighting Fury. She's fighting Doom.))
Slice got into a fighting stance and watched Soul carefully.
"Come on Sweetie, you make the first move." Liona said to Soul.