Strays and the Fellida.{Cat RP}

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9:52pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 5:48pm Mar 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950


Ever since who-knows-when, there have been two groups of cats: the Strays and the Fellida.  They are both groups of street cats, except the Fellida often go to the forest in the outskirts of town.  Along with that, the Fellida are more organized than the Strays.  On the other hand, the Strays have no true organization - well, they do, but it's different from the Fellida.  They don't run it too well.  Also, the Strays live solely on the streets - except for a few who sneak into the forest without th Fellidas' noticing - well, at least they don't notice most of the time.  These two groups have been at war for a long time.  Complete opposites, they will fight each other if confronted.  But what if, just what if, something brought them together?  Or just spread them further apart?  Or what if it just ultimately destroyed both groups?


-The Rules-

1.  All Res rules apply.

2. No powerplay or godmodding.

3. No Mary/Gary-Sues.

4. If you make a boy, make a girl.  Make a girl, make a boy.  Simple, right?






















 4 1/2.  Post 'I LOVE PIE' in any shade of blue to join.  You know, just so I know you read the rules and stuff...




















Quick Note-

WHAT THE HECK IS THAT BIG GAP?  Get a life and a highlighter. >:U

5. Read my bios.  Just so you aren't blank about my characters.

6. This is a cat rp.  Not a Warriors rp.  A normal cat rp.

7.  The Strays get food from the streets and only some Strays get food from the forests(Hunters).  The Fellida strictly get their food from the forest, except sometimes they might forage if needed.  DON'T GET IT MIXED UP. Please.

8. Some ranks are based off of Warriors.  But it is not a Warriors rp.

9. No cussing.

10. Keep everything PG-13, please.

12. All 'Members' hunt and fight.  'Hunters' in the Strays also are able to forage and fight.

13. If you don't understand the ranks, here: Taughts=Apprentices. Members=Warriors.  Leader=Leader.  Deputy=Deputy. Healer=Medicine Cat. Kits=Kits. Understand?

14. Please use some form of OOC.

15.  You may start once I accept your bios.

16.  Do not kill another character without that person's permission.

17. No 'special' characters.

18. You cannot join as a kit.  If you and another character have kits, then you can make kits.  I just don't like people who make a kit just to make the gender ratio for them even.  It's just a sad excuse. T.T

19.  No same character romance.

20.  No insta-mates.

21.  I can ask you to leave if you are causing trouble.

22. The 'Teacher' part of the bio is pretty much 'Mentor'.  Ignore it if you are not making a Taught.

23. The 'History' part of the bio is not required.

24. I encourage some romance... But don't take over the roleplay with it.

25.  Be creative! What will destroy them?  What will bring them close?  Make something up! It adds awesome drama. o3o

26. At 6 months, Kits become Taughts.

27. The cats who hunt in the forest are 'Hunters'.

28. No gay/bi/lesbian characters.  I'm sorry.. I'm just not a big fan of them. :'C I don't want to offend anybody out there or anything... X'C

29. Please use appropriate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.  Typos are ok, though.

30.  Have fun!!!

*I can add more rules whenever I want to.*


-The Groups-

The Fellida:

Leader: Sierra [Me]

Deputy: Riley [Dodomon]

Healer: Zane [Stray]

Members: Lake[WolfieBelle], Violet[RedWolfHoro], Ringo[Kupala],       Coy[Kupala]

Taughts: Wisp[Me], Myth[Stray]

Mothers: ---

Kits: ---

The Strays:

Leader: Scarlet [WolfieBelle]

Members: Mikku[Me], Lili[Me], Raze[Stray], Loka[Kupala], Raptor[Kupala]

Hunters: Blood[Dodomon], Venn[RedWolfHoro], Russet[Stray]

Mothers: ---

Kits: ---

-Please Note: In the Strays, the Leader doesn't always have complete control. Also, they are missing some components of the Fellida.  They are different from the Fellida, as they are less organized. *pokes plot*-


-Taughts and Teachers-




-Skelly Bio-






Stray or Fellida?:







-My Bios-

Name: Sierra

Age: Young Adult-ish

Gender: Female

Rank: Leader

Teacher: N/A

Stray or Fellida?: Fellida


Personality: Usually nice, but she can be aggressive.  If angered, she will aggress.  Otherwise, she is in her nice mood.  Sadly, Sierra is very indecisive and can be hurt emotionally sort of easily.

History: -Not Required-

Crush/Mate: None. OPEN!

Other?: I love pie. O3O


Name: Wisp

Age: 9 months

Gender: Male

Rank: Taught

Teacher: Lake

Stray or Fellida?: Fellida


(Except he's smaller. :3 )

Personality: Wisp is loyal, and listens very well.  But occasionally he likes to go on adventures...  And they occasionally get him in trouble...

History: -Not Required-

Crush/Mate: None. Open.

Other?: Mm, nope.


Name: Lili

Age: 10 months

Gender: Female

Rank: Member

Teacher: N/A

Stray or Fellida?: Stray


(Except a bit bigger. ;3 )

Personality: Lila talks back to people a lot, and she is not afraid to speak her mind.  She has lots of energy and is usually up to something, as she is very mischevious.  Sneaking around in the Fellidas' Forest, playing pranks on other cats, playing pranks on huumans, bothering people.... etc.

History: -Not Required-

Crush/Mate: None, open.

Other?: Nopesh! C8


Name: Mikku

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Male

Rank: Member

Teacher: N/A

Stray or Fellida?: Stray


Personality: To be rp'ed


Crush/Mate: None. Open.

Other?: Nopesh. C;


- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

9:57pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 12,418

(I Love Pie!!


(Banner made by Kina)

10:03pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
{I love Pie. Join?}


10:05pm Feb 12 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((I freaking LOVE PIE. <3 -Joinface-))


10:10pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((I LOVE PIE. Join as the leader of the strays?))

Love is all we need~


10:25pm Feb 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 867
((I love pie! Can I join?))

Adopt one today! Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3

1:42am Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Pie. I love it. ._. ]]


12:22pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Ok.  All of you can join. :3 I need to update the first post..... -was in a hurry last night-

And my bios will be up soon.)

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

12:31pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((I asked for the leader of the strays. May I be the leader of the strays?))

Love is all we need~


12:34pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Yus. That's what I meant by 'Yes, you can all join.' 8D It 'tis open.  So you can haz it. o3o

But that guy has only half-control of the whole Strays. >.>'' They need to get more organized. But I don't think that'll happen... )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

12:41pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950


 WOLFIE. Mebeh.... mebeh you will set them straight. o3o

Or at least set them half-straight... Since they will never have a deputy... or healer.. an' stuff....

But mebeh you make teh kittehs on the Strays listen to you. o3o )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

12:56pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 5:00pm Feb 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,409

Name: Scarlet

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Rank: Leader

Stray or Fellida?: Stray

Appearance: The link thingy is giving me the most trouble, so I'm going to describe her.

Scarlet is a rather small she-cat. She has a slender stature and her base color is white. She has splotches of tabby colors all over her. Her eyes are a light blue. That basically says it. 

Personality: Scarlet has a short fuse. She doesn't like people who don't listen and she isn't afraid to get dirty. She is selfish at times. She is mainly quiet, but when things get out of control, she steps in.

History: Scarlet wasn't always a stray. She used to have a home with a loving owner. Then, her owner was diagnosed with cancer and died. She didn't know what happened. She thought her owner abandonded her. She fled to the streets and met the band of stray cats. She worked her way up from a member to the leader.

Crush/Mate: Open//Open

Other?: Nope


Name: Lake

Age: Adult

Gender: Male

Rank: Member

Stray or Fellida?: Fellida


Personality: Lake is rather laid back. He often naps and 'rests his eyes', but when there is work to be done, he won't hesitate to do his job.

History: He was born a Fellida, always has been a Fellida

Crush/Mate: Open//Open

Other?: Open//Open

Love is all we need~


1:02pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Moar updates on the first post. Gawsh, I was really in a hurry last night. O.O

And accepted, Wolfie. :3 )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

2:00pm Feb 13 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

Name: Blood

Age: If he was human, he'd be nineteen. o3o

Gender: Male

Rank: Hunter

Stray or Fellida?: Stray


Fur: Brindle

Eyes: Ice Blue

Extremely long legs, very skinny. Fur on body is short, tail fur is of medium length. Russet face marking, covers forehead down to chin, stretching to barely wrapping around the face.

Personality: Quiet ~ Sly

History: Blablabla~

Crush/Mate: Open~ :D (If homosexual cats are allowed, he is. If not, straight on!)

Other?: Nurr. :3


Name: Riley

Age: Young

Gender: Female

Rank: Deputy? o3o

Stray or Fellida?: Fellida~


Medium-sized white she-cat. Green eyes. Left back paw is brown. Short tail.

Personality: RP out? lol

History: Same ol' same ol'

Crush/Mate: Open. :D

Other?: Somebody call 911~ Shawty fire burnin on the dance floor~


2:07pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Lol.  Accepted, Dodo. And uh... he shall be straight. :'C -sorreh..-

First post updated even moars.)

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

2:15pm Feb 13 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

((Lol, no worries. X3 Totally why I put it there. <3))


2:19pm Feb 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Okies, then. -waits for other people-

Somebody call 911~ Shawty fire burnin' on the dance floor~ Oh whoa oh ohhhh~


- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

2:25pm Feb 13 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137



3:23pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 3:25pm Feb 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 867

Name: Violet

Age: adult

Gender: female

Rank: member

Teacher: n/a

Stray or Fellida?: Fellida


Personality: Violet tends to keep her thoughts to herself, and she's normally quiet by herself or around other cats. Sometimes she dwells on her past, thinking on what little perfections she might've done if she knew what was going to happen back then. If needed, she'll spring into action, despite her shyness. At times, she might hold back from attacking intruders if they've made a point to themselves, or if they'd seem helpless and weak.

History: She used to live with humans as a kitten, but her owners got 'tired' of living with a cat, so the threw her out one morning in a box, out in an alley. She wandered the streets, a bit puzzled at why the people she knew so well would abandon her in a dark alleyway, away from the home she loved. She found the fellidas one night and decided to stay with them, ignoring all the temptations from all the strays she'd encountered.

Crush/Mate: n/a

Other?: none


 Name: Venn

Age: adult

Gender: male

Rank: hunter

Teacher: none

Stray or Fellida?: stray


Personality: Venn is an easily-excited, but cautious, tom who likes to provoke others. His excitement sometimes gets the best of him, but most of the time, he takes his time and is patient. A small mouse running nearby might catch his attention, and his impulse to catch it (and play with it) might take over him. Nevertheless, he does his work diligently, even though he fails most of the time. 

History:... *crickets chirp* :P

Crush/Mate: none


Adopt one today! Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3

3:29pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 3:30pm Feb 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,092

Name: Zane

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Tom

Rank: Healer?

Teacher: N/A

Stray or Fellida?: Fellida



Personality: Zane has a very easy-going, happy-go-lucky personality most of the time. While working on injured cats he tends to talk a lot, though its more to himeself then his patient. In times of need though Zane can be cold and cunning, doing what he must to keep cats uninjured. 

History: Nothing of importance...

Crush/Mate: None / None

Other?: Nope


 Name: Raze

Age: Adult

Gender: Tom

Rank: Member

Teacher: N/A

Stray or Fellida?: Stray



Personality: A very quiet, anti-social cat, Raze prefers to be left to himself rather then in a group. He looks down on females as leaders, finding them weaker then toms; due to this he rarely listens to the orders his leader gives him.

History: He was born a loner cat, but decided to become one of the Stray's after his younger sister was run over by a car.

Crush/Mate: None / None

 Other?: Nope


Name: Myth

Age: 8 months

Gender: She-cat

Rank: Taught

Teacher: -Needs one-

Stray or Fellida?: Fellida


{Except younger}

Personality: Extremely bouncy and cheerful, she tends to stick her nose where it does not belong and seems to find trouble. She tries to please everyone, and most of the time pleases no one.

History: Was born a Fellida, will die a Fellida

Crush/Mate: Wisp? / None

 Other?: Nope


 Name: Russet

Age: Adult

Gender: She-cat

Rank: Hunter


Stray or Fellida?:



Personality: Quiet and shy, she tends to stutter around other cats and keep her eyes on her paws. She is trying to find her loyalty to the Stray's but finds herself looking off into the distance.

History: Nothing of importance

Crush/Mate: None / None

Other?: Nope

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