Street Dogs (adventure)

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5:10am Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 11:49pm Jun 27 2011)

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Posts: 224

A bunch of street dogs, living a tough life on the dangerous alleys of New York. It's survival of the toughest with disease, dog catchers, lack of food, lack of water and other animals...can you make it?


1. no swearing or blackmailing

2. no godmodding please. The only admins are me and ________

3. please use understandable language - u and r are allowed but grammer is pretty important

4. put Tygra on the top of your first post if you've read this 










Why he/she is on the streets|



My charries:


Name| Shadow

Age| 4

Gender| female

Breed| greyhound


Personality| sweet, kind, patient, shy, can be very stubborn,


Why he/she is on the streets| she was born there



Name| Todd

Age| 5

Gender| male

Breed| German Shorthaired pointer


Personality| bold, strong-willed, stubborn, loud


Why he/she is on the streets| his owners abandoned him when their baby was born =(





7:25am Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496

Tygra! (Me: "What does that mean?" My consciounce: "I don't know!" :P ) I was just wondering if we can have other stray animals? Like cat's or something?


Age|Five Years


Breed|Irish Wolfhound

Deion|He has dark, shy gray locks of curly fur which cover his body. He is a large dog, with long legs meant for running and hunting in the forest. Because of his pelt color, he blends in well in shadow's. He is thing, and his ribs show easily. He looks wiy, but under all that he is a strong hunting dog.

Personality|He is kind, but he can be solitary. He doesn't like to travel in packs, and does most of his living alone. He used to be nice and even good with kids, until he was abandoned. Now he strongly distrusts humans, and can even be timid around them. Humans bring out his inner wolf, and he can be a mean brute.

Mate/Crush|Open to Opinion

Why he/she is on the streets|His family abandoned him when he growled at their Four Year old Child. He has been on the streets alone ever since.

Other|Open to Opinion


Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

7:29am Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

((Uh...probably not cats...any other creature? And very smart consciounce you have there ;) Two more and we'll start))


7:52am Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((OK, Lol P: ))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

10:13am Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016
(( I'll think about joining... ))

Create your own banner at!

10:17am Jun 22 2011 (last edited on 10:19am Jun 22 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Tygra.
Myself too, if that's alright. :) 


7:35pm Jun 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
Yeah! OK as soon as your bio's are up we can start =)


4:46am Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 8:29am Jul 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Here we goo~

Name: "pet" name was Dizzy, self-made name is Pezzo

Age: 5 years

Gender: female

Breed: Mongrel

Deion: Pezzo, being a mongrel, does not match any specific breeds, but resembled a Beagle hound most of all. She is quite stocky, with rather short but nevertheless powerful legs, and has the flopped-over ears akin to a Beagle - a trait from her mother. Her tail is of medium length and is very expressive. Her fur is short and not as soft as a border collie's, but is she is not wire-haired. Pezzo is a dark tan colour, with a white-tipped tail, and brown eyes. Her nose is black.

Personality: A chance-taker, an opportunist, primitive, observant, untamed. Pezzo will only co-coperate if she can benefit from it. She can adapt to live in a feral pack of dogs, but is perfectly capable at surviving as an individual. Pezzo cannot tell between the difference between "good" and "bad" - only what is necessary for survival. She can be manipulative or misleading, and classed as "selfish". Pezzo is not naturally kind or considerate, but can recognize the advantages to being submissive and patient. Because of her own troubled history, Pezzo does not find it remarkable when she hears tales of other dogs left on the streets. Basically, she won't care if she hears the sad backgrounds of others. To her, it is normal, and not unusual whatsoever. Pezzo often performs small acts of insanity, but deep down, she is quietly wise.

Mate/Crush: None. 

Why he/she is on the streets: Her mother was a dog from England shipped over with her owner. Once docking in New York, she became impregnated by a stray dog after going missing for one day. Her owner was unable to care for her puppies and sent them to the local dog adoption centre in the city. Pezzo, or "Dizzy", was one of them. She was taken in by a sloppy family who failed to train and maintain her, and thus, she ran away. Since then she has not been in the company of another human family.

Other: Pezzo has mothered three litters of puppies during her time as a stray with three different males. In total of all three litters, the majority of her young died, but she occasionally encounters one of her offspring on the streets. Currently, only four remain.

 * * *

 Name: she has not shared her name with dogs before, but gave herself the name Hamish

 Species: North American Raccoon

Gender: female

Age: 2 years




Personality: Inquisitive, mischievous, unreliable, elusive, evasive - her own raccoon. Hamish enjoys tricking and irritating other animals in the city, all for her own amusement. Dogs are her preferred targets, since cats are more mobile, and therefore more difficult to overcome. Her favourite tactic is to steal food or generally linger around dogs' territories, toppling bins, throwing garbage over the place, damaging fences and property (including humans'), and occasionally biting and fighting smaller pups when they are alone or abandoned. Hamish is very selective and careful when deciding who is worth tormenting, and since the birth of her recent litter, has found a sense of responsibility to her kits - to stay cautious and healthy in order to ensure their survival. She can also be extremely greedy, often taking more than is needed in order to store her stolen scraps for later. Eating in itself, however, it a pleasurable pastime for her. To her, New York is a wonderous city of food and opportunities for havoc.

Likes: Outwitting dogs, stealing human objects, eating

Dislikes: Being suppressed by other species, humans throwing things at her, going without food for a very long time

Other: She is the mother of two kits, both around 13 weeks old, both male. Their den is very secret, and completely out of reach to dogs, and yet unknown to cats.


6:14am Jun 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Btw, what's making the page stretch? :x 


3:25am Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Bump. Anyone here anymore? 


6:59am Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((@Wolfeh, I is waiting for another person to make another charrie..... but other than that, I see no reason why this has gone dead? bump?))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

9:32pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
Hey guys sorry I took so long - I got computer banned ;)


11:30pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783



Name|  His owners assigned him the name Gryphon, and though he hates them and has since run away from them, he kept the name.

Age| 4

Gender| male

Breed|  German Shepherd

Deion|  A small german shepherd with beige fur everywhere except for a large patch of black on his back and on his ear/ tail tips.  he is quick and very agile due to his small size.  His eyes are very expressive and are the colour of the sea after a storm.

Personality|  Aggressive and quick to anger but not very strong.  He tends to start a lot of fights, but he rarely wins.  He is distrustful of humans and most dogs at first due to the fact that his owners (when he had them) mistreated him.

Mate/Crush|  none

Why he/she is on the streets|  He ran away from his owners because they were cruel.  As far as he knows, they have never attempted to look for him.





11:36pm Jun 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

OK! Let's start =D))

Shadow woke up next to her adopted "brother" Todd, hungry and cold. Outside their big cardboard box snow was thick and icy. She could see her friend, Gryphon. 

"Gryphon!" she called out. Standing, she gingerly poked her nose into the freezing air before leaping out. "Great morning, huh?" 

She paced over to him, eyes curious. "And what are you doing up so early? The sun's not yet here, and it is freezing!"


12:22am Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

Though he hadn't been sitting for very long, frost had already begun to settle on Gryphon's thick pelt.  He watched as the thin figure of his friend, Shadow, emerged from their makeshift home. He stood and shook the frost and snowflakes from his fur before he answered her.

"I couldn't sleep."  he said simply.  "I was just waiting for someone else to get up so I could have a hunting buddy. I'm starving."

Gryphon used the term 'hunting' very loosely, as most of the food they managed to obtain was out of garbage cans.  It was rare for them to make a kill, and when they did, it was usually a pigeon or rat, and therefore not worth it.

"What'd you say we go get some food now? "  he said to Shadow. 



12:30am Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

"Sure," Shadow smiled, licking his ear quickly and then leaping forward before he could say anything.

She headed down the road toward an ally where she knew rats hibernated. If they were lucky they might be able to snatch a  few scrawny rodents before they woke. 

Reaching the entrance, she waited patiently for Gryphon, sitting down out of the biting wind.


2:43am Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

Though he wasn't entirely sure where they were going, he trusted Shadow's instinct.  She was rarely wrong, and he doubted this was an exception.  Soon, they came upon a dark alley that smelled strongly of rats. Gryphon smiled at his companion before motioning for them to continue on.  

"The scent is strong,"  he said quietly.  "There must be a lot of them.  Good thing, too.  I'm starving." 


6:15am Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
Doon wandered the cold and abandoned alley way that was his usual plce of residence. A few piece of litter rustled along the ground as the cold breeeze blew. The ground was cold and mmostly wet, and so was Doon. He shook his pelt vigorously, trying to dislodge the small drops of water that seemed to make a home of him. "Well. It's a new day. Hmm" Doon says curiously. He sniffs a piece of trash tentatively, looking to see if there is any food. "Nada. Just as well." He says as he raises his maw back up. Doon wanders slowly back over to his trash can, and lies down in it, waiting for the warmth of the sun to truly waken him.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

12:26pm Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
-Tygra. Is it too late to join?-

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

4:43pm Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
Consciousness prodded the Beagle-hybrid and eased her out of sleep. In her little resting-place, consisting solely of a cardboard box underneath a stack of soggier ones, a dark brown eye winked open. The familiar, low hum of the air vent outside a Chinese takeaway kept the ice away from the dog's soft form. Pezzo sat upright and felt smug as the thin sheet of icy frost still shied away from the hot air that swung out of the metal tube and into the air. A few pigeons huddled close by, longing for the warmth. Pezzo would always tolerate the birds. It was dogs and cats she would defend her territory from.
It was a rather feeble "territory", but nevertheless a gem in the city. The venting system, when functioning, would keep Pezzo warm as she snuggled in her den of boxes at night, forgotten about by the humans. During the day, she would leave, to avoid detection by the people. A fence on both sides of the alleyway prevented bigger animals from lumbering in - there was a Pezzo-shaped gap in one end, the only entrance and exit. Of course, the cats had their way about. And whenever something inside that takeaway didn't satisfy them, they discarded the noodles and beans and sauces in their bins.  Occasionally Pezzo would let a fox she'd become familiar with help her forage, but she was always quick to remind him that this alleyway was hers.
Pezzo stood and slinked out of her bed, stretching and curling her back toes. She was safe here. No dogs to watch out for. She'd kill cats and rats, yet by now, they'd learned to avoid her. She was still very proud of herself for finding this precious place.

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