Sword and Cross Academy (Open, Semi-Literate/Literate)

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1:29pm Dec 19 2011 (last edited on 1:10pm Dec 20 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 301
Lol. Fail Highschool name. :I

Sword and Cross Academy is what you'd call, a rich kid's school. When you think of Sword and Cross, you think money. A tudor style building set on acres and acres of lands offers promising classes. This campus style property always manages to look elegant even in the most drabbest days of winter. Lunch is served by three, 5 star chefs. You can live in the spacious dorms offered or at home. Scholarships are scarce here, in this prestigious school, and you would have thought here at Sword and Cross, life is a dream. But Sword and Cross is a harsh environment if you don't have any friends, or worse- You don't fit in.

Rules -please don't kill me ;o;-

1.) Romance, Drama, Swearing, etc. Is allowed.
2.) Follow Res rules.
3.) This is set in England <3
4.) We're teenagers. We smoke and drink and party. So that's allowed.
5.) No AWESOME or PERFECT characters. I will murder your butt if you chose to make a perfect character.
6.) Get along.
7.) You don't have to ask to join. 
8.) Put toast if you read this.

Bio Skeleton-

Appearance (2 sentences or a Picture at least.):
History (Optional):
Dorm #/Home?:
Pets? (Keep the pets REAL. No dragons or White wolves. That is a NONO):
Other (Erase the things in the parentheses):

Have fun! :D


1:49pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((What about a domesticated silver fox? O:

Those were specially bred to be pets. c: They're like a mix of ats and dogs in that they're loyal and lovable, but also go do their own things sometimes. cx

Oh, also I like buttered toast. |3))


1:52pm Dec 19 2011 (last edited on 1:10pm Dec 20 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 301
Name: Phoebe Etude
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Phoebe has long, auburn hair that falls in a straight line down her back, and dark brown eyes. She has a rather lean build, but she isn't very tall, only standing at 5'6". 

Personality: Headstrong, persistent, clever. She doesn't let anyone get in her way, or let anyone get on her nerves. 
History: Bweh. I don't wanna type it out. :I
Weaknesses: She's a bit claustrophobic, and is scared of showing her weak side. 
Strengths: She's very athletic, and loves to swim. She's very good at masking her emotion when she's angry or upset. 
Dorm #/Home?: Dorm #52
Scholarship/Rich?: Scholarship. x]
Pets?: None~
Other: None~

Name: Aiden Carlton
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black, tousled hair and warm hazel eyes. He is tall and lean, standing at 5'9". Usually, his hands are in his pockets and headphones are in his ears. Is smile is crooked, sometimes looking like a smirk. 
(without the strange eyeshadow stuff. o3o)
Personality: Laidback, calm, situated, cool, easy going. It's hard to get him angered, but when he is, it's hard to stop him.
History: >:I Blah.
Weaknesses: Aiden hates country music with a passion. He's also scared of losing people close to him.
Strengths: He's very talented in the arts, and good at making friends.
Dorm #/Home?: 47
Scholarship/Rich?: Rich
Pets?: None~
Other: He smokes, but not regularly, like addicted. 


1:54pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
Lol, sure. You can have the silver fox type thing. x]


1:54pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
Lol, sure. You can have the silver fox type thing. x]


2:33pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((You have no idea how excited I just got.

Those and Fennecs are like, two of my irl dream pets. xD

Bio(s) to come soon. c:))


3:06pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 198
OOC: Toast!
Do you mind if I join?

Banner by Zerr.

3:14pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
You guys don't have to ask to join. :D


3:23pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 198
OOC: I'm sorry I had to ask just in case. ;n; Trying to be polite and stuff.
Going to write up a male and female bio right nao. o:

Banner by Zerr.

4:09pm Dec 19 2011 (last edited on 8:06pm Dec 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 198
OOC: I apologize in advance for the pencil sketches as images. xD I just don't feel comfortable using another artist's work and my tablet broke. :1 And my bios are kind of lengthy. D:

Name: Richard Posun (Rich, Richie).
(no 'rich' pun on his name intended. D': ).
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Male.
( http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/8659/richardm.png )
Richard has thin and straight brown hair that he likes to keep clean and closely framed to his face. His eyes are a dark, rusted over brown and he doesn't tend to wear his lip ring and ear piercings in school. The young teen stands at 5'6".
Personality: Richie is what we all like to call an optimist. He's respectful to adults and most people his age, but only if he feels like they deserve his respect. He appreciates strangeness and often does and says things without thinking about them, getting him into sticky situations.
History: Both of his parents had attended Sword and Cross Academy and came out as prodigies. At a young age, they pressured him to become an intelligent student, but it's obvious that Richie's not as smart as they had expected him to be. Both of his parents are rarely home now that they refuse to give him enough credit for his brains and tend to always work.
Weaknesses: He has a knack for having a big mouth. He also can't stand to be the weird one out (like he was in middle school) and he's fixed himself up a lot since then.
Strengths: Richie is known for playing pranks and in classes that he especially hates, all he does is sleep or mess with the kids closest to him.
Dorm #/Home: Home. He lives two blocks away from the school, in a nice upper class neighborhood.
Scholarship/Rich: Rich.
Pets: He loves animals but has a minor fur allergy, therefore refuses to own one.
Other: He always stands up straight because he hates to feel short.

Name: Voeg Ai (Voe).
Age: Sixteen.
Gender: Female.
( http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/3790/voe.png )
Voeg stands at 5'8" and has light, ash brown hair and rich caramel brown eyes. Some parts of it are bleached, however, because she likes to be noticed while in a crowd. Most of the time she's too lazy to straighten it and keeps it back in a messy ponytail.
Personality: Voe is a very inventive and creative person; she likes to take things apart and put them back together. Past her sarcastic and blunt exterior, she naturally takes any criticism to heart. The teen doesn't show her oversensitive side though, and she's quick to insult someone.
History: She was actually adopted into an asian family and took on their last name.
Weaknesses: Gossip and criticism really hurt her, although it doesn't appear to be so.
Strengths: Voe is excellent in the field of music.
Dorm #/Home: Dorm 55.
Scholarship/Rich: Scholarship as a violin virtuosa, which she clawed her way up desperately for.
Pets: None.
Other: Voe likes to party and party hard. She likes to drink when she's unhappy, although it's a pain for her to sneak it onto school campus.

Banner by Zerr.

4:28pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Can I just be one character? O: ))


4:59pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
Sure, Rika. But if we need even gender ratios soon, I'll have to require you to be another character of the opposite sex. x]


7:23pm Dec 19 2011 (last edited on 8:24pm Dec 19 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Name: Lunai Remus
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance (2 sentences or a Picture at least.):
Anime Guy
Personality: He's a gentle guy who prefers to spend time with his wonderful foxes Lilly and Marble than other people. He's almost always seen with one, the other, or both together, the latter being the most common. He gets nervous easily as well, and he isn't very fond of rainy days.
History (Optional): Bluh. :U
Weaknesses: He's allergic to shellfish and peanuts. o: And like, totally his foxes and other cute things.
Strengths: He's stubborn. XD
Dorm #/Home?: dorm number 32
Scholarship/Rich?: Rich

Other: Lilly is Marble's kit btw. c:


7:55pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 198
OOC: Oh gosh Rika, those foxes. o;

Banner by Zerr.

8:12pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
Rika, some fields in the Bio are empty. x]] Other than that, you guys can start!


8:21pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Oh oops. xD

I guess I forgot after I put those foxes in. c:



9:15pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Fixed it. <3))


10:11pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 198
oh make US start, why don't you. ;o
i can definitely start if you two don't want to, though, but i'm not too sure where would be a good point.
maybe like on the way to school or in class and almost lunchtime? what do you guys think would be better? D:

Banner by Zerr.

10:33pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Almost lunchtime. xD;))


10:48pm Dec 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 198

OOC: sorry if i'm bad at this.
it's actually been a while since i've roleplayed and i'm quite nervous about it LOL.


Richard chewed blandly on his pencil, staring at the teacher ahead of the
class. Words were coming out of the woman's mouth but none of them had managed
to reach his ears for that slow and tiring day. The brown-haired teen let out a
lofty sigh and turned his head out towards the window, staring out of the
second story of Sword and Cross Academy and through a few acres in the back of
the prestigious school.

Suddenly he felt the soft embrace of melatonin sweep in the back of his mind,
and on the peripheral of sleep, a sharp-sounding bell went off and echoed
throughout the school. Richie blinked his eyes open and sat up straight,
finally managing to find excitement in this time of day; the clock had told him
twelve and he knew it was time for lunch.

He grinned and dropped his newly-chewed writing utensil in his bag, grabbing up
the only paper on his desk and crumbling it up. The teenager abruptly threw the
paper ahead and managed to hit another student in the back of the head, but he
wasn't worried about it. Richard grabbed his bag and stood up, briskly walking
out of his chemistry classroom and into the bustling hallway of what was
the second floor of his school. He managed to criss-cross through the mounds of
teenagers until he could make it to the cafeteria downstairs, where food was waiting for him.

Banner by Zerr.
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