2:45am Jun 2 2014 (last edited on 1:07am Jun 3 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
Story You wake up to the sounds of horrific, terrifying screaming, the screams of dying loved ones, of innocent children, of horrible monsters, and even your own. You dare not open your eyes, for you fear the screaming might be real. You know you are on a bed, you can smell a hospital, you know you are unharmed, but all you can hear is the screaming. You open your eyes and you find yourself in a derelict hospital wing, chained to a bed. The lights are hanging and flickering, the windows are boarded, the furniture upturned, the walls covered in messages of fear. Messages written in blood. The screaming doesn't stop. You notice there are others, also trapped, also hearing the same tormenting wails. Some of them you know. Some of them you don't. But all of them are screaming too, and none of you know why. Why you are there, why you are with these people, why you have been chained up, why the hospital is in such a condition-and why you are screaming. Then the screen in the corner of the room turns on, by itself, static flowing off the screen into the room. And the screaming becomes mixed with a deep, deep laughter...
Your characters are going to all find themselves trapped together in a room in some derelict hospital. You will have no weapons or equipment, no knowledge of the past few days, and no outside help of any kind. Your characters will have to work hard, either with or against the others, in order to survive your ordeal and escape the hospital. However, your every movement will be watched and controlled by a man known simply as The Nightmare. In order to win his game, solve his mystery, and survive the night you will have to play by his rules. And he will enjoy every second of it.
Rules 1. Characters. You can have as many characters as you wish, but 3 would be an optimum amount, and 5 or 6 should really be a maximum. Your characters cannot be overpowered, ridiculously talented, amazingly convincing, or anything similar. Also don't have any characters that re completely useless, of if you do have them because you want some expendables, notify me via rmail. They must also not be immune to fear, to fear inducing gases/injections etc, or have ways to stop others from feeling fear. It doesn't matter if your characters is a magical Vampire samurai, but if they feel no fear you cannot use them. 2. Res rules. You must obey all of them. No god-modding, no powerplaying, no killing off other roleplayers' characters without their permission, no being mean to other roleplayers and other such things. If you do I reserve the right to be able to roundhouse kick your butt out of the roleplay. 3. Bios. You must obey all restrictions and conditions placed in the Bios. Images and links and all that sort of thing are totally fine, but you must comply with the Bio rules. 4. The Nightmare rules. These will be given in roleplay, but I am putting this roleplay in now because you have to obey any rules he gives, and restrictions and conditions he applies, and generally obey the rules in the game. You must also complete any challenges, attempt to survive any death traps and do anything else required for the roleplay and the game to progress. But a little resistance is never a bad thing. 5. Acceptance. You must wait for my acceptance of your Bios etc before you actually begin roleplaying. You must also, somewhere in your Bio, make a reference to Scarecrow (from Batman) or to a scarecrow of some deion. Do not do it too obviously, but make it obvious enough that I will clearly notice. 6. Spots. There is likely going to be a limited number of them, but I will gladly make exceptions if I see fit. I may also allow new people in once the roleplay has started, but again I get to make that choice. 7. Secrets of Scary people... This roleplay is going to be dark, considerably dark. There will be terrifying hallucinations, murders, psycho-killers and generally nasty stuff. If you prefer a lighter roleplay this is not the place for you. I will still be obeying all res rules and keeping it PG, but it will only barely be. 8. Have fun...
Bio Skeleton ::-Name-:: ::-Age-:: ::-Gender-:: ::-Species/Deion of Species-:: ::-Physical Appearance-:: ::-Powers/Abilities-:: ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals (at least 3) ::-History/Background (You must include something, even if it is a very brief overview or recent history)-:: ::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: ::-Other-::
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
7:31am Jun 2 2014 (last edited on 4:12am Jul 11 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
(There's a typo in the species part of the bio. Your computer couldn't handle the speed you typed 'definition' at. Normally I wouldn't bother to point it out, but it could confuse someone.)
::-Name-:: Ebony Scarlock ::-Age-:: Appears to be somewhere between her late twenties and early thirties. ::-Gender-:: Female ::-Species/Definition of Species-:: Aramuk. A race of sapient cats with the ability to take on a human form and adapt their physical forms to environments at an alarming rate. They can become very ill if they spend long periods of time without generating the magical energies their symbiotic partners (worms that inhabit most cells in their bodies and allow their rapid adaptation and transformation) need to survive. They also have nine lives and are incredibly sensitive to substances that affect the typical functions of their bodies. (Such as caffeine.) ::-Physical Appearance-::
In her human form Ebony is lean with tangled black hair that falls to her mid-back. Her eyes are pale teal, her ears are pointed at the tips and she has two small v shaped chunks taken out of her left one. Ebony typically wears a pair of black cargo pants and a dark teal shirt accompanied by a black velvet waistcoat. She also has become attached to a dark green beret and a long tattered velvet coat.
In her feline form Ebony is lean with black tufts of hair at the tips of her ears much like a caracals. She has long tufts of guard hairs around her chest, cheeks, shoulders and the base of her tail. The fur on her tail is long and silky while the rest of her pelt is evenly short and thick.
Dragon form: Link (Though she dislikes hugs from most people.) ::-Powers/Abilities-:: Ebony is skilled at anything to do with telepathy and if she is agitated enough/in enough danger she is able to take on her dragon form. She is a time traveler, but her time traveling device (a sapient intangible swan that lives in her watch) loves to mess with her and take her to some of the most inconvenient places possible and leave her companions stranded in places for long periods of time. The watch won't be present for this roleplay, so that information was irrelevant. High five for reading it! ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals (at least 3) As a kit hunting birds on-top of apartment buildings she was attacked by a flock of semi-sapient canaries when she got to close to their roost. She was buffeted off the roof by the swarm and fell a few stories, bouncing off the railing of a balcony before landing on another, resulting in a fractured radius and a lot of bruises. Although the fear isn't crippling, canaries have made her nervous ever since. While traveling with her love interest of the time, Robert (who was a fugitive of her homeland's primitive and brutal government and an escaped lab rat infected with a dormant 'zombie' virus), was 'terminated' by the bounty hunters sent to track him. After finding him dead, she was attacked by Roberts mindless reanimated giant-bird corpse and had to destroy it before the now active virus spread to others, resulting in Kinemortophobia (phobia of zombies). While grudgingly sharing her territory with her friend Crawford, Ebony was stalked, caught and killed by one of the bounty hunters (a large taloned canine) that had been sent after Robert, as she had aided a criminal and could be carrying the 'zombie' virus in it's dormant form, which was obviously a risk to the population. After waking from the loss of her first life, she was understandably traumatized and has suffered from nightmares and night terrors involving the incident, resulting in sleep issues. She also has flashbacks and experiences physical panic when reminded of the event. (That, by the way, was me showing instead of telling that she has post traumatic stress disorder. High five for bothering to read it!) ::-History/Background (You must include something, even if it is a very brief overview or recent history)-:: Due to after a rather traumatic birth that resulted in her mother losing a life Ebony was kicked out of her clowder along with Crawford and taken in by Zetteair, another aramuk. Shortly after adopting the newborn kits Zetteair passed the contents of her mind and her time travel device on to Ebony and died for the last time of recent injuries. Ebony and Crawford were then taken in by Gaina, an old friend of Zetteairs and raised from there. After the incident with Robert, Ebony has spent her life bouncing around time and alien worlds sticking her nose in everything interesting, meeting powerful people she can hide behind and ticking everybody off. Her favorite people to hide behind and threaten others with are her dear Setiks, whom she affectionately refers to as 'dogs'. ::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: Ebony cannot stand to be bored and as a result she grows restless and impatient if she is idle for more than a few minutes. She can be selfish and irritable at times as she sees no point in doing something for someone unless she gets something from it. The idea of following another's orders ruffle her hackles and she often feels the need to prove that she is 'a higher rank' than others, generally resulting in aggression. She often lacks a moral compass or appears emotionally numb and has a tendency to spring from topic to topic. She can be impulsive and hyperactive when she isn't at someone's throat, resulting in a rather annoying and unpleasant person to be around. ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: Holly is her friend and student. Crawford is a childhood friend of hers. Gaina acts as a rather lousy parental figure and mentor. Grimsley is also burdened with her presence often, as they share an interest in science-magic. ::-Other-:: She avoids large canines as they remind her of the loss of her first life and contact with her stomach can result in flashbacks of the event, which generally makes her panic and lash out. She needs to sit down and have a drink. She takes herself too seriously. In my opinion, she needs to lighten up. (Alternatively: What are you crowing about? /shot)
::-Name-:: Holly Ornitha ::-Age-:: Has been frozen at the age of sixteen for several hundred years ::-Gender-:: Female ::-Species/Definition of Species-:: Human infected with the Vampyrum virus. Basically the wimpiest strain of the were or vampire virus in existence. Positively cuddly. They don't even get proper fangs. It was created by an experiment in science-magic and was released into the dimension of Gaalafax, where it flourished. The virus contains many different aspects of various strains vampire or were viruses, so there can be vast differences between the effects it has on individuals. It is, however incredibly rare that the virus will cause serious complications with light, and like most creatures that use magic, contact with silver will drain their magic energies when used correctly. Generaly, once infected the infectee becomes sterile and will slowly store magical energy that will result in an incredibly painful monthly transformation into a large hulking beast. Although most will not lose their minds and rampage when this happens, they do become more aggressive as the process in painful and puts them under stress. Only the most dominant of a vampyrum's social group will be able to transmit the virus via their saliva, those not in a high position will have venom that causes extreme pain and swelling. The infected generally gain the ability to transform into another species, and can commonly alter the size of this form with practice. ::-Physical Appearance-::
Holly is slim and short, standing at around 4'11 with base-of-shoulder-blade length golden-brown hair usually tied back for convenience. Her eyes are brown. Although she feels uncomfortable in clothing so different from what she wore in her homeland, she wears a forest green long-sleeved shirt accompanied by a brown jacket and trousers. She also has a long crimson scarf made of spider silk that doubles as a rope and a sheath in her right pocket for Lance the golden fire-spitting sapient paintbrush wannabe-sword. And the obligatory little fangs only slightly longer than average human canine teeth.
Holly's wyvern form is slightly chubby, due to a combination of being the age of the pups of the species and any free space being filled by a hydrogen bladder/sack. She has a serpentine neck, body and tail and stands quadrupedal on proportionally short and stocky legs ending in large padded paws, the front containing sharp retractable claws. She has two short three-pronged horns protruding from the back of her skull and large pointed ears. A long silky golden brown linear mane runs from above her eyes to her shoulders and the same long hair sprouts from the tip of her tail. Her underside is plated with large pale blue scales and short gold coloured velvety fur covers the rest of her body. Ranges between the sizes of a worm and a mountain. Has a tendency to hiccup small hydrogen explosions and float to the ceiling.
Were: Though the gold isn't as green, the tablet screen messed with the colours. ::-Powers/Abilities-:: The ability to manipulate and create elements with the help of Lance, though she's laughably inexperienced and is either useless or uncontrollable when put under stress. ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals (at least 3) She lost her parents and livestock to an attack by a territorial wasp-dragon, something all too common in Galafax, and has been afraid of fire ever since. As a Setik (the name given to those Lance chooses to bond with), she has to deal with Torger, the mad old gryphon soldier that is determined to eliminate the threat of a corrupt Setik before it appears. The ragged old creature has covered all but his thick grey mane and wings in metal plates and has a tendency to ignite himself before entering battle, worsening her fear of fire and combining it with the fear of Torger himself. Holly is also tonitrophobic (irrationally afraid of thunder).
::-History/Background (You must include something, even if it is a very brief overview or recent history)-:: In her homeland of Galafax, located in the dimension a little to the left of ours, Holly traveled with her merchant parents and their surprisingly movable livestock, an abnormal looking hybrid of a sheep and a bumble bees and the worryingly doglike (in size and personality) darkling beetles that pulled their caravan home. Unfortunately when they parked outside a village to sell their merchandise their home was destroyed by a dragon wasp. Holly, who had ran ahead of the caravan thingy and into the town with one of the younger darkling beetles, returned to find their dismantled home aflame and everything living destroyed and town members drawn by the commotion trying to douse the flames. Holly and her darkling beetle then began the long journey back to her aunt's farm and met up with a kindly pack of Vampyrum who exterminated wasp-dragons for a living. One thing led to another and Holly was now a vampyrum along with her companions and had acquired Lance from Ebony after shooting accidentally her with an arrow when she moved in front of their target. Eventually Torger caught wind of a new setik and sent his agents, morphs, to hunt it down, resulting in the assumed death of her pack and a narrow escape by Ebony. When the morphs attempted to transport Holly back to Torger, their counterfeit teleportation device malfunctioned, resulting in a nasty mental splice of Holly and the minds Lance contained, a gelatinous abomination of a morph and the lot of them appearing in the middle of an earthen suburb. Holly has since been adopted by Fleco and his co-workers. ::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: Due to the malfunction of the morphs teleportation device, she is prone to random mood swings and personality changes as her head contains the minds of other deceased wielders of the elemental paintbrush. This also leads to the occasionally verbal rampage or flashback that can be triggered by something related to a past event. Holly herself is generally kind and dislikes verbal or physical fights, which she will often try to break up. She can get rather nervous and paranoid at times. ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: Parents deceased. Ebony is her friend and teacher. Fleco is also a friend. Jay was a friend and former pack member and is presumed dead. Tybalt was a friend and former pack member and is dead. Chester was a friend and former pack member and is presumed dead. Gwen was a friend and former pack member and is presumed dead.
::-Other-:: She has a fascination with the sky and can play the pipe rather well.
::-Name-:: Fleco Poltergeist ::-Age-:: 16 ::-Gender-:: Male ::-Species/Definition of Species-:: Human elf hybrid. Basically humans with a tendency to have finer, angular and all round more elven features, an inability to grow proper facial hair (any attempt results in a sparse patchy stubble that looks like mange) and increased chances to have magical ability. Their senses and reflexes may also be better than the average humans, but never by much. ::-Physical Appearance-:: Fleco is slightly taller than average and has the typical slim elven build. His ears are lobeless and pointed and his facial structure is somewhat feminine looking thanks to his elven side, and although it's not to hard to tell he's a male, it's feminine enough to tease him about it. He has dark brown eyes and hair, which is short and typically messy. His clothes are often over-sized and in a slightly ragged condition and he almost always wears an old brown trench coat with pockets full of bits and bobs that fend off spectres. ::-Powers/Abilities-:: He's sensitive enough to see most spectres and his ability to go unnoticed and pickpocket others seems to have more to it than stealth and practice. ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals (at least 3) Setiks being possessed by spectres with enough knowledge to utilize their abilities. Most people would be scared of something that can turn you into dust by flicking their wrist. Acquiring his fathers bad reputation. He doesn't want people wrinkling their noses or attacking him when he walks into a room. Dying slowly an painfully, because that would just be horrible. ::-History/Background (You must include something, even if it is a very brief overview or recent history)-:: Fleco was born well after his father had upped and left and to a rather unprepared mother, who was also a necromancer. She did, however, care for her child and gave him the best upbringing she could manage. When his father returned to town, Fleco quickly dropped out of all his commitments and left in fear of his rather nasty reputation rubbing off on him. He traveled in search of work and after a few failed attempts he was employed by Ebony due to a combination of his potential as a 'ghost-buster' and pity, as she immediately recognized who his father was, having met him a few years prior. Fleco acquainted himself with his co-workers and was all but adopted by one of their families. He excelled in his work and eventually met up with Holly shortly after she appeared in their neighbor hood and for a time was her only means of communication due to his slight knowledge of elvish and her lack of any knowledge of earthen languages. ::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: Fleco will flirt with just about every female he meets. This is because he seeks attention he lacked as a child and deep down he is insecure and wallowing in self pity. He hides this by being an arrogant, narcissistic jerk. He lacks respect for any male in a position of authority ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: Jack (Father) wants noting to do with his brat. Spook (Mother) was a poor parental figure. All other blood relatives are either psychotic or uninterested.
::-Other-:: Ebony is his employer, and a terrible one at that.
::-Name-:: Expen Daffodil ::-Age-:: Fully grown ::-Gender-:: Male ::-Species/Deion of Species-:: Seenoke. A race from the same land as Aramuk, Seenoke are equines that have gained human like intelligence acquired a humanoid form through their dependency on magic. They have a typical quadrupedal equine form and one that is able to stand bipedal and manipulate things with their rather large an clumsy 'fingers'. They have a tendency to accessorize both forms, but especially their humanoid form. ::-Physical Appearance-:: I may or may not get an image up before this starts, if not, I'll post a deion. ::-Powers/Abilities-:: The ability to manipulate air, but he was self taught and can't tell one particle from another. ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals (at least 3) Losing his family, particularly his youngest sister, who is rather sickly. Having his beautiful hair shaved off. His brother once managed it, resulting is Expen being teased for months. He has terrible arachnophobia. ::-History/Background (You must include something, even if it is a very brief overview or recent history)-:: Expen was born to a large heard of seenoke and has close family ties with just about everyone there. He absolutely adores his three younger sisters and has a soft spot for the youngest, who is a bit of a runt and is rather sickly. He isn't as close to his older brother, because he's messy and likes to play in the mud. He went to work as a bounty hunter for the government because he believes criminals are upsetting the order of the nation and he can bring home a decent pay to help his ailing sister. ::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: Expen is a very cheerful and bouncy pony, but he can be quite vain at times as he just has to look his best at all times, leading to frustration when there are more pressing matters at hand. Appearance is everything to him, and he loves to be elegant as it helps his lustrous mane, tail and leg feathering flow through the air. He likes to tie all manner of pretty things into his hair, the most common being feathers and fresh petals or flowers. He also likes to be constantly happy and feminine because it makes it all the more satisfying to see the looks on his opponents faces when he beats them into submission with his spear. He is a bit of a neat freak and can't sand it when things aren't orderly, which often compels him to be in a position of control as he can keep things nice and neat that way. ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: He cares very much for his parents, three younger sisters and older brother. Various aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. Deekah and Beal are his comrades. ::-Other-:: He loves to dance and paint/dye feathers and always carries a mirror and a comb.::-Name-:: Deekah Grub ::-Age-:: Fully grown, acts like a two year old at times. ::-Gender-:: Female ::-Species/Deion of Species-:: One of the various species of sapient birds that appeared along with the Aramuk. They have human like intelligence and a tendency to have magical abilities, however they generally do not have the ability to change their form in any way. They resemble long-tailed cuckoo's and have the same parasitic egg laying strategy, laying their eggs in the nest of birds will lesser intelligence to avoid their young be detected. ::-Physical Appearance-:: Almost identical to a long tailed cuckoo, but is closer to the size of a falcon. ::-Powers/Abilities-:: None. ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals (at least 3) Poisoning herself with her own blades. She barely survived the first time and suffered from locked in syndrome while the neurotoxins worked their way through her system. Being helpless or at another's mercy. Breaking a wing or otherwise losing the ability to fly. This ties in with her fear of being helpless, and she also has trouble walking due to her long tail and relatively short legs. ::-History/Background (You must include something, even if it is a very brief overview or recent history)-:: As she is a cuckoo, Deekah was hatched in the nest of another species, and after kicking her adopted siblings out of the nest (as is the way with cuckoos) she was raised as an only child. Once she was old enough to fend for herself she found she had a knack for hunting and decided to stay in her homeland and use it to gain pay from the government instead of migrating to other lands with the other members of her species. ::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: Deekah can be very self centered and overly confident in her abilities, especially considering her small size. She couldn't care less about her appearance, much to Expen'x horror, and the only reason she keeps her feathers tidy is to reduce drag and increase speed when she flies. She is headstrong and will rarely accept help from others or admit that she needs it. She can also be very immature at times. ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: Expen and Beal are her comrades. ::-Other-:: She uses a pair of small blades coated in a rapidly acting poison to subdue large targets. ::-Name-:: Beal Finch ::-Age-:: 20 ::-Gender-:: Male ::-Species/Deion of Species-:: Aramuk. A race of sapient cats with the ability to take on a human form and adapt their physical forms to environments at an alarming rate. They can become very ill if they spend long periods of time without generating the magical energies their symbiotic partners (worms that inhabit most cells in their bodies and allow their rapid adaptation and transformation) need to survive. They also have nine lives and are incredibly sensitive to substances that affect the typical functions of their bodies. (Such as caffeine.) ::-Physical Appearance-:: In his human form, Beal is tall and stocky. He has a thick head of shaggy brown hair and had even managed to grow a bit of a beard, which most aramuk are incapable of doing. His eyes are copper in coloration and he has several scars on his arms and face due to the many fights he's been in. He is clothed by various animal pelts and a pair of fur boots.
His feline form has thick brown hair, is heavily muscled and is the size of a decent dog. ::-Powers/Abilities-:: None ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals (at least 3) Katsaridaphobia (the fear of cockroaches). They're shiny, fast and just downright creepy. Thalassophobia (fear of large bodies of water). As a kit, Beal slipped down a muddy bank after a storm and quickly found that he wasn't a strong swimmer, which resulted in the loss of a life due to drowning. Acrophobia (fear of heights). Beal is a large and rather heavy aramuk, so being up high naturally isn't much fun for him as he would fall very hard. ::-History/Background (You must include something, even if it is a very brief overview or recent history)-:: Beal lived a typical life for a member of a clowder, hunting for himself and really only being friendly with other members when a large predator entered their territory, which suited him just fine. He became a bounty hunter because it allowed him to vent his aggression in a way that didn't get him into trouble and gave a good pay.
::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: Beal is a rather grumpy cat. He has a very short temper and often resorts to violence and screaming. He's not all that intelligent and his reaction time is rather slow. He's not a very social person because everyone seems to tick him off, but provided he isn't being led by someone that irritates him, he is able to follow orders well and makes a good addition to a team that needs someone to hit things hard and lift heavy objects. ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: His parents and siblings annoyed him, but they're still alive as far as he's aware. Expen is his trusted leader. Deekah is an annoyance one smart comment away from becoming a meal.
::-Other-:: He really is just an ogre-type minion.
(Posting to save these in case something goes wrong and I lose them.)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:07am Jun 3 2014 (last edited on 1:08am Jun 3 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(Looks good, although it was supposed to be deion-and apparently my computer physically will not let me type it XD)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:15am Jun 3 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
(Huh O.o Try typing deion really slowly. If not just copy and paste the deion I just wrote into the bio.)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:28am Jun 3 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(I did, and now you can't type it either! XD)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:31am Jun 3 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 23,239
(Res, what are you doing?! XD How about def-in-it-ion, Res, will you accept that? XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:51am Jun 4 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((I'll post a bio later I'm sleepy now and I have a thing to do tomorrow but it's not definition, it's des cr iption
it's censoring the word scr ipt unu))
1:29am Jun 8 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(It's okay, no rush considering we are still waiting on some people...)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
4:51am Jun 8 2014 (last edited on 3:26am Jun 9 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,131
::-Name-:: Aveleon
::-Age-:: 50 years old {20 human years} ::-Gender-:: There is no specified gender, besides young-bearers, and non-young-bearers. 'She' is of course, a young bearer.
::-Species/Deion of Species-:: Shaldrak. The male is similar to the female {Look at
Physical Appearance}, but with wider shoulders, slimmer hips. Their scales on
their heads were also larger, and their jaws were wider. The feet were slightly
smaller, and they had larger calves. Hands were also larger, and they had no
marks upon their faces, besides war-based injuries.
The clothes they were wore simple. A
crop-top style plain midnight blue shirt for the front-line warrior females,
and a simple tunic of the same blue for the males. The pants were shorts for
the females, made from the same material as the shirt, and it had a skirt of
top, slightly longer than the shorts. They were midnight blue as well, with
white trimmings.
::-Physical Appearance-:: Aveleon has the traditional pale green
skin, darker in places where she has been injured, lighter in places that have
been hidden. She has the {also traditional} long scruffy fire green hair, which
ends at the back of her knees. Her eyes are a dark violet, surrounded by larger
than life almond eye shape. Her mouth is one of a dragon's, protruding, and making her look violent what with her sharp, long teeth, and forked tongue. She
has ears not unlike an elves, abnormally long and pointy. On her forehead there
is a line of hard, protruding black scales which starts in the middle of her forehead {her hairline}, and finishes on top of her head. On her face there are
also swirls around the corners of her eyes, and up her ears. They are the marks
the young-bearers get, to help distinguish the non-young bearers from the young
bearers. Though the chest area helps. Her figure is quite thin, with noticeable
hips and smaller chest area. Her shoulders are marked with the warrior marks,
which are a combination of swirls, the word for warrior in their language, and
the word luck (in the English language). These special marks travel down her
arms, down over her breasts, they flow down on her stomach, breaking off and
travelling down each of her legs, ending at the end of her big-toes. They also
travel down her back, and down the back of her legs, though these marks stop
half way down the calf. Her feet are longer than a humans, but not wider. The
extra length on their feet helps them to be quicker, more agile, and quieter in
travelling, and fighting. She has a long, thick black dragon tail coming out
from just above where her tailbone is, and it is lined with many spikes on
the end of it. It is way thinner than a real dragon tail, but does it's job well. ::-Powers/Abilities-:: Her species was a warrior species, so she is exceptionally skilled in everything to do with killing and fighting.
::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals-:: 1. 2nd battle, detailed in History. 2. Long sharp claws. 3. Being with a large crowd. 4. Small places.
::-History/Background -::
When Aveleon was born, they were in a time
of great turmoil and war between races. Her mother was excused from the battle
during birth and until Aveleon was old enough to wield a simple sword. She was
trained for several years, until she was 20 (7 in human years) and entered her
first war. It was a mild one, and the older dragon half-breeds won the battle
easily - too easily. The next wave of enemies were much bigger, stronger, more
dangerous. The younger Shaldrak's were sent to the back quickly, but Aveleon
hid from the carers and continued to battle it out. One of the enemies stumbled
upon the young half breed, with a look of determination as she mindlessly stabbed
her way through the enemies, smiling slightly when her sword actually hit
something. The enemy swiped out at her and she screamed as the claws dug
through her side, blood spilling out. Aveleon turned and fled, dropping the
sword and counting on her adrenaline to take her to the safety of the camp.
Years later the long 3 lined scar was
stretched across her side, and she trained harder every time she saw it. Her
family and mentor had been killed long ago, and she wanted to do them proud.
Battle after war after battle, she killed and helped conquer other races,
fighting her way to the front line. She chose the mace as her preferred weapon,
marveling at the way the weapon was so alike to her tail.
When she got her warrior marks, she stood
proud and tall as the painful ceremony began, and as it concluded, she slipped
away into the night, the forest. When she came back, the village was silent.
She asked the grieving Shaldraks, and found out that there had been a silent
attack, and someone was missing. This was the first occurrence of the Nightmare,
although they didn't know this. Week after week, reports came in of rumours of
the spreading 'kidnapping', and of how the humans had called it The Nightmare. The
disappearances had occurred more rapidly now, and Aveleon had no more purpose
with the pack, if all she was going to do was fall victim to this 'Nightmare'. She
ran into the night, like she did on that first fateful night, and hasn't looked
back since, still blindly fighting her way through what is thought to be an impossible
battle to survive.
::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: Aveleon
is reserved, only allowing people through the wall when they have proved to her
that they won't die soon. Even when she does let them in, she still doesn't
know how to show her emotions, as her race is a warrior race and doesn't know
much else. She can be quite violent towards different races, especially if she
believes them to be below her. She will lash out unexpectedly if she is
cornered, physically or mentally. Her views on the world are mixed. She has
been taught that younger races should not have arrived on Earth and are told
that they must be glad when the weaker races are killed, but she herself
believes that as weak as they are, they should be given a chance to prove
themselves. She can be quite rash, making decisions and choices that will
endanger her life without thinking about it, it's natural to her. She is quite
strong in her arms, and is skilled with maces, and other handheld weapons.
Though she is not good at fighting the human way, with her fists and legs. She
is quite sarcastic, and gets frustrated when someone can not understand her.
She can not tell what is edible or not, and is not good at keeping a group
::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: Artheion {Mother} - Deceased Dtrath {Father} - Deceased Alonah {Younger sister} - Deceased Dru {Younger brother} - Deceased Alecorah {Best friend} - Missing, presumed deceased Tralem {Mentor} - Deceased
::-Other-:: She has a weird, dragon-ish accent, and she blames herself for her younger siblings death; they died unnecessarily in a war that they shouldn't of been in. Aveleon worries a little about Alecorah, but doesn't dwell on it. Oh and with Shaldrak's all female's names start with A, male's with D, and higher up shaldrak's start with T. (I can't fit in a scarecrow reference so here :D)
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
2:04am Jun 9 2014 (last edited on 1:28am Jun 29 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
3:00am Jun 17 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(I was thinking of starting the roleplay soon guys because I don't think the person I was waiting for a reply from is coming)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
3:14am Jun 22 2014 (last edited on 4:13am Jul 13 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((Okay yes I will edit my bio into here in a bit))
::-Name-:: Riker Brown ::-Age-:: 19 ::-Gender-:: Male ::-Species/Deion of Species-:: Elementally gifted human ::-Physical Appearance-:: ::-Powers/Abilities-:: Uh. Fire? ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals:: Afraid of large bodies of water/drowning, as a child he nearly drowned int he ocean at a beach which cemented his fear, and he is also afraid of accidentally burning someone alive unu ::-History/Background -:: Riker was born with his power and was vaguely aware of it through his life. He learned to control it when he was fifteen seeing as his raging teenage hormones were driving it nuts and he was a hazard when he was around flames. Besides the whole fire power thing he's managed to live a normal life, only really messing with his power at home to try to keep people from being afraid of him.
That's really all there is of note. He's a bad student and a teenaged boy.
::-Personality (You must be thorough)-:: He thinks he's all that and a bag of chips and he mocks others rather often. He likes to give demeaning nicknames and honestly he's just kind of a buttface. ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: N/A ::-Other-::

1:32am Jun 23 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(Cool, thanks. If anybody wants to take some time to add some extra Bios, as school has meant mine are going to be slowed down, feel free too as there aren't as many of us as I had anticipated)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
1:28am Jun 28 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(Guys I was wanting to start this weekend so please get Bios finished-I know I am being slightly hypocritical since mine are also unfinished, but I will get them done, I promise XD)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
7:22am Jun 28 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((Sorry mine isn't done I haven't been home much recently ;v;))
2:07am Jun 29 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(That's okay, I don't think I am going to be able to get mine done that soon either, but possibly tomorrow)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
4:09am Jun 29 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((So I just got home and it's 5 AM I'll work on my bio later lmao))
7:03pm Jun 30 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 170
:-Name-:: Kade ::-Age-:: 14 ::-Gender-:: Female ::-Species/Deion of Species-:: Human that is connected to supernatural beings ::-Powers/Abilities-:: Talking to and manipulating supernatural being ::-Fears/Traumatic experiences/individuals-:: Spiders, Out of control fires, and Pain ::-History/Background-:: Kade lived in a nice house hold with her family. There were rarely any problems. After school, Kade would always watch her favorite show on the TV in here living room, Batman. Her favorite character from the show was a villain named Scarecrow. One day while Kade and her family were sleeping, a fire broke loose in her kitchen from a faulty light fixture. Kade was the only one to escape through her bedroom window and climbed down from a tree. As the firefighters arrived, they got Kade's parents out of her house, but they died in the fire from the large amount of smoke they breathed in while they were inside. As Kade finally saw her parent's faces for the last time, she saw the dark burns in their skin. She now had a fear of burning alive from fire from what she had saw. ::-Personality-:: Logical is situations where she's calm, doesn't get scared easily because she learns to control it until she gets to a certain limit where she starts to break and freaks out ::-Friends/Family/Loved Ones-:: Her family is dead. (Her parents). Her best friend moved to a different state during the school year.
2:31am Jul 1 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(Bio approved! XD Oh, Blaka's is sweet too, but I think Headache is missing the requirement I put in the rules section...also, is that part in your history coincidental, or did you call it 'The Nightmare' for the purposes of this roleplay?)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile
2:35am Jul 10 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 6,034
(I want to apologize to everybody about the horrendous delays, but I guarantee that this roleplay will be started tomorrow, so all Bios must be completed full by then-including my own. I will also rmail you guys, but if you see this just ignore it.)
If a man dedicates his life to good deeds and the welfare of others, he will die unthanked and unremembered. If he exercises his genius bringing misery and death to billions, his name will echo through the millennia for a hundred lifetimes. Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy-Fabius Bile