This is an rp on my story in the writing forums. Called The Deadly Truth behind it all. So in order to join this rp you must read my story, here are the characters,
Mianna-soon to be werewolf
Miama-sister of Mianna
I will be...Mianna. We can add characters just not alot. And it has to stick to the plot of the story. And I am only allowing there to be like...3 three characters. No more then that. So...Lets begin!!
Ya..She can be his first girlfriend..Who he turned into a werewolf. (He turns all his girlfriends into Thats why Mianna is a werewolf...
Miama woke up, dizzy. "Why am I dizzy?"She asked herself. She got dressed and grabbed her bag. She she grabbed her bag. "I'm read-"She started to say, but she fainted.
Utsu walked outside and sighed looking atthe sky"Times like this i wished the sun was out"She had a childs voice and a sort of girly one that was soft and pleasant to the ears.
"I don't know." She sat Miama on the bed, "I think is from all the stress yesturday when I told you I was a werewolf. How do you feel?" She got her sister a bowl of ceral.