11:30pm Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 5:29pm Jul 15 2011)
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PRIVATE ROLEPLAY FamineClan. {Thunderclan} StrifeClan. {Windclan} DeathClan. {Shadowclan} BlightClan. {Riverclan} B = being played I = NPCs LOL Sorry for the dismal names. D: FAMINECLAN: Leader: Alderstar Deputy: Whitefrost Medicine Cat: Phantomstep Medicine Cat Apprentice: Wingpaw/flight Warriors: Quailfeather, Viperstrike, Thunderbird, Minnowfoot, Apprentices: Goldpaw/burn, Sablepaw/tail, Whistlepaw, Queens: Kits: Elders: Dripnose Loners: Badger Kittypets:
Sablepaw x Minnowfoot Goldpaw x Thunderbird WingpawxPhantomstep WhistlepawxQuailfeather Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Clan: FamineClan Position: History: Other: Looks: { just fill in whatever you want, LOL }
wuss poppin jimbo
11:36pm Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 4:55pm Jul 15 2011)
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Name: Alderstar {was Alderleaf} Age: 20 moons Gender: Male Personality: Alderstar acts like he is still an apprentice, though he can be as serious as he wants to be when met with a bad situation. Loves to chase butterflies, and spends his spare time sprawled out in the sunlight. Clan: FamineClan Position: Leader History: Meh. Other: Meh.
Name: Phantomstep Age: 20 moons Gender: Female Personality: Phantomstep is flirtatious and playful, using her feminine charm to her advantage... though she knows better than to take a mate, as she is a Medicine cat. She's very intelligent, and something even sneaky. Loves her apprentice with a passion. Clan: FamineClan Position: Med.Cat History: Phantomstep is boring. ;0; Other: Falalala~ ~
Name: Viperstrike {was Tessa} Age: 15 moons Gender: Female Personality: Viperstrike is a quiet, calculating she-cat with a tongue sharper than her claws. She's unnaturally cold and doesn't trust anyone, it seems, though she's not out-right rude and ungrateful. Tends to bicker with others over silly things. Loves running water, lavender, and daisies. Clan: FamineClan Position: Warrior History: Viperstrike wandered into FamineClan territory a loner, looking for a home at the young age of 6 moons. Has lived there ever since. Other: ~
Name: Quailfeather Age: 14 moons Gender: Male Personality: Quailfeather can be described in one word: Lazy. He enjoys eating, and above all sleeping, but prefers to do as little work as physically possible. Loves his Clan, though, so will volunteer to go with the rare hunting party or patrol group. Clan: FamineClan Position: Warrior History: Meh. Other: ~
Name: Sablepaw/tail Age: 7 moons Gender: Female Personality: Sablepaw is very quiet and timid. She's easily frightened and mislead, as her heart is bigger than her mouth. Overly trusting. Makes a good companion. Clan: FamineClan Position: Apprentice. History: Sablepaw was born blind. lol. That's it. Other: CANNOT SEE. ~ Name: Goldpaw/burn Age: 7 moons Gender: Male Personality: Goldpaw likes to stir up trouble. He's a prankster, a flirt, and an all around difficult cat to get along with. But he's friendly enough and you'll know if he's taken a liking to you or not. Enjoys honey, and hunting. Clan: FamineClan Position: Apprentice. History: Meh.Other:
wuss poppin jimbo
12:00am Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((may i join?))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
12:10am Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 9,944
{ Um... this really is more of a private RP. o3o Sorry. } { I tend to get left behind and lost as soon as the people count gets over two. ^^" }
wuss poppin jimbo
3:27pm Jul 15 2011
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{ FULL D: }
wuss poppin jimbo
4:01pm Jul 15 2011 (last edited on 4:53pm Jul 15 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((Sorry Moo. X3 I'll get my bios in a sec, Names Wingflight,(medicine cat apprentice) Thunderbird, Whitefrost(deputy), Minnowfoot, Dripnose (elder), Badger (rogue) and Whistlepaw. Thunderbird can mentor Goldpaw, Minnowfoot can mentor Sablepaw. )) Name: Dripnose Age: 98 moons Gender: Male Personality: A grumpy old tom with a fondness for kits, lost his sight at an early age, and had to retire. His saying is 'just because I can't see doesn't mean I'm blind.' Clan: FamineClan Looks: A grey tom with a sticky nose and pale yellow, lamp-like eyes. Position: Elder History: Nothing interesting, except losing his sight. Other: Nope.
Name: Wingflight/paw(?) Age: 12 moons Gender: Female Personality: Quiet, but rather friendly, Wingflight is very understanding, although she can have a sharp tongue when annoyed. Clan: FamineClan Looks: A small, graceful tortioshell with a white belly and white paws. Position: Medicine cat apprentice History: No awesome history because she's medicine cat apprentice now. XD Other: None.
Name: Minnowfoot Age: 40 moons Gender: Female Personality: Rough and tough, Minnowfoot is as tomboy cat as it gets. Minnowfoot dislikes tooms who think she-cats are weak, and immediately sets them straight. She can be a bit headstrong though, and stubborn. Clan: Famine Looks: A longhair calico, with a white belly, orange the rest of her, with black marbled-like markings. Position: Senior warrior History: Been in battles, here and there. Other: Name: Thunderbird Age: 26 moons Gender: Female Personality: God.... X.X so much text. That's what I get for having so many characters. She's umm.... friendly and fiery. yeah. That's it. Clan: FamineClan looks: A longhair she-cat with green eyes and a large build (not fat, large). Gold tabby with white paws and chest star. Position: Warrior History: Nope. Other:Sister to Whitefrost.
Name: Whitefrost Age: 26 moons Gender: Male Personality: Wise, friendly, focused. A little argumentative, though. Clan: Famineclan Looks: White longhair with gold eyes, and one black left front paw. Position: Deputy History: Nope Other: Brother to Thunderbird. Name:Badger Gender: Male Looks: A black cat with white badger markings. Position: Rogue Other: He's a rogue. A male rogue. Doi.
Name:Whistlepaw Gender: Male Age: 9 moons Looks: A brown tom with gold eyes and a white tail. Personlity: A bit dark, emo-ish, but very determined. Other: Nope ((I'll finish later, my mom is beingall mad at me for being on the computer. |: Never mind, she's giving me a half-hour. Oh yeah, and I won't be on the computer untilabout next next week, because I'm going to horse camp. D: Sorry.))
4:17pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 9,944
{ DUDE. D: If you wanted Medicine Cat aprentice... I'll change it. (I'm stupid and didn't notice, LOL D: ) }
wuss poppin jimbo
4:23pm Jul 15 2011 (last edited on 4:53pm Jul 15 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((No, it's all good. X3 I'm fine. I took off Brownpaw and goldstream, 'cause I have way too many characters... XD))
4:29pm Jul 15 2011
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{... No. D:< } { Because I was all, "Meh I wanted Medicine Cat but she has it so I'll settle for Medicine Cat Apprentice". It's not a problemmm. xD }
wuss poppin jimbo
4:32pm Jul 15 2011 (last edited on 4:53pm Jul 15 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((darn I have to completely change Wingpaw/flight/whatever's bio. XD Oh and I have a question: Are we roleplaying immortal warriors (where they basically never age except if they're an apprentice become a warrior or something and they never die, although sometimes they almost die), or realistic warriors (characters age and die off, and more are born, blahblahblah all that real stuff)? I prefer real, although sometimes I like my characters's lives end cruelly. X3))
4:38pm Jul 15 2011
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{ Second one. ;3 } { And I'll add in my Medicine cat as soon as I figure out the gender count. 8D }
wuss poppin jimbo
4:41pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I have a question: How did Alderleaf become deputy if he was so immature? A deputy is picked by the most loyallest nd most intellegent and heroic and that shmuk. XD))
4:49pm Jul 15 2011
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{ His father was Leader at the time. xD Favouritism. LMBO }
wuss poppin jimbo
4:51pm Jul 15 2011 (last edited on 4:53pm Jul 15 2011)
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Posts: 101
Looking for eblias!
Goal: 2/10 mil.
4:52pm Jul 15 2011 (last edited on 4:54pm Jul 15 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((....So Famineclan is led by a dooshstupid bag?)) EDIT: Elena, this is PRIVATE. And I find it rude you didn't even ask to join. Sorry for being mean. XD
BTW THIS ROLEPLAY IS PRIVATE ((I attached this to all posts thus far.))
4:57pm Jul 15 2011
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{ He's not a stupid bag all the time. D: } { He's matured a little more since then. XD And he's not always immature. Obviously he's pretty serious during Clan meetings, and Clan gatherings and stuff. But once he doesn't have to be all serious... omg he's all over dem butterflies. ;0; }
wuss poppin jimbo
4:59pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((If I were a cat, I'd definitely be 'all over dem butterflies' XD you start, since you know setting better? XD))
5:27pm Jul 15 2011
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{... Fine. D:< } { And you love my dark names for the clans. ;0; lol. /has a sick mind } Alderstar rolled onto his back, letting the warm sunlight seep through his light ginger fur. Letting a sigh escape his throat he closed his eyes and let his mind wander, thinking of a lot of cats he missed. His brother, Thrushstorm, who'd left and joined DeathClan after Alder'leaf' had been appointed deputy over him, his Father, Spiderstar, who'd lost his last life to illness, and his mother, Daisywind, who'd drowned when the river flooded a few years ago. Kits who never made it, Elders and warriors alike who'd passed onto the ranks of StarClan... Frowning, he opened his eyes again and rolled onto his stomach. Too many unhappy thoughts. Alderstar narrowed his eyes and pulled himself into a hunter's crouch, gaze following a small rainbow-hued butterfly fluttering just above his head. ~ Phantomstep, silent as she usually was, sorted through the herbs in her den with utmost care. She wasn't sure where Wingpaw was, and that made her crack a smile. There wasn't much to do around here, now that the drought had passed, and she wouldn't be surprised if her apprentice was playing with the other apprentices. They had all the herbs they needed. Poking her head out of her den, her bright golden eyes scanned the camp quickly. ~ Viperstrike slid through the forest on silent paws, sharp green eyes focused forwards. She knew that if Alderstar or Whitefrost found out she'd snuck out on her own to track down whatever cat was wandering through their territory... well, they wouldn't be pleased in the slightest. Despite this, she moved forwards. She knew the cat was male; but she couldn't tell what clan he was from, if any. The smell was hardly traceable, due to the downpoar of rain they'd had the last few days.
~ Quailfeather wondered faintly where his apprentice, Whistlepaw, was... and then realized he didn't really care. He'd most likely want to train, and the large russett tom was more content laying in the sun, gnawing slowly on a rabbit. His long, fluffy tail moved back and forth slowly, his eyes narrowed slightly with glee. This was the life. ~ Sablepaw wasn't sure where Minnowfoot was. She stumbled about, blind eyes set forwards, following her mentor's scent as she made her way across the camp clearing. It was about noon, but everyone had either slept in or went hunting alone. She was curious as to why she was allowed to sleep so late, but didn't question it, instead focusing on tracking down her favourite cat in the world. ~ Goldpaw dropped from the branch was perched in, unsheathed claws slicing into the flesh of the rabbit he'd been watching. It squealed, the noise cut short as he flipped it over and bit down on its throat. Warm, salty blood flooded his mouth, causing his stomach to rumble with hunger. Picking up his kill, Goldpaw started to make his way back towards FamineClan camp, even though he knew he'd be in deep trouble for disappearing without his mentor's permission.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:34pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I have to get off. D: D: I probably won't get an the computer for a week or two. Just keep bumping it.))
6:12pm Jul 15 2011
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{ 'kay }
wuss poppin jimbo