10:29am Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 3:18pm Jun 15 2011)
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THIS IS A LITERATE/ADVANCED ROLE PLAY ON FANTASY CREATURES. PLEASE, DO NOT JOIN IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO KEEP UP WITH IT. THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR AN AVERAGE POST HERE IS 300 WORDS. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE ABLE TO KEEP UP WITH THIS ROLE PLAY. THANK YOU. Plot The human world is in shambles, and Humans as a species are going extinct. Now, it is time for the reign of a new dominant species, but which will be it? Five species rise to power; Demons, Angels, Shape-Shifters, Werewolves, and Vampires. They set up their own kingdoms, and begin to battle each other for total control. Romance, Grief, Sorrow, Anger, Kindness, and Trust are thrown about the five kingdoms. Which will reign supreme? Which will follow, The Golden Rule? RULES 1. Please, do not come here to spam, be a troll, flam or and other form of abuse to this RP. 2. This is not to discourage any members that are thinking of joining, but please do not join unless you are able to keep up with this RP, and post a minimum of 300 words in each post. Correct Grammar and spelling is obliged, although a typo is OK once in a while. 3. Please do NOT RP about anything that is classified as inapropriate by the Staff of Rescreatu. There are younger RP-ers. 4. Please follow the guidlines for your post's and character sheet. We expect you to be thoughtful, and follow the rules. 5. I, Nomenaitrel, reserve the right to turn down any character application if I feel that it is poorly written, a "super" character (i.e. can't be killed, is like a god), or one that doesn't follow the guidlines. 6. Although battles are allowed, please don't make it your character's mission to fight every other member's character. This will result in a boring RP, and if continued, you will be warned, and further punishment may commence. 7. Please treat other members kindly and with respect. This goes without saying, that if another member's character is disagreeing with your character, that doesn't mean that they are disagreeing with you. 8. Please message me if you can't make it on for a period of time longer than a week, or think that there is a problem. You may also message me with idea's for this RP, but please keep in mind that I may or may not use them. If I do use your idea's, you will recieve full credit in an Out Of Character note. 9. Please don't just post in OOC (Out Of Character) notes. If you must, please just place them at the end of your post, in ( ), (( )), or OOC: . 10. No member is allowed two characters that are leaders. You are allowed a leader and a second in command, but not in the same group. This is so one member doesn't use most of the plot for his/her idea's. More Rules will be made over the course of the RP, and you will be messaged with the new rule. Character Guidline Sheet Name: Your character's name goes here. Please try and pick something original. I will turn down character's with pet names, names like ex. Fire Star. Nicknames: This is totally optional, but you may choose to fill it out. Age: Please note that since this is a Fantasy creatures RP, your creature doesn't have to be Human age. But, no creatures over the age of 500 Human years. Gender: There will be no "Same Sex" characters (i.e. a character that is a Male and a Female). Your character must be either, Male, or Female (Female can be put as just Fae) Breed: Your character can be a Demon(ess if Fae), Angel, Shape-Shifter, Werewolf, Vampire, or a Half version of any of these creatures (Half versions must have less power and abilities than Full {i.e. if a Shape-Shifter, it's only allowed to turn into certain creatures}) Human Form Looks: This part is only for Demon(ess) {who shape-shift occasionally}, Shape-Shifters, Werewolf, and any Half Versions of these creatures. There must be at least 100 words describing this creatures human form. Looks: This part is for all creatures (and all Half Versions). There must be 100 words here. (If your character is a Demon{ess}, Shapeshifter, Werewolf, or any Half version, you do not have to fill this out, but if your character has another form that it particularly likes {i.e. the wolf form of the werewolf}, you can describe it here) Personality: This is where the personality of you character goes. It must be 200 words in length. Please include details! History: This section is completely optional. You may choose whether or not you want to fill it out. There are no requirements for this section. Relationships: Any Relationships that your character has had. Family: This is also optional. There are no requirements, but if you do do this section, please include your characters mother and father (siblings are totally optional). RP Sample: Please include a short Post here on anything. It must be at least 300 words. This is representing how you are going to RP in this RP. Please strive to do well here. Human Character Guidline Sheet Name: First and Last name of your human character here. Middle names are totally optional. Gender: Female or Male Age: No Human characters over the age of 60 or under the age of 5 without my permission first. Looks: General Looks. This must be 100 words. Personality: This must be at least 250 words long, and please be deive. History: This is madatory for Humans only. Your human is allowed to live in the indiginous population of "free" humans, or work as slaves for Demons, Angels, Shape-shifters. RP Sample: This must be a deive example of how you are going to RP here. It must be 300 words long. Please strive to do well here! Kingdom's and Their Ranks Angels: Leader: Second in Command: Generals: Jaiden Tallon (DetNeth106) Warriors: Privates: Servants: Children of War: Demons Leader: Hannah Michaelis (Reinabella) Second in Command: Generals: Assasins: Trainees: Servants: Children of War: Shape-Shifters Leader: Gellyn Defois(DetNeth106) Second in Command: Generals: Fighters: Rookies: Servants: Children of War: Werewolves Alpha: Jade Aleara "Allie" Simons (Nomenaitrel) Beta: Generals: Army Dogs: Venterix (kakelover) Trainees: Omega's: Lucia (Marshall) Children of War: Vampires Leader: Adrien Alexander van Aelst (Marshall) Second in Blood: Generals: Captus {Captus;Warrior of the Wind} (Nomenaitrel) Vampires: Rookies: Servants: Children of War (children of war are the younger members of each kingdom that are to young too participate, although they have some say over what goes on) (I have cut the Warlock race, because no one wanted that race, and I have also cut the third in command position. I might cut the trainess or possibly Children of War positions. It depends on whether or not we get more members)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:49am Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 12:53pm Jun 8 2011)
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Name: Venterix Nicknames: Ven Age: He appears fifteen, however; he is years past. Gender: Male Breed: Werewolf Human Form Looks: Ven is rather slim when he is in his human form, he looks like a fifteen-year-old even though he is years past that age. He is slightly muscular, however; most of the other creatures are much stronger than him when they are in their human form. Venterix has piercing hazel eyes that seem to look right through a person and short, mud-brown hair. Bangs usually cover his right eye, nomatter what he tries to do. His complexion is rather pale, slightly darker than a sheet of paper, which is strange for a werewolf. Not many werewolves are like Ven, he stands out like a sore thumb. No matter what he does, Venterix will never look like the other werewolves. Looks: In his werewolf form he tends to blend in more with the crowd. He looks like most of the others; dark fur covering every inch of his body, strong legs, long pointy teeth, sharp, piercing claws that do not let prey escape too easily, and long, furry ears. He is much bigger in his werewolf form than his human form. One might not know it was Ven if they saw him in his werewolf form unless they glimpsed his innocent, hazel eyes. Ven would rather stay in his werewolf form his whole life because he does not stand out as much. Personality: The boy's looks aren't the only difference people notice in him. His heart is filled with compassion and love for the other creatures in the world. He is also trusting, too trusting most people say. He constantly gives people second chances, and sometimes it's a good thing. Other times, it is not. People constantly take advantage of him, even his own kind. Some blame his innocent perspective on his parents, who were also much like him. The boy never looses faith in anyone, and sees the good in creatures that they hide deep inside, the goodness that most say isn't there. However, no matter how hard anyone tries to keep it inside, they will never get rid of it. Ven's goal is to make people recognize their good qualities. Ven doesn't take many things seriously. Some creatures love his light-hearted ways, but most find it annoying that he doesn't straighten up. If he doesn’t realize the importance of taking things seriously, it could be the cause of his death. Although he is years past fifteen, you would never know by his innocence and the way he acts. Rank: Army Dog Relationships: Ven never had any relationships. RP Sample: The day of the Choosing was very warm and sunny, but Ven couldn't dismiss a feeling of evil in the atmosphere. The twelve-year-old boy thought it was just nerves making him paranoid, which was common among the boys before they went to their Choosing Ceremony. He dismissed the thought as best he could and let his servant lead him to the building of the ceremony. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he walked up to the two symmetrical gold thrones. His brother, Van, was already seated in the other throne. A smile played on the child’s' face as if he was enjoying all of the attention. Trumpets blared, the Choosing Ceremony was about to begin. Ven's heart beat hard in his chest, like prey who had just been cornered and realized there was no escape. People started to whisper, excited about the event, but Ven couldn't hear them. All he heard was the beating of his own heart. Ven's vision swam before his eyes and he started to sway. The servant caught him before he fell. "Are you feeling ill, my liege?" Ven could do nothing but nod. The servant picked up the small boy and took him upstairs. He carried him to a master bedroom where he laid the boy down on the bed. "I will be right back with Dr. Yuen." the servant said, a look of worry on his face. "I'm fine, no need to bother Dr. Yuen. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be downstairs for the Choosing Ceremony." The servant nodded, bowed, and left, closing the door behind him. Someone behind him chuckled and Ven turned his head to see who it was. There, in the corner of the room was a tall slender man. Dark hair framed his face, flowing over his shoulders and his black beard went down to his waist. He was dressed in a black outfit that only high-ranking officials can get their hands on. "I knew they would have to leave you alone at some point." the man said in a smooth voice. "You are no longer welcome here, Valcolart." Ven hissed. "Please, call me Master Valcolart." ((May I join?))
12:00pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 496
OOC: Yes you may, but I forgot to include this on the Character Sheet, so what rank would you like to be. As your character is reasonably young, may I suggest a lower rank? It would seem odd if a young werewolf was suddenly the Beta or Alpha. You understand, right?
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:02pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 2,895
((Yea, I don't like playing high ranks anyway. Can Ven be an Army Dog?))
12:12pm Jun 8 2011
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Ooc; Join as the shape-shifter leader and an angel general?
12:47pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 496
((@kakelover sure, I'll put him in as one)) ((@Ai Sure, just make sure that you put their ranks in their profile's (somewhere), and make sure that the leader is extra deive.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:19pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 496
Vampire Name: Captus (His tittle is, Captus;Warrior of the Wind) Original Name:Easton Mendoa Nicknames: The Ghost Age: 14. Gender: Male Breed: Half-Vampire (Captus must suck blood, but not as often as full vampires, and he has the speed and strength of a vampire, but he must revitalize his energy by sleeping each night or day, it depends) Looks: Captus has mousy-brown hair which falls down messily in curly locks on his face. His features are less cute and more taut. It has been many years since he was bitten and became a half-vampire, and his cheekbones are protruding. His eyes are large, and the skin on his face has become pale and sicly to look at. This, is normal for half-vampires. His original eyes were rainy grey, with flecks of blue in them, but now, they are amber, with golden flecks of color. He's five feet and six inches, average size for a boy his age, although he looks scrawny. He has some small muscle tone on his arms and legs, but he's no body builder. Any muscle tone that he did have, soon ebbed away by the affects of the vampire bite. He has a scar on his ankle where he was bitten. It is not known why he only became a half-vampire and not a true vampire, though to be honest, Captus prefers not being a complete blood sucking monster. Personality: Captus's heart has gone cold over the years that he has been a half-vampire. He no longer shows the compassion and kindness that he once did. Replacing the hapiness, is evil and hatred, except, it is not directed at other species. Far from it. Captus hates his own kind. He hates Vampires for turning him into the cold-hearted killing machine that he is today. He would gladly kill the leader of the Vampire nation if he could. If only. Malicious and melancholy are what he is now. He sucks his pride while he waits for the right moment to strike. The pent up anger and frustration that has built up inside him brings him excrutiating pain. If Captus wants anything it would be to go back to his normal life, with his friends, his family, and his home. Captus doesn't have any friends. If he did, they'd be dead. He doesn't get along well with others, and it's no wonder. He spends most of his day, surrounded by blood-sucking fiends. Captus has gone slightly crazy with his ambitions. He dreams of running away, of killing the entire Vampire population, down to the very last one, of killing himself. His servant must watch over him at night, to make sure that he doesn't do any one of these things. Especially not the last one. History: 1996 - Easton Mendoa was born 1997 - Nicki Mendoa is killed in car crash at the age of three (his big sister is killed by a car crash caused by a werewolf, no one in the crash suvived) 2000 - Jackie Mendoa goes missing (his mother is killed and eaten by vampires) 2004 - Kyle Nor goes missing (his best friend is killed and eaten by vampires) 2006 - Ten-Year-Old Boy goes missing (Captus is caught and changed into a half-vampire) 2008 - Robert Mendoa dies due to heart attack (while Captus was on a hunt, he ran into his dad, who then suffered a heart attack from seeing him) Relationships:His servant is a lesser vampire who's vampire name is Drefe. RP Sample: Easton walked lackadaisically around the old tarmac parking lot near school. The air hung heavily around him, and the skys were darkened with billowy, ash black clouds that hung in the skys as if they could fall down on the world at any moment. The wind rushed through the multicolored leaves on the trees surrounding the parking lot, making a sound that Easton though sounded a lot like the Ocean. He wouldn't smile, but his general disposition was happier when the wind blowed. Easton looked ahead of him as he saw something move in the shadows, a tall figure, perhaps? "Hello? Who's there?" Easton asked worridly. There had been rumors of strange men aroudn town, and a few kids from school had gone missing. Their parents, immediately informed the local news in tears, and word traveled quickly. Just last week the kid up the road had gone out late at night to go to the movies, but he never came back. He was seventeen, so his parents were a little reluctnat to call the police at first, but when he wasn't home by morning, they urgently dialed the number. No one answered Easton, but he could just barely make out a tall man in a ratty suit standing in the shadows of the building, next to the grimy trash cans with litter all around. The breeze rustled through Easton's hair, as if it were urging him on. Easton walked, as if hypnotized, toward the slim, shadowy figure. As he approached, litter and leaves blowing around his feet, the figure stepped out of the shdows with a large, toothy grin on his face. It was the type of grin which showed to much gum, and looked way to large for the person, or creature, adorning it to his or her face. The man--if you could call him a man-- wore a hat that looked an awful lot like the ones that Michael Jackson wore, at least Easton thought so. He was a ravid fan of Michael Jackson, and would reckonise that hat anywhere. The ratty and tattered suit which the man also wore had holes, and too many patches. There was no smell from the man, but he had greasy black hair, and dark eyes, which looked all pupil and no iris. Suddenely, the man leaped, and was gone. Easton looked dazed, and hadn't the faintest idea of where the man had gone so quickly. His ten-year-old mind wasn't mature enough to even think relatively closely to the truth. And then, all of a sudden, everything went black, and Easton was face down in a parking lot, with the man in the tattered suit leaping off his back. Easton could see daylight, see his way out, but the man put a foot on his back, and pressed his weight down. Easton had the wind knocked out of him by his fall, and the weight on his back wouldn't allow him to breath. He was suffocating. The hot tarmac burnt his cheek, but his embarrassment burnt even more. His cheeks went even redder, and he said, "I'm sorry for disturbing you, I won't do it again.". A cruel laugh was heard from above, and the man leaning in close to easton's face, said, "I like you boy. You are going to get away almost scot-free from me. Almost." The man stood up again, and Easton had no clue what his words meant. He had very little time to mull over the words when he uttered a shreik. Two razor sharp, burning fangs pierced his flesh around his ankle. He was to weak to fight back, and he could do nothing but scream in agony while his body slowly changed. LATER
He woke up on a bed. The matress wasn't soft and springy like his one at home, but hard and cold, yet he liked it, somehow. He had no covers, and was dressed in black jeans, and black, long sleved shirt, and black boots which gripped his feet so tightly, that he was afraid that they might stop his circulation, yet he felt no pain. He layed in bed, not daring to sit up. A while later, his door creaked open, and a small boy walked in. His face was sunken, and his cheekbones stuck out. "Hello, my name is Drefe. I will be your servant. You must rise, master...?" he said in a dreary voice. "Easton" Easton croaked. His own voice was deep and dark, and it had lost it's cheerfulness. "Well, Master Easton, you must rise. The Vampire Council are awaiting you." he said, as if he couldn't care less. TWO YEARS LATER
Easton, now Captus, walked down the long corridor, his black cloak swaying in the wind behind him. He had always liked the wind. Now it was his element. It told him what to do. He was now called, Captus;Warrior of the Wind.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:21pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 496
((Captus is going to be a General))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:59pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 5:31pm Jun 8 2011)
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Name: Gellyn Defois Nicknames: Gelly (This is a general nickname) Age: Twenty-three Gender: Female Breed: Shape-shifter Rank: Leader Human Form Looks: Tall and willowy with fair skin is a clear deion of Gelly. Standing at 5'8" she's no shorty and she weighs around 146 lbs, most of which being pure muscle. Though fairly proportionate in size it's clear to see Gelly has more torso than leg and appears taller than usual when sitting. She has narrow, almond-shaped eyes that are pebbly gray-blue and a proud greek nose, though it doesn't jut out overly so. Her lips are 'bow-shaped' and have a natural upwards curve that makes it seem like Gelly's perpetually amused. Her hair is dark brown-black, and is of a medium length. She rarely ties it up since it looks foolish when she does and usually leaves it ruffled and unmade. The tips of her hair touch her shoulders. When in her human form she's usually seen wearing blue-and-white plaid shorts, flip-flops and a tight-fitting t-shirt, usually in black. Looks: Though Gelly has a few forms her favorite is that of a caracal. Though small in size when in this form she packs a punch with her quick, darting moves that leave your legs in tatters. She is about 34 inches in length and weighs around 27 lbs, a bit heavy for a female caracal. When in this form she has short, silky fur that is sandy in color, with the typical black markings on her face and ears. Her eyes retain their blue-gray color. Just like her human form Gelly is a very long caracal who has muscular, but not particularly tall, legs. Personality: Gelly's an outgoing, rambunctious gal who knows how to have fun. However, when attending important matters she puts on a serious face that is hard to shake off. Other than that she's bubbly, a joy to be around and can kid around with the best of them despite her older age. Most of the elders believe Gelly's got a lot of growing up to do, but she manages the shape-shifters just fine as she is. On the other hand she's an unfortunate multitasker who can't manage her priorities. Many a times one will see her rushing about trying to figure what to do first, but she goes ahead and does them all at the same time anyways. In short, she's disorganized but has a great memory, something that often confuses her. History: Mmm...>.> Relationships: Might've had boyfriend at one point, or even a mate, but no one is quite sure. She's single and doesn't have any siblings. Family: Kyla, her mother and Damien, her father. RP Sample: "Are you done yet?" a lithe gray female asked impishly, grinning at the brute in a friendly manner. Slinking around his large gold-and-black form she blinked her golden eyes at the scene that unfolded in front of them. She had been following him for quite a while and this had been the first actual stop they had made. Glancing around Atiya approved of the brute's choice. The land unfolded in front of them in a brilliant array of greens and reds that could not possibly have names. Malachite, verdigris, chartreuse, aquamarine. Burgundy, ocher, titian, vermilion. Eyes wide with wonder she shot a glance at Fallen, said male. "This place," she breathed, stupefied by the find. "And the ocean!" Yipping like a young pup Atiya bounded forwards, too excited to listen to any order Fallen may have given her. She must have been a strange sight, tongue lolling and eyes bright as she headed for the pebbled shore. Skidding to a halt heartbeats before hitting the glossy waters Atiya scrabbled on the stony beach, the feeling unfamiliar under her paws.
Much better than the blasted mountains,Atiya thought with a groan as she remembered the freezing trek they had endured. And then that bitterly hot journey over the plainsandthe flatlands.
Stepping forwards tentatively Atiya looked down at the water lapping gently near her paws, a myriad of blues and greens as the sun shone down on the ocean brightly. "So much different from home," she remarked brightly, remembering the hot sandy desert she had left behind to go after Fallen. She hadn't regretted her choice the leastest. However much the Arabian wolf was adapted to living in the heat Atiya would never feel at home in such a place. "And Hayda Island you call it? It's a beautiful name." Sighing with contentment she allowed the cold water to wash against her hot pawpads. Name: Jaiden Tallon Nicknames: Jay, Jaybird (he hates this one ;D) Age: 355, though he appears eighteen Gender: Male Breed: Angel Looks: Jaiden is a fairly tall male standing at about 6'1" and weighing around 126 lbs. He has a muscular form that has a lithe quality as opposed to the body-builder type, matching his powers perfectly. His skin is pale and caucasian. He doesn't seem to have anything in the lieu of freckles or moles. He has messy black hair that, while still short, tends to have a ruffled look to it no matter what he does with it. Jaiden has large blue eyes that tend to have an innocent air about them, occasionally tricking his opponents into thinking Jaiden isn't prepared to kill another. Jaiden wears a tatted black hoodie that he nearly almost keeps the hood up to hide his face and a pair of plain knee-length white shorts with black stripes on them. Underneath his hoodie Jaiden has a black t-shirt. On his feet are running shoes that are close to nearing their due-date. Personality: Jaiden's...well, Jaiden, to be precise. He marches to the beat of his own drum and hates complying to another's will. That is why he is one of the strongest fighters against theinstinct inside him. Because of this his killing history is rather small and a bit saddening to look at (from the point of view of another mutant) but he doesn't mind. Jaiden is a rather quiet boy who is thoughtful and prefers a tactical approach rather than a physical one. And like all angels, he's aligned with good. However, that doesn't mean he's particularly polite to others and bothers to speak to him. He just doesn't do any unneccessary evils. History: Tsk, he's an angel. He just appeared out of nowhere in a flash of wonder and goodness. Relationships: Huh. He's single, probably will always be, and dislikes the idea of close friends. Family: ... RP Sample: Look above?

4:10pm Jun 8 2011
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ooc:// Join as the leader of the Demons?
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
4:53pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 4:54pm Jun 8 2011)
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Name: Hannah Michaelis Nicknames: Honey Age: 124 Gender: Female Breed: Demoness Rank: Leader Human Form Looks: In her human form, Hannah is quite nearly invisible. It would seem that I some point she made the decision to make herself as average as possible. The result of this decision was a lank mane of pin straight hair, either to dark to be blonde or too light to be brown. Her eyes are a drab brown, without light or spark of any kind. In height Hannah is just as lacking in distinction, somewhere in the area of 5'5. Her features are uniformly plain, with low-set, rounded cheekbones, eyes set at a sullen angle, a low brow and just a bit too much nose for her face. The build she possesses is soft and curvy, nonthreatening as can be, with very little in the way of a chest or hips. All in all, the eye just seems to pass over her, attracted to other brighter, more appealing people. The only truly noteworthy thing about her is her alabaster skin, which shines with health. Looks: The sight of Hannah shedding her human form is like watching a caterpillar shed its skin and reappear as a butterfly. A vicious, bloodthirsty butterfly. The drab hair thickens, working itself into a honey gold, stetching down to her hips, which fill out considerably, shaping into hips that look like they belong on an exotic dancer. Her waist trims in a little, bust filling out ever so slightly, just enough to give Hannah's build a general hourglass shape. Her cheekbones sharpen, eyes slanting into a feline set even as the color brightens, taking on a shade of lustrous amber. Rose flushed her cheeks and lips, bones stretching into an Amazonian 5'7. A pair of spiralling ivory horns emerge from her scalp, curving delicately around the side of her head. Her soft doughiness becomes firm muscle, adding to the Amazon Warrior effect of her appearance. Every motion whispers with predatory grace, even the careless laugh and flashing of her ivory fangs. She is a monster, and not only knows it, but enjoys it. Personality: There are many words that describe Hannah Michaelis's personality, and none of them are very nice. Namely, she is cruel, malicious, and manipulative. Nothing is beneath her. She has been known to use her beauty to trick the weak-willed or unsuspecting into doing her dirty work, which tends to be a bit dirtier than it needs to be. It is not unheard of for her to pit prisoners against various beasts for amusement, or kill them herself if she gets bored. Usually she saves that for the prisoners who were great fighters of their people, hoping for a bit of a challenge. The best part for her is promising them that, should they win, they will be freed. Then, if it appears that one might actually make it, she has them killed by one of her numerous guards. All in good fun, eh? Legends of her occasional mercy are said to be just that, legends. There is, of course, the belief that all have some good in them. If such is the case, then Hannah's shred of good must be buried very, very, very deep. The reknown demoness has very few weaknesses that her people know of, one being her inability to kill felines. She loves them with all her heart. Also, no matter what the issue, it is her habit to choose the most difficult, time-wasting route possible, hoping to kill as many beings, whether they be ally or enemy, as possible. Sometimes, being bloodthirsty is in itself a weakness. Relationships: She is currently in a relationship with her petblack jaguar, whom she has named Jeeves. Family: Dead. She had them killed long ago, so that no one would be able to use them against her. RP Sample With a high, maniacal laugh Hannah watched the scene currently unfolding beneath her, relaxing into the plush velvet of her box seat. Screams rose up from the ampitheater, drawing another laugh from the dictator's lush pink lips. Her high, sharp cheeks flushed with joy, though the source of that once pure emotion was sick enough to make the nearest guard uncomfortable. The sounds of ripping and splattering filled the demoness's cold, shriveled heart with glee, and she let out a contented sigh. Behind her a slave -some pathetic human she'd caught in a raid- worked to file and polish her curling horns. She flicked her amber eyes in his direction, her tones dropping to an unpleasant growl. "Be careful. I want them to gleam." His only reply was to whimper, causing Hannah to chuckle. With a coo she looked to the jaguar lounging at her side, using her most cutesy baby voice to appeal to the beast. "Aww, poor wittle human. So scawed, isn't he? Afwaid that mean ol' Honey is gonna feed him to you, is he? Doesn't he know that Honey nevew gives hew Jeevesy anyfing but the finest werewowf meat? That's right..." She scratched the cat under his chin, soliciting a deep, rumbling purr for her efforts. "There's a sweet boy. Nothing but the best for momma's baby..." Another cry of agony stole Hannah's attention, as well as that of the slave, who gulped audibly. At the sound Hannah hissed, causing the the slave to jump back, tapping the tip of her left horn with his file. Suddenly the demoness was out of her feet, roaring with rage. "You bumbling idiot! You could have chipped my horn! I should have you fed to the lions for your carelessness! And to think I spared your life! No more mercy! Guard, take him into the den!" With shaking hands the guard obeyed, bowing low to his mistress before dragging the slave, screaming and crying for mercy, into the pit below. Now appeased Hannah sat back in her seat, waiting for the show to begin.
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
5:10pm Jun 8 2011
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((You may, but as a new rule, members with a leader position may only have one other position, and it may not be another leader. Honey is accepted, although please, ask before killing another character. Also, humans as characters are now allowed, and the bio will be posted shortly.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:28pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 496
((@Ai I have no problem with Gelly, but Jay is way to old. In fact, he is 127 years over the age limit. Could you make him 500 or less?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:30pm Jun 8 2011
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Ooc; Oops, missed the age limit. D; Fixing him up now. c:
5:53pm Jun 8 2011
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((Jay is now accepted!))
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6:09pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 6:16pm Jun 8 2011)
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Posts: 434
(( Are Omegas the servant class of the werewolves? EDIT:: Oh geez, another question, can vampires be born as such, or do vampires produce human kids that they have to bite to turn them? ))
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6:53pm Jun 8 2011
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ooc:// Whoo! I am going to love playing Hannah...
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
10:15pm Jun 8 2011
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((I'm so excited! I can't wait to start!))
12:11am Jun 9 2011
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ooc:// Indeed. Only... No two people are the same race. How are they going to interact?
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
4:17am Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
((@Marshall Omega's are the servants for werewolves, and vampires can reproduce more vampires, although if a human is bitten, they might become either a Half-Vampire or a normal Vampire.)) ((@reinabella I'm going to ask around, and wait for more people to join, although I love your guys enthusiasm))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.