6:27pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 2:15pm Nov 27 2010)
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Posts: 11,785
The Sohma family has long been cursed by the Zodiac, a secret that very few even within the family know about. Thirteen children are born that can transform into the animals of their Zodiac when hugged by the opposite gender or if their emotions get out of control. Then a child is born and stands as God over the Zodiac, but is often plagued by illness and fated to die.
What happens when an innocent outsider stumbles upon the secret of the Sohma House? Will all go well, or will the ousider be fated to forget? All will be revealed... ________________________ Cat: Nyko (Me)
Horse: Open
Boar: Areina (Toshiro)
Sheep/Ram/Goat: Mizu (Toshiro)
Dragon (*coughSeahorsecough*): Omashu (Tri)
Snake: Takano (Tink)
Dog: Miku (Wolfie)
Rabbit: Open
Rat: Open
Monkey: Open
Cow: Dachi (Toshiro)
Chicken/Rooster: Open
Tiger: Kaiyo (MooMoo)
Head of Family: Yuki (Kirsty)
Outsider who learns of the curse: Kazumi Honda (Kirsty) _____________________________ Rules:
1. Only those who are cursed may transform into animals.
2. Do not play as Kyo, Yuki, Shigure, etc. This is the next group of Zodiac members.
4. Only the Cat has an 'evil' form.
5. Very few outsiders may know about the curse. >( Only one knows at the beginning.
7. Name your favorite character from Fruits Basket to show you read this. ________________________ Bio skelly:
Part of the curse?:
Which animal?:
Do you live at Sohma House?:
My bio comes in the next post. Ask to fill positions.

6:29pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 6:34pm Nov 23 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((May I be the dog? And maybe later if nobody else wants the spot, the rabbit too? Wolfie luffs Momiji!))
Love is all we need~
6:31pm Nov 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 26
{I like Yuki :D Join?}
I need a banner.
6:31pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 1:39pm Nov 28 2010)
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Nyko Sohma
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Part of the curse?: Yes
Which animal?: Cat *gaaasp*
Appearance: Hair color: Bright orange
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 236 lbs.
Build: Lean, but strong.
Hair style: Shaggily cut and hangs an inch below his shoulderblades. His bangs hang just a little below his ears and cur in to frame his face on the sides, while the part that covers his forehead is grown out to reach just above his eyes. Sometimes he wears his hair in a loose ponytail.
Eye color: Piercing amber-green, a clas-sic cat eye color.
Clothing: Normall seen in a black hoodie over a random T-short. He usualy wears jeans unless he is forced to go to school, where he has to wear the uniform. Always in a pair of tennis shoes.
Accessories: The beaded bracelet, of course, as well as a cat-shaped silver pendant around his neck that he refuses to take off. Sometimes he also has in clips to keep his hair out of his eyes.
Distinguishing features: A long, narrow scar on his back form the day beefore he left Sohma House, caused by the God. He also has a scar across the left side of his forehead, extending from the hairline above his eye all the way to his ear.
Crush: None
Lover: None
Personality: He's a mixture of Kyo and the Cat before Kyo, who was Kyo's master's grandfather. He has a short temper like Kyo, but can also be kind like the grandfather I told you about.
Do you live at Sohma House?: No. He ran away after the new God decided to take off his beads and reveal his true form.
Other: Nothing really. ;D
History: Was thought of as evil all during his childhood. He gradually became short- tempered because of this and finally just ran away after having his beads yanked off.

6:32pm Nov 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
(Tink, you may.
Wolfie, not until you read the rules properly. C:)
6:33pm Nov 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((Whoops, my bad. I forgot about that, I was watching a video on youtube. *Goes to edit.*))
Love is all we need~
6:41pm Nov 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
(Now you may join. C:
6:52pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 26
Name: Takano Sohma Age: 17 Sohma?: Yes Part of the curse?: Yes Which animal?: Snake Appearance:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="250" />(Not mine. He doesn't have any glas.ses) Crush: Open Lover: None Personality: Takano is very reserved at times. He can go crazy at times. He's very freakish. Do you live at Sohma House?: Yep. Other: Nope History: He doesn't like to talk about it.
I need a banner.
7:11pm Nov 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Name: Miku Sohma
Age: 15
Sohma?: Yup
Part of the curse?: Yup
Which animal?: Dog
((Ignore the writing and stuff.))
Crush: You gotta get to know her first...
Lover: Nurp
Personality: Miku can be a bit crazy, but she usually calms down after a few minutes. She loves coffee, but please o' please no matter how much she begs or pleads, don't give her any. Its for your own good. She is very outgoing and she is generally nice unless you get on her bad side.
Do you live at Sohma House?: Yes
Other: Nope
History: I'll reveal this later, but she normally doesn't enjoy talking about this unless you get close to her.
Love is all we need~
1:59pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((Accepted. c:))
2:01pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
((can i be the head of the house and the ousider please oh please oh pleaseeeee *puppy eyes*))
2:02pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((You didn't read the rules, fox.))
Love is all we need~
2:07pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
((yes i did but i thought that was when i was posting and i don't have a favorite :D i love them all XD))
2:26pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
((Please may i join? I love Kyo, he's hard headed, then turns into i kitteh.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:31pm Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 3:08pm Nov 24 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Ooc:// DAAWWW, I like Tohru because she is so sweet! :3 Though Momoji is pretty cute too. May I join as the Sheep/Ram/Goat and Person who finds out about secret?
2:43pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
((darn, i wanted to be the goat :/ heh heh))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:09pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Shiro: You can play the goat, I forgot to post what character I liked best so technically you can have it.
3:33pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
(( ooh, thank you ^_^ here's a cookie *hands cookie through monitor* ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:35pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((Ah, Kirsty asked to be the outsider first. ;c Sorry. But otherwise, you may. c: And yes, Kirsty, you may join as the head of the house. C:))
3:48pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Ooc:// Oh okay, that's fine! :) Is the Tiger still open then? Shiro:; Oh thank you, -takes cookie-