10:50pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 4:42pm Aug 19 2011)
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The Purge Det is my co-owner. Listen and bow down to her to :P ______________________ We live as four now, though I hear that once upon a time we were one. One big mighty civilization that flourished in their time. Every member worked together to create the perfect world under the rule of our sovereign leader. Then he disappeared. Don't look at me; I don't know what happened to him... I don't think anyone really did. In the uprisings that followed, four humans tried to take the thrown, each claiming that they would be the best for the job. In the end, no one received the crown, but all died trying. Still, the people were in chaos, scattered and broken. Our way of life hand been turned upside-down, what were we supposed to do? After about three years of turmoil, someone who actually had a brain in their heads came to a decision. Each of those leaders had stood for something... had wanted to bring something to the table and in general, every person had chosen one who they wanted to follow. Why not go their separate ways and live under those principles? Each person chose the way they would live, but not before swearing to one day proves that they were right and the others were wrong. Nowadays, at the age of sixteen, that promise reappears in what we call The Purge. They make us fight, to prove the winner. Many die, we know that no one ever knows the results of the matches... they don't announce it. Babies are just raised up by one human (who can't speak anyway... what with her mouth gone), and are sent off to battle. We were the colors of our factions into battle, to stand tall and strong. So now here I am, on the eve of war. The eve of the Purge. _____________________
And so it was that the one became four. Each stood for something different, and the citizens were raised differently. Each had the ways of the group they were in. They didn't choose it, but they still live like it. The four factions are as so: There were those who blamed the chaos on lack of bravery. These set people became the Crivetes and were warriors that would stand up to any challenge. They are fearless and strong, physically and mentally, never cringing or backing down. To stare into the face of an enemy and not even have to bl ink before ending the light in their eyes. Some blamed the lack of order and knowledge and became the Liress. This faction is brilliant and uses all of their resources to bring wisdom and science to themselves. They are cunning, tricky, and deceiving in their ways, preferring to outsmart or humiliate an unworthy mind instead of educating the lesser bunch. Some blamed the emotions in humans and became the Guipice. Each Guipice was as hard and solid as a rock, and put all of their interests aside for the good of the whole. They were unfeeling, unmoving, and forever sturdy. Never do they lack a firm foundation. Cold like the ground itself, they have eliminated the humanity within them, making them a challenging force. The last group blamed hesitation for their problems. The Mordai were once a shy and cowed group, but have long since changed this. On the battlefield they are renowned for never once doubting their actions. With brutal force they simply act in the moment and do not dwell on it afterwards. This unpredictable style has made them a strong when fielding combatants. Added to that the Mordai refuse to give up, seeing it as a sign of hesitation. They fight to the death and if they could, beyond. _____________________ You must be literate. If you aren't, please don't ask to join. Spanning from one, You must ask to join. You must be active. You may have a grand total of 3 characters at most. Violence is a must here. Killing is required to advance. Ask before you kill somebody elses character. No powers before you even dare to ask. Ages are 16... this is pretty much firm. Romance is allowed but remember that these people are trying to kill one another When you go into the arena, you pick your weapon. All of these are old fashion ones... maces, swords, knifes. With bows though, no longbows. They offer an unfair advantage given the terrain. Keep the characters straight please. - Each faction has two colors. Your characters will where these colors throughout the role-play.
Coat of arms: Crivete: Red and ivory (please make the distinction between ivory and white) Liress: Blue and pale gold Guipice: Charcoal and white Mordai: Silver and pale pink You may not post till Det does
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
11:28pm Aug 18 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,948
((I am having to disobey all the rules because of strict bedtime, but I really would love to join. I apologize profusely for posting before the princess of roleplay. The queen being you.))
 <-- Click me
3:41am Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 3:47am Aug 19 2011)
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Posts: 1,792
[*nomz Lackey* you have to let Shao join being that you are Shao's lackey XD Shao can be Mordai? o3o edit- HOMG O_O I wasn't supposed to click enter yet ;n; Shao is sorry for ruining your pristene thread Lackey >.> *holds out whip*]
12:23pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Asked Lakey to post the rules. o_o; Considering it makes more sense seeing as there are already replies. I couldn't last night since I got caught by my gramma and was sent to bed. ;c
2:52pm Aug 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 778
Ooc; You weren't supposed to post. Even if it was your bedtime, Feyth. Aw Det :(. I went to bed 1;35 so I was waiting for you to post. Too bad Lakey has to post the rules now. If it is okay, may I join?
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
4:43pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[Urg guys *tisks you* Obey the rules next time. Lol. But yesh you may join. Full bios are required though... having everything written out except the deion where a picture is allowed.]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
6:30pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((I know and I'm really sorry, I can delete what's in my post to make it blank with a space. I really am sorry. I'll get my bios up...))
 <-- Click me
6:50pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 9,641
ooc; Calling one mordai and one Liress. ;D
7:10pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[I am going to have one of all but in Liress.... ^^ *gets bios managed up* ]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:15pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Wanted to join. Then I saw the age requirements and realized I don't have any characters whose ages are just at 16. Major turn-off.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:28pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[Aw sorry Dragon :c Me and Det decided there needed to be a solid age for them all. ]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:41pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// It be fine; I guess. A lot of other roleplays -- that look rather interesting -- have rules that turn me off to wanting to roleplay in them.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:42pm Aug 19 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,586
[I rmailed you. Take a look at that and then message me back. There might be something there.... ]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:37pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Lurking. This looks interesting. :D I'd join, but I don't really understand it. xD))
8:48pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Need some info, Pere? :3 Hopefully I can help. xD
8:54pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Yes please, Det. xD Well, I just wanted to clarify...the characters are all part of those...factions, right? Depending on their opinion on what started the chaos? o__o))
8:58pm Aug 19 2011
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9:07pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 10:30pm Aug 19 2011)
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Name: Ventus Gender: Male Age: 16 Deion:  Personality: Ventus is unpredictable, unstable, and some may say, down right mad. From the outside, they would think he was suicidal in the way he thought, but really he is genius. Given that the genius might be a little mad.. but who is to say. It was told that he would have fit in decently with the Liress... but trickery and cruelty to the inferior isn't really his style. Do not take this to mean he is kind. The boy has a daggar of a tounge, having been taught never to hide his thoughts. The Mordai are taught that lying was just another form of hesitation, so holding back truth wasn't in his nature. Trying to descrive him in a single word, it would probably end up being uncaring and a second one would be detatched. He doesn't really feel simpathy for the suffering but neither does he want to make them suffer.... he doesn't mind if someone wants to call him a jerk... truth or not. Unlike the stony hearts of another faction, which will remain unnamed, he does feel emotion though. Just ones that are different then most. Faction: Mordai Skills: Strategic, built for speed and agility, he has a cute smile though good luck getting that out of him. Brief History: The boy grew up in the shelter homes like most. Lessons came and went, some harsh punishments delt to him as a boy molded him into who he was. They said he had the chance to be great, the greatest, but he was to cocky before... now they say he is to unwilling for their liking. To bad they couldn't make up their minds before hand. Weapon (your choice of 2): Broadsword and saxe knife. Other: This picture is property of me and me alone. No stealing, yah here? :C Name: Mia Gender: Female Age: 16 Deion:
 Ignore the flames, its just the girl. Personality: People call her the girl on fire. Mostly its because of her bold and outgoing attitude. From birth she has been taught to not fear a soul, to look danger in the face and then spit in it. Being fearless doesn't make her unkind, though she isn't the nicest nor the most 'perky' human you will ever meet. Held at sword point, she can easily stay calm due to the lack of nervous tension that normally would be in her body. Some might say she is a little to...what is the word...spontaneous. Overall though, even with her childhood bring a ton of qualities to her personality, she is typically a steadfast, loyal, and decently sweet girl. Not to over-talkative though you had better watch yourself carefully when she is around lest she does find something negative about you to speak up about for there is about a 90 percent that she will let everyone know what she has observed. Faction: Crivetes Skills: Over-all fun to be around so she can make friends better than a good half of her faction mates. She is a eloquent speaker... able to hype up a crowd with only a few sentences. She is built body wise more to evade and come from behind then anything else Weakness:Temper, has to many awkward pauses, tends to phase out more than she should, can't stand when someone takes advantage of a rule that wasn't stated clearly enough, hates to seem less important then anyone else, doesn't even consider second place winning, only first is a true prize. She is a bit judgemental though its really only in a way that would help herself be advanced in the end.... stuff like that. Brief History: In the Crivetes compound, your taught to be fearless from the moment you can walk. Heights have always been a big issue with her though... she hates um. To bad the shelter is on a cliff. Overall, she was about a above class worker. If given the choice, and if she survives this, she would probably end up doing something with written words or even medicine. All of which depends on her making it past the Purge of course Weapon (your choice of 2): Curved daggar and accuracy bow (good at moderate distances.... sucks at long ones). Other: This picture is property of me and me alone. No stealing, yah here? :C
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:10pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; ...you're stretching the page, Lake. o_o
9:11pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[o_O Its not stretched for me.... :c]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.